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14057973 No.14057973 [Reply] [Original]

>get woken up by boomers discussing how they unironically can never retire because they'd go crazy

>> No.14057995

just shows how dumb that generation is. they have all they money in the world and not a clue of what to do with it.

>> No.14058014

I unironically don't understand the retirement meme. Living in a Western country, unless you're retarded, you can shape your life to do pretty much any sort of job you like. Anybody who can focus for 4 month learning python+javascript can't ever not be able to get a job, so it's not like anything can happen to you. Get some money until you can do what you like, and then - when you do what you like - why would you want to effectively end your life by retirement?
(disclaimer: the above assumes you don't know anyone up)

>> No.14058021

whats with your fetish of working a job? its fucking freaky

>> No.14058027


>> No.14058061

Retirement is a death sentance. Greedy fucks just want to live forever.

>> No.14058073

A "job" is just what you do. I don't say "work a job" forever, I say don't stop doing what you enjoy doing. If your daily occupation (the "job") isn't exactly what you want to do, then you went down the wrong path. And yes I know you won't get income from living a life on an island just reading - it's clear that not all paths translate to jobs. But I'm certain everybody under 30 can start doing something monetizable that they actually like - something they wouldn't have to quit once they turn 70

>> No.14058113
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Holy Yikes. A boomer sympathizer on biz. What a world.

>> No.14058155

It’s because they’re an entire generation of retards. What little intelligence they were born with the burned away with drugs, alcohol and sexually transmitted diseases.

They’re literally garbage, their entire generation. If I didn’t HAVE to work you’d never catch me wasting another second of my life doing it.

Boomers are children, they need structure and a schedule because they can’t keep to themselves or be productive, also if given 5 minutes they might start to think about all the regarded shit they’ve done with their lives and how all their shitty irresponsible decisions are closing in on them and they’re gonna die soon.

Just keep moving and lease another Lexus, don’t worry about it.

>> No.14058226

>What little intelligence they were born with the burned away with drugs, alcohol and sexually transmitted diseases.
Millenials and zoomers are way worse in this regard, i wonder how my generation at large will look when we are in our 60s (late 20s now).

I agree though, the second i don't have to work anymore i will be done with it. Too many other things to pursue without my life, energy, and time being devoted to the grind.

>> No.14058247


>> No.14058319

Older Millenials, what used to be Gen Y now lumped in with millennials are by and large alright, especially the males.

They make up the core of the populist movement in the US, not perfect, but unironically the last hope the west has.

>> No.14058379

Male Gen Y everywhere is the last hope. Old enough to have dodged the bullet when Marxist went full sped in primary and secondary education in the late 2000's, old enough to have experienced what a small recession looks like and how centralized institutions and their parents fucked up the future for dozens of generations to come to not lose their "investments". Also experienced the start of the informational age and have a completely different access to computers and the internet than later generations let alone Boomers and GenX. Lot of them also had the chance to had greatest generation grand parents that taught them basic survival techniques for shtf situations like farming, hunting and fishing.

>> No.14058421

God help us then, i am deeply concerned about the future of the west

>> No.14058455

My dad retired from shitty factory work recently and almost immediately started working full time at home depot because he was bored
Makes me sad

>> No.14058466

Because most jobs suck. What you are saying only would apply to like 10% of top jobs and maybe about 50% businesspeople. Everyone else just was in to chase money to have a comfy lifestyle or to avoid poverty, and their job was just a means towards that.

>> No.14058491

it really is truly sad how older generations cant even fathom having free time not bound to working

>> No.14058519

Boomers never figured out hobbies.

>> No.14058560

tell him to start coding or some fun stuff like that to volunteer in FOSS

>> No.14058580
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>But I'm certain everybody under 30 can start doing something monetizable that they actually like - something they wouldn't have to quit once they turn 70
That's what your entire argument relies upon, and also where it falls apart. Nothing I like is monetizable. You can't force people to like things that result in income.

If you would've said everyone should be able to find a job that helps, combined with discipline, to retire comfortably then I'd agree. I'm a cost accountant - with the way I save and invest now, even though I don't like my job, I'll retire by 40-45. And then I'll do the stuff I enjoy that doesn't happen to be monetizable for the rest of my days.

>> No.14058644
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One boomer I heard said
>when I tried retiring a few years ago I worked on my car from 8am to 5pm.i treated it like a job. I just had to have some structure but after 6 months my brain was totally fried and I knew I had to go back to work

>> No.14058665

A lot of them are fucked in the head. My Dad was brought up on a farm where he was taught anything like sports/movies and hobbies in general are wastes of time for children and failures. Pretty much always be working. Also that laughter was the language of demons so we weren't allowed to laugh at home growing up.

>> No.14058679
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> get into programming because i like building things
> 45 minute commute each way into city
> day filled with retarded meetings and agile ceremonies
> barely get a few hours of uninterrupted coding time each week
> have to be within 10 minutes of internet at all times after work in case something breaks
> can't sleep because alerts wake you up at night
> people below your job level are all diversity hires
> people at your job level shit on you and sabotage you to look better by comparison
> people above your job level just sit in meetings and do planning all day, don't even write code any more
> what do you mean you can't do 6 months of work in 2 weeks? we're going to need some creative thinking. work 80 hours this week.

Yeah, programming jobs are a riot.

>> No.14058709

Are you retarded? I study CS at uni and i had trouble to even get an internship while a friend didnt even find one
And we both can programm in java, c and c++ ...

>> No.14058727
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Daily reminder that a body in motion stays in motion.

>> No.14058896

>Be you
>brainlet autist
>incapable of understanding that different people have different priorities and want different things.

Not gonna make it.

>> No.14058922

reminds me of normies when they talk about immortality
>i couldn't live forever, i would go crazy!
fucking weaklings

>> No.14058952


>> No.14058957

All jobs are like this. Boomers on the upper levels have lost all relation to reality. If there is any sign of a week long riot I have a list of addresses I will visit and unload some magazines at. They really don't know how to protect their personal data, let alone customer data

>> No.14058976


>> No.14058988

top kek dude

>> No.14059022
File: 116 KB, 800x1200, Dvn-9F-UYAAxssl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatta ya mean? I have a hobby!
>take boat into dealership once a month for oil change/cosmetic service
excuse to talk about boat and cost of boat
>drains gas weekly to "keep her from gettin clogged"
excuse to drive around the neighborhood showing off boat, stop at gas station to tell everyone how much you spent on boat
>refi/upgrade every 2 years for new boat, well into the 3rd child's college fund by now
wont let kids near boat, too "busy" "working" the same assistant manager job for 40 years to actually use boat.


>> No.14059035

the most valuable thing a boomer will ever contribute to society is fertilizing the grass above their grave site

>> No.14059062
File: 57 KB, 566x842, 1559061946665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomers cant do lawn care, if they did there'd be nothing for that nice Whaun fellow to do. He works hard for that 5 dollars a week I pay him, unlike you lazy ass kids!

>> No.14059083

>be me
>born early 1996
>got into the workforce a year ago after graduating uni
>already hate it, and the corporate bs
>literal boomer parents keep telling me to “tough it out kiddo” and to “make work your life until 65”

Fucking hell guys

>> No.14059292


>> No.14059528


This. Zoomers are worse than Boomers when it comes to tech, it’s literally magic boxes to them.

>> No.14059529

Do you want to spend all day writing stupid startup websites that don't make any sense and will never be successful when you are 50 years old?

>> No.14059547

unironically based

>> No.14059564

lol what a cuck

>> No.14059677

Totally institutionalized like prisoners.
Ex cons always want to go back to prison because they got used to being told when to go outside, when to eat and sleep.
Being free is totally alien to them.

>> No.14059747
File: 28 KB, 360x292, 1559959916332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the advantages being one of the head database monkeys of one of the biggest fund raising companies of the world, access to hundred thousands of addresses and private informations of loaded Boomers and traitors from all over the world. If I drop the information gathered over years they will have no place to hide if shit goes down. And the best thing, they trust me, those retards.

>> No.14060493

oh he swole, ngl

>> No.14060554

I believe it. Be the hero this world need

>> No.14060566

>4 month learning python+javascript

> Boomers should "learn to code"

>> No.14061324

absolutely based. the thought that a bunch of 4chan autists is manning key positions in society and just waiting for the autist uprising lets me sleep well at night.

>> No.14061528

Replies: wagecucks who think job means slaving at mcdonalds

>> No.14061624

It's funny because I'm casually learning python in my work time, since my company pays me to do nothing
Hope that'll do the trick

>> No.14062511

I'm 28 and experienced most of that except the older generation teaching me anything
My dad never taught me anything about communicating with people or outdoor skills and my grandpa died before I was born and the other fucked off to florida
I have to thank pol for alot if my political opinions and forums for teaching me skills