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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 61 KB, 1382x734, chinklink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14074256 No.14074256 [Reply] [Original]

After previous pumps ChainLink has on average dumped about 76%.
This means that 'ol Linkie will most likely go below $0.40 before it maybe, maybe, maybe goes back up again.

>> No.14074265

Ok tr*noid. Go take your medicine

>> No.14074268

I fucking hope so

>> No.14074279
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The dump already priced in though. This is recovery phase now.

It will pump after Oracle and moon hard in September.

>> No.14074283

It’s only a matter of time before the SEC shuts this garbage pile down for defrauding investors

>> No.14074297

Its only a matter of time before you kill yourself. 41% do

>> No.14074311

time to load up on more stinkies. glad it's dumping, missed the last opportunity to load up on .85

>> No.14074323

It dumped, this is bottom. Also who the fuck uses the 2018 crash anomaly to create an average. I’m done with this board you retards have infested it beyond repair.

>> No.14074329

>of one
I'm convinced

>> No.14074332

have sex

>> No.14074338

You should make these coordinated threads less obvious

>> No.14074343
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What happened in the past is nothing more than an indicator of what MIGHT happen.
Product is out, and development is looking healthy. The dump is already over.

>> No.14074353

>implying nothing has changed from previous pumps
Go dilate. Your hole is closing.

>> No.14074365

>Linkie will most likely go below $0.40
I wish a motherfucker would

>> No.14074370
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Reminder for the thread

>> No.14074374

no it will pump before oracle when shills hype it up as usual, and the dump when the braindead slobs realize it's some nobody hue giving the 'conference' to a room full of shitskins.

how many conferences do we have to have before you fucking retards realize that hte life chaning announcement isn't coming any time soon. there's 3 fucking nodes on the 'decentralized' oracle netowrk and all they can do is call the price of ETH. This shit is nowhere near functional.

>> No.14074381

Lol you sound like a parrot
A true NPC

>> No.14074396
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Doesn't matter, fundamentally we are all going to be rich.


>> No.14074423

ITT: deluded linkies who will never make it. You'll find similar statistics if you analyze most coins, but I'm sure "this time is different".

>> No.14074428

Thanks for caring

>> No.14074449

My pleasure :^)

>> No.14074461
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>> No.14074475

>know thy enemy better than thy friend
>art of war
>never going to make it
Anon I...

>> No.14074483

On average of what. Are you seriously using the previous ath to base this on? Cause if so you are retarded.

>> No.14074508

the people who get mad at fud
1)dont realize fudders have the most link
2)are new fags
3)wont make it cause they will get dumped on by fudder

hahahaha the absolute state of newfags

>> No.14074514
File: 242 KB, 500x500, 1557267110476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in war, you learn your enemy to gain an advantage and to eventually beat them. there is nothing to be gained by fudding one coin over and over.
the only explanation is you're a bored link holder (most likely) or you're mentally ill (a tranny).

>> No.14074536

Excluding the previous ath gives us 73,89%

>> No.14074542
File: 40 KB, 300x373, 1558386087365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3)wont make it cause they will get dumped on by fudder

How will they dump on me if I'm not selling till 3 or 4 digits? I'll be dumping on them and reddit when they FOMO back in. And I'm far from new fren.

>> No.14074556

>He doesn't know

3 nodes for now

>> No.14074562

War was started when a bunch of retards claimed this board as /our/ board and spammed a bunch of stake pools that guaranteed income that are 100 percent fake. This shit is just waiting to go to zero on the sole basis the circulation is so centralized I would rather buy Bitcoin

>> No.14074580

Good, thank god. 40 cent linkies???

>> No.14074581

Forgot to mention the market makers are using front running and wash trading

>> No.14074582

it is never going that high you absolute trenchbrain newfaggot

Who the fuck is going to buy your bags $10, $50, $100? You're living in a world of complete delusion because you're an absolute gullible retard and a failure at life

>> No.14074591

>he doesn’t know

>> No.14074603

>SWIFT is gonna pump my bags and then buy when I sell!
>Retail investors will buy a 100x pump just like 2017!

you're the one who doesn't know retard

>> No.14074609
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Just remember you were warned, fren.

>> No.14074613

>he hasn’t heard about staking
>he doesn’t realize links will be worth $100 not because of stupid speculation but because they actually generate that wealth

>> No.14074615
File: 87 KB, 518x587, 6F63EB8B-CEE7-4E39-B16D-AA6D19B42039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post sounds familiar

>> No.14074633
File: 7 KB, 231x218, 1559605951827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck screencap his post and make an edit with both screencaps for future use

>> No.14074643

no one will buy my bags for 100$

>> No.14074675
File: 724 KB, 1595x1196, stinkbingo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14074680

Dude you might be the lowest IQ faggot on here. Oracle is presenting their blockchain and Chainlink together.


How many nodes will exist then? Again you have no idea what is happening. The circulating supply will be as low as ETH. LINK will be collateral in nodes for trillions of dollars in value. P2SD regulations in September. Never buy you don't deserve to make it. At most we will hit .85-.90 and up to almost $3

>> No.14074692

in the short term that is*

>> No.14074702

But he's still right you know

>> No.14074703

wow $3! that means you only need 400,000 LINK to make it! what a golden TICKET to the MOON!! Thanks anons!

>> No.14074717
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Added to the list. You won't be forgotten.

>> No.14074733

le legion le anonymouse

>> No.14074825

>not setting a buy order at 1.02
It’s like you like losing money

>> No.14074837

You need a masochistic streak to buy Link at any price.

>> No.14074885

I’m in and out constantly so I try to just ignore the price and focus on how many linkies I have. But I’m a linklet so it makes it easy. I need to get to 10k though before it’s too late.

>> No.14075098

You're an Idiot if you think its stopping at $3..

>> No.14075446

1.2 M $ is not making it ma dude

>> No.14075500

>How many nodes will exist then?
This event is less than a month away so I'm guessing 3 nodes still

>> No.14075576

It is if you move to Thailand, Cambodia, or Vietnam.

>> No.14075803
File: 137 KB, 340x340, 729.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It only has 3 nodes