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14015806 No.14015806 [Reply] [Original]

Frugal tips? Let's talk about something other than crypto for a minute

>> No.14015818


>> No.14015827

Buy essentials in bulk and make sure to budget your money.

>> No.14015828


>> No.14015831

Fuck you, you degenerate piece of shit.

>> No.14015837

Unironically got redpilled on shaving by ranjay

>> No.14015835

Just don't be a retard and buy things you don't need. Learn how to cook if you don't know how. Don't increase your spending just because you increase your income.
And for the love of God don't get married.

>> No.14015847

also, being frugal is a poor fag habit. focus on how you can grow your earnings, not on how you can limit your spending.
there is only so much you can skimp and save. there is no limit to the amount of money you can make though.

>> No.14015871

Wash your clothes in the shower

>> No.14015875

which is to say... instead of focusing on how you can save another $100 a week, focus on how you can make another $100 a week.

>> No.14015891

Spending less = more money to invest.

>> No.14015904

How do i get better at budgeting

>> No.14015910


Linkies, i ordered a Sergey Nazarov real doll fat version, 34cm penis.
Now i'm thinking to sell it away, msg me for further info

>> No.14015916

>dont have kids
>save, then spend the remainder, then save the remainder of that
>most importantly: dont be born poor.

>> No.14015925

my jewish parents taught me everything i know, ive since converted to islam.

>> No.14015929

sure thing poor fag. I'm not suggesting you spend more than you have or buy things you don't need. what I'm saying is it's smarter to focus your energy on earning more, not saving more. people whose attention is consumed on saving money never have enough. it's a poor fag habit

>> No.14015951

unironically bagged lunch, can eat for $2-$3 a day

>> No.14015956
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Don't get married until you're safe to bleed cash (all debt gone, emergency fund etc)

GF / marriage is great, but get the financials taken care of first

>> No.14015958

Unplug absolutely everything that is not in use. Lamps, phone chargers with no phone plugged into them, unplug your PC and router/modem when you're at work, unplug television when not using it, just anything that is plugged in when not in use

Run your washer on the lightest (shortest) setting. Instead of laundry detergent (expensive), use a quarter cup of borax and a quarter cup of white vinegar. Let the wash tub fill to the top and let your clothes soak for 5 - 10 minutes before washing. Cut dryer sheets into 3rds. Run your dryer on the lowest heat setting. Use ONLY cold water to wash clothes.

Turn your current refrigerator and freezer settings to half of what they are now. Lower the thermostat on the water heater 5 degrees. Avoid using central A/C and heating as much as you possibly can. A window unit and strategically placed fans will go a lot, lot farther than you think.

Maximize power savings on your PC. Screen set to dim after 3 minutes, turn off at 5 minutes, standby at 10 minutes.

None of you fucks will do any of this because none of you own your own house or do laundry or cook or clean or any of that.

>> No.14015965

s o y l e n t is a cheap way to replace a meal and get a lot of nutrition. the powder, not the ready to drink stuff
not even memeing

>> No.14015966

Use a tool, track you expenses, make realistic budget estimates and reduce unnecessary costs, improve over time, BOOM

>> No.14015972
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>And for the love of God don't get married.
unless you are marring for money

>> No.14015981

imagine putting this much effort into 'saving' $20 a month.

>> No.14016007

noted on the fridge settings
t. $15 water bill, $100 elec bill

>> No.14016070
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>saving $10 a month which translates into a lower quality of life that diminishes your ability to perform well at a job or advance yourself
>net negative loss $10,000+ easily
Kek I love how peasants think.

>> No.14016073

Savings will go further than earning because of jew taxes.
If you cut spending by $100, that's an extra $100 you can invest.
If you earn $100 more, that's an extra $70-$80 you can invest.
The takeaway is keep your ongoing costs minimal but don't ruin your life over it, keep your focus on earning more.
Value your time, be more willing to spend money on things that save you time, especially if you can use that time to make yourself more money, or if you're using that time to invest in yourself.

>> No.14016087

Use a high yield savings account. It's free risk free money.

Buy your white monsters in bulk from Sam's/Costco instead of paying more than $2/can. Bulk buy non perishables (this includes frozen food). Use Aldi/ruler foods/discount groceries for staples

Grow your own herbs, they're a fucking ripoff to buy fresh.

Pack your lunch wagie, don't give money to Jimmy John's

Hit up thrift stores for clothes. Buy most of your non consumables second hand.

Drive a relatively modern shitbox like a carolla/civic. Luxury cars are for conceited fags.
Don't think of a house as an investment, it's a place to live, not very liquid, and a pain in the ass if you do sell it.

>> No.14016199

>Move out of high cost of living areas
>Use simple.com bank to budget
>bag lunches/never eat out
>don’t get raped on utilities
>Get 8 hrs of sleepy every night. Helps reduce impulse purchasing.

Aside from that, Housing, utilities, groceries, and gas will eat up most of your budget. Don’t waste time trying or make yourself miserable by trying to cut out tiny ass recurring expenses. Move to a low-rent mortgage area is way more effective than switching from Verizon to Sprint (for example) Some things are worth the premium you pay for them.

>> No.14016214


>not buying TRUE for 61% cheaper than other exchanges
>Doesn't know how to use real decentralized IDEXs
> Not shorting OKeX
No wonder you're poor

>> No.14016220
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>grow your own weed on window sill and buy portable vaporizer to cut expenses for entertainment by 99%
>drink only clean water
>do water fasts
>only one big meal per day

>> No.14016236

Also it should go without saying that you should get out of any retard debt you have
>Car loan
>Credit Card debt
>Student loans
You’ll unironically never make it if you have any of that shit.

>> No.14016293

>Savings will go further than earning because of jew taxes.
bullshit. there is a hard limit to the amount you can save, and that is 100% of your earnings.
there is no limit the the amount you can grow your earnings though.

>> No.14016386

t. nigger tier reading comprehension

>> No.14016402

Also in case any one was wondering... Yes, these were real numbers from having my GF move in with me in 2016. the slope of the line was average daily rate of savings after all expenses and spending.

Despite having an additional income to split rent & bills, my savings rate decreased from 36 $/day to 24 $/day.

Having a girlfriend literally cost me ~14 $/day, and now that she's my wife I know that number is worse.

It's worth every penny, but if I could do it again I would have worked myself out of debt first.

>> No.14016502

Both is best.

>> No.14016530

Use Groupon for dates, spa days and fun things to do.
Buy an instapot.
Cook large portions of meat, chili, and buy packs of chicken breasts and chicken thighs for cooking.
Get a discount on anything.
If you can find a small blemish on an item at winners bring it up at the cash register and get 10% off.

>> No.14016552

Use kajiji. We got a massive t.v cheap.
Only new money and poorfags buy everything new. I know billionaires that get things uses in great condition. This is especially good if you get a baby.
Network with friends well. Baby shower will be flooded with gifts and you'll save huge amounts of money with that when you start a family.
Save all that stuff so each child is cheaper.
If you're white make sure you have a minimum of 3 kids to replace yourselves and boost the population with the third.

>> No.14016578

Kill credit card debt
Stop bleeding money in interest and fees.
Boost your credit by putting 1-200$ a month on bills and things you need to pay off in full every month. 0 interest 0 fees.
Pick credit cards wisely. Get a good score so you don't get one with a yearly fee.

Only buy what you need.

>> No.14016591

Get a costco membership. It's well worth the cost.
Make meal plans and a budget
Make sure you have a minimum of 3 months living expenses saved and don't touch it. Add to it once you get more money.
Don't buy huge items until you have that at a minimum in your bank.

>> No.14016595

i wish i could fuck this cartoon woman

>> No.14016610

At my local food lion they do managers specials on the meat weekly which cuts the price by a third of you're looking to grill. Also, watch for when your neighbors grill out so you can sneak on their porch and use their still hot coals

>> No.14016619
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Poor flags meal plus all that onions.

>> No.14016657

Why did onions autocorrect to onions? Wtf

>> No.14016679

>Buy essentials in bulk
this, shop those discounts.

>> No.14016688


>> No.14016848

ALWAYS pay in change

>> No.14016979

Have job

>> No.14017040

Get out newfag. You can't use onions here.

>> No.14017059

s o y

>> No.14017153
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Rice, pasta, chicken breast and pork are usually dirt cheap. Cut out streaming services altogether if you can. Quit smoking/drinking. Don't be afraid to buy short-dated items at a discount at your grocer. Grow a garden if you have land. Save and use coupons. Don't go to college, go into a trade instead. Buy what you need, so you can afford something you really want when you can afford to do so.
It's not hard, but zoomers have no impulse control.

>> No.14017211

>white monsters
How about not buying your sugar water, at all?

>> No.14017244

i get this reference

>> No.14017248

agreed on everything except
>Don't think of a house as an investment, it's a place to live, not very liquid, and a pain in the ass if you do sell it.
this is dependent on where you live and not applicable in all states/counties/towns, even. Helps to know people and have friends and family in real estate to help you sell and move quickly.

>> No.14017296

quit shilling your video

>> No.14017327

All of this is pointless. This is just being more jewish than an actual Jew. It's chasing pennies, when you should be chasing dollars.

>> No.14017348
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Take pets from areas near me, wait for owner to post reward. Easy money, most time they also pay extra for food etc.

I have usually 3 or 4 dogs at one time, one week i made over $1000 as one owner paid $500 for her doggo, plus gave me another $200 tip. kek

Luckily I have large field behind my house where they can run and fuck around at night they in my garage.

If after two weeks the old stingy bastard doesnt offer reward I just take doggo back and leave it near where i picked it up.

>> No.14017360

his English is kinda remarkable for a pajeet desu.

>> No.14017459

he doesn't know

>> No.14017482


Most frugal stuff is insane. Here's some simple stuff everyone should do:

> never finance a car (unless they offer 0% financing without fees). Always pay cash, even if that means a $2k old honda civic.

> don't eat out. If you spend $25 a week eating out, that's about $1,200 per yer you're wasting

> when you buy food for your home, buy fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Everything else is overpriced AND bad for you

> If you date, don't spend a bunch of money on the woman. It should be 50/50. And if it's a dynamic where you HAVE to spend money on her to get her then the situation is prostitution ANYWAY and you should just start fucking whores from seeking or something like that. Then budget it and get your cock off when you need to.

> If you're renting, don't get an overpriced apartment. Look around for someone who is renting a room in their basement or something like that. $500 a month is a lot better than $1,500 a month. Consider the extra $10k in your pocket at the end of the year and how you could buy a house with that money as a down payment

That's pretty much it. If you're not self-employed or have your own business, then you probably should. The ONLY reason to work for someone else is if they are paying you very well. I know guys that do landscaping and make $60k a year. It's all about doing something well, then pushing your business cards and word-of-mouth FUCKING EVERYWHERE. Wrap your car and get a website.

Godspeed Spiderman.

>> No.14017519


> Unplug everything

I read a long study on this. Most appliances that are "off" aren't pulling any power or if they are it's like 1 penny per day. The guy even used a meter to test all the appliances in his home.

I do agree on A/C and refrigerator though. A/C uses a LOT of power.

>> No.14017522

I replaced expensive solid meals with onions for 2 of my 3 meals a day.

>> No.14017613

I eat once a day maybe twice max, don't fall for the 3 square meals scam, this is a modern concept to sell more product.
The ancient greeks and Romans all ate one large meal a day during the afternoon, as do
Primitive hunter gatherer societies.
Your just supposed to eat when your hungry, when you're used to eating so much you will get hungry at lunch time, but your body gets used to it.

Easy way to save 66% of your weekly food cost.
And beneficial for all you fat asses to lose weight in the process.

Bonus -fasting is fucking amazing for your body and health

>> No.14017646

Don't pay bills late (and NEVER ever eveeeeer pay CC bills late!), so many people get fucked up the ass by this much more than you'd save by wasting all your precious time living like a fucking pauper like so many of these posts suggest.

>> No.14017805

I'm trying to take anons advice and I didn't buy a white monster today T_T
I felt like shit all morning.

>> No.14018195

Look at the BLS numbers to check whether your budget is reasonable vs. other people in the same salary range and household size.

>> No.14018238

almost always a good idea, but careful not to overextend too

sometimes it's best to not spend money until you have to, something I've learned in the restaurant biz - buying too much of something ties your money up, money that could be used for something else

so keep both in mind

>> No.14018258

try not to spend as much money
at the end of the month, you will see that you have more money, because you didn't spend it

>> No.14018260

fucking based

>> No.14018285

lmfao the dogs probably have a great time too

>> No.14018300

>"why's there so much month left of the money, lol"
>start in February
>gain one day
>March appears
>months are getting longer

>> No.14018320

here is an actual tip, instead of just taking the shit from you goobs

stop buying energy drinks, instead, buy energy drink powders which you can mix into water at the potency you want, for like 1/20th the price, some of them are really fucking tasty and generate their own fizz

>> No.14018353

Any recommendations or hyperlinks anon? I'm trying to get off energy drinks, but because of saving money not health.

>> No.14018377

some basics that I used to neglect:
if you buy things for, for example, your place of work or your home where you live with your parents, get them to pay for it.. ESPECIALLY your boss (my boss actually gets kind of offended when people try to pay for things that he should be paying for) when it's not your responsibility, don't foot the fucking bill
don't let money burn a hole in your pocket.. don't guy buying some random shit calling it an investment, like "oh I might start a lawn business in 2 years so I'm going to justify buying this trailer and let it sit there and rust", instead just fucking pile your cash and let it get bigger and bigger
don't overpay for things to get them NOW.. be patient and make better buys

next time you have an urge to buy something, try not buying it.. wait a week and see if you still really want it.. and stay the FUCK out of convenience stores

the biggest thing is just to realize that there isn't much you can buy that is going to make your life any better, and you're better off just having more money

>> No.14018396

They unironically do, i'd never actually hurt the doggos. I love animals and they get whatever leftovers are starting to go in the fridge

>> No.14018404
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Name some brands you like anon

>> No.14018438

not getting scammed is pretty good tip

>> No.14019015


>> No.14019056

Drink Coffee so you dont have hunger

>> No.14019142

Fasting has saved me so much money in the long run.

Also home gym master race

>> No.14019250

The fucking dipshits that eat out everyday

>> No.14019386

>Buy essentials in bulk
To expand on this, invest in a freezer and buy your veggies/meat frozen in bulk. Only takes the foresight of planning your meal a few hours in advance to let your food thaw before you cook it and you will save 5-10x on groceries depending on where you live.

>> No.14019471

I hope you aren't larping

>> No.14019510

This is WRONG. Most wealthy people are cheap bastards and there is a reason for that. If you are an easy spender you are legitimately never gonna make it.

>> No.14019720

Your girlfriend doesn't contribute anything?

>> No.14020128

I want to believe.

>> No.14020151

Thus I have heard some gentlemen urinate in the sink to save water, and some have been doing so for years, without their significant other having knowledge of this.

What a bunch!

>> No.14020299

Eh. Somewhat. The key point is living within your means. Wealthy people I know still spend on frivolous shit like a 6 figure car or yacht or home theater. You know, shit that depreciates by 50% the moment you pay for it. But they have the income and net worth to afford that kind of shit.

Meanwhile, poorfags will buy a new phone, laptop, tv, and subscribe to more entertainment services every 1-2 years when they have negative assets and only make enough income to survive month-to-month.

>> No.14021176
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For the new fags that don't know the 4 channels has word filter censorship. You can't write these in the usual way:
What it comes out as:

>> No.14021982


>> No.14022024

So do you cheap fucks ever get laid ever or do you just fuck a second hand used fleshlight you bought on Craigslist for $6 and sit in the basement?
This is correct. Focus on earning dollars not on saving nickels.

>> No.14022047

be frugal and buy bitcoin at a discount -anything under $250,000/BTC

>> No.14022055

tbhfam isn't censorship kek

>> No.14022679

this is just dumb poor dad rich dad advice.
growing your earnings as a wagie is not possible. you can grow skill over time but promotions/hopping only come once a year max.
owning a business is a different story but the advice only applies if your customer count is actually growing and there is actually demand for you to buy a bigger warehouse. even for most people in businesses this is just generic stupid advice.