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File: 13 KB, 512x512, 5555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14042010 No.14042010 [Reply] [Original]

none of you dumb shits are talking about zilliqa. so i will.

10th = smart contracts enabled

18th = zilliqa's turns 2 years old (also facebook releaseds it's stablecoin whitepaper on 18th..+ zilliqa head of blockchain dev is zilliqa's advisor = ppl will learn fb is building stablecoin on zilliqa platform)

also coinbase will probably add it soon

chart looks bullish. it's pumping

legit eth competitor

get in homos

>> No.14042085

Cant wait till we break 330 resistance and fly right to 500 sats. Gonna make me a millionaire.

>> No.14042107
File: 19 KB, 138x181, gaIsWRy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To all newfags:
This is pure bait si that baghodlers could dump their bags on your sorry asses.
Hide thread.

>> No.14042170

They had their chance to buy low. Now let em miss the mission and notice ZIL only when it is 600sats

>> No.14042177
File: 189 KB, 1125x953, 6D12F5E0-E209-4ED3-8019-34CE6D27F7B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not selling till 2000 sats

>> No.14042190


Nah bait is when it's over 400 sats. It's been on a free fall for iver 2 months, and this up turn combine siwtj the smart contract release, fb stable coin, unstoppable domains, no more erc20 token, and a heavy hitter marketing director.

Yeah I'll take my chances

>> No.14042215
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>> No.14042544

I've heard FB is having a blockchain project, but never realized it was a stablecoin
And Zilliqa devs once admitted they were working on a stablecoin...

>> No.14042638

>And Zilliqa devs once admitted they were working on a stablecoin...
oh shit. that's right. zilliqa is going to 10x when people find out that is it's facebooks stablecoin

>> No.14042646

my ZIL is still an ERC token, how do I swap to mainnet coins? is there an official wallet?

>We expect the token swap to be completed by June 2019, and we plan to freeze ERC20 ZIL tokens thereafter.

>> No.14042663
File: 43 KB, 828x720, 44328765456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have the 'tism pls help

>> No.14042668

They do it via exchanges. This week Binance said they support the swap. So just deposit there and then withdraw to your mainnet zil address.
> is there an official wallet?
Moonlet seems to be the recommended wallet. Also, there is now a Ledger Nano extension for mainnet ZIL

>> No.14042729


How can you be this retarded?

>> No.14042775

Download moonlet wallet, generate a keypair. Then send your ZIL to your Binance Ethereum address. After 30 confs you can withdraw it to your new ZIL address.

>> No.14042783

Where the fuck do I download this? I didn't see it on Ledger Manager.

>> No.14042792
File: 816 KB, 528x555, 11286545.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks frens

>> No.14042810

Ye, I was wrong. They are still testing it.

If you can code, you could take a look at this git

>> No.14042857
File: 211 KB, 2443x1249, VIDT Explode.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to check out vidt if you like money... Retards here on on 4chan claiming it to be a bullshit project. Here take this juicy graph, go 5x and thank me later.

>> No.14042862

I sold my 150k ZIL for a loss a few days ago. Fuck my life.

>> No.14042883
File: 68 KB, 640x960, 1555092179457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many ZIL to make it? I remember all the $1 shills for Zilliqa about a year ago.

>> No.14042948
File: 159 KB, 900x675, D7FkypWUcAAxYxl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 6.18 -- zilliqa day
> 6.18 -- globalcoin wp release

>> No.14043041

kek i sold this at 0.0065 and made 60 eth profit on it, was obvious it will never see that price again.
stop buying erc-20 funding tokens guys, it's not like one of them will suddenly not bleed until infinity

>> No.14043050
File: 37 KB, 705x458, zil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh and zil will pump hard obviously with the news coming up

>> No.14043080

Im about to crash the price. you have 10 minutes.

>> No.14043084

kek the best move is to literally get as much Resistance as possible. Zilliqa's best days are over.

>> No.14043085

pls crash it back down to 300 sats fren i'd appreciate it

>> No.14043184

You gonna crash it upwards or downwards?

>> No.14043269

I want to invest on that, did the token swap happen already?

>> No.14043318

anybody has info if its worth mining this?

>> No.14043377

Finally entered a position at 300 sats, always followed ZIL and thought it was way too undervalued but whale bots kept me from pulling the trigger, this time it looks different, top 10?

>> No.14043428

Mining it uses almost no electricity

>> No.14043764

facebooks stablecoin is going to be fucking huge... and it will be build on zilliqa platform.. oh man.. zilliqa is going to pump so hard on 18th. how high do you think it will pump? 2000 sats?

>> No.14043864

No it's not. but if it's then 10K sats at the bare minimum as it'll put Zilliqa as the number 1 blockchain, if you judge by the quality of things built on it and not quantity, probably higher as it'll still be below EOS scam who literally has zero interesting projects built on it after 1 year of functioning (barely) mainnet.

>> No.14043883

Yup, thanks anon

>> No.14043950

Time to move sell order to 10k sats
When are you pumping it back, onii chan?

>> No.14043969

Fuck off. Your the same cunts who believed omg was working with Apple