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14063411 No.14063411 [Reply] [Original]

/Dad/s of /biz/, what's it like, and how do you do it?

How do you find time to trade? My gf is due in august; I figure I'll have to give up my NEET ways but is there certain stuff that just becomes off limits when you have offspring, like having to bolt out of your chair without setting a stop loss when little NEET Jr shits his pants?

Redpill me and otherwise gib advice.

>> No.14063431

You are cucked lmao

>> No.14063441

Prepare for your life to be very, very busy.

>> No.14063488

your time is probably worth more to stop the short term trading. you need to make bigger, longer moves. short term trading is only worth if you have A LOT of disposable money. make only a few moves per month, wait patiently and take profits with DCA on your way up. Right now, you should focus on your brain rather than gambling. read books like rich dad poor dad, watch Dave Ramsey, and work as much as you can for those hourly bux or side hustles.

True money is made with intelligence. you will be blind to gold mines if you continue staring at charts. if you can recognize a shitcoin as being potential pump 10x, get in early, set your stop loss with correct management like what Adam Khoo on youtube teaches, and wait patiently. your focus is getting more BTC sats rather than USD. This is much easier to do than gamble on short term TA. I am 25 with a 1 yr old and after 2 years in crypto i know this is truly the way.

Your only other real option is HODLing and avoiding everything about crypto for years.

Avoid the short term TA, trust me.

A fool and his money are soon departed

>> No.14063547

just look at the guy who watched eth pump from 7$ to 14$. he sold and waited for the next dip. The dip didnt come and he watched it climb to $50, then $100, thinking a crash would come and he would buy in. If he just waited with his 7$ position and took profits with DCA (meaning selling small portions on the climb) , he would definitely be financially independant by now. that was only 4 yrs ago. 4 years can fly by.

>> No.14063611

congrats dude, fuck all the autists here who say "fuck wahmen go mgtow cause divorce lmao"

>> No.14063637

The only people who say that are already divorced men.

>> No.14063705

Oldfag crypto trader Dad here. If you have kids with a woman you should marry her. If you want to stay NEET then you better get a hustle or two, crypto included. Programming is a good gateway into hustles for a loner. Good luck, ignore all the virgins ITT who are too scared to touch a woman, let alone raise a child.

>> No.14063715

this is why all boomer dads buy and hold shit like real estate and dividend stocks.

>> No.14064017

Agree with the other ANON you need to shift your mind long term to set the kid up for the long haul. No one ever said on their death bed “I wish I had spent more time in the cubical or I wish I could make one more trade”. The money will come but don’t miss out on the real world.

Best thing you can do is put the phone down, do rough and tumble play, get outside, and read as much as possible. Kids are simultaneously the greatest and most frustrating things ever.

Never let your emotions boil over. Walk away instead of hit or yell. Model good behavior and be present in their lives.

You have this chance to be the dad they deserve to have. They didn’t ask to be here, so it’s your burden to rise above and be the best.

Be firm. Say no. Let them fail. Be there to support. And fuck any of these assholes in here who object, but never miss a chance to tell them how much they mean to you. Kids soak that shut up.

>> No.14064029


>> No.14064757

Here’s some real good dad advice right here.

I just had my second kid, there’s no way to trade well. Just buy and hold until the kid is in daycare.

Kids will test your patience and teach you to find zen in the chaos. If and when you learn to remain calm and react well while under fire with bills late and hungry kids who piss and shit themselves you will have the skills to swing trade without fomo. But if you are smart you will raise enough money for a down payment on a home instead