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File: 31 KB, 500x303, morpheous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1405751 No.1405751 [Reply] [Original]

Here is an update.

Posted this last night before massive 300% increase.


And we all know what happened. Check the timestamp. Should be proof enough.

Are you ready for another whisper?

ETC/ETH parity should happen sometime this week. Most likely .01 btc and there is more to all of this than meets the eye.

You've been told ;)

>> No.1405881

can confirm. currently a bug in eth where transactions in eth are mirrored in etc. been draining coinbase of all their etc for the past 2 days. eth is dead. etc goes on kraken soon and thats when the big spike happens. minor dip the first few hours tho

>> No.1405885

I don't understand why this would make eth dead.

>> No.1405889

I need to buy ETC now.

I've read through so much about it in the last 24 hours, it's my number 1 must buy right now.

>> No.1405891

you cant store eth and etc in the same address basically. so eth is a bugged, centralized copy of etc with devs that roll back the chain on bad investments.

>> No.1405906

I wouldn't claim etc is become death, destroyer of eth world yet, but yeah, eth is fubar right now. they might need another fork lol.

>> No.1405913
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Because he just told you.

All seriousness, etc is fucked beyond reason because the main chain aka eth can not only hardfork it, or deny it life because they have 97% of the mining power.

Whales from the main chain also have the equivalent in etc and can dump it at any moment to crush the market, and 25% of the market cap is in the possession of the foundation and people gravitating around it, who have no interest in etc whatsoever except for a quick buck.

The mirroring bug only works to siphon etc and not to siphon eth, but hey that's freedom!

Now they have a chain that they call classic, who's a hardfork n°1 chain (homestead release was a hardfork but they don't realize it) where they can dump their bitcoins to try to crush eth, actively making the eth foundation richer and eth whales richer and bringing all altcoins market cap and a part of bitcoin market cap into the hands of the people they hate.

Makes sense, right? So yeah, go buy etc, run, swim, to the moon!

> I don't even care, I have a bunch of etc because I had a bunch of eth, getting rich either way.
> I find this situation hilarious and the btc shills are getting worse and worse.

>> No.1405924

How is ETC fucked beyond reason?

>> No.1405986

Its not. People are just freaking out because of the price dropping a bit. Name me one asset that increased 400% in a day and didn't retrace after? Right.

ETC Hashing is now 20% of ETHF. Its like 4x more than yesterday. If ETHF dumps ETC on the market, good for me, I'll buy it up. Word is Chinese miners would prefer non forked chain.

Only thing that scares me a bit is that there are huge investors (banking elite types) in ETF and won't take this shit lying down. Its a battle of the people vs the powerful.

>> No.1406002

this is good news guys.. im planning to ride this roller coaster all the way.. Even if ETH or ETC dies, I'll still walk away with my bag of loot

>> No.1406149

ETC will be the main chain because its gaining the reputation as the immutable eth chain. Not to mention the eth bugs that are going to force people to jump ship back to ETC or fork again and hope for the best.

>> No.1406158

The only reason why ETH hard forked is to return the stolen eth to investors. Now it has been taken care of, better yet everyone got rewarded handsomely for their patience, I don't see the reason why people want to ditch the old chain and ride the new one anymore

>> No.1406159
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nigger I said it way before you

Don't you dare try to steal my spotlight

>> No.1406169

the reason is for profit.. stealing ETH's market cap just for keks

>> No.1407453

Now that Bitfinex & Kraken have listed, and it's above .002. Our team is predicting .005 by the night is over. Friday is the day.

That is all ;)

>> No.1407486

so hold?

>> No.1407489

Tell me more senpai, it'll be our little /biz/ club

>> No.1407507

bought in at 00019... next rollercoaster, when?

>> No.1407513

>they might need another fork lol.
no breaks on that train it seems
thank god i never touched this shit

>> No.1407516

Oh most definitely hold if you can't buy my friend.

That is all for today. Lot of work to do ;)

>> No.1407521

>, who's a hardfork n°1 chain (homestead release was a hardfork but they don't realize it)
homestead was planned from the beginning, not a bailout cuz some fag couldn't program

>> No.1407559

Ok ok, twist my arm...
1 more and then I'm gone like a ghost in Starcraft

Many people DO not understand how big this is going to be . In just one month. Come back to this post. Screenshot it.

ETC is the most undervalued coin on any crypto-market at the moment.

Imagine one day, in the future, and sooner than you may think , when each ETC will be worth $100 each.

The Future is now. You are the future, I am the future. We are the future.

>> No.1407565

100? on what basis? on what release or value that cuckETH doesn't have or get?

>> No.1407591

augh fine
you got me
im in

on poloniex i guess

>> No.1407592


What about this


Aren't you scared?

>> No.1407647

ETCuck will go down in flames in the next few weeks

heard it here first

>> No.1407650


I happened to be on Poloniex when it first went live. Bought 500 etc coins for the fuck of it since the price was like .0003 and it seemed like a shit show. Forgot about it and checked today and holy shit. Going to hold these for at least a while to see how it plays out.

>> No.1407659


Not even once

>> No.1407674


>ETC is the most undervalued coin on any crypto-market at the moment.


>Imagine one day, in the future, and sooner than you may think , when each ETC will be worth $100 each.

sounds pumpy and dumpy. a lot more needs to be proven on this platform.

>The Future is now. You are the future, I am the future. We are the future.

sounds like cringy pumpy and dumpy. I still like etc though. ethf is just a clusterfuck at this point.

>> No.1407693
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Well yeah but it was also planned that there would be 2 other hardfork release before the final product, homestead was always known to be a beta. Now regular eth will have a total of 4 instead of 3 but etc will be stuck in beta forever instead.

>> No.1407706

Wait so ETC is the classic eth and ETH is the new hardfork?

Why would ETC keep going if the devs are only supporting the new chain?

Also someone please answer my completely retarded question of what happens to the ETH that was in my wallet? Is it considered ETC or did it get forked along to ETH?

>> No.1407734

You have both. If you had 1k prefork, you now have 1k in each currency.

>> No.1407743

How do I get that extra etc if I had 300ETH in BTC-e at the time of the forking? Wh

>> No.1407829

Guide to safely sell your ETC :


>> No.1407835

ETC is vaporware,

the foundation only develops for ETH, the true Ethereum project.

Do you want to invest in Vitalik or in some bitcoin maximalist vaporFudware ?

Don't be fooled !

>> No.1408068


What if i told you....

you were full of shit?

>> No.1408091
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It's just...this feeling I've got... like something's about to happen

>> No.1408094
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like what nigger

>> No.1408097


>> No.1408392

ETC can literally copy all good updates and Dapps from the ETH_bailout chain with some minor tweaks, and ignore all the bailouts and corruption.

>> No.1408394

Sell them ASAP. It's a pump and dump.

It's happened time and time again to other newly listed coins. They all end up worth almost nothing.

>> No.1408527

and what if I told you ETH will get back up and ETC will stagnate to 1 dollar.

>> No.1408681


stay with your bail-out coin.

>> No.1409450
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omg thank you op

this was all from yesterday at the point of this thread's posting

>> No.1409477

lol all the etc trashtalkers , they haven't seen the truth yet. .005 will obviously happen just a matter of time , the whole world is catching on

>> No.1410487

Happy Friday ! ;)

>> No.1410503



>> No.1410506


>> No.1410507


>> No.1410532

ETC already has a dev team though, some of them have also a great reputation, ETH is finished

>> No.1410627

Also, ETH will have to hardfork again to fix the replay attack bug. What a clusterfuck.
Shorting this shit to zero.

>> No.1410801


cant wait to see what you madmen will do

>> No.1410826

I dont believe this shill. Got 2k etc which i left on Kraken pre fork. I will wait some hours, but if nothing happens ill dump it. Its free Money anyway

>> No.1410928


Length difference down 1000 in 4 days. 3000 to go. Within time, ETC will be the longest chain.

>> No.1410984


watch this phoenix be reborn from the ashes of Jewtalik's failures

>> No.1410992


wait so if ETC gets a longer chain, then what >>1405913 said would work in reverse right?

where the mirroring bug would work to siphon ETH and not ETC?

oh boy...

>> No.1411007

if no one on the main chain uses ETC, it makes absolutely no fucking difference if the ETC chain ever passes the ETH chain

they can replay ETH transactions on ETC, but quickly no one will give a shit when everyone's funds are being replay attacked on a garbage chain

>> No.1411020


that sounds like a big "if" considering it got added to 4 major exchanges in 3 days

>> No.1411030

I shouldn't have even said if

the chain length is a purely symbolic factor

replay attacks have mostly been solved by smart people with splitter contracts. every single ethereum startup that matters has come out in support of the main chain

if vitalik really gave a shit about killing ETC, it would happen overnight with a 51% attack. he just wants to appear agnostic

>> No.1411034

>the chain length is a purely symbolic factor
coinbase is going to support the longest chain, whatever it may be

>> No.1411037


>"Our guiding light here is that we follow the longest chain, the most popular chain, and that’s what we’re continuing to support," the representatives said.


>> No.1411040
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post your ETC holdings

>> No.1411052


if tiny blocks (ethereum's block size is dynamic) and lower latency times allows ETC to create a longer chain, it won't fucking matter. coinbase and everyone else will still support ETH

the misunderstanding of ETC morons is astounding. vitalik is too fucking nice. all of you idiots would be at full losses if he had orchestrated a dump and/or 51% attack. I dumped everything I had on kraken the day it came out and destroyed the order book after selling less than half of my shit

I only have a little over a third of vitalik's holdings from the presale. if vitalik and/or any consensys people and god forbid the attacker gets his shit and starts dumping, ETC would be worth nothing

>> No.1411064

I accept that the length is symbolic.

There is still the possibility that Vitalika and his cohorts want to keep the ETC chain for the simple reason that it's free money for them given that code can be ported easily in the future. Sounds like you just missed out on 10% of 2020 ETH.

>> No.1411080

no. he isn't destroying it because this already enough of a clusterfuck and you idiots would be shitting yourselves in addition to all of the kicking and screaming that you're doing

there is no reason to have two production ethereum networks. great, copy all of the hardfork updates that come out from ETH from here on out (which is hilariously ironic, but whatever). it doesn't matter. you lose all of the network effects and synergies of smart contracts from startup A being able to talk to smart contracts of startup B

ETC may stay around based on its pure meme power like DOGE, but it will never be worth anything substantial

>> No.1411084


question: do you think it is possible that ETC price is being manipulated upwards to cause miners to abandon ETH and switch over to ETC?

>> No.1411097

I'm sure that some minority of people buying ETC know that higher prices means more miners will move over. I think the price is mostly being moved by stupidity, though. there is a market equilibrium, though. the price will roughly approximate to the hashing power so at prices of 1.61 and 12.67, ETC has roughly 13% of the mining power of ETH

>> No.1411098

hardfork updates are a different matter than bailing out bank executives and avoiding responsibilities.

I have to give these fuckers props though. Stephan Tual convinced a $1b network to split in two. So he could avoid liability for losing over $50mm.

>> No.1411100

Not him but yes.

I said in another thread that whales were basically trolling the price to make it gain value.

First they pumped quick, held then dumped to devalue it, then when it was at its bleakest point they pumped it even more.

>> No.1411102

Time to short?

>> No.1411112

the term "bailout" isn't appropriate because the term is most recognized as taxpayer funds being used to buy toxic assets at banks. I think calling it a "rescue" is better. no one _directly_ used funds to solve this. all they did was add a few lines of code to scoop up the stolen dao shit and put it in a refund contract

yes, you can argue that it had indirect costs from this whole ethereum classic revolt, but it isn't really a "bailout". if the ETC dorks had just gone along and not been the insufferable libertarians and daytraders that they are, everything would have been just fine

everyone hates stephan tual. I think vitalik's unwillingness to talk badly about anyone hurts him sometimes. everyone who has been around ethereum from the early days knows this guy is a scumbag. he tried to blackmail the foundation for 100k eth in the early days by releasing chat logs because he felt that they didn't reward early developers adequately. I guess this dao thing is karma. he will never be taken seriously by the community again

>> No.1411117
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Yeah i saw that, Im starting to think this is the official shape of market manipulation. It happens so often you would think people would catch on (and maybe they do), but it keeps on happening

>> No.1411138

The man loves his family more than he loves crypto.

People who have reproduced are not to be trusted.

(Im talking of tual)

>> No.1411141

Time to trade position before the next pump

>> No.1411181

what happened to big friday?

>> No.1411185

Btc-e got replay attacked and lost their ETC. Then they proclaimed it to be a scam lol.

>> No.1411205

if OP is not lying and this pumps, Coinbase will have to buy ETC on open market to return to customers.

So that means if you own ETC right now, all the VCs that backed coinbase will soon be pouring money into your pockets. Ppl like Fred Wilson, and Marc Andreessen

>> No.1411210

They don't have to. BTC-E lost customer etc and they name themselves the victim.

But if coinbase want to stay in business, they probably will but who knows. Maybe ethereum foundation is pressuring the price to keep it down so coinbase can buy them cheap.

>> No.1411252


Mytherwallet added ETC upload functionality today.

ETC is draining at 300k/hr

>> No.1411364

Poloniex played the Ethereum beta cucks and amateur exchanges like btc-e like a fiddle. Straight up 4d chess.
Thinking ETC will just dissappear is delusional. If it ever goes to a dollar for example, a shitload of ppl who missed the train the first time around will jump in for a shot at moon. Meanwhile ETH_bailout is very overpriced at 12$ for a platform with literally no real life application besides speculation and a multi million dollar fiasco still playing out.

>> No.1411408

It's already over a dollar. It's sitting at $1.62. It was at $2.5 highest point.

>> No.1411510

Okay its clear ETC isn't going anywhere because of a few things:
* We're seeing higher lows each day
* Risk/reward ratio presents a great opportunity
* Much higher upside potential in the short/long term
* Better moral compass (I think people under estimate how big of a role this plays)
* Hashrate continues to increase
For these reasons I will continue to hold a ETC position

>> No.1411776

OP never said which friday :P

>> No.1411879

Darknets are coming to ETC. ETH fucked itself out of the biggest market in crypto.

Now those cucks are claiming there could be a "good" chain (ETH) and a "bad" chain (ETC). These faggots actually believe that there is a market for a SJW coin, where cool apps like clocks and crowd funding a TheDAO 2.0 (where their money will be stolen from AGAIN) will exist, and if something goes wrong, they can roll back the transactions to help. Its obvious, they argue, that big business would love have their operations determined by a bunch of niggers with some spare GPUs they bought off craigslist running in their basement apartment and voting on online polls as to what should be allowed, and who should have what money.

What in the ever loving fuck.

They don't realize that they're about to be bulldozed over by ETC even though they actually see the bulldozer coming right for them while its blaring its horn, flashing its warning lights, and everyone with any sense is telling them to get out of the way of the bulldozer.

I'm stocking up on popcorn to watch these little bitches when the tide shifts. /r/ethereum is about to be the greatest place for keks in the history of the internet.

>> No.1411947

fellow redditor just made a site www.etcminer.com seems like good starting point for beginners . join the revolution

>> No.1411954

>steal wallet.exe

>> No.1411975

Is it worth getting into Ethereum now that the split has happened?

>> No.1412090

>Darknets are coming to ETC

Where did you learn this?

>> No.1412099
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>Its obvious, they argue, that big business would love have their operations determined by a bunch of niggers with some spare GPUs they bought off craigslist running in their basement apartment and voting on online polls as to what should be allowed, and who should have what money.


>> No.1412454
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Legit. ETC will win and this is an unique opportunity to safely x4+ your BTC.

>> No.1412486

How much money should I put into Ethercoin and how long can I expect to hold for? I have like 1.5k to invest. Also, how much does it cost in commission to buy 1.5k in ETC?

>> No.1412490

commission is 0.15%.. Im longholding some ETC, prolly gonna go up in a few months albeit slowly

>> No.1412498

Great. Where do you buy from?

>> No.1412524

I'm having a blast on the ethereum and bernie sanders reddits this month.
Literally feeding on tears and impotent rage... almost tempted to make an account...

>> No.1412590


>> No.1412680

Where do you guys keep your bitcoin/ethereum wallet?

>> No.1412683

Which should I invest in? ETC or ETH?

>> No.1412692


ETH if you're playing the long game

>> No.1412724

Aight thanks. Where should I keep my ETH and what kind of returns can I realistically expect in ~1 year if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.1412921

does coinbase need to buy back ETC?

>> No.1413497


I think thats maybe why op thought the price would go up more by now. Looks like Coinbase has instead told its customers to go fuck themselves, no ETC for you. Same thing with btc-e.

This makes me honestly think everything associated with ETH has become absolutely corrupted. That fork to bailout devs and whales so they can still stake big time when POS comes out just seems to have drawn back the curtain. The community is blaming Poloniex and ETC for everything thats going wrong. None of the guys in the DAO or Foundation have said sorry we fucked up. Just pointing fingers.

Anyone want to tell me why the fuck this thing still carries a $1B market cap? I hope they are paying their PR consultants big bucks for the miracle they have been pulling off.

>> No.1413974

OP didn't deliver. Feelsbadman.jpg

>> No.1414179

What is a nice stable crypto? Bitcoin is about to drop, ETH is bleeding and ETC is too volatile, I need somewhere to store my cash; I can't deal with this stress anymore.

>> No.1414213

>needs somewhere to store cash
>doesn't like volatility

how about a bank account

>> No.1414231

Bitcoin and litecoin are the most stable crypto currencies

>> No.1414875
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Yeah, good meme buddy.

>> No.1414879

+100% is very plausible.

>> No.1414882

hardfork with "majority consensus"

>> No.1415582

ETC has reached 15% hash rate of ETH; today it fluctuated between 15-17%, the highest it's ever been... the price/ETH appears to be very close to the hashrate/ETH ratio

>> No.1415888

So, we didn't hit .005 yet, because we thought certain news would be released last Friday.

This is being withheld right now, for certain reasons that I can't get into, but the world will find out soon enough.

.005 should most likely hit today (Monday), and I'll put it this way, should be an interesting week. ;)

>> No.1415917
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>> No.1415918

this is great news.. this is the most determined pump i have ever seen.. ETC is the future of Ethereum.. Fully decentralized and immutable

>> No.1415962

Why's Lisk getting shat all over?

>> No.1416020


is bitcoin involved in any way?

>> No.1416034


>> No.1416132

can somone explain the logic behind making big sell / buy announcement like that?

Apart from attention, what could he have gained from it?

>> No.1416163


he might feel a sense of obligation to the community, and that he has a reputation to uphold. What a fag.

>> No.1416331

Thanks for giving the heads up with info for the community. This is what makes etc a great community

>> No.1416438

You have us all guessing...was the big news about chbtc.com adding etc? That added a nice increase in the price.

>> No.1416621
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This podcast explains the rise of Etc pretty well tbqhf


>> No.1416631

Can you give a short synopsis?

>> No.1416641
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Bitcoin small block guys, like Greg Max, Peter Todd, and shit ton of other whales who want to make sure bitcoin doesn't fork, will continue to prop up ETC, just to have an example to point to when it comes to bitcoin forking

>see..?!?!? if you fork bitcoin to 2MB, you'll end up with two chains!

>> No.1416643

When I look at all of this, what it spells is the end of ETH/ETC. It truly has become nothing but pump/dump bullshit, now that all confidence in its legitimacy has been shattered, and the coin itself has broken into pieces. It means there will never be any moon.

>> No.1416652

What did he mean by this?

>> No.1416662

What's so bad about a fork that ends in 2 chains?

>> No.1416674

>What's so bad about a fork that ends in 2 chains?

nothing, but it's not salable. We can't have fucking 14 chains in 6 years.

>> No.1417599

lol you do know Ethereum was pumped to a billion dollar marketcap from less than 100 milion in the matter of a month or two right? That is no more or less natural than this ETC rise.

>> No.1417607

It's only speculation, ETH was dying and DAO finished the job. I don't know how people could invest into a more fucked up thing.

Whatever, feels good to see other projects which received less attention in the past months recovering a bit. ETC holding right now is profitable, ETH will decline and they might met somewhere around 1 as OP said, but this is without any intervention from the ethfoundation.

>> No.1417625

i hope ETH foundation dumps all their ETC.. So i can buy more

>> No.1417910
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"Ether is to be treated as "crypto-fuel", a token whose purpose is to pay for computation, and is not intended to be used as or considered a currency, asset, share or anything else."

Seeing you all act like you have any idea just what the fuck you are regurgitating means is eye opening to say the least.

>> No.1418096

>implying anyone cares about ETH technology when for most people it's only for short-term profits from buy low - sell high

Anyway, there are some better, undervalued projects such as maidsafe. With all these opportunity running at the same time, I would suggest to diversify, diversify and diversify in proportion of confidence and whatsoever.

>> No.1418101

what makes maid a good investment?.. im considering..

>> No.1418538


>> No.1418557

Will this dip again enough for me to buy a decent amount?

>> No.1418562

Well it will dip at some point. But it's gonna continue rising first and that 'dip' is gonna be higher than what it is now.

>> No.1418567

Alright thanks. Just don't want to buy at the peak on a pump then have it fall

>> No.1418591

What price do you think this coin will be at a week from now?

>> No.1418604

There's no telling. I'm not gonna shill this coin like the rest and say it's gonna be worth $10, although it might. There's also a good chance the biggest pump has already occurred.

It should be worth investing a little money in, but not more than you can afford to lose

>> No.1418610

10$ is too long-term.. No one really knows, but $5 is almost assured

>> No.1418713

I have been warning those nocoiner morons to get in ETC too for days:


The worst part is we are not even close to the goal price and they will keep ignoring it, then keep complaining about how they can never get rich.

FUCK those fucking pussies.

>> No.1418719

Lol is this how big blocker retards cope with now?

Sorry for your loss.

>> No.1418727

You really have to ask? Look at this ETC/ETH mess. Let's just hope ETC wins for the good of Ethereum.

>> No.1418753
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i bought 1 btc worth in the 200s

did i do good?

>> No.1418759

yes, you should have gone all in tho.

>> No.1418785

at those prices, you shoulda bought all you can

>> No.1418795

You expect us to believe that you are 1800 years old?

>> No.1418805

top kek
how much did you all put in

>> No.1418808

.005 hit you are welcome

>> No.1418824

I've got ~150 ETC on the exchanges (plus some hedges and a little BTC for liquidity), plus a bunch of eth/etc that I mined and haven't transacted with yet. At some point, I'll transfer the ETC out, then sell off the ETH and hold exclusively ETC/BTC.

I'm not doing it for a quick buck; I'm doing it because I think ETC is the better coin in the long-term. I don't like the tyranny of the majority that played out with ETH, and don't think I should have been punished for not investing in theDAO. Now, I have the chance to divest myself while maintaining investment in the marketplace without taking on significant additional risk. I'm in this for the long haul.

>> No.1418865

>hard fork over a bailout to save dev's asses

>> No.1418908
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should I get more ETC?

>> No.1418920

lol. not convering all eth to etc.
You aren't gaining anything. ETH drop, etc goes up.

>> No.1418929


>> No.1418936

Yeah but if you convert now and etc keeps rising you're still profiting. Your obv not profiting the second you make the trade

>> No.1419024


just installed this. How do I remove the default coins (DASH, XRP, etc) from the list?

>> No.1419030

click on the coin, then click the trash can button ton the top right.

>> No.1419034


I'm retarded. Thanks.

>> No.1419057
File: 89 KB, 970x1213, damn liberals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ty morphious i already doubled my assets

also i have this weird really weird feeling

ETH and BTC were strong and Eth unlike anyother coin would go up WHILE BTC went up

For the first time in crypto history, ETC is not only going up with BTC ITS CAUSING BTC TO GO DOWN

There is something happening something HUGE

i only wish i bought ETC at 100k when i first saw it, im still glad i bought in below 2 dollars


>> No.1419122
File: 448 KB, 500x275, sadboy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I can only get 5 etc because I live in a shitty country and dollar price is high

Well. I hope it will skyrocket soon

>> No.1419140


>> No.1419843

wtf happened? any idea if ETC will make it back up?

>> No.1419868

it will. that is assured.. im bagholding with confidence

>> No.1420571

is it possible OP had insider knowledge of the BFX hack?


could that have been the news that was expected on friday?

>> No.1420592

When is the news coming out OP? And when is parity ?

>> No.1420641
File: 9 KB, 300x168, kekster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would like to add to my post

After Etc catches Eth

I think it might be going after Btcc

I have this feeling, something big is happening

>Tonights the night

>> No.1420819
File: 6 KB, 300x158, seriously.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread theme


I feel so unsure
As I take your hand and lead you to the dance floor
As the music dies, something in your eyes
Calls to mind the silver screen
And all its sad good-byes

I'm never gonna dance again
Guilty feet have got no rhythm
Though it's easy to pretend
I know your not a fool

Should've known better than to cheat a friend
And waste the chance that I've been given
So I'm never gonna dance again
The way I danced with you

Time can never mend
The careless whispers of a good friend
To the heart and mind
Ignorance is kind
There's no comfort in the truth
Pain is all you'll find

I'm never gonna dance again
Guilty feet have got no rhythm
Though it's easy to pretend
I know your not a fool

I should've known better than to cheat a friend
And waste the chance that I've been given
So I'm never gonna dance again
The way I danced with you

Never without your love

Tonight the music seems so loud
I wish that we could lose this crowd
Maybe it's better this way
We'd hurt each other with the things we'd want to say

We could have been so good together
We could have lived this dance forever
But no one's gonna dance with me
Please stay

And I'm never gonna dance again
Guilty feet have got no rhythm
Though it's easy to pretend
I know your not a fool

Should've known better than to cheat a friend
And waste the chance that I've been given
So I'm never gonna dance again
The way I danced with you

(Now that you're gone) Now that you're gone
(Now that you're gone) What I did's so wrong, so wrong
That you had to leave me alone

>> No.1420838


OP is this you? you set a new ETCBTC exchange rate with the coins stolen from bitfinex?

you brilliant bastard

>> No.1420889

i was thinking the same

I look forward to an onion exchange

>> No.1420922

isn't Bitsquare already an onion exchange?

>> No.1421422

WTF is Fuckethereum.com

Seriously let me make more money at least...

>> No.1421430

looks like fuckethereum.com was registered on july 30th... we might have a planned attack here... grab your popcorn.

>> No.1421485

10 hours mate

>> No.1421504

>bitcuck cope

>> No.1421514

is ETC ever gonna cross .01?
I bought right before this current dip.

>> No.1421518

Just spoke with him on the chat... plans to pump ETC to .01 then dump.

>> No.1421527


>> No.1421534

how the fuck do i buy this shit

help a neetbro out

>> No.1421536

...from what I'm gleaning, it's an opportunity to buy your btc back from the bitfinex hack. You give him 1/4 of the value of the BTC in ETC, and he'll give you back your BTC.

>> No.1421548

I dont get the end goal here. Destroy ETH? Destroy ETC? Destroy both? keks?

>> No.1421551

how does that 'fuck' ethereum tho?

>> No.1421553

its always for the keks

but it appears to be destory eth

and maybe just maybe btc too

>> No.1421557

because etc overtakes eth fork shit coin and etc is winner

praise kek

>> No.1421565

but it won't if he dumps it at 0.01

>> No.1421571


huh, well ill be damned. I figured 31337 h4x0rs liked etc and bitcoin. eth hate I can understand.

>> No.1421585
File: 107 KB, 1024x682, howcan youcompete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gains always hae corrections

either it will

>A pump to .01 and dumo and be forgotten

>B pump correct and go higher later

this is all speculation though

I think he does like etc, but beating btc too would be top keks

I could be so wrong though, we will have to see

>> No.1421623


>> No.1421634

Time to buy the dip.

Also stop fearing for a hacker dump, his coins are frozen until september and he will never dump since that would reveal his position. It would be too obvious and he would get caught.

>> No.1421639

That website is anti ETC? Looks like ETH bagholders on suicide watch.

>> No.1421642
File: 121 KB, 640x640, Iwannabethekeymaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morpheus, how should we prepare for the coming of Gozer?

>> No.1421654


>> No.1421657

Yes you do. Buy quick. The dip is disappearing

>> No.1421658

>bitcuck cope

>> No.1421660

Is there anywhere that i can buy etc usd? I've never done cryptocoin shit

>> No.1421664

You could have at Finex but that place is dead.
You can only buy it via Bitcoin.

>> No.1421668

thanks family, what's the best place to buy buttcoins currently? I'll drop around 200 right now and convert to ETC

>> No.1421669

you can buy on:


>> No.1421673


are you the crypto worm?
is tonight the night?

>> No.1421674

Coinbase or Circle if you are in the US. You'll probably miss the dip since coinbase take a while to give you the coins.

Your fastest bet is localbitcoin. Like craigslist. Buy bitcoin peer to peer but they charge a premium. So up to you.

>> No.1421677


>> No.1421680


>> No.1421687

your best bet is localbitcoins and then poloniex for BTC/ETC

>> No.1421695

How long does it take for them to verify you on poloniex?

>> No.1421699

not sure but I think if you're just alt trading you might not need verification.

Verification is usually for wires and large volume traders

>> No.1421710

also consider Bitcoin ATMs instead of localbitcoin
thats the fastest

>> No.1421717

if you're ready to pay some extra, localbitcoins is straightforward.

>> No.1421726
File: 18 KB, 633x758, l12iAnr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Much has been lost this day.

>> No.1421730


Thanks again, so what's the potential of ETC or is it just a meme?

>> No.1421742

ETC going down
ETH going back up

ETC obvious p&d, don't fall for the buy the dip BS. You'll be a bag holder.

>> No.1421763

People expecting it to be on parity with eth. So who knows, can go up or down. It's a big gamble. Various big bitcoin supporters openly support etc to pump it. They are doing it to make money. So there's probably more pump to be made but does it have a future? Who knows? I want a time machine

>> No.1421773

OP claims to have a secret that will make it big. We're betting on whether or not OP is a shill or telling the truth .

>> No.1421775

im not a bag holder if im up still


etc has had the most 24 volume ever, in alt coins

>> No.1421781

Guys like you always pop up after it happens, but never before. Go and fucking kill yourself.

>> No.1422700

Well, as you can see, .005 we hit, and an interesting week it was.

We think .01 should happen by next week, perhaps this weekend.

Not going to go into details, it's all I can say; but consider yourself informed. ;)

>> No.1422708


I asked for a price prediction of ETC in 30 days.

answer was ETCETH parity in 1 month at 0.1

dunno if that means $0.10 or 0.1 BTC. maybe both. kek.

>> No.1422710


Hmm. Sounds legit. Let me invest my life savings...NOT

>> No.1422727


its pretty clear now that more details would be incriminating. OP seems to have exclusive info.

>> No.1422739

I bought at above .005. Am I fucked?

>> No.1422757


I dont think so. if hackers can cut the ETH price in half they can double the ETC price from here.

youre basically investing in openly unscrupulous, greedy people. if you hold the same coins as they do, they are working to make you rich.

>> No.1422780

im confused now, are the hackers for etc or against it ?!

>> No.1422782

Complete nonsense

>> No.1423026

People need to read this:


ETC will rise. ETH is a scam.

>> No.1423055

Kek m8

>> No.1423079

How do i go out about purchasing and storing cryptocurrency? Plz halp guys i dont want too be a poorfag anymore

>> No.1423094

Sign up to an exchange ,buy Bitcoin,transfer that Bitcoin to a wallet on your computer or phone,deposit that Bitcoin onto poloniex and start trading memes

>> No.1423097

You can't. The cryptobank is closed until Monday.

>> No.1423125

Kek, thank you

>> No.1423141

I'm betting my entire net worth on this.

>> No.1423159


a lot of ETC was obtained unethically during the fork. The owners now have an interest in raising the price of ETC.

>> No.1423162


>> No.1423175

Go big or go home, little Timmy.

>> No.1423177

Looks like you're about to go home, Jack

>> No.1423180

Well beforehand my entire net worth was in ETH, and I decided I like ETC more so I bought a lot when it was cheap. But now Im unsure if I should hold or sell because I'm convinced by a 4chan shill.

>> No.1423198
File: 482 KB, 1200x3432, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1423217

will ETC live or die? looks like it has taken an ass-blasting

>> No.1423226

I dont know but all my money is in it so better live

>> No.1423239

Holding ETC, but god damn has the hashrate ever been sketching me out the last 24hrs.

>> No.1423258

only 1 more hour until the next update from fuckethereum.com yay

>> No.1423276

Hahaha. Not that guy who bet it all, but I did bet 30% of my net worth. Fuck it.

>> No.1423355

aaaaand there goes my net worth

>> No.1423356

ETC giving turning me into a serious bagholder if it dosent figure its shit out here

>> No.1423364

Just hold. Don't panic at the first sight of a decline. If you're really concerned, sell off 50% but keep the rest in there. Otherwise what's the point.

>> No.1423407

Is this shit gonna be rebounding again or is it dead now? What happened to ETC today?

>> No.1423465
File: 93 KB, 629x650, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw its legit

>> No.1423518


how do we know thats not a fake account?

>> No.1423558


still could be, but if so he's lying himself into a corner

>> No.1423576


is it her money or just some random lottery win ?

>> No.1423590

This recovery is giving me such a boner right now

>> No.1423599


probably hers. russians have lots of BTC

>> No.1423616

>"h-h-here's your BTC"
>"w-will you come to p-prom with me n-now?"

>> No.1423847

just put some money into ETC. How do I get a wallet for it?

>> No.1423882
File: 28 KB, 580x178, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


update: its probably fake. if it were legit, the whole point of the free refunds would be to prove its legit.

Instead, he's telling that fake account to refuse proof.

>> No.1423933

so shady ahaha

>> No.1424019

OP, is crypto worm legit?

>> No.1424122

possible ETH dumping on ETC> http://vitalik.ca/files/send_me_ether_160801.asc

>> No.1424157


WTF is this

>> No.1424428


>> No.1424442

>believing some random anon on 4chan's dedicated shill board
Are you stupid?

>> No.1424488
File: 16 KB, 238x212, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw sold all my ETC at the top. You fucking cucks.

>> No.1424529

LOL @ these bagholder cope threads

Another shitcoin bites the dust

>> No.1424572

we held stable at low volume for 6 hours. here comes the overnight pump as usual

>> No.1424598

ETC moves are far from over. Its got another leg up in the works.

>> No.1424604

i think we established the bottom and now upup is the way

>> No.1424610

Until we see some sort of Destruction or announcement from the dev. Praise Dave of York. We will continue to see a high volume trading alternative currency

>> No.1424778


Not touching that link with a ten foot pole but does this mean ETH will rise or ETC will rise?

>> No.1424886
File: 41 KB, 750x600, banana_phone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Etc still top volume

keep crying ethcucks

etc is the future

we are the future

fuck ethereum

>> No.1425160

Keep saying that, classiccuck, your shitcoin has major problems, not least of which, an attacker has a major stake in the coin.

>> No.1425290

Some people here don't believe me.

And my answer is they don't have to.

Wait until next week, and then check back on this thread. Screenshot my posts with the timestamp.

If you are betting you're life savings, you shouldn't be in crypto. If you're an investor; however, wow, what a great time to be alive and investing.

I said it before, and I'll say it again:

You are the future. I am the future. We are the future.


>> No.1425348

I beleive in you, morpheus

>> No.1425476

ETH = bailoutchain that needs to fork again due replay attack, now thats a problem

>> No.1425582

It's a crazy thing you see. That I would actually believe an anon on 4chan shilling an alt coin.

But for some strange reason I believe in you Morpheus. There's something about you that just seems so magikal.

>> No.1425595
File: 1.83 MB, 200x200, miracles.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>converted all my cloned etsies into eths at 0.328
>put in a buy order to get back my initial stake of etsies at 0.186 and ignored it for a day or two
>now my stake in etsy is equal to what it originally was and my stake in eth is higher, so if etc goes to shit I lose nothing while the ether absorbs its value, and if it goes to moon and absorbs eth's value I still get to watch my net worth rise with it as if I never touched the stuff.

New guy here, is this what it feels like to be a successful investor?

>> No.1425604

It's a start. But the more seasoned investor would dump his ETH load at this point and strap up in the ETC rocket while it's being fueled.

>> No.1425665

We believe in you Morpheus. ETC evolves life

>> No.1425679

>First "winner" account just happens it be a ridiculously attractive Russian girl

Seems legit

>> No.1425680

I think once all the treasonous ETH Foundation is done dumping their coins and any ETH whales who are short-sighted are as well, we may see the REAL fireworks begin.

>> No.1425824 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 500x437, spageeti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help a brother with a pregnant wife out

>> No.1426024

KEK praised

>> No.1426127

I hope our dear friend is ok

website is down

praise kek

>> No.1426202

fuckethereum.com works for me

>> No.1426370
File: 26 KB, 384x450, samonscat5-450x450.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need 1000 ETC. Please an one give me some coins.

>> No.1426593

Ok i figured it out,

Op is launching a smart contract based silk road on classic where ETC is the currency used (obvs)

OP confirm that I'm accurate?

>> No.1426603

That would be big. Lets hope

>> No.1426617

That'll make it $100

What's the competition thing?.Russian girl.

>> No.1426621


some guy is giving away BTC from finex to prove he's legit. Then he's gonna make everyone buy it back from him priced in ETC forcing the price up

>> No.1427124

You people realize that OP has said the same shit over and over again, just in different terminology..

He is trying to keep his investment alive, he knows nothing, if he did, he wouldnt be so elusive and secretive about it.

This is fucking bullshit you scam artist.

>> No.1427132

top kek

praise kek

have faith

>> No.1427155

Faith in what exactly?

>> No.1427189


>> No.1427198


>hey do you want to buy my tokens that represent my negative emotions of spite against ethereum?

>...no thanks I'm good

>> No.1427366


yeah, on one hand repeating predictions with no new info sounds shilly..

on the other, theres so much shady stuff going on in crypto right now I wouldnt be surprised if OP had access to very valuable info. Plus OP turned out to be right with the continued pump forecast.

I want to believe that OP knows some things bitfinex hasnt disclosed yet. some really heavy news. It would make sense because with bitfinex down for AT LEAST 2 more days, ETC cannot be shorted, making it really easy to pump.

>> No.1427378

>they might need another fork
why, haven't followed to closely? what happened this time?

>> No.1427674
File: 132 KB, 1200x728, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks to OP, I have found the confidence to buy the bottoms of two bubbles.

the next ETC bubble is starting now. Bitfinex is down, answers are more vague than ever, and people are scared that bitcoin will lose value. should be a good day.

>> No.1427680

Ignition Sequence Start
Main Engines: ON

>> No.1427740

Thrusters check: pass
Dump shield integrity: 87%

>> No.1427750

Can someone explain to me how it is not incredibly bad for ETC that everyone has the exact same balance they had in ETH?

Isn't that a major flaw? It shows ETC balances are based on fucking nothing.
It shows ETH directly somehow affects ETC.

>> No.1427754

this creates a win win situation for the savvy investor.. Buy ETH when its at its weakest, when ETC is surging.

Buy ETC when its at its weakest when ETH is strong.

Dart in and out, and convert the profits to BTC
Rinse and repeat

>> No.1427896

Preparing to moon as we speak. Remember this moment, plebs. The moment where you decided to give up making 10x your savings.

>> No.1427950

Dump Asteroid Field Encountered at 0050
Dump Shield Integrity at 15%
Hull Integrity at 100%

Evasive Action, Re-arrange buy orders!

>> No.1427981

So what top price ETC will be tooday? about 0.006 BTC?

>> No.1428286

maybe not today, some fucking retards keep selling.

I would expect by monday we should start our march towards 0.006 territory.

>> No.1428294

im one of the retards that keep selling. Bought at 42 dumped at 49

crashed again

bought at 43 dumped at 45

I will keep repeating this as long as ETC has life in it

>> No.1428300


>> No.1428332

Boring fucking article what a complete arsehole

>> No.1428338

didnt read
{laser sword dance}

>> No.1428475

last week we were 3000 blocks behind

this week we are 1800 blocks behind.

miners join the longest chain by default.

>> No.1429363

"I strongly argue that divergence is necessary as it’s logically inconsistent to reject the Foundation’s judgement, yet still accept their vision for the project. While obvious improvements, bug fixes and optimizations of things like the EVM should be capitalized on, ETC should chart its own path"

"...when ETH takes the leap to Casper, the miners have somewhere to go."

Just a few of the fascinating opints made in Charles Hoskinson's post https://steemit.com/dao/@charleshosk/hoskus-parvum-opus-a-brief-sojourn-back-to-ethereum

>> No.1429376

and from the comments..."Q: I just have a question. What about the stolen money and when the thief is going to capitalize on his gathered goods. Do you think the market may be over a crash, or will the thief be smart enough to just do it slowly and nobody really notice?

A: it's really not enough to crash the market. There has been ten times more trading volume each day than the entire amount the DAO hacker as stolen. It would be a short term event."

Hello ETC. Can you help me deliver the opportunity which ETH is too emotional to support?

>> No.1429596

what the hell is going on?

>> No.1429612

In week time ETC drop to 0.0015.

>> No.1429623

Whale manipulation, they are trying to crash ETC.

>> No.1429652

soooo..... I bought the dip.

Let's see if that strategy works!

>> No.1429698

What the flying fuck ETC, go to bed and its at 2.60USD, wake up and its at 2.20, the kinda shit that ruins my day

>> No.1429841

ETH fags keep trying to kill ETC with fire but it won't die, god bless it

>> No.1429890

My lower bound price for ETC is market cap of Litecoin ($175 mm) given ETC has more 1) utility, 2) devs, 3) holders, 4) differentiation - Barry Silbert https://twitter.com/barrysilbert/status/762312222420955136

>> No.1430449

any news? whats the story with etc white hat or whatnot 7mil ...

>> No.1430818

OP withdrew then sold them all