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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14051323 No.14051323 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14051349

I put all my coins on binance as they have an insurance fund

>> No.14051393

i have it tattooed on my foreskin with ink only visible under uv light.

>> No.14051400

>open Ledger Live
>freezes and crashes
I think they are extremely safe, cant even get to em.

>> No.14051614

>There are niggers on /biz/ who don't have a safe at home
I'd like to see them get through 6mm of hardened steel.

>> No.14051618

Safely on shady exchanges

>> No.14051631

>buy overpriced trendy hardware
>hardware breaks
>wat do

>> No.14051770

>What is recovery seed.

How fucking stupid are some of you people on here ?

>> No.14051795

>buy overpriced trendy hardware
>has same features as paper wallet

>> No.14051796


Mine are in a MEW wallet with Keystore file inside a VeraCrypt container on 3 separate USB drives at separate locations with extremely verbose passwords as well as my private key written on paper in a place only I know.

I don't trade with that wallet so don't need a meme $50 USB stick with a Chink backdoor in it.

>> No.14051880

that would take about 10 minutes with an angle grinder

>> No.14051889

It would take like half an hour with a 1mm cut off disc.
Plus its a big target

>> No.14051910

>$100 is so much for the convinience to store my coins in cold storage.

Fucking kill yourself faggot.
Still doesnt explain your retarded brains thought all funds are gone should the ledger fail. Kek. Gp learn some more kn reddit and then come back.

>> No.14051931


>> No.14051932

I really don't get how people cannot understand the most basic concepts of this. The hardware device itself is virtually unimportant in the grand scheme of things. It's the seed phrase that's of the highest importance. The hardware device is replaceable. What part of this concept are these faggots not getting. I mean it's really not rocket science. Are these reddit fags or something.

>> No.14051937

it wouldn't take that long if it's just steel
there are these boxes that use steel cement and plastic sandwiched now that will fuck up the grinder it will fuck up diamond saw blades and most drills.

>> No.14051949

>The hardware device itself is virtually unimportant in the grand scheme of things
that is why i say again and again and again. why buy it? it's just a liability.

>> No.14051956

Stop selling your fancy USB stick Jew

>> No.14051959

Its because they literally think the coins are stored on the ledger.

>> No.14051973

>”cold storage”
Lol what babble. It’s no more cold than a piece of paper. And now you have a lifetime subscription to the merchants who memesold you your trendy piece of plastic kek, oof good luck

>> No.14051981

That safe should be your decoy. Your real stash should be somewhere nobody would ever look.

>> No.14051994

True desu. That would also work well if you ever got robbed and were forced to open the safe

>> No.14052000

Its hardened steel like 4140 or similar, 6mm will take a while. Plus it probably bolted down, and a burglar probably wouldnt bring in optimal tools

>> No.14052002

Imagine being this fucking retarded.

Care to stop changing subjects and explain what you meant by implying all funds are lost once the hardware fails you absolute stupid fucking cunt.

>> No.14052013

Go ahead and keep your private key on your computer. If you don't get by now what benefit a hardware wallet provides you, there's nothing else to say. Don't buy one.

>> No.14052022

> Imagine being unable to encrypt private keys using gpg on a clean laptop

>> No.14052028

Woah calm down m8 don’t worry I’m sure when your trendy piece of plastic breaks you can always get a new one at the goy store

>> No.14052030

>coin is stashed safely on paper wallet
>great! No one can gain access to my private key but me
>better never move my coin and potentially have the security of my private key compromised

What are paper wallets again besides garbage waiting to burn in a fire?

>> No.14052051

This dude is coping so hard his brain is melting

>> No.14052052

>Imagine being unable to encrypt your private keys using gpg on a clean machine then save it on 3 copies of durable dvdrom

>> No.14052057

Well I mean, yeah, of course you can. But there's still a remote chance your laptop is not 100% secure. Can you be 100% certain your laptop is "clean"?

>> No.14052073 [DELETED] 

You're either trolling or you're a complete dumbass. In the case of the latter, the Ledger or any other hardware device is irrelevant, you stupid faggot. It's the seed phrase that's all important. The device can die in a fire and it wouldn't matter as long as you have the seed phrase. All it is is a vessel that holds your seed phrase. You're too stupid to be in crypto. Sell all your coins and go back to r eddit.

>> No.14052075

You can't be so sure there isn't some hardware backdoor injected in your fancy USB disk in chink factory either

>> No.14052090 [DELETED] 

Oops. Directed to the wrong person. That was meant for the retard.

>> No.14052091

>make fun of a $70 usb wallet
>generate muh keys on a safe offline laptop (costs more than $70)

The absolute state of you paper wallet brainlets.

>> No.14052096

Lol retard hardware wallets offer zero extra private key security

>> No.14052097

Right. So then what is 100% sure? Nothing really, right. We can only try to be more secure. Is your clean laptop idea with encryption a good idea? Yeah. Is a hardware wallet a good idea? Yeah.

>> No.14052101

Enjoy getting your unencrypted recovery words stolen then

>> No.14052115

You’re literally agreeing with me you fucking ape. Anon paid 100 shekels for a piece of plastic

>> No.14052116

I am sure there's no one targeting random laptop manufacturers for stealing private keys
While it's very likely there are already bunch of hackers trying to exploit the manufacturer of your fancy USB stick

>> No.14052120

that's not smart.

I know these things ain't cheap, but why take a chance?

>> No.14052123

So this is the market for hardware wallets.

You can always dualboot linux from an encrypted partition.

Its almost 2020 if you niggas cant keep your shit secure, crypto or no crypto, theres no hope for you in the near future.

>> No.14052132

Yeah I know. I replied to you by mistake, that's why I deleted it. That was meant for the retard. Sorry.

>> No.14052150

So what is your solution then? How do you keep your key as secure as possible?

>> No.14052158

remember it in your brain my dude
or engrave it on a bit of metal, vacuum sealed box, go bury it in your dads backyard

>> No.14052168

Good point.
Actually did the engrave to metal part.

>> No.14052175

i guess there are some people that are too stupid for crypto

>> No.14052188

I think the point is: Not everyone buying crypto is a Linux security savvy expert like you are. A lot of these faggots are probably on their shitty unpatched Windows home computers doing this. Of course this raises a second question whether these people should even be in crypto, so...

>> No.14052197

you can hack it, but only if you to physical access to it. remember to keep the seed somewhere safe just in case

>> No.14052199

i have used angle grinders on 6mm spring steel the hardening goes away the moment it gets red hot then it gets yellow how and practically melts. in the end it's just mild steel.

>> No.14052222

I thought one of the points of crypto was rhat you no longer had to physically carry your money and blacks couldn't rob you anymore

>> No.14052231

fucking checkem

>> No.14052237

Everyone should be in crypto and everyone should have basic knowledge of security. Its really as simple as spending an hour watching youtube videos.

>> No.14052252

And get hacked every month

>> No.14052281

There's no one going to compensate your losses from a hack event except for Binance is there? If you have large amount of crypto like a billion you shouldn't rely on third parties including the manufacturer of hardware wallet anyway.

>> No.14052293

lmfao what an idiot
just write your seed into a basket weaving tutorial book and leave it on your coffee table

>> No.14052319

that is what i try to tell all safe fags.
they are buying hours at best.
if you use proper protocol with crypto you got quintillion years of security. no safe ever made can even give you more than a day.

>> No.14052364

The problem with this is you need to take a heap of precautions every time you want to access your coins, you make a mistake once and your wallet could become Compromise. With a hardwallet you do need to worry about shit like this, I could literally use my hardwallet on a infected computer and still be safe.

>> No.14052388

Low end users like will become a victim of massive hardwallet hack event coming in the next bull run.

>> No.14052397

>I could literally use my hardwallet on a infected computer and still be safe.
not exactly true. i have found a few possible attack vectors easily exploited in the client code if your pc is compromised you are not safe at all.

>> No.14052433

why dont yall just use exodus mobile?


or load em up on your coinbase account.

they accept all erc 20 tokens

better than keeping on binance

i keep about 5k link on exodus mobile
5k link on coinbase
5k link on binance

>> No.14052441


>> No.14052448

t. nopants

>> No.14052456
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>> No.14052489

You talk shit, if this was true why would you not report it to ledger and receive a huge Bounty award.

>> No.14052498


>> No.14052504
File: 106 KB, 766x690, dingding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They do you fucking brainlet. That's the whole point. You could plug it into a computer filled to the brim with malware and other shit and still have peace of mind.

>> No.14052556

Seriously can’t stand faggots like you, here is a easy safe way to use your crypto to help with Adoption and here are faggots like you being a fucking grandpa about it and spreading fuckingn lies
>oh my paper wallet works just as good as this shit, and Muh muh I could fucking hack this
Fuck off brainlets

>> No.14052580

What's the deal with this daily hardwallet shills?
Don't tell me the Jew actually paid for the campaign lmao

>> No.14052622

alright here is a few without the effort to make it a complete list...
1) the device itself is a physical attack vector the tamper resistant chip is easily disassembled in practice using fuming nitric acid and acetone and the eeprom an be read revealing the private keys completely bypassing the soft protection of any retarded pin.
2) the client sends the transaction for signing to the device but does not actually check if it gets it back unmodified.
3) the change address is not shown on the device upon signing and while normally would be a hierarchically derived public key it can actually be replaced by the compromised pc client or a malware injected to the driver level to the attackers.

>> No.14052675

dunno but the actual fucking retards are hell bent on misusing hw-s. the best use case for one is to use it as hot wallet with your monthly spending budget. it's possibly the most retarded costly and insecure solution for a cold storage.

>> No.14052857

The changed address would show on the device, that’s why it’s important to always check the address on the device before confirming.
And the best fucking shit you can give me is if someone physically steals the device. Same shit could happen to a shit paper wallet but just a lot more convenient to take the coins once it’s stolen. The absolute state of you Autistic cunts

>> No.14052900

it's literally a glorified usb drive. since when would sticking it in a compromised computer be the only possible option you coping hipster faggot. and still it offers no more security than paper.

>> No.14053024

so you gonna know by look if the change address generated by your client is legit or fraudulent. just by a glance?

face it if you machine is compromised you can't be 100% safe.

>> No.14053103

change address motherfucker not changed address. you dont see it from what i seen of the operation but even if hou do you cant tell if its yours or not.
>And the best fucking shit you can give me is if someone physically steals the device.
big fucking problem if some retard buys the snake oil security and uses it for cold storeage.

>> No.14053206

do you dumb cunt actually believe you've solved the hardware wallet ? the fuck are you doing posting on an indonesian music forum then ? go write a paper on it and make money consulting for trezor/nano. but no. youre just a brainlet faggot.

>> No.14053289
File: 234 KB, 1125x616, 5EF1A389-F0D7-4D86-9F60-ADCE228EAEEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you explain what you mean by the pic attached mate.

>> No.14053585


>> No.14054579

With my paper wallet all you need is the private address on it. With my Ledger you can't transfer my funds without my Ledger.

>> No.14054608

You can't see the private address except on the device itself. Stop being such a cheap faggot and get a goddamn hardware wallet already.

>> No.14054977

if paper wallets are the most secure option how are marines supposed to stake their linkies, given that staked links need to be in a wallet accessible my metamask?

>> No.14056045

hardware wallets fill a temporary void and not nearly as secure as claimed that is all im saying hal finneý was workibg on a system that uses the tpm chip on a pc to create a safe environment for a wallet that can not be hijacked by malicious code same will eventually be possible on phones these trinkets are a sideshow and a marketing gimmick.

>> No.14056092

*firmware update required*

>> No.14056099

and lastly crypto relies on the practical impossiblity of solving calculations within any reasonable timeframe. that is what makes crypto secure. the moment you start relying on safe boxes and hardware wallets to secure it you have to know are doing it wrong. the beauty of crypto that it is billion trillion quadrillion times more secure than your home safe and it doesnt cost you amything.

>> No.14056138

Im all in ZIL, and it still has no Ledger app, so I keep it on Binance. Bery safu

>> No.14056160

What with the ledger shills here?

>> No.14056161

Based purist

>> No.14056270

There was a legit discussion where the ledger was decried as a useless piece of metal for people who want to pose as "sirius criptoe investors". Those threads are the result of pure butthurt over those threads.
Paper wallet > hardware wallet

>> No.14056293

The absolute state of nu/biz/


the only thing the client software gets is the completed signed transaction. THIS IS VASTLY DIFFERENT THAN A SOFTWARE WALLET OR A DUMB FUCKING PIECE OF PAPER. A software wallet is decrypting the private keys and using them in the same user environment that everything else on your computer is running on. The encrypted wallet file is sitting on your hard drive and accessible from. Your low end user account. With a hardware wallet, they keys are never exposed because the transaction is signed INSIDE the hardware wallet. The client is sending the destination address and amount to the secure enclave for signature, and gets a completed and signed transaction back.

Let me break this down even further for you assholes in remedial summer classes.

Imagine your wallet is a checkbook, and your private keys are your personal banker who signs all your checks for you. With a hardware wallet, you are putting your banker inside a cage inside your basement and he can't get out, and nobody can get to him. When you want to make a transaction, you fill out a check with the amount and person you're paying. Then you slide that check to the banker inside the secure cage for them to sign off on. The banker gives you the signed check back through the cage. The banker never left the cage, your transaction is signed, and your banker is still in the cage in your basement.

That's the difference you absolute degenerates. Stop needing to be spoonfed everything. And for fuck sake use Trezor they're open source.

Screencap this for the next spoon feeding session.

>> No.14056300

>T cool kid hw user

>> No.14056312

>The absolute STATE of biz
Imagine wasting money for a glorified USB stick when you can just use a paper wallet and have a safer cold wallet

>> No.14056325

Pearls before swine.

>> No.14056328


>> No.14056346

Wrong. Your paper wallet generator has fucked you over.


The core of the analysis hinges on WalletGenerator’s original open-source code, available here. Until August 17, 2018 the online code matched the open-source code and the entire project generated wallets using a client-side technique that took in real random entropy and produced a unique wallet. But sometime after that date the two sets of code stopped matching.

The result? The very real possibility that WalletGenerator is giving the same keys to multiple users. To test this, MyCrypto’s researcher ran the generator in bulk and got some odd results.

>> No.14056360

>using some javascript wallet generator
OpenSSL user here

>> No.14056363 [DELETED] 
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Claim your free $50 Stellar Lumens (XLM) airdrop here:


Watch the video and take the test.

>> No.14056376


>> No.14056387

>using a website to generate a private key

>> No.14056420

yeah get it from github use it offline niggers

>> No.14056433

its different alright a pk protected by a strong password is cryptographically secure unlike your hw

>> No.14056712

While you're not wrong, someone more experienced can enjoy a higher level of security, more options, and not having an order for a crypto holding device under their name and address stored on a shop's database.

>> No.14057178

> whether these people should even be in crypto
Reddit moonboys I swear, neck yourself.

>> No.14057410

Imagine being so ignorant you don't know there is a 25th word on HW

>> No.14057426

the only way to make a proper paper wallet is to use OpenSSL

which only 0.00001% of the world can ever use

if there were no hardware wallet, the crypto industry could never progress

>> No.14057452

Imagine that is not a retard-tier option

>> No.14057504

Did you kill the tattooist afterwards?

>> No.14057845

What is most secure method of creating an eth paper wallet? Mew? Linux? Veracrypt?

>> No.14057872

I use this on my ubuntu terminal:
openssl ecparam -name secp256k1 -genkey -noout | openssl ec -text -noout 2> /dev/null | grep priv -A 3 | tail -n -3 | tr -d '\n[:space:]:' | sed 's/^00//'

>> No.14057898

ok, but if im a brainlet can i just open mew on an airgapped craptop, make the wallets, save keystore + pk written down? is that secure enough? im a brainlet when it comes to this

>> No.14057919

probably but you should always do it on a fresh boot of live os with no writable media attached and reboot after you generated your shit.

>> No.14057926

as long as it's airgapped - the key is never on a computer connected to the internet - it seems rather secure.

>> No.14057946

it is but, you should have a recent computer (post 2015), with both quantum based real random instruction set and also make sure copious user input is incorporated to the random pool.

>> No.14057948

download mew github repo and use it offline during a demo session of a bootable usb, on an air-gaped computer

>> No.14057950

is taking out the wifi card and any communications peice in a craptop and smashing it to bits, generating everything and then smashing the laptop and melting it into an acid vat secure enough?

>> No.14057965

it's enough if you never give your live os the wifi password really.

>> No.14057968

Not sure how could one go about staking links on LP from cold storage though... If metamask is the only way to access LP then your stack can never be cold

>> No.14057975

You call that safe? I have mine split to 12 different locations across two countries and 3 mediums (paper, usb and rocks). My usb is encrypted with decryption key written on two parts on three different papers. For other papers some of them have parts of my private key written in code I invented and only I understand hopefully, others just have key written in plain text. Good luck guessing which one is which, and in which order they go. For my parts number 7 and 9 i use rocks (plain rocks) on 2 different physical locations. Number of rocks, as well as their shape, color and weight combined with a mnemonic I created based on my second pet's name when I was a child tell me the exact private key part. What If I lose one/some parts, you ask? I have the same thing in a different country, but the code is all different, I'm not stupid lol. Any suggestions how to further increase security? My exgf found one of my papers in my closet when she suspected I was cheating on her for being on my phone all the time (I was checking crypto prices) so I had to dump her and do the whole thing from scratch again because I couldn't deal with such security risk.

>> No.14057978

Getting rid of your wifi card is considered a good idea frankly. wouldn't smash my computer

>> No.14057988

i fucking hate my self that i never took an interest in computers as a hobby or even in school.

>> No.14057997

>he didn't kill his gf
It's like you aren't even trying

>> No.14058041

these seem completely fucking pointless. In a few years these are going to be a thing we laugh looking back at.
>be late teens crypto trader
>"hold your horses, guys, let me take out my gigantic cyberpunk USB thumb drive and put these shitcoins into cold storage"
>puts on sunglasses and trance music starts playing

>> No.14058083

you can but it's overly paranoid imo.
i got my entire hardrive encrypted (which i can only recommend as general practice) so even if the live os wanted to mount it, it can't. check if there is internet connectivity (accidents can happen just fucking check it) before starting the wallet generation.
so to me this is just 2 reboots.

>> No.14058141

he can't.

>> No.14058157

What do you guys think of using stuff like "shamir secret sharing" or threshold cryptography to split private keys? Loosing a single split wouldn't be disastrous if some scheme like 3 out 5 would be applied.

>> No.14058160

Hahaha noob. You thought fucking roasties was the better choice? Who’s the retard now FAGGOT?

>> No.14058203

I saved all my private keys into a .txt
then archived it into a .rar with >20 symbols password. Saved it on multiple devises and send via a couple of e-mails. Feel comfy

>> No.14058232

>use exodus mobile

You know that your privite keys would be exposed to the devs?

>> No.14058249

Two SD cards, main and backup, lubricated, safely in my urethra. One usb drive in my anus. 5 additional sd cards implanted under my skin. Another sd card in my eardrum.
>imagine not taking care of your data.

>> No.14058270

All funds are not gone if you break or lose the ledger. You are a fucking retard and should kill yourself.

>> No.14058289

if you lose it you can pretty easily find all of it gone. same if you get robbed and they take it. even if it stops functioning it can possibly be a security hole.

>> No.14058294

Also before anyone asks how I piss and shit : I got two tubes connected directly to my organs, they are hanging outside my belly. I just direct them to toilet and do what I gotta do.

>> No.14058307

anyone that thinks that piece of shit is safer than a cd-r is retarded. literally just burn the wallet and keys to a cd and put the disc in your attic and forget about it. it's read only media. can't be erasd by accident.

>> No.14058315
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Based and red herring pilled.
Pic not related

>> No.14058326


any hardware is a weak link. It can be lost, stolen or broken. If I used that shit, it would be multiple devises strored in different places.

>> No.14058397

if you're using LP to stake links, a hardware wallet seems like the safest way

>> No.14058448


killing is not safe enough
he turned him gay by fucking him and later on married

>> No.14058481

>whether these people should even be in crypto
if you ever want to make money then this will all have to be simplified for the normans you describe

>> No.14058602

You need to email ledger and have them explain to you the concept of seed words. You seem to think the coins are actually on the ledger.

>> No.14058741

Same. I do wish that I could get control of my ZIL again, but I don't trust the new wallets that have come out for Zilliqa mainnet, so I'm keeping them on Binance until I can put them back on my Ledger.

>> No.14058954

memorize them. It's easy to do that.

>> No.14059053

doesn't the node have to be active like with ln, i don't know much about link aside fro the idiotic memes.

>> No.14059202

>i fucking hate my self that i never took an interest in computers as a hobby or even in school.
At least you are not an autistic incel like most of those computer nerds

>> No.14059434

>memorize them. It's easy to do that.
You will regret this, moron

>> No.14059711

In another thread on this one anon suggested generating two sets of seed words
Seed phrase 1: this is your main wallet with your main stash.
Seed phrase 2: this is your decoy wallet

1. Set up wallet with seed phrase 1. Move 90% of stash onto that address.
2. If you want to be super cautious, doublecheck that seed phrase 1 is working by using it on a different hardware wallet
3. Wipe wallet with seed phrase number 1 and then re-initiate it with seed phrase number 2. Then move 5% (or whatever) onto it.
4. Secure seed phrase number 1 somewhere offsite
Now you have basically a decoy wallet. Someone steals it and electron microscopes it or whatever, or — and you anons need to fucking take this seriously — comes in an holds gun to your head, or gf’s head or kid’s head or Whatever — you can just unlock decoy wallet and transfer funds while most of funds are safu.

>> No.14060016



>> No.14060542

>higher level of security, more options, and not having an order for a crypto holding device under their name and address stored on a shop's database

All while having to care about an airgapped untouched hidden personal laptop, and will have to spend time to sign every single transaction off-chain.

>wew you're not programming by using an electron gun to physically flip bits on your hd?
Thanks but no thanks, there is a convenience threshold.

>> No.14060636

paper monero wallets are the only way.
safe as can be. generate with moneromoos JS generator and you don't even need a machine that ever has to connect to the internet, making compromise nearly impossible if you know what you're doing.
but what do i know, right?

>> No.14060717

>oh hey anon what's that laptop over there?
>it's just my old laptop, I keep it in case my pc breaks

>oh hey anon is that a ledger?? I didn't know you invest in crypto, brb I gotta get my electrical drill to fix your functioning kneecaps until you tell me the pin code

A "hidden" laptop is a lot less conspicuous, but I will agree that it'll be harder to use, regardless, hardware wallet shills think they're secure, when they're really not. 4-8 digits are not going to protect anything, and the device itself screams "steal me" (and kidnap my owner until he squeals) much louder than a random shitty laptop.

>> No.14060962

Agree that these “rubber hose” attacks are scary. Again, this is why one possibility is to keep a little bit on the hardware wallet so you can make the transmission, cough up the pin, whatever.

Then have second (or 3rd or 4rth or nth) seedphrase in a safety deposit box, or maybe spread across a few.

Inb4 “why not just use a paper wallet” Yes that is an option, but seems to have its own headaches, e.g. keeping an airgapped laptop just for that purpose.

>> No.14060992

BTW obviously any security is a tradeoff. Seems to me that another possibility, which doesn’t get discussed enough, is to break your stack up and store different pieces using different tools. Argent wallet looks interesting where they do security through smart contract. Coinbase vault also looks interesting. Both of those put something in where you have 48 hours to unwind a transaction. So, maybe some is in one of those, some in hardware wallet, some in a paper wallet. Don’t put all eggs in one basket and all that.

>> No.14061848

i just want to reply to this cuck not to worry op has nothing to do with that wallet and the funds are safu on coinbase

>> No.14061880
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also pic related and >>14056169 if you want to check for yourself

>> No.14062195

I won't lie I thought this until I first played with one of these and honestly it's pretty nice. Software was shit chink stuff, but it worked well enough. My reason for never buying one was because I was fixing one for a customer after firmware almost bricked it.

>> No.14062202
File: 114 KB, 968x830, 11a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hardware wallets are for pussies.
Real chads keep all their coins on binance

>> No.14062205

It's offline and wouldn't matter even if it was infected.

>> No.14062401

>I was fixing one for a customer after firmware almost bricked it.
Sorry but who gives a shit if the specific device gets bricked? They are about $70. As long as you have your seed phrase you can just get another and reinitiate it (or wtf its called) with the seed phrase.

>> No.14062456

Fuck off CZ.

>> No.14062485

real chads keep it all on bitmex and go 100x long all day every day

>> No.14062843

Imagine being so retarded to spend $100 for a glorified USB stick that will invite everyone to torture you to get your coins