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File: 296 KB, 726x768, boomers4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14069574 No.14069574 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14069583
File: 166 KB, 970x542, 1559914853234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still live at home at 29

>> No.14069605
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>still live at home at 39

>> No.14069606

>They are not buying our unprofitable investments
>Lets try story telling and panic making on the internet over those new newsoutlets
>Zoomers and millenials will believe it
>Dear Boomer, here is your bank, you have again not made your monthly mortgage payment, we are sorry to inform you that we have to forfeit your home. We don't care if your children hate you and let you die in the gutter

>> No.14069840

at home 34 here.
No job but income.
Never sold my crypto, and will only do when early retirenment. :>

>> No.14069906

When did you realize that even after they die the houses will just be given to 3rd worlders anyway?

>> No.14069938

FUCK bommers.

>> No.14069946

implying all the mcmansions boomers built are worth owning

>> No.14070252
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>still living at home at 68
>still mowing the lawn every other day
>still drinking a monster every morning while sitting in my front yard
>still hitting on the ladies in the grocery store
>still giving firm handshakes and mantaining eye contact
I'm representing for all them boomers all across the world
And still I cashing a 60k pension

>> No.14070283
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>Housing prices are going to collapse
>Bitcoin price is going to collapse
>QE infinity will not cause those two to go up to enjoy masive price rises.

>> No.14070318

so the perfect time to be born would be now?

>> No.14070324
File: 8 KB, 301x167, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you at least have a large amount of money saved from not having to pay rent to show for it?

>> No.14070351

The bank buys the home, sells it to an associated housing company, homes now all for rent (at extortionate prices), younger gen now 100% will never own their own home, and kept in a constant state of instability and debt. Birthrate drops even more, of course.

Me & the gf are both 31, saved all my life but still struggling to afford a home without getting shafted by a mortgage that I won't get paid off till I'm 60+, (and that's if things don't get worse).

Parents had a stable home in their late teens, and paid off by late twenties, with manual jobs..

>> No.14070366

Banks only can rent to those who can pay. Unironically invest in a camping car and buy forest. Teach your children how to fish, hunt and farm

>> No.14070439

u wot m8, the last recession was caused by banks perfectly happily lending to those who CAN'T pay.

They don't give a fuck, as long as they make money on "paper" and get their bonuses either ways.

>> No.14070500

Corporation are sitting on a time bomb. There is no option to QE anymore. Either the US economy crashes and burns by 2021 and you get mass unemployment and civil war 2.0, the FED buys corporate bonds and makes the dollar the Zimbabwean dollar which will reduce the US military to the strength of Norways military and provoke WW III or you will die in a pointless war to boost the economy.

This doesn't considers public debt with bonds maturing over the next 3 years. A camper, a forest teach your children how to live off the land

>> No.14070534

what is quant easing good for? i dont get why its done and who benrfits

>> No.14070633

cheap money for big business and government, they can borrow at 0% while you can't and don't have a chance to compete
anyway they mostly use it to buy back stocks and not anything productive so it goes straight into the .1% pocket

>> No.14070666

QE was the retarded idea by a bunch of Keynesian Boomers under Bush and Obama about buying public and corporate debt with "printed" dollars, inflating the dollar to the point were it lost a lot of value compared to assets and commodities, simple offer and demand. The plan was to reduce costs of labor through keeping wages stagnate in dollar terms while also inflating the labor market with savages and boost production profits. By keeping interests low and giving corporations access to "cheap" dollar Bush and Obama hoped that corporation will use the money and the cheap labor to produce actual growth and boosting the economy.

But like with cheap alcohol, the dependent corporations used it to gamble in virtual economies and just inflated the financial sector, mainly M2 and M3, not producing any value, see the post 2015 share inflation. When Trump tried to raise interests to strengthen the dollar, the FED and corporations rebelled and threatened to crash and burn the economy and wanted more cheap alc. Now the bar is about to close and they can't pay their bill and there is not really a market left with enough growth potential to pay off the bill. So end of story, they die of delerium tremens or a democrat president will give them more alc for "free" which will make wages stagnate and lower even more while M2 and M3 will keep growing reducing the worth of the dollar to an African currency which will make it unable for consumers to buy anything, not even food with their toilet paper, and the military can't be maintained, unless they go back to pay the soldiers in gold and silver, which will not happen. enjoy your Weimar Republic

>> No.14070691

jeez why is no one talking about this more, sounds bad desu

>> No.14070727

Because media Jews are in on the scam. Why do you think the American public has been kept stupid with 3 years of muah Russia collusion?

The idea here is a theory developed during the late 70's by neo marxists and post structuralists, which came to fruit during the late '90s as story telling, dependent on the biggest voting block, GenX and Boomers being kept stupid with a monopoly on story telling by corporate media. Read 1989 by Huxley, it pretty much describes it best.

Again, buy a camper, a forest and learn to live of the land.

>> No.14070757

*1984 byOrwell

>> No.14070769


Correct, if you look at the total value of share buybacks and dividends they are at record highes while capital expenditures didn't really catch up.

>> No.14070774

you are a smart guy, thanks. i shared your view on the media but the economic insights are new to me, defenitely makes sense

>> No.14070775

no one wants their shitty boomer houses anyways. fucking upkeep is horrendous.

stupid fucking boomers.

>> No.14070815

Imagine having a housing crisis and still bringing in hordes of immigrants.

>> No.14070895

Where should they have caught up after 2009? The delusions of the new economy were still in the heads of uneducated Boomers and Xers who were acting under a 1970's/80's logic but acted as decision makers for the 21st century. Like fucking amazon or facebook. Those companies never produced anything of value, still currently a P/E of 26. The delusion that more information equals more efficient ways to produce and deliver has never been proven, always just theories. 2009 was meant to be the start of an A B C correction, but do to Boomers and Xers fearing for their pensions, mcmansions and other "investments" they created an artificial Historic V and doomed about 3 or 4 generations to come to pay their debt they created over the last 90 years. 1929 and 2009 will look like a fart to what will happen in 2021 earliest or latest 2023.
Welcome to /biz/, first lesson, if something has a limited supply and a steady demand it is something you like to hold.

>> No.14070995

Everyone else is laden with debt, whereas immigrants are brand new "customers", to keep the wheel spinning a little longer.

They're also VERY fickle with money, so may very good goy consumers with their credit cards and free bux.

>> No.14071080

>When Trump tried to raise interests to strengthen the dollar, the FED and corporations rebelled and threatened to crash and burn the economy and wanted more cheap alc.

No. When Powell raised interest rates, Trump whined at him like a baby.

>> No.14071136

Who do you think threatened Trump to crash and burn it all if he would do what he promised? He needs to play ball till 2020. If you don't get a second Trump term we are all going straight to WW III. With Trump 2 there are two other options, a painful recession for the US and the world which will be survived and keep the US the dominant military power or a major war with some poor faggot state to boost the economy through the industrial military complex and rebuilding them afterwards

>> No.14071144

When interest rates go up again, it will blow up big time
They're gonna raise it right after the boomers die off when zoomers are gonna try to sell these over inflated bags. How convenient.

>> No.14071152

It's not really retirement if you go from living at home to not working at all. That's just an advanced stage of niggerdom.

>> No.14071156

This isn't even remotely true for most immigrants. Maybe the Chinese and Indian visa trash but the illegal trash are about as dumb as boomers especially their offspring with car payments and buying shit they don't need.

>> No.14071214

I think that is what he meant.
They are stupid consumers blowing away the money on shit.

>> No.14071251

Exactly m8. Buying shit they don't need is BEING A GOOD GOY.

>> No.14071280

>tfw my dad lives in a house he hasn't paid off half of yet
>house is deteriorating because he doesnt put the money or upkeep into it
>has like 10k credit card debt on a 80k salary
>wants to sell the house for...wait for it...
>a bigger house

I hate boomers.


>> No.14071326

>Everyone else is laden with debt, whereas immigrants are brand new "customers", to keep the wheel spinning a little longer.


>> No.14071384

>Either the US economy crashes and burns by 2021
ive been hearing this since 2001. its not going to fucking happen, theres always some jew trick to keep the wheel moving. Now with crypto who know what else will come up

>> No.14071391

Sorry read fickle as "frugal" for some reason

>> No.14071424

trump is run by them so idk what your going on about here. all of his policies thus far have been for them. I have not looked at the mexico thing yet but im assuming it will have something in there for the j

>> No.14071440

Big chunk of bonds and corporate debt maturing at the same time. I don't see how they jew themselves out, unless the FED buys all the toxic bonds and devalues the dollar to literal toilet paper, which would make it impossible for the US to maintain its military hegemony.

>> No.14071468

"Millennial will never downsize their crypto portfolio. Too late for *insert whatever next generation is*"

>> No.14071489

It is known since 2009 when 10 year bonds and corporate debt matures. Trump saw that. 2016 was his way in, 2020 will be the term that makes the sheep hate him to dead without knowing that he saved their worthless asses. Or you go for dems and we will all die in a fire blaze

>> No.14071491
File: 662 KB, 750x745, 1558726787735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zoomers will be better off than millennials

>tfw you were born part of the most cucked, destitute and useless generation in modern history

>> No.14071497

no because you wouldnt have to money to capitalize on this and will have missed most of the crypto bull run

literally the worst time to be born kek

>> No.14071527

>1/10 bait
made me reply. Retard. either Zoomers will die in a war, live through the worst recession humanity has ever seen or have to pay 15K for a potato

>> No.14071528

you really think so? ive been turned off to politcs ever since i became aware of the j. I have no desire to be strung along for a variation of the same outcome. I just done care anymore. Only thing im seeing happening is war with iran at some point because thats what they want. If we cant get this monkey off our back we cant fix anything

>> No.14071532

> live through the worst recession humanity has ever seen or have to pay 15K for a potato

That sounds fucking awesome. Race war soon basically

>> No.14071584


Big conventional wars between first world countries are absolute. Territory doesn’t matter: resources do. Resources are controlled by multi-national conglomerates and technology. Not saying the USA won’t invade some shithole every decade or so to justify that huge military or open them up for the corporate global ruling class, but World War 3 is not going to happen because of economics.

>> No.14071615

35 here. still at home. things will get better r-right guys?

>> No.14071639

how you gonna pay the land taxes with no income? everything is taxed. there is no escape. you don't own nothing goyim.

>> No.14071650


Based history lesson, but Trump wanted interest rates to stay low. He’s no savior. He’s close to being right on some things but is clueless on others.

>> No.14071677

Political scientist/anthropologist. I have to put up with it. And my analysis says three possible outcomes for post 2020, world war through proxy or hot war with a crippled US military which would make 1984 a damn reality with no World Power in charge and three to four minor powers fighting for the hegemony; usual US way of bullying smaller powers and propping up their economy from years of being degenerates; ABC correction that will make 1929 and 2009 look like a dry fart in the ocean. First is with a democrat in charge whose goals is One World Communist Jew Utopia, option two and three will be possible with Trump or an alternative Republican Hawk
Yeah... race war. If you like to guarantee the survival of your genes, get a forest, be mobile and learn to defend yourself and live of the land
Hot war could become an option if the US military is crippled and there would be options opening up for China and Russia to become the major hegemony. Europe might try with an EU army, but after Brexit, economic stagnation and looming civil war, Europe will either be to concerned with itself or get swallowed by the US or Russia. If everything goes to shit, and Gadafi was right, western europe will really become an Islamic republic with wild Niggers, while Eastern Europe will either ally with Russia or try the Eastern Rome way.

>> No.14071695


>”read 1989 by Huxley”

Kek. I see you.

“Living off the land” is unironically unsustainable. It costs much more than buying food at a store and if society collapses, your meager subsistence rations will be confiscated by the local strongmen who fill that power vacuum, just like Africa.

>> No.14071724

You're forgetting option 4: US mil withdrawal from key unstable parts of the global system causing energy-induced global recession. US laid the groundwork for a circuit breaker of sorts against that kind of recession when it had (is still having) its shale revolution. $70/bbl oil is vastly superior to the $250/bbl the rest of the world gets if the middle east has a shooting war

>> No.14071750


They come here, take out credit cards with stolen social security numbers, then fuck off back to Mexico, India, or China without paying a dime because there’s no way to get them there. I’ve worked in collections. I can’t begin to tell you how many beaners would just laugh about how they were going to come back in 6 months with a different stolen identity and do it all over again. Merchants love this because they get their money. Banks don’t even care that much since the execs responsible are all paid based off the increased users and fees to merchants, while the banks know they’ll eventually just get bailed out by the goyim when shit hits the fan.

>> No.14071767

you're retarded, in fraud transactions the merchants are liable, not banks.

>> No.14071768

Be part of a small local militia living off the land, protecting their clay, was kind of implied. You mutts can still own rifles and during a collapse military arsenal would open up like during the fall of the Ussr.
Pure US protectionism, would be an option. But who are you gone sell your shale gas if everything around is going to crash and burn?

>> No.14071781

we use it our selves. America first etc etc, that if america was first. Its kikes first like usual

>> No.14071809

>kikes first.
Yeah, kind of. But please don't make the mistake and put a democrat or a Bush republican in charge, this would make everything more complicated than it has to be. Accelerationism is a funny meme, but we don't need to take it into overdrive.

>> No.14071819

We could use it ourselves, and with such a huge price boom globally, lots of shale plays will be profitable again. The turnaround to restart a site is three or four days, the turnaround from green fields to production is maybe 3 weeks. As an effective price ceiling/floor mechanism, shale's great.

>> No.14071824

kikes run both sides so it wont matter. like i said a variation of the same outcome

>> No.14071853

My hope was kind of the US fucking the Opec by becoming a major exporter, but with recent political evolutions in Europe which doesn't have an option to feather off the economic bust and China looking like it will not be able to sustain its growth, energy consumption will probably take a major hit, which will make it unprofitable to export.
There are also variations with kikes. They are not all invested in the same and like to jew each other as much as they like to jew the goyim. Please kill the UN, that would be a major blow to the global kikery

>> No.14071873

>Please kill the UN,
the un has opposed them more then once. they need to be kicked out of the top of us politics .

your saying some things that make me think your full of shit

>> No.14071928

Thank you for your service

>> No.14072006

>Big chunk of bonds and corporate debt maturing at the same time

Are you retarded anon? They'll just put them at the bottom of a tall building like the Twin Towers and then fly a plane into it. :^)


>> No.14072013

The UN and the IMF are the sword of globalist kikery. They opened Europe up to be fucked by an army of sand niggers and niggers, forcing Europe to (((unite))) under a centralized bureaucracy lead by the Kalergis, with the goal to make it a place for cheap production and enslave us into a european mutt race destroying every single point of national identity. Fuck the UN, fuck it to dead!
>Get the kikes out of US politics
that is your job, will be easier with having their corporate hands broken in a recession and not saving them with cheap dollars and debt enslaving your children