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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14071777 No.14071777 [Reply] [Original]

>college is a scam because I dropped out/couldn't get in
>normies are retarded despite having jobs/sex/friends and me not
>Yeah I'd kill that 7' ripped nigger with my eyes closed all niggers deserve the rope...(turns away) m-m-mom can you get some nugs from Walmart my anxiety is playing up
>Shills Christianity and trad marriage in one tab scat porn in the other
>haha look at that basedboy doing le grin with his friends what a loser...... why am I a 28 yo virgin

What have I missed?

>> No.14071792

>attempting to deride people on 4chan by performing a pure projection of what you do.

>> No.14071802


>> No.14071821

OP was, is and always will be a faggot

>> No.14071847

business and finance

>> No.14072005

>sex is everything, if you're not sticking your dick in a vagina you're a loser
>go to bars and clubs and pay for overpriced drinks while rubbing your dick on some std infested thot
>wagecage for a company that is extracting significantly more in productivity than what you're paying for, that's an excellent trade!
>be atheistic and nihilistic and fuck everything that moves, watch billie eilish
>fake smile towards people and act like they are real friends in public to fill the nihilistic void in your life
>get 100-200k in debt for a degree just to work a median income wagecage job, you can just file bankruptcy... oh wait
>dont work on weekends because that's where you're supposed to spend your hard earned paycheck and get nowhere in life

>> No.14072121
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Nice trips, but if you seriously don't understand the monstrously fiscally irresponsible thing that going to college is, you shouldn't be on a business and finance board. It would be more responsible to waste $100k on hookers and blow... at least you wouldn't waste 4-12 years sitting in an adult daycare not making money like a fool.

>> No.14072158

Based and redpilled

>> No.14072180

>being white is the only thing i have

>> No.14072228

The best part i spent hours everyday for years on 4chan. Now my mind is rewired in this fucked up satanic way. I am not even in USA but central europe and people believe i am some alien of sorts

>> No.14072293

>Travel is for chad's and I'm content to never leave my home town
>All women are money grabbing sluts...oh you're in a fufilling relationship...she must be cheating.
>Being white isn't good enough, have to be from certain countries
>Jews are the inferior race yet they have so much money and I don't
>Using the words "cuck" and "cope" will BTFO any post I don't like that would make me re-examine my life

>> No.14072441


>> No.14072510

Travelling is just a dumb meme though and largely just facilitation for normies to normie it up in places they wouldn't usually normie.

>> No.14072521

No, college is a scam because I went there. Retard

>> No.14072537

No you’ve pretty much got it.

>> No.14072551

add this one to the list too

>> No.14072567

What do you mean? I think I paid a whole $2000 out of my own pocket to go to university and get a bachelors degree. Grants paid for most of it. If you’re not a retard, college isn’t expensive.

>> No.14072642

>non-whites are ruining this world and takin muh jobs
>women like sex now because of jews
>women are so beneath me why wont they fuck me
>libtard onions bugmen are ruining this nation
>i am white therefore I have already won this argument

>> No.14072767
File: 585 KB, 1023x795, 61lYHUB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how many seashells for a gf thread that leads to long tirades about how all women are whores, that thottery is the long-term result of a Jewish conspiracy to deprive the white race of its will to survive that spans every continent and every effective office of power but also pictures of aka tradthots to be scrutinized and how getting a redpilled chubby asian/latina/ukraine gf will save the white race
>i was almost forced to admit my opinion was wrong but i see you have a leaf flag, hahaha A FUCKING LEAF tough luck pal

>> No.14073436

Even if that is the case you went to a community college/public college that negates the only benefit of actually going to the adult day care, connections. It's still moronic to waste 4 to 12 years of making no money to make slightly more a year, instead of actually building a cashflow system. College is just a place for brainlets to LARP for a few years because they're too afraid to go to the real world.

>> No.14073469
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This website is a pathetic cesspool made up of full-time LARPers.

That being said, I think /biz/ and /fit/ can be legitimately useful boards if you wade through all the vile garbage spewed by autists. Anybody that takes /pol/ and /r9k/ stuff seriously is a threat to your sanity though, but it should be common sense to stay away from those schizos.

>> No.14073475

Checked and based. It's always fun to make threads like this and watch the incels meltdown and whine.

>> No.14073509
