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140700 No.140700[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw got a minimum wage job
>tfw not mcdonalds
>tfw i drive
>tfw I just cruise around with a GPS that my business uses to map the city for clients
>tfw use my own car, get high before heading out, and listen to podcasts

>> No.140722

stop being a fucking idiot and dont drive around high. you're going to get yourself into an accident and kill someone oyu stupid shit

>> No.140735

>actually thinking that driving under the influence doesn't affect your ability to drive

>> No.140760

>stop being a fucking idiot and dont drive around high. you're going to get yourself into an accident and kill someone oyu stupid shit

>implying weed affects motor skills
>implying people don't drive high on coffee or anxiety medication every day

I've never so much as even bumped someone. I am a professional driver with a spotless track record.

I only vape like half a bowl. Just to get a buzz, I don't get super stoned brah.

>> No.140767

dude do you not understand you can literally die or kill someone

>> No.140774

why not try working for lyft or uber?

>> No.140781

god i fucking hate stoners

i hate it even more that i used to be one for 3 years everyday

i hate that i used to think like you do

>> No.140788


Weed is probably the worst. Seriously worse than alcohol. What it does to your attention span and time perception. As for coffee and adderally, those will make you a better driver than sober.

>> No.140810


No, no I can't. You're confusing me with people who drive drunk. People who are overconfident and who lose motor coordination.

Weed changes my perception as much as adderall does.

A 21-year-old on his first bender and a hardened alcoholic will both wobble on one foot. But the same is not necessarily true of a driver who just smoked his first joint and the stoner who is high five days a week.

Trust me, people's safety comes before mine. No one has even been at risk.

>> No.140806

It lengthens reaction time and impairs cognitive ability. You're a fucking retard.

>> No.140814

Even if someone else gets into an accident with you, you do not want to be found as under the influence. Even if nothing happens in that situation you do not want to be high when it is all going on.
Yes, I'm aware cannabinoid metabolites stay in your system for some time after being under the influence. Driving under the influence is not responsible. If you cannot behave responsibly when under the influence, then you shouldn't be getting under the influence of anything.

>> No.140819

Also, guess what happens if you DO get into a collision? You're automatically at fault for being under the influence.

You have a minimum wage job, so you know you can't afford the insurance increase.

>> No.140834

mfw the roads are fucking littered with retards like you. just do us a fucking favor and don't drive high - how god damn hard is it to understand that it impairs your coordination and reaction time. you're literally endangering the lives of others

>> No.140851
File: 204 KB, 800x670, nnn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine, I won't drive high. You convinced le me. I'll just take shitloads of xanax like a real human bean.

Enjoy my 4 door sedan ramming into your bicycle because I fell asleep behind the wheel on 2mg xanax...oh well at least I wasn't under the influence considering it is prescription medication...

>> No.140872

whatever dude. take it from someone who just finished a DUI program, it isn't worth it. go smoke a bowl of grand daddy fuckin purp and tell me your judgement isn't impaired. what happens if a deer jumps in front of you? or a driver in the oncoming lane swerves in front of you? you are going to be able to react to the best of your ability

gl in life. i dont hate pot heads but you're wrong on this one

>> No.140881

>depreciating the value of your car for minimum wage

If they aren't paying for your gas too then you are barely making profit.

>> No.140987


Yeah ok I see your point. I will save the devil's cabbagr for after work to relax and enjoy an ep of True Detective.

I rarely drove high, btw. Smoked at home way before work, kek.

>> No.140996


What did you get dui for btw? which substance?

>> No.141007

Yeah not him but in CA anything substance that impairs your judgement qualifies you for you DUI. So medication that makes you sleepy etc counts

>> No.141550

wait, did we actually change your mind?

personally I'm not so adamant that your judgement is impaired on a small amount of weed, but the >>140819 makes the most important point, which is that being high in the inevitable collision (inevitable because everyone gets in a crash) will fuck you over way more.

>> No.141566

Whats the deal with 4chan and that shitty movie? I tought it was boring as fuck.

>> No.141808

it's a good movie, for one.

But also, it's about a lonely weirdo who white knights for a random slut.

>> No.142998
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Yeah, you did. It makes sense, I guess. Although inevitable collision is a shot in the dark considering I live out in the country with 1 car per hour.

I still don't agree that a tiny amount of weed impairs your reaction time or judgement like you stated as well. I mean, people operate heavy machinery high all the fucking time.


Boring as fuck?

Son, go watch Fast and Furious 8 or some other trash with constant firefights and mind numbing entertainment.

>> No.143077

Xanax doesn't though, and people take that and drive all the fucking time.

>> No.143515

i hope youre getting paid for the miles and wear OP

>> No.143546

so you're destroying your car for a living, but unlike a delivery driver, you don't get tips on top of minimum wage

great job, dude