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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 630 KB, 549x602, ourjeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14032526 No.14032526 [Reply] [Original]

/ourjeet/ on it again


>> No.14032560

Damn what a ridiculous combover

>> No.14032572

try to actually prove him wrong

>> No.14032577

Didn't even listen to what he said

>> No.14032598

I'll pick you one
>bsv is already so centralized that the chain has rolled back 6 or 7 times already

>> No.14032636

>Back in the day
>Past two years


>> No.14032648

BSV is utter shit, but dickriding Sergey is almost as retarded.

>> No.14032650

Couldn't care less.

>> No.14032679

so what exactly are you doing in this thread?

>> No.14033397

Didn't he post a video saying he was getting death threats? Where did that go? Can't find it on his channel

>> No.14033530

He's like a Joe Rogan of crypto

>> No.14033710

Can I fap to this?

>> No.14033805

Stop spamming your channel and samefagging dirty street shitter.

>> No.14033832

I always do the opposite of what the pajeets do.
I really hate this KYC thing but looks like I am going all in on the sanjay vision

>> No.14033880


>> No.14033887

found him in the wild in the comments the other day

>> No.14033954
File: 558 KB, 498x611, bizjeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KEK, /ourjeet/ gonna /ourjeet/

>> No.14034168

You are trying too hard.

>> No.14034232
File: 719 KB, 634x960, 1543348252300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw ourjeet
kys sage

>> No.14034273

Wasn't my proudest, but it's doable.

>> No.14034406
File: 22 KB, 443x455, 1552095744314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/biz/ is now obsessed with this this brown twink