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14062773 No.14062773 [Reply] [Original]

>he's in crypto but isn't a libertarian
Either you like paying for kike wars and nigger welfare or you're a kikenigger yourself

>> No.14062861

Libertarianism is inherently anti-borders (unless you're some hoppian cryptofascist).
Borders are needed to keep minorities out.

>> No.14062876


I'm a ethno-libertarian.

>> No.14062905

Do libertarians congregate in libraries?

>> No.14063430

sorry im not a redditerrian because im not some meme ideology where everyone gas lights each other until becoming fascists or succumb to serious autism

>> No.14063448

why have americans been so thoroughly brainwashed that their image of "welfare" is it always going to people of other races? Why do they never see themselves as the recipient?

>> No.14063819

cause its true you fucking retard

>> No.14063872

you fucking retard

>> No.14063891
File: 24 KB, 456x810, 1545058347925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is freedom of association

>> No.14063901

one persons desire to associate with you, does not outweigh your desire to maintain the integrity of your personal space

>> No.14063910
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>> No.14063929

Fuck off to pol, retard, aka

>> No.14063947
File: 87 KB, 720x599, libertarian at a dinner party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most annoying ppl I've ever met

>> No.14063949

>he's in crypto but isn't a neet incel

>> No.14063990
File: 18 KB, 332x333, CBwGukiWIAAqB0j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you don't identify with my inherently flawed socially and economically vulnerable ideology then you are a black jew

>> No.14064094

Libertarians have never contributed anything worthwhile to the world. Your whole sphere is invested with annoying teens and mediocre adults suffering from Dunning-Kruger syndrome. Go away.

>> No.14064109
File: 176 KB, 800x1740, 1545191576448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are referring to KEK libertarianism aka left libertarianism.

>> No.14064142
File: 124 KB, 960x720, champion duck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao this gay retard is a black jew

imagine actually being a black jew

>> No.14064158

Bitcoin is inherently authoritarian
Corecuck coin was a good attempt
BSV will win

>> No.14064190

>a libertarian society
>jews control media and finance
>everyone lived happily everafter
libertarians should be ground up and mixed in with the asphalt

>> No.14064458


Anon, these are in percentages. The 15 percent of the entire US adult white population who have received food stamps is numerically more than the 31 percent of the entire US adult black population who have received food stamps. US black population is about 13 percent of about 300 million. Numerically, more white people have received social safety net services than any other race. These are all your countrymen, regardless of race.