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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14056526 No.14056526 [Reply] [Original]

Those who said Sergey has no vision (the same speech!) have not been paying attention, particularly to his earliest appearances.

Chainlink is being constructed to fill the role of an idealised arbiter of truth, connected to the most perfectly dispassionate executor, in the form of public smart contract chains.

This is in fulfilment of the deepest Platonic ideals of contract and governance that have ever been conceived, but which have remained out of reach, mere approximations even under the highest forms of lawful Republic, as at every step human capriciousness asserts itself and corrodes the final product, the freedom of contract found when our pledges are given force by Leviathan. Alas, ‘from the crooked timbers of humanity, no straight thing was ever made’.

By redrawing the locus of consensus as that of a precise ledger with sound game-theoretical guarantees at its edges, and iron-clad stricture within, rather than a continuously renegotiated knife fight, the level of trust required to engage in mutually beneficial enterprise plummets precipitously.

But what does it plummet to? The trust required is now neatly circumscribed to the trust in the information delivered unto our new Leviathan. There is fortunately a market for this trust, a pool of agents who are willing to stake their reputation and collateral on any piece of digitisable information on which it is possible to come to consensus. The truth is a most excellent Schelling point, and one which well-incentivised agents can reliably settle on.

Do not underestimate the power and the generality of this arrangement in its maturity, nor the amount of human and economic potential that this will unlock.

>> No.14056533

Stop forcing this same shit, pathetic. Buy some real coins like BSV.

>> No.14056539

Schizo talking to himself ITT

>> No.14056553

why do you always sound gay?

>> No.14056560





>> No.14056564
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Shilling BSV, a coin derived from a madman. Meanwhile the new Leviathan has been introduced to the world. Anons, the brilliant ones at least, took advantage of the two year advantage and had their ducks in a row.

Why didn't you?

I guess you fell for the Chainlink is a mere meme, meme. Pity.

>> No.14056597

>schizo ramblings
>unironic NPC meme usage
like clockwork
time to return to your BSV hivemind schizo

>> No.14056600
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The hype phase of crypto is long gone. Projects will now succeed or fail based on deliverables, not promises. But realistically, most promising crypto projects (what few of them are) absolutely require off-chain data to be useful in any non-trivial context. Without it, you can build as many crypto services as you want but the only thing they will be able to do is facilitate the transfer of chuck-e-cheese tokens back and forth between autists and moonbois.

ChainLink is not a sure bet, it may or may not become the industry standard oracle solution. But there is sort of no point holding anything else (except maybe daddy BTC) until the fate of ChainLink is decided. If it moons, then it enables the mooning of the rest of cryptospace. If it dies off, then crypto projects are still stuck wallowing with their thumbs up their asses waiting for a true decentralized oracle project to succeed. Even on the off chance that LINK fails and another decentralized oracle gains prominence, there would be plenty enough time to see the writing on the wall and move back into your other alts before they moon.
Do you see what I'm saying? ChainLink can't possibly do worse than other crypto projects in the near term, because their success is contingent on ChainLink being successful. It is like investing in automobile technology when paved roads haven't even been invented yet. You may think you're managing risk by keeping LINK a small percent of your portfolio, but in actuality all you are doing is hamstringing yourself. All those other coins won't and can't moon until after (or if) ChainLink does.

Look at REQ as a prime example. They promised fiat integration Q2 but needed ChainLink mainnet to be operational before they could pull it off. Why would you invest in REQ when it can't be successful until after ChainLink succeeds? It's madness.

Dont fall for the FUD and just KEEP ACCUMULATING.
Smartcontracts are the future and chainlink can provide a good solution to this market.

>> No.14056634

>talking to himself
>unironic shilling of link on biz
Holy fuck, you're retarded

>> No.14056653

can't tell if real shizo or ironic shizo posting.
nonetheless, dox time soon, currently mirroring discord crypto servers. Indian shills going to jail, not just for crypto trading.. fucking pedos

>> No.14056655
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A technical advocate needs to establish a good relationship with the client sales team. The sales team “owns” the relationship with the client and should have extensive knowledge of the client’s business needs, organization and technology—knowledge that you will need to be an effective advocate. The client sales team will expect you to leverage your deep knowledge of the technology to help keep the client happy and to achieve their sales goals.

Of course, you will also need to establish a good relationship with the client. An understanding of the client environment is the foundation of this relationship including their organizational structure, current information technology topology, key applications and their strategic goals. As you become more familiar with the client, you should be able to use this knowledge to suggest actions that will make the client successful. Do not be afraid to suggest actions that may appear to be obvious. Sometimes it takes a push from an outside “expert” to help the client take action.

A technical advocate can provide value to the client in many ways depending on their knowledge and personality, including providing insight to the client on future directions for your product, advising the client on best practices for using your technology or providing assistance to help the client resolve a problem. What is important is that the client perceives a positive benefit from the advocate relationship.

>> No.14056671
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>> No.14056672

Going to jail for advocating on behalf in a private capacity anonymously? Fuck off

>> No.14056676

I'm all in chainlink, just memeing with this BSV bullshit. kek if somebody really buys that shit.

>> No.14056685

Stupid meme.

I can spot a disinfo agent when I see one.

>> No.14056693

no, for being too retarded to keep opsec and infosec and joining pedo servers, sharing pictures of children and linking it with their fucking phone numbers and facebook email addresses. Going to need some time to compile it, but I think India still has the dead sentence IIRC

>> No.14056705

You're full of shit. Screencapping this thread for the threat of doxing and lawyering up. Should defamation occur, we can trace back your IP.

>> No.14056731

How is it that the people using the NPC meme are so robotic and inhuman-like? Are they real people?
Schizophrenia is a horrible thing

>> No.14056748

you cant. I know how to use a vps and vpn paid with crypto. enjoy being hung pedos

>> No.14056753

What's with the attempts to derail intelligent threads? Something weird is taking place with biz. Can't put my finger on it.

Paid agents?

>> No.14056763

You sound like a miserable person. What happened, did your woman cheat on you with a richer guy?

>> No.14056781

no. I thought it would be fun to just dox some shills, but what I found with some clicks was disgusting. The Indian, Pakistani and Chinese shills will literally die for their crimes. Fucking pedophiles

>> No.14056784

Gotcha, fren. Didn't spot the initial irony, but Craig Wright is a huge joke.

>> No.14056790

>schizo word salad

>> No.14056793

I'm all in link and this is not an intelligent thread. Your ramblings are so all over the place I can barely stand to read a single sentence.

>> No.14056803

>Craig Wright is a huge joke
That stopped being funny about two years ago, but keeps getting repeated by socially awkwards and trench brains

>> No.14056805

You have the floor to say something "more intelligent"

Let's hear it

>> No.14056819

You're a faggot. How about that?

>> No.14056837
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I cannot fucking wait for staking.

>> No.14056845


>> No.14056860

Thanks for the bumps, idiot.

>> No.14056872

> It stopped being funny two years ago
> still no signed block
> has been caught out not knowing the limitations of address generation and not even understanding basic shit like what a fucking float is
> I remember reading it uh... probably... when I wrote it
Oh there was definitely about 5-6 trenchbrains repeating something on this site, but it was low IQ bsv shill threads. Notice how since India has been gearing up to give crypto traders 10 year bans there has been a 64 percent decrease in board post metrics for bsv / craig?
You're literally just a bagholder who has been leftover from an ayre funded pajeet campaign supporting a guy who is basically Carlos Matos 2.0
The only thing you have left to do is drink drain cleaner and go lie down in a landfill somewhere. Very few people on this board were dumb enough to believe the cunt besides yourself.

>> No.14056899


>> No.14056949


>> No.14057017

>the same high-strung, yet empty wording
You've doing this for years and it still sounds uninspiring and sterile.

>> No.14057114

It's alright, not everyone has an attention span.
Maybe just buy something more your caliber like BTT.