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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14075248 No.14075248 [Reply] [Original]

>TFW addicted to videogames

>> No.14075263

>tfw addicted to 4chan

>> No.14075269

I had a bad video game addition in my teen years. Fortunately it went away when I was 19 or so. Today I can't even stand videogames. I can't pay attention to them for more than 5 minutes.

>> No.14075283

I know how awful most of them are but I still can't resist playing

>> No.14075285



>> No.14075306

The videogames are preventing me from engaging in business and finance though, that's why it's relevant.

>> No.14075312

Find something else to do with your life. I got sick of videogames after I found a career that interested me and went to college. Life is kinda like a videogame (you have goals, solve problems, gain reputation points). The question is, will you prioritize video games that add nothing to your life over the game of life?

>> No.14075336

serious addiction here, but i just dont find any good games anymore, EA killed them all

>> No.14075339

Just wait until you start accumulating the big bucks. You'll forget about video games altogether and start chasing poosy. Some of the biggest tech nerds from silicon valley are now swimming in a pool of endless poosy now that they're successful billionaires. That could be you OP

>> No.14075348

i have a fulltime wagie job but the problem is I just play at work or when I get home the rest of the day. It's even messing up my sleep. Nothing else is as engaging, I can play for many hours straight but I can't read or learn something for that amount of time.

At this pace I'm unlikely to make "big bucks"

>> No.14075394

Video games are fake success illusion machines. Start chasing real success.

>> No.14075422

Been through multiple cycles myself. Currently playing GW2 way too often. What is it about video games as an escape that are so appealing? This cycle has been interesting because I literally started it going “fuck it I’m just going to get addicted to a video game” whereas previously it has been more of “I just need a taste” and then that turns into full on.

>> No.14075433

>i have a fulltime wagie job
Do you work to survive? Is there anything rewarding about your job besides money?

>> No.14075450

Probably because progress is immediately visible compared to real life where you might have to work for months to years to see any progress and it can be tough to know exactly what to do next whereas in a game the "objectives" are laid out clearly

No I save 80%+ of my income as I live with my parents but I do hate the job and the people i work with

>> No.14075452

Based and redpilled.

Videogames give you the illusion of achieving something when all you're doing is sitting on your ass and moving your fingers to try to get intangible rewards.

4chan isn't very different, though at least you sometimes learn things here.

>> No.14075461

do what you love, learn to make games

>> No.14075464

Invest in a career that interests you. You don't have to quit your job, just start reading and researching, even if it takes years to pay off. At least you're going to have more productive goals.

>> No.14075471

That's what happens when you go a while without playing them, you have to retrain yourself to be able to tolerate more than 20 minutes.

>> No.14075626


>> No.14076088

I unironically miss playing video games but know they’re a waste of time. I also think the sexbox one lwould look sexi in my empty ass entertainment center. Wat do

>> No.14076162

Yeah its funny how bad games are these days. Big publishers killed any room for creativity. Its a mix of insane technical talent and corporatized creativity. Ray traced VR minecraft is looking pretty nuts now though. So maybe I’ll be able to leave the real world finally.

>> No.14076197


Terrible advice

There is no reason you can make big bucks and also play video games

I make $150k a year as a software engineer and I've been playing a ton of dark souls and league of legends recently, I also have a long term girlfriend

And chasing pussy is the fucking worst advice you could give to someone, there is absolutely nothing satisfying about it and you'll hate yourself in a few years

Video games are fine, it's as much of a waste of time as anything else in life, do what you enjoy in healthy amounts and find a balance

>> No.14076231

what pc games do you recommend op? i'm bored

>> No.14076461


>> No.14076484


I had this too. I think it's hard to put yourself in the place of the main character of any videogame once you realize you are a main character in your own real life game. Real life has way more RNG and realistic graphics too.

>> No.14076635

>sometimes learn things here




>> No.14076639

How do you find time for videogames though? Most of them require huge amounts of time to be any good. I find I pretty much only have time for videogames and work, maybe an hour or two doing anything else during the week.

>> No.14076655
File: 875 KB, 751x538, haven and hearth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I play Haven and Hearth to fulfill my fantasies of owning property.

>> No.14076659

Perhaps I'm dating myself but the happiest I ever was when I was playing WoW 8-16 hours a day from Vanilla through to about halfway into Cataclysm. Would trade all my gains to have that experience back.

>> No.14076662

Yes. Not 'live' enough, I need realtime information

>> No.14076690

Terrible advice. Playing video games and making them are two different things.

>> No.14076698

Videogames are a lot better than being addicted to 4chan. They're a good hobby in general as long as you don't let it interfere with your life. Same as any other fun activity.

>> No.14076737

>dark souls
B & R

>> No.14076748

>you will never be 17 playing WoW for the first time ever again

>> No.14076760

Personally I regret playing wow for so long. i could have done so much with that time.

>> No.14076769

have you ever sucked dick for video games?

>> No.14076789

its okay anon. awareness is the first step on the enlightened path. do not be afraid. you have the courage to face your fears.
video games are pretty awesome though.
since you are on biz, why not use your addictions and make them work for you.

set up local tournaments, marathons etc...
though if you are in a big city that already does that im sorry.

if this causes you distress, i suggest you do atleast one of two things
think on how you can get by without video games.
if you want to titilate other interests then a google search takes all of 8 seconds. and just take them tiny ass baby steps.

>> No.14076873

anytime i find myself getting hooked on a game i find the cheat codes and use them and one hour later the game is ruined for me.
>problem solved

>> No.14076944

Vidya are fine as long as it's not your only activity
I work full time, I recently got married and am often going out, especially in summer, yet I always find some time to play a game when something good comes out. Recently I've enjoyed Sekiro quite a bit and now I'm basically waiting for Doom Eternal and Cyberpunk next year... It's all about having many interests and vidya can totally have some space in your life

>> No.14076947

>tfw no longer addicted to video games but now dont know what to do with the time
I want to die

>> No.14076960

What the fuck is this faggotry?

Dude, uninstall that shit. Your property there is worthless. Find something better to do for fuck's sake

>> No.14076972

That's a huge part of the problem, it means you have no goals or desires from real life

>> No.14077013

This entire board is suffering from anxiety

>> No.14077024

I have a fulfilling career, just dont know what to do in my spare time besides lifting

>> No.14077030



>> No.14077117


It's terrible advice because the most of the advice you will get in /biz/ is from drug addicted workaholics who simply would kill themselves if their gf or wife cucked them, that's how pathetic they are

seriously there were some posts yesterday about someone being proud of buying some vacations to some roastie to greece, that's how cucked they are, they just can't enjoy a simple videogame without feeling useless lmfao, they prefer good boy points from their jewish boss

basically guaranteed they won't ever make it because if they get big money it will all leak through all their fake beliefs they have about what is a good life, probably will get drug addiction to coke and booze while trying to cope with the stress


>> No.14077189

If you think about it that's modern live.
School? Get a fancy paper as reward that doesn't hold even any meaning before last grade where you graduate. And university you can again throw bachelor away once you get your masters. Final destination job? Press buttons sitting in a chair 24/7. And yet everything trains you that you should care about it and that it matters.

Gaming fits into the same behaviour scheme that you get trained into while giving a higher reward stimulus. It's no wonder so many get stuck in it.