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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 30 KB, 1242x249, E6E6A462-3521-419F-AFBF-2AC7C89F6FE8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14019661 No.14019661 [Reply] [Original]

Ok so, the market cap is about 380 mill right now , if you take into consideration their total supply it is around 1 bill.

What will the price of link be in the short, medium and long term if microsoft , salesforce, swift , jp morgan etc all come out and confirm they are using link.


I don’t want to buy eth or btc because the max they can do is x30-40, so discuss honestly, how long would it take for link to be 100$ or more and what is needed = 100 b mcap

>> No.14019673

1k EOY why this shit again?

>> No.14019695
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Nobody can accurately predict prices, if they could, they would be billionaires. LINK has a lot of risk, but it also has massive potential rewards. How long will that take? Nobody can say for sure. Buy a ticket and wait, or miss the flight.

>> No.14019773

Let's say link is $1 to make it easy. If it does a modest 10x this year thats $10, then bitcoin goes to 20k. Should put link around $40. Then Bitcoin follows all previous trends and does a 20x from previous all time high. That puts link at $800. Now you can see that's modest calculations it won't take much more to get $1000 by eoy

>> No.14019822

Link is only pumping because Twitter normies are pushing a bullshit rumor. Lol

>> No.14019900

Looking at this picture and comparing it to qnt is making me feel really good about my move today

>> No.14019904

arguably that's what happened with btc and look what happened. one source says "it's gonna PUMP" everyone buys and holds and drives up the price. doesn't matter if it was actually going to pump or not. same reason why when one source says it's gonna dump normies cash out and it dumps. link only needs the right conditions (partnership announcements and positive speculation from blogs) and it will moon

>> No.14019925

this thread again holy shit he never stops

>> No.14019971

Yes, but if btc moons to 20 k while link is 10$, link will probably stay at 10$ , no?
Sats will bleed

What is moon according to you? X10? X100? I need a x100 in 3 years, how plausible do you think that is?

>> No.14019999
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Link will only sustainably pump when btc/eth pump. It kind of hit a perfect storm the last month when btc was pumping hard and the announce mainnet. that made it go up a dollar.

Link is a HEAVILY manipulated crypto and yes I know most cryptos are, but it's easy to follow the patterns and see people are manipulating it up and down for their own gain

>> No.14020008

ChainLink will touch every market and nearly every transaction in the future. That's trillions of dollars. There's only 1 Billion tokens.

It does not matter what the price of other coins is.

>> No.14020072

Yes but it seems clear the pattern is having a lower low everytime it gets manipulated up, so obviously this trend will continue.

Yes, but what will link’s price be with this

>> No.14020074

digits : checked
milkers : checked

>> No.14020086

Link will double in price every six months

>> No.14020104

For how long?

>> No.14020115

>I don’t want to buy BTC because the max it can do is x30-40

Lmao enjoy buying your worthless meme tokens

>> No.14020121

Forever! Now tell me, when are you selling?

>> No.14020144

to me i'd probably say mooning is x50 to x100. if you're willing to hold for three years it looks to me like any established token that has a solution to a problem would perform well. back in 2012 if someone said btc would ath at ~$18k most people would probably laugh at you. find a project you believe in, dca in over time, and hopefully that investment pays off. i feel like 3 years down the line 1k link isn't absurd. eoy like people meme seems very unlikely to me but weirder things have happened.
i'm not an expert by any means but my alt holds are link, ftm, and hot. one is pumping hard right now but i'm afraid i missed the entry on that one. ftm and hot are still very cheap and have a shot at hitting $1 in the coming months/year probably which would be a x100 roughly for ftm and x500 for hot

>> No.14020174

1,000,000,000,000 ÷ 1,000,000,000 = 1,000 minimum.

>> No.14020178

Yes but will it go higher than 1000? I need 3 million minimum to make it.

>> No.14020292

Sold everything on this last spike, like everyone here should have aswell

>> No.14020300


>> No.14020301
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This is an example of the amount of transactions Visa does per second. Node operators are paid with LINK tokens and go down to 18 decimal places. If you're able to hold long enough, the sky is the limit.

>> No.14020322
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>> No.14020337

Is 8.5k link enough to make it

>> No.14020345

If LINK is the nascent industry standard for banking APIs, the theoretical upper bound for the token is in the low six digits, anon. These tokens have to back a bond market measured in the trillions annually, to say nothing of a derivatives market. If the token is displacing 5 bond lawyers, even at 100k a token that's an 80% reduction in cost for the firms involved.

>> No.14020360

If you hold and only sell a very small amount to pay off debt and expenses. It's not too late to buy more though.

>> No.14020363

>tfw you die at an old age and your kids inherit a single link which is enough to make them wealthy for the rest of their lives

>> No.14020372
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>> No.14020428
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I will hold longer than anyone in this thread

>> No.14020459

I'm a swing trader, I look at the risk to reward potential and make my decision from there

>> No.14020494
File: 7 KB, 211x239, Unknown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

link is over

>> No.14020636

the only swinging swinglinkers will do is from a rope

>> No.14020883

How many link will be locked up in nodes realistically, how many lockup will each node require

>> No.14020946

>boomer probably bought that car after working for the summer as a cashier.

>> No.14020979

i think almost everything will be locked up except for the reserve sergey holds to pay out operators. as time goes on the amount paid out will attenuate like bitcoin mining rewards, causing dollar value to increase correspondingly. We will never reach the point where the reservoir of link that sergey pays out for operations is exhausted, because scarcity of that pool will drive up price causing smaller and smaller fractions of link to be paid out. For a while i was worried that this would just enter into the standard spiral of consolidation and monopolization by meganodes, but then remembered that would defeat the purpose of decentralization and thereby dump the price of the links these nodes held. All node operators will have a stake not only in their own node, but in the health and decentralization of the network as a whole. It's fucking crazy but a free link token on an exchange is going to scarce as fuck.

>> No.14020990

jesus christ you guys never fail to amaze me with your delusion. you should be medicated.

>> No.14020991

imagine dumping 2/3s of the supply into the market, holy kek!

>> No.14020996

Doesn't that also mean they will be difficult to sell with incredibly low volume?

>> No.14021033

Not to the people who know what they're buying.

>> No.14021035

not at all. whether something will sell quickly is determined by the demand for it. if its scarce that just means the price will be that much higher.

>> No.14021043

Microsoft has like 10000+ software developers, why would they ever use something 2 guys build in 2 years? Why not just steal the idea and get 20 guys to build it in 2 months? I don't think Linkies understand business.

>> No.14021048
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What if Sergey gets kidnapped and tortured?

>> No.14021068

it's almost certainly going to be held in a trust which, drumroll, will be fully automated trustless and tamper proof via smartcontracts

>> No.14021077

the whole package

>> No.14021085

Thats not how software development works, you cant just throw 10 times more developers at it and expect to get it done in 1/10 the amount of time

>> No.14021090

Anon, consider that the train has left, and all you can do is loudly slam the door in farewell.

>> No.14021091

I know that Mememagic is real ..... Link is a meme.
So i will get a couple hundred of this.

>> No.14021105

I'm actually a software developer myself, and since Link's code is open source, I can guarantee an MS team of 20 can easily rewrite all of Link's code in 2 months. I know exactly how software development works brainlet. Keep coping, no big company will ever use LINK, they will build their own.

>> No.14021121

They are building their own. They called it chainlink.

>> No.14021127

Imagine being this naive.

>> No.14021143

I would bet that every single day at MS, there's more line of codes written than 10x the entire codebase of Link. To even consider for a second that MS will use Link over building its own, is room temperature IQ. Did MS use AWS or build its own? Did MS use Google or built its own? Linkies cope is fucking hilarious.

>> No.14021297

>I'm actually a software developer myself

Highly believable, since you're a credulous idiot when it comes to non-tech stuff.

>> No.14021353

cope cope cope cope, almost all of tech executives were programmers. Why don't you refute the facts instead of personal attacks? Link going to 0, proven by the stupidity of Linkies like yourself.

>> No.14021428
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>why doesn't microsoft just steal an idea thats been copyrighted
>you calling other people stupid

>> No.14021465

kek you can't copyright software, there's always another way to do it that bypasses the patents/to defend it in court. Again your stupidity and ignorance of software dev and the industry proves Link is going to 0.

>> No.14021492

>still trading around 1$
>barely above ico price
>/biz/ talks about x300
never change..

>> No.14021507

ico price was literally .11

>> No.14021526

there's no talking sense to the LINK holder. They really think some fat fuck Russian philosopher has invented something the lowliest developer on the Microsoft totem pole couldn't replicate within a month.

>> No.14021537

Why would Microsoft develop a decentralized oracle network instead of contributing to one? The point is that no one owns it and that it is a decentralized, trustless system. Would you want two different internets? Do you understand the concept behind any of this?

>> No.14021555

> tells people to refute his 'facts' when he casually presents a 0 proof unoriginal coder larp along with demented ramblings based on a hypothetical situation

Ad hominem is the only real thing we can go with because the only thing you have truly presented is your incredibly smooth brain. It's all just noise. The barking and pissing of a confused swinglinker. Go drink some drain cleaner and lie down in a landfill somewhere, you mouthbreathing nigger.

>> No.14021562

If they could, they would...it is very lucrative

>> No.14021563


Top kek, he didnt re enter...

>> No.14021565

>if bitcoin reaches 5B link will be 1K
>see how easy that is bros? haha we're all gonna make it amirite
kys retard

>> No.14021569

shit tier fud up your game swingie

>> No.14021585

You don't need to prove logic, it proves itself
If LINK goes to 1000, Sergey will be a trillionnaire. That's why. MS wants that trillion, it doesn't want Sergey to have it. KEK YOU ARE SO DUMB, everyone of your "argument" makes no sense and gets BTFO. Link 0eoy

>> No.14021592


Not so fast, pal.

I can’t even trade my link it’s all in cold storage. I intend to sell 10% of my stack at $100 USD, and neet off that for two years and see where my make it stack ends up.

I intend to only ever fraction split, I will leave LINK to my children as inheritance.

>> No.14021608

have sex

>> No.14021640

It might go to zero, but that doesn’t matter. Right now cryptocurrency is a lucrative bet because a lot of people believe in them. I’ve thought ChainLink (and smart contracts in general) are retard tier BS, but I’ve made a lot of money off them. No one is gonna out of nowhere say “ok, time to admit it’s all a scam.”

>> No.14021654

did sergey present today? anything interesting?

kicking myself for not loading up more when it hit 0.85 but I'm waiting on a check to clear

>> No.14021672

> logic proves itself
> refute my facts because dude trust me
> still provides 0 facts
Why do you keep providing me with evidence of your extra chromosomes instead of addressing what I pointed out about your shit-tier claims? You people are so completely fucked in the head that I don't know whether to feel pity or contempt.

>> No.14021679

I agree, I'm allin on real projects, like BTC and ETH. Not scams where 65% of the supply is controlled by 1 man, 0 user adoption, and not even have an actually decentralized mainnet.

>> No.14021692

all my facts are logic that prove themselves, but you seem to be too low IQ to realize that. You can't follow a simple conversation so there's really no hope of convincing you, but all the other potential buyers with brains are reading how retarded you and linkies are and selling, which is my goal.

>> No.14021706

Who said anything about $1000 per Link? And no one said Sergey owns 650M Link. Just admit you’re a fudding faggot. The 650M could be in a wallet that has very specific instructions of which the company founders are aware. You’re making a lot of stupid assumptions. If they give 300M tokens to Microsoft, then does your mind change? You need to learn to fud better. You sound like such a retarded faggot. Why wouldn’t Microsoft just create their own internet?

>> No.14021720

actually you bagholding and proving your retardedness to the public is the perfect outcome for me, I get to insult you AND make you poorer

>> No.14021725

BTC and ETH are just as much of nonsense as ChainLink. It’s all useless shit.

>> No.14021747

hey you fucking mongloid, remind me what network Chainlink is "live" on?

>> No.14021754

Literally the only useful crypto is Monero and if people ever figure that out it will become illegal and difficult to obtain. I'm just here for the riches anyways.

>> No.14021757

See, again, your prove how low IQ you are.

Chainlink has always made Sergey and his associate millions. MS wants these millions. 10, 100, 1000EOY is irrelevent. But you are too stupid to read between the lines.

Wether Sergey owns 65% of the supply, or Sergey and his 10 associates, or a trust controlled by Sergey and his 10 associates, does not make a single difference. It's still 65% of the supply controlled by 1-50 people. But see, you are too stupid to understand that.

I have to spell out every detail that a normal person with normal IQ would just understand as "logic".

>> No.14021773

There’s no point in arguing with you. You’re just another stinky linky fudding his own project for whatever mental illness you have and larping as someone who hates link but just researches it in depth to point it’s flaws out in 20 posts per thread. You’re accomplishing nothing.

>> No.14021781
File: 495 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_2019-03-22-15-47-54-710_com.brave.browser.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic relative you massive nigger. KYS

>> No.14021783

Right. Thanks for convincing us with your high IQ

>> No.14021794

kek every time a dumb linky gets BTFO he says "durr you must be an undercover linky!!!"

Your IQ is so low.

>> No.14021818

Chainlink is not decentralized. All they did was create a token out of thin air, sell 35% to randos, keep 65%.

MS can do that in 2 seconds and be just as "decentralized".

Again, another LOW IQ Linky arugment BTFO. Are you guys crying yet? On suicide watch? Bring on more "arguments", which I will also BTFO, I'm waiting.

>> No.14021835

>12 posts by this id

I'm sorry to were BTFO swing trading.
You clearly don't work in tech or so any software development, because if you did you'd realise not every company can be specialists in everything and they reach for services who are experts in their field

>Microsoft doesn't use open source, they build their own hurr durr

Brainlet faggot

>> No.14021859

I do work as a programmer, I've even done work for a few ICOs.

Oh again the whole "you must be an undercover linky" argument. Have sex

>> No.14021882

It will be decentralized. For the rest of your message, read pic related of my previous message. Nigger

>> No.14021898


Programmer in what exactly? Spill it and I'll know if you're full of shit. Nobody refers to themselves as a programmer who actually builds software.

>> No.14021902

>I've even done work for a few ICOs.
Oh wow, impressive, Anon
Did you do marketing for bitconnect too?

>> No.14021910
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establish basic boundary conditions for market cap and pricing and index it against how much risk/exposure you're willing to take

basic breakdown for the lurkers and contributors of this thread:

>btc - 50%
>eth - 35%
>link - 15%

change the order of these 3 to suit the amount of risk you're willing to carry (risk in this context is the exposure to the crypto market, ie. money holding crypto vs. your earnings, assets and potential future earnings)

>> No.14021918

It will not be decentralized. ETH is decentralized. They spend their 16mill ICO money hiring 100 devs to finish their mainnet in 1 year, and they own less than 1% of the supply.

Sergey owns 65% of the supply and kept the 32mil to himself instead of hiring enough devs to complete the mainnet in a timely fashion. Note that current mainnet of Chainlink is not finished, it's not currently able to handle decentralization.

>> No.14021942

Yes they do, because I do and I program full time. I do mostly backend nodejs work, and I got gigs for the icos because I've worked a lot with IPFS and Web3.

>> No.14021979

Ethereum and Bitcoin were premined to oblivion. But that's not what make a network centralized. Nigger and retard

>> No.14021995


Tell me the best feature that arrived natively in node 10 LTS? You'll likely get this wrong googling and will only know the correct answer with experience

>> No.14022001

Bro, why are you so dumb? Why is it tht I can BTFO every single one of your argument in 2 second?

Eth foundation's ETH reserve were less than 1% of the supply 2 years in.

Do you know anyone who owns 65% of bitcoin? Let me know, I will dump my stack instantly.

>> No.14022011

>Missing the point
That's not what make a network centralized. Nigger

>> No.14022020

No clue, they haven't added anything I use since node 8 I think. Most of the "new" features are use are classes, destructuring, proxies, arrow function, const, let, for of. They really add so little features every version now that you'd have to be autistic as fuck to know them.

>> No.14022036

You kids will never stop shilling shitcoins, huh?

>> No.14022038


>microsoft , salesforce, swift , jp morgan etc all come out and confirm they are using link.

Dude, that's delusional. No one will actually ever use LINK for anything. Except maybe the Sergey and couple of biz neets for fun. It's the same for all these crypto projects. After 10 years bitcoin STILL has no one who actually uses it for anything except HODLing and pump&dumps. Screencap this.

>> No.14022049

Yes it does, especially since Link plans on using staking for reputation kek. Also if you think running a node mkes it decentralized, I think MS can get poeople to run more nodes than fucking chainlink kek. They have like 75% of desktop marketshare.

HOW DUMB CAN YOU BE. It never seizes to amaze me.

>> No.14022059

Jesus Christ, we are back at the beginning... we really did a full FUD circle...

>> No.14022065

Listen guys, I don’t care whether or not you think it is a scam or not or whether it is decentralized or not. You can do your own research on that fud each other in another thread, I only want to know what the price potential is on link in each specific scenario and how many link will be locked up in nodes on average.

>> No.14022069

>lot of risk

can you elaborate? do you mean in regards to adoption, market timing, team or what?

>> No.14022081

price 0 - probability 100%

>> No.14022102

>why did no one just make their own internetz anon hm?! Hmm?! Hmmmm?! Ha! I got you there!!!!!! Uuuuuhhhh yess!!!
Kys you subhuman piece of nigger shit

>> No.14022138

kek nice argument. I'm sure anyone with money is reading it and rushing to buy Link. Every word you write makes you poorer as you fail to come up with a single good counter argument and smart money is selling.

>> No.14022180

Sure bud. I really hope you mean every word you said, because I can’t wait to see guys like you neck themselves in the future because of their arrogance. But you are just another retard thinking it’s still necessary to fud to keep the price down.

>> No.14022208

I've been allin on BTC since 2015, and more recently ETH, no matter what happens to Link I will have made it. Though it will go to 0 with a 100% probability.

>> No.14022222


>> No.14022247
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I know where you got that pic

>> No.14022264

Link confirmed $1000 eoy

>> No.14022277
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>> No.14022284
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Best counter argument

>> No.14022302

The only probability of 100% is you being a nigger. Now fuck off Tyrone, do some gang stuff, steal cars, sell drugs or whatever you guys do.

>> No.14022320

>thread closed

>> No.14022364
File: 22 KB, 222x293, Its+not+a+laughing+reaction+its+something+_06492df8db1a8a11ac81e97192057078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does it mean guys?

>> No.14022371

It’s a good sign, fren

>> No.14022386

Fuckin chekt

>> No.14022389

It seems if you're dumb and poor you will buy Link, if you're smart and rich you will sell it.

>> No.14022694

You’re a fucking retard.

>> No.14022711

No one will use windows , they will build their own

>> No.14023426

>what is fractional reserve
Seriously though, this logic is fucking stupid. “Hey we need to move $100m using these meme tokens, so let’s just say they’re worth $100m!”
The redpill is that the reliability and accuracy of the link network will mean only a small fraction of the value of a job needs to be staked, like 0.01%. We’ll still make it though.

>> No.14023909

5 k in 2023 july checkem

>> No.14023957

this filthy fud thread. Anyone who DYOR knows the tokenomics of link is insane. 1 billion total tokens? 650 million of which are held in reserve for key partners and staking rewards? And link nodes can only be rewarded with link tokens? What if there were only 1 billion dollars both in circulation and in reserve banks in all the world. How much would a house cost. how much would college cost. and how many smart contracts need to be executed/rewarded daily to replace all digital transactions? How many if only 10% of digital transactions were replaced by smart contracts?

You fucking imbeciles don't deserve money.

>> No.14023993

if not LINK then hold what.

>> No.14024809

Hold eth, btc and monero, but those have too lil return left

>> No.14025049
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>> No.14025249

>self-proclaimed programmer
>mostly nodejs
>npm install web3
>t. bootcamp graduate
No engineer respects you in the slightest. Pathetic.

>> No.14025253

I've tried to calculate this and I've come t around $300 USD considering the market cap and possible growth when trying to be conservative yet optimistic. Beyond that I'm not sure. Things could get crazy for a moment.

>> No.14025261

> Kyc to run a node
> reselling private api data is illegal

Good luck with that

>> No.14025282

i would be very happy with link at $300

>> No.14025299
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>> No.14025629

Found the guy who is buying Link at $10

>> No.14025633

Interesting, I also landed at about $300 for near term though I think depending on how much are locked up in nodes and what the dividends are we could see a price in the multiple thousands. $300 seems like the lowest realistic price we'll see if adoption happens though.

>> No.14025669


Hello 2017 Fud.

>> No.14025917


How did you calculate this to come at 300$?