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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14058180 No.14058180 [Reply] [Original]

Why does the sec actively fuck their own country's businesses?

>> No.14058215

To protect retards from dragging down other people's confidence in the markets.

>> No.14058239

They take bribes and kickbacks

>> No.14058241

they rustle feathers to find golden eggs
simple really
theft in daylight under our noses

>> No.14058252


to 'protect' the goyi- i mean citizens.

>> No.14058296

The USA and every other country are run by the very wealthy elite, probably .1% of the population. Their only goal is to retain and accumulate wealth. The top 1% or so all benefit because the additional .9% have enough funds to revolt. The other 99% combined don’t and even if they did there are too many so they can’t organize. I mean just look at this disgustingly low IQ failed business boomer they put in office in the US.

>be low socioeconomic class
>vote for candidate who has a long history of shitting all over low socioeconomic class, using them as stepping stones and laughing when they suffer, hiring illegal immigrants for everything because cheap labor
>expect that same person to be your savior

This is why poor people will never be able to actually have control over their lives. Too fucking stupid. All you’d need to do is kill a few thousand people and elect actually altruistic, morally just people into offices... yet you constantly put corrupt criminals with no moral compass in power. Hilarious.

>> No.14058367

jews gotta jew

>> No.14058444
File: 65 KB, 640x638, TrumpMall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The elections are probably rigged. How else can The Simpsons predict the future president with a stunning accuracy?

>> No.14058461 [DELETED] 

(((wealthy elite)))

>> No.14058462

I didn't think they let children on 4chan

>> No.14058474

spotted the blue pilled normie

>> No.14058483

Yea that’s why you revolt and kill the people rigging elections. Easy.

>t. pissed trumpy or millionaire who’s scared

The richest people in the world aren’t even Jewish you false flagging cock sucker you are part of the problem. We kill all Jews then nothing changes. Now what? Where do you get a good bagel after that anyway? Use your brain.

>> No.14058484

i will explain why
jews donate money to other jews, it's their religion
the mafia adopted this and asked for "security money".
jews thought about it and came to the conclusion that it was better if they created "SEC" that will enforce the donations by non jews

call this fake as long as you want... truth is, it's not

>> No.14058488


>oh hey goy, we wouldn't want you investing in things that might go up in value unless you are "accredited" and already have millions hahah. Just for your "protection" haha

>> No.14058499

mhm, as if that'll ever happen.

>> No.14058509

>The richest people in the world aren’t even Jewish


>> No.14058512

trump has been flirting with a presidential run since the 80's you zoomer

t. zoomer but educated

>> No.14058516

The SEC just regulates scams. If the scam doesn't follow the regulations, then that scam is bad.
Its a good thing the CFTC regulate crypto!

>> No.14058522

mhm hence the close resemblance of the mall.

>> No.14058548

Already said this.

Heh. There are some wealthy Jews for sure, but the richest and most powerful are not Jewish. The people pulling the strings are not Jewish. Jews historically just do what they need to to survive, and in this case it’s serving their masters and taking the heat, but those targeting Jews are misguided by the true source of the corruption. Granted, we should kill everyone doing their bidding, spare no corrupt Jew on my account.

>> No.14058558

This is kind of like saying Kanye West has been flirting with the idea. A celebrity says they’re going to maybe run for President and so you just take that seriously? He was never serious, he’s just an egomaniac. Obviously he would say shit like that.

>> No.14058564
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>> No.14058582

thats absolutely not true.
products you use on a daily basis are all from 5 companies. guess who the owner are

>> No.14058584

>the close resemblance of the mall
Its just an escalator! He was probably coming out of trump tower! FFS (((BRAINLET))) >>14058512
is right! It would have been better to pick the sign on the podium blue background, red line, with red stars, same font (unless this is standard for republicans or something).
t. not a burger!

>> No.14058592

Look into the SECs involvement in the Bernie madoff scam. For decades people were tipping him off to the SEC, but they ignored it all. Bernie was their bro, they would ask him for advice on issues. Bernie is seen in interviews lauding the SEC, saying they’re so good that fraud on Wall Street would be impossible. After he was busted, he said that the sec had no idea what was going on and the entire financial system is fraudulent and major players knew about his bullshit.

Those feelings you have of everything being rigged are right anon, the question is do you sit around crying about it or do you infiltrate the dealer, and find the supplier?

>> No.14058599

Every single politician is an egomaniac. He's had multiple exploratory committees and interviews about what he would do as president (see all his letterman interviews, he's been saying the same thing for years). It became a meme. He set it up using Jung's ideas. The presidency was assured for him because of this.

That's Trump Tower, not some mall

>> No.14058614

Who are these hyper-wealthy goy elites, give us a name or two

>> No.14058618

what about his suit?

>> No.14058639
File: 170 KB, 434x500, 94ed7af85dac729c07cd8ea4efd9151de1cb3fa1_2_434x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>infiltrate the dealer, and find the supplier?
Takes to long. The Tarrantian way is the best and most entertaining way

>> No.14058645

Mhm, sure. That's what ((they)) tell you.
>He's been talking about presidency since the 80's
>He probably came out of trump tower
What about >>14058564 then huh? Got any smart comments for that?

>> No.14058653


>> No.14058661

No explanation for that. Send me the full clip?

>> No.14058673

>why are Jews evil
Something something synagogue of satan something something

>> No.14058685

Navy suit is probably the most common suit (everyone looks good in a navy suit), Red tie is republican (correct me if wrong). Sure the suit is something, but the sign looked a bigger sign...pun intended

Yep, I am familiar, I was just pointing out that you picked the dumbest element & you don't even know your country as well as a foreigner!
t. Been to more states than you!

Fuck you burgers are DUMB!

>> No.14058690


>> No.14058701

haha. I can shoot trespessers of my property instead of paying damages to the burglar.

>> No.14058711

notice the clock pointing at 9:11

>> No.14058760

>He drank the Kool aid
You live in police state! You don't live in a free country, you have been brainwashed! You have let ATTERNeys run amuck of your country!

HA HA HA, Jokes on you! Guarantee I understand the history of your country better than you! I turned down a passport to your shithole country!

>> No.14058798

Have fun with the rapefugees.

>> No.14058805
File: 340 KB, 1748x2310, Muttmap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

COPE harder Mutt

>> No.14058831

>heh you're getting fucked by spics, unlike us, we're cultured and getting fucked by arabs
lmao k faggot, suck your tiny penis somewhere else thanks

>> No.14058841

we're cultured and getting fucked by arabs and niggers**
forgot that

>> No.14058864

You gotta be 18 to post here faggot.

>> No.14058885

KEK, Your global knowledge is astounding!
>suck your tiny penis somewhere else thanks
Are you a rosite?

>> No.14058904

you're clearly insecure and most men would either be insecure about their height or penis so which one is it, are you a EU manlet or dicklet, or both? either way nice deflection, want to comment on how the EU is much better because it's dying to niggers and arabs instead of spics?

>> No.14058933

The sign on the bottom is shooped though.

>> No.14058971

Business is a zero sum game

>> No.14058987

>want to comment on how the EU is much better because it's dying to niggers and arabs instead of spics?
>KEK, Your global knowledge is astounding!

See, your making assumptions, Low IQ ones. Stay dumb & ignorant burger! Its worked out so well for your 'nation'.

OH, So it all crumbles apart. That was the one thing that made me believe >>1405858.
Thanks Anon!

>> No.14059065

>running away
lmao oh no no no

>> No.14059138

SEC is just a word for an organization ran by PEOPLE. When systems fail or things go wrong, people stop critically thinking at the word of the cause. But there's no god and no real checks and balances just OTHER People monitoring other People.

>> No.14059151

Stay bluepilled then, you can masquerade all you want on here about being redpilled, while your behind the safety of your screen.

We all know your not going to do shit, your ignorance means (((they))) have already won!

>> No.14059286
File: 32 KB, 324x196, fuckingshitskinslavs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the laugh dunning kruger

>> No.14059703

>dunning kruger

Thanks for the suggestion & for proving my point, You are the antithesis of this study. Better keep putting that lemon juice on your face!

>> No.14059767

To protect a different country's (((businesses)))....

>> No.14059824

This was the only correct response, ignore everything else. Unregulated markets tend to be overtaken by scammers, and as a result investors run away.