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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14043750 No.14043750 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone have a more comfy coin than fantom? i've never been more convinced of a 1000x than this one. BTW any people who thinks its a shit coin I can answer technical questions.

>> No.14043803
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>> No.14043875

None of the fudders will come at you bro. I'm hoping they do, wanna see some knowledge bombs dropped on these incels

>> No.14043882

Is this the 250 sat stable coin?

>> No.14044297

Redpill me on fantom.

>> No.14044421


Watch Andre Cronje interviews here >>14043803

>> No.14044466

idk Andre's face brings me a chad confidence that ive never seen in a nerd's face

he knows his shit and i dam sure about it

>> No.14044478
File: 336 KB, 1125x1671, F0799D61-00B9-4118-B7FB-BAFBA4E01184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some anon posted this earlier is this a bullflag or a rising wedge? How do I play this considering mainnet is coming up soon?

>> No.14044496

>i dam sure

is damn sure*

>> No.14044600

Only more comfy coin than Fantom is Fusion - simply because market and the way where Fusion is going is a way bigger therefore more potential to grow

>> No.14044814

Just hold ftm and qnt then wait. Rich af in a few years.

>> No.14044853

I have avoiding buying any ftm due to the terrible shills who keep repeating themselves every fucking day.

>> No.14044861

We dont care. Stay poor.

>> No.14044872

Lol your loss anon. Only punishing yourself for the annoying shills

>> No.14045078

rising wedge aka bearish reversal

>> No.14045151
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Ok how does fantom adresses every coins of dag? (we all know pros so lets skip it).
Pls dont ask me what cons you sad you can answer technical questions.


>> No.14045202 [DELETED] 

Great financial strategy, retard!

>> No.14045207

Nope ascending triangle. Usually continuation pattern

>> No.14045226

Great financial strategy, retard!

>> No.14045240

This is a standard bot reply I see in any Fantom thread

>> No.14045281
File: 156 KB, 992x722, Screenshot_20190607_at_11.17.03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no see pic

>> No.14045364

>people advertising things they bought is a bad strategy to me!
This is your brain on being a reddit refugee

>> No.14045534

That is not even the current pattern that was formed

>> No.14045547
File: 612 KB, 1440x3040, Screenshot_20190607-115812_Blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ascending triangle, which is a continuation pattern

>> No.14045716
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>> No.14045757

wrong timeframe

>> No.14045773

You pajeets need to do better at being more convincing. Seriously, wtf.

>> No.14045781


>> No.14045813

The rising wedge is on the weekly time frame and may cause the price to retest the lower range of the ascending triangle, so not much of a worry.

>> No.14046152


>ask me tech related q
>only real q you can ask about ftm 'tech'

1000$ eoy topic moves on

Lol on ftm bagholders

>> No.14047222

is that you and your wife or your boomer friend with his wife.

>> No.14047278

How much to make it?

>> No.14047316


500K FTM to make it in 18 months after cashing out and paying taxes.

>> No.14048227

Next antshares

>> No.14049360

I have 5k to invest. Thinking of buying FTM with this.. Will yield me approx 250K coins. Will I make it with this?

>> No.14049435

wow that hurts. i invested 5k in march/april and almost got a million tokens. are you sure you are looking at the right coin?

>> No.14049458

It'll be $2 EOY, you will still be able to make it depending on how long the upcoming bull market lasts

>> No.14049468

Half a million dollars

>> No.14049510


So what are you implying? Is it too late for me?


That's the answer I need.


That would be awesome. Even $1 would be great.

>> No.14049520

We going to break out soon desu

>> No.14049530
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>> No.14049533

i hope for a bearish reversal fren, see my previous posts. but no its ok i guess

>> No.14049545

it's not too late, you can still 100x

>> No.14049909

this thing swings a lot, man. Get in around or under 8k vits, we're not mooning, we're slow and steady. Don't buy today, watch the charts instead, do not FOMO today.

>> No.14050555
File: 69 KB, 473x917, followdamemes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FTM is gonna catapult me to 6 figures like so many meme coins before

>> No.14050585

where can I buy?

>> No.14050593

IDEX and Kucoin

Binance DEX also, I believe, but I think it's a BNB pair, I don't remember, I'm an IDEXfag

>> No.14050597

what got you from 800 to 150k?

>> No.14050680

I spent 8 hours a day on /biz/ sorting through all the shitposts to find the good stuff. It was a combination of many different coins. Its been so long I couldnt tell you the exact path. I got burned a bit too, dont get me wrong but in the end I managed to itch out ahead.

Gotta catch the good stuff early. Like for instance when Antshares was being shilled and then it turned into NEO. Or Reddcoin. I got a feel for which coins were gonna be pumped and what were just tards shilling their shitcoins.

I got a good feelings about stuff like FTM, MATIC. They might never be used for anything like most of the shit around here but that doesnt mean they cant explode in price when alt season comes around.

Sorting through /biz/ to find the gems is the best advice I can give. Then by the time those reddit retards start shilling them too, you know youre onto something. /biz/ always had the best scoops first

>> No.14051403

Honestly volume of posts is usually a good way to tell what people are thinking about. People like FTM. People like Holo. People like Chainlink.

What definitely is a scam is someone posting about a shitcoin "silently" mooning then trying to dump their bags on /biz/.

>> No.14051455

Yeah, shit like "if you don't get on Edenchain now, you hate money, you are extremely low IQ, you are an incel"

>> No.14051753

Listen to this guy. Words of wisdom, seriously.

>> No.14052322

Definite scam flags