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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 33 KB, 632x618, nuke-icon-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14076666 No.14076666 [Reply] [Original]

Free NUKE airdrop worth $150 usd:
At today prices the 100 free tokens are worth $150 usd. do not hate free money. Discord:
/ 22FS22f

>> No.14076677

you were warned dont cry later biz

>> No.14076685

Wow fucking checked. I will join based on these digits. Thanks for this

>> No.14076687

Put my eth addr yesterday, whens the drop?

>> No.14076699

Bruh... This shit can be easily worth 10 dollars a coin fuck.. I need some

>> No.14076708

in a month

>> No.14076714
File: 198 KB, 1280x960, 7F952C8C-8855-4C32-B90C-25E10ECDBE9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked. Who knows what it can be worth but it seems to be bomb but even better. I unironically just posted my eth address. I’m getting antshare vibes

>> No.14076753

Just saw the announcements looks like July 5th

>> No.14076814
File: 185 KB, 1280x960, barcosiputas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14076840


>> No.14076922


>> No.14076965

Fucking kek thanks for this

>> No.14076971

>D >D >D >D >D >D

>> No.14076984

Discord link doesn't work.

>> No.14076999

/ ZdEZgTu

>> No.14077016
File: 14 KB, 471x388, 1559322219422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too many gets, same fagging with a script. Hahahahah thats going to be a no from me dawg.

>> No.14077034

your choice. free money.

>> No.14077054

the chance for literal free money, people who got 100 bomb free basically got $600 now

>> No.14077071

some people hate free money i guess

>> No.14077101

Wth.. price 3xed in 18 hours
Oh boi

>> No.14077127

we just getting started fren

>> No.14077139
File: 18 KB, 384x384, F669E453-C097-46EF-8D2D-5155363D1083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit checked,

Absolutely based and nukepilled

>> No.14077143

Hooly shit

>> No.14077144
File: 37 KB, 538x349, 236FD428-2647-467F-96C2-CD93349255A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bomb virgin detected

>> No.14077150

$10? This is going to $1000

>> No.14077153

this tbqh

>> No.14077166

>free airdrop
>samefagging, it’s a no from me
Lol imagine being as braindead as this guy. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.14077200

so let me get this straight. they forked another useless shit token you had to get before today into nuke. now they are selling these new useless shit tokens. in 1 month you get your free airdrop because they cant do them now else they couldnt sell their newly forked shit tokens. thats how this works right?

>> No.14077203

How do I get into the discord.
Meganewb here

>> No.14077211

imagine refusing free money

>> No.14077219

join here fren:
/ ZdEZgTu

>> No.14077229 [DELETED] 

Yess ,as a rocket scientist, I confirm Nuke is bigger and better bomb.

>> No.14077239

devs cant sell for a year friend.

>> No.14077243

lol loved the idea,

Going to fill my bag with these nukes to piss of my japanese friends by tipping them 2 nukes at a time.

>> No.14077253
File: 17 KB, 299x301, 0C260C9C-D19A-49F0-B1B4-3E250A50C423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.14077258

gonna make it fren

>> No.14077259


>> No.14077266


>> No.14077270

>buy/send token on a 2nd eth address
>wait for fork and sell
yep they cant sell for a year. i will just trust them. they wouldnt scam anyone.

>> No.14077285

didnt understand you, explain please.

>> No.14077287

How are you guys seeing the price? I can't find this coin

>> No.14077294

Mmmm get me some Nuke fuck Bomb Token

>> No.14077304

wise choice fren

>> No.14077313

see the price here, and convert the eth to usd:

>> No.14077404

oh yeahhhh

>> No.14077422
File: 104 KB, 982x740, F2069CB2-4BB4-449C-A009-6A6CA4FC3729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bomb has gone completely insane, your post doesn't even make sense.

>> No.14077445

Wait so it's trading for .01 ETH? That's pretty solid if we get 100 free

>> No.14077468

those are the most recent orders, yes!

>> No.14077479

you get 100 tokens free on july, imagine where the price will be there

>> No.14077518

gunna make it nuked and basedpilled

>> No.14077564

It'd be even funnier if they had the boomer face shooped onto them

>> No.14077707

Isn't it?

>> No.14077710

Seems like there will be games built on top. If you saw what bomb did then you’d know what nuke is going to do. Nuke is bomb but with decimals and unborked code. Airdrop is free,’just like bomb. I’m in it, 0 risk. Now kys for being so stupid

>> No.14077731

let him be, he hates money

>> No.14077831

Yeah, if giving your eth address is too much of a crapshoot for you then rip you

>> No.14077891

yeah, zero once everyone forget about that redarded piece of shit
don't get me wrong I applied for the airdrop but at least try to be somewhat believeable with your stupid shilling

>> No.14077918

then who is selling on forkdelta right now

>> No.14077921

I did it. Now what do? How long wait for airdrops sirs?

>> No.14077922

>hating on free money

>> No.14077938

i dont get how i apply for the airdrop

>metamask eth adress linked to forkdelta
>discord says to buy HC in this adress 0x642e48713946ecdb12c0b8830e8cb64425327955
>the other message says it will have no use after today snapshot

so i cant receive the airdrop anymore?

>> No.14077960

July 5th airdrop is go

>> No.14077963

Are you dense? To get the airdrop you post your eth address in the airdrop section in discord (u get 100NUKE), if you want to buy it you buy HC on forkdelta and later convert to NUKE

>> No.14077982

oh ok

the today snapshot is for those holding the old shitcoin

thx anon

>> No.14077993

Link to contract sirs?

>> No.14077998


>> No.14078041

how will they use my eth address to give me nuke?

>> No.14078050

they're going to take all your eth away, that's why it's called nuke - it nukes your eth account.

>> No.14078067

why would anyone buy this shit

>> No.14078071

Fucking Kek

>> No.14078081

good luck with that my account is empty.
out of curiosity, how would they steal my eth?

>> No.14078104

did you see BOMB? went from $0 to $9 dollars

>> No.14078114

another prob dumb question

do i need any eth in my adress to be elegible for the snapshot?

>> No.14078131

he was kidding you dude

>> No.14078158

all you need is an eth account such as metamask for example, and posting it in the airdrop channel.

btw, your address must be older than 30 days.

>> No.14078178


what? makes no sense, i thought eth adresses didn't had creation date

>> No.14078235

they literally just thought of this, lmao

>> No.14078269

If I have more than one address, can I give them all or just one?
Is somehow number of free nukes tied to how many Ethereum I own?

>> No.14078316

Only one address that is 30 days or older. It’s 100 nuke regardless of anything else

>> No.14078337

your adress need to have made at least one transaction before 5 jun to be elegible

>> No.14078360

What wallet is even compatible with this coin?

>> No.14078373


>> No.14078544

how can they know if I post 4 active addresses with 4 discord accounts