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14044721 No.14044721 [Reply] [Original]

Do it as much as possible. Get as rich as possible. In a system where property is a power that can be converted into just about any other form of power, the most personal impact you can have is if you're rich and funnel some power(money) to people and organizations that impact society to become more like you want it to become.

This doesn't just go for commies. This goes for any ideology. Get cash, get influence. I know it's cool to hate on billionaires and the rich and rent seeking in general, but that's a part of the psychological trap that keeps people opposed to capitalism down. Don't become a "virtuous sufferer". Play their game to win their game, because that's how you get to change the rules of the game. On-chain governance, bitches.

>> No.14045194
File: 134 KB, 782x652, stop oppressing me bigot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you're a commie

>> No.14045243

>idpol libfags are commies
It's like going around calling republicans nazis.

>> No.14045301

>the key to fighting oppression is capitalism
>but capitalism is still evil and oppressive!!!
wow you figured it out but you still don't get it
it's like you have to ignore logical conclusions to believe that capitalism, and by extension, liberty is evil

>> No.14045341

> liberty is evil
it is

>> No.14045377

By the way I never said I was a commie.

>> No.14045445
File: 406 KB, 2324x1489, REAGAN-GANG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay but your board owner is literally a transexual that has sucked someone's winger dinger on camera. I know that's kind of an ad hominem on its own but as Communism figuratively sucks to a similar extent it's hard not to associate the two.

>I'm not a commie
>I just go around using commie vernacular like "idpol", post commie imagery and suggest supposed strategies for commies on boards that have nothing to do with communism like a commie would

Nice dubs tho

>> No.14045488

What the shit you blabbering about schito?
idpol "commies" are just the upper classes oppressing the proles.

>> No.14045631


I'm a commie and I agree being successful in this system and using your money to help overthrow it could do some good, but I couldn't be a landlord, it goes against my principles. But in studying the evils of capitalism I learned a lot about how it works and with that information I do pretty well for myself without having to exploit anybody. I could probably do better if I wanted to start taking advantage of people but I'm content just taking care of my family. If I won the lottery though I would basically be the person people think Soros is but on steroids. Buy an assload of land and guns build housing on it and start funding and training a revolutionary army

>> No.14045777
File: 215 KB, 1527x654, This is Unironically What Cuckpol Actually Literally Figuratively Rhetorically Believes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one cares about your meta, cumrade.

>I'm not a "man" you cis scum, I'm a pangendered demisexual androgyne, femme-presenting

>I'm not a communist you bootlicker, I'm an anarcho-agrarian reformist market syndicalist

Same shit by the same self-important, self-righteous grug-brained retards whose sole reason for supporting an economic strategy they literally know nothing about outside of the vacuum of the state-capitalist Soviet Union's propaganda ministry is because they wrongly think such an apparatus will somehow facilitate their sitting around jacking off all day instead of working.

>> No.14046134
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Go pic related, incel

>> No.14046145

>word salad
cool story schitzo

>> No.14046382
File: 76 KB, 790x444, 910E8AEA-FD25-4733-8CB7-13C532105F20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sex u're are mum faggit

Was that too wordy for you? I'm sorry fren, let me rephrase all that: You're a pathetic obese failure. Grow up and stop larping as an illiterate Russian peasant from the early 1900s, there is a better life for you outside of mommy's basement and some economically illiterate dollar store Santa Claus' tormented headspace.