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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 52 KB, 505x500, 1-nIUazw_u3KChCX89fLgLDg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1401495 No.1401495 [Reply] [Original]

You should buy Ethereum Classic. The 80/20 rule applies here so it's undervalued by about 75% right now and will rise once the other exchanges list it (there are plans underway now). It's undervalued because everyone's moving their ETC to Poloniex to sell and potential buyers on other exchanges are just waiting for it to be listed. A bit of insider information: Coinbase won't list it because they fucked up and lost most of their ETC since they were sending both ETH and ETC with each transaction. I'm not sure they even realize it yet but a few friends of mine have been transfering ETH back and fourth between Coinbase and Poloniex and already drained like $300K USD from them over the last day or so.

>> No.1401504

i havnt and wouldnt touch either but thats me

>> No.1401511

It'll be worth about 20% of what ETH is worth now once it's listed on other exchanges. I wouldn't hold long term either though because it's fundamentally flawed. If you're a whale you can margin trade it for a larger percentage than BTC which is why I started playing with it originally (in my opinion margin trading is the way to go and shorts/longs are just gambles).

>> No.1401626

ETC is at .0009 now and falling into the abyss.. I would imagine there are bagholders around that bought it at .007

Forever on suicide watch

>> No.1401636

While I ideologically align with ETC choice, I don't think it will overtake ETH.
* Less developer support = less adoption
* Riding the coattails of ETH for marketing, development and applications
* The majority of nodes and miners already has voted for ETH

It's sad the foundation jewed this hard and I really like this signal sent here, but holding ETC long is bad choice.

>> No.1401640

held on to my ETC's for a mere 5 hours.. I was even lucky enough to make a small profit from it . I dont like the fork either.. Would have loved ETC to have a fighting chance, but such is not meant to be

>> No.1401644

Profit wins out in the end over ideology.

>> No.1401696

What is better about Ethereum classic than normal Ethereum?

>> No.1401711


You don't feel as gross mining it, aND yoh make more money. The hard fork made me kind of sick, picturing the happy faces of all the DAO idiots who tanked my mining profits.

Eth made it to $21 with everyone accepting the "unstoppable contracts forever" idea, so I think $1 is a good price to buy.

>> No.1401726

>The majority of nodes and miners already has voted for ETH

False, the 80% majority did not even vote. True, most of them might have chosen the hard fork if forced to vote, but I think a good chunk of the nonvoters knew they would lose by voting "no", and silently let themselves get cucked. The profitability and uncuckedness of etc might motivate them to switch now though.

>> No.1401795

Those tears on reddit are delicious but these deluded fools will hold on to this disaster till their last penny....
or not really, it's just a matter of time before whales start silently dumping, and then this shitshow can bleed out like LTC and other bagholder memecoins.

Eth is a mess...

>> No.1401821

> 80/20 rule
Explain how 80/20 rule applies here.

>> No.1401894

Organized pump and dump - Im sure Dark DAO was in the middle of it. Hilarious how morons will throw there money at fools.

>> No.1401900

20% of scammers get 80% of the scam money

>> No.1401920


ETC will float to 20% of ETH's price once everyone's done dumping their "free" ETC and ETC is listed on multiple exchanges.

Whenever you have two identical interacting systems where one can "win" there's an 80/20 split. 20% of people control 80% of the wealth in a free market, 20% of men get 80% of women, etc. This rule applies to all economies, currencies, commodities, and so on and has application in AI research too.

For an example closer to the current situation, 80% of the market cap of ALL crypto currencies is in bitcoin while 20% are in alts.

>> No.1401923

To elaborate further, the ONLY reason that ETC is at 5% or so of ETH is because there's a massive selloff going on right now. Once that's over price discovery will start and ETC will float up. It might bubble past 20% because of speculators but the final price based on thousands of years of economic data and trends is 20% lol.

>> No.1401977

Should I mine ETC with my "free" power?

>> No.1402041

Wow, you sir are a moron.

>> No.1402439

>based on thousands of years of economic data and trends is 20% lol
>thousands of years

What a specimen.
You all know what we call Broscience with all the fitness talk of \fit based on absolutely nothing.

This is an example of BizScience at its finest.

>> No.1403133

thats retarded. when you move to another coinbase it raises prices you fucking lunatic. you just bought this trash and want to sell it. you are dead. no one wants this shit.

>> No.1403292
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Lmao this. Who the fuck buys into classic now? You'd have to be retarded.

>> No.1403564

classic is mooning now. next stop 20% of eth, screenshot this

>> No.1403608

>If you're a whale you can margin trade it for a larger percentage than BTC which is why I started playing with it originally (in my opinion margin trading is the way to go and shorts/longs are just gambles).

I don't want to sound hostile, but clearly, you have no idea what you are talking about. Margin trading for ETC isn't even available yet on polo.

>I would imagine there are bagholders around that bought it at .007

There was a whopping 0.39 BTC worth of volume in the first candle after it opened and most of the volume was probably way below that anyway.
The ones holding from 0.0018-0.0025 are definitely feeling the heat though.

>> No.1403785

40% gains since i created this thread. youre welcome. target is around 300% more gains based on the current technicals

>> No.1403857
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post ur twitter OP

>> No.1403884

Well after a massive dump, it has literally tripled in value within a day.

It better, I'd like it to hit .0024 so I'm back above water

>> No.1403885

Holy shit, i sold too early.. Sold at 1.45 fug.. i would have been swimming in the profits now

>> No.1403887

So, almost the same trading volume (24hr) as ETH, half its buy order amount, yet still 1/10th of the price. Good signs.

>> No.1403889

got in again at 0.0018

>> No.1403927
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>jumps to 0.0027
>crashes down to 0.0018 in a matter of seconds

>> No.1403928

did you dump? it reached as high as .0027

exited at .0026 gonna wait for more dips

>> No.1403934

I'll dump half when it jumps slightly over my entry, then go in again if it crashes again.

>> No.1403939

it jumped to .0027 well above your entry, but im sure it will consolidate some more.. bought in again at .0019 and hoping to make another 20%

>> No.1403951

looks like the whales have started to appear.. sell orders increasing.. it was fun while it lasted

>> No.1403965

yeah I went out at 0.0021 because last night, even before this thread was up I put a sell order at that price.

I wasn't expecting it to jump so fast.

>> No.1403994
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Im fucking traumatized. I lost 4k and gained it back lol.

>> No.1404018

Hard to decide whether I should buy some ETC now..

>> No.1404021

>listen to biz and don't buy etc

>etc goes up 400%

fuck you all

>> No.1404025

>listening to everything biz says.

lol you come here for second opinions not orders you mong.

>> No.1404027

its mooning again.. bought at .0019 sold at .0027 again. made $400 today in a span of 2 hours.. life is good

>> No.1404028

If you have anything on RDS, sell now. A dutch dude is about to go Snowden on them and the US.

>> No.1404035

gunna wait for the next crash and buy dips again

>> No.1404038

That fear of missing out is killing me desu gonna buy back at 24

>> No.1404039

I dont even have much to invest.. just 2 bitcoins, and Been making $200 everytime it crashes and surges. Its the ultimate gamblers dream!

>> No.1404045

if it doesnt crash soon, im gonna miss the train forever

>> No.1404048
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holy shiet guys im sweating now, i want m0ar.. crash baby

>> No.1404050

kill yourself ponyfag

>> No.1404053

Royal dutch shell? interesting.

>> No.1404054

They all crash eventually, all.

There are whales in this that said they would troll the market and mass dump when they want to

hey, don't judge

>> No.1404060
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>created a thread saying that ETC is the future and ETH is finished
>nobody believed me
stay mad ethcucks

>> No.1404062

if this is their way of trolling, im all for it.. made more in 3 hours than a wageslave would earn in a week

>> No.1404066
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>> No.1404068
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i threw in 20 BTC at .0018 and have 0 regrets. Not selling this shit til .012

>> No.1404096

I dumped ETC about 2 hours ago

Fuck me

>> No.1404099
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same my mang, same

>> No.1404119

>tfw its too late to buy in

>> No.1404124

its not too late yet.. it just crashed again.

>> No.1404130

just bought more @29 gonna sell it at 45 for quick turns senpai

>> No.1404138

>tfw now its too late

>> No.1404148

just wait. This shit is a rollercoaster. Keep your eyes stuck on the walls and find the right time to go in

>> No.1404149


>> No.1404153

One of these very large buy walls is going to be yanked away just before being hit, that might be enough to cause the eventual panic-sell.

>> No.1404160

is there a way to view polo buy orders by btc amount?

>> No.1404163

yeah its below the sell box

>> No.1404171
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Fuck this shit. I am going to withdraw my ETC after work tonight. I will then not open any Ethereum discussion again for a month. I am going to hold both ETH and ETC long. I don't give a fuck anymore I am fucking sick of this shit

>> No.1404174
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>> No.1404247



>> No.1404276

LOL hold on a second.

So early adopters who haven't cracked open their presale wallets can redeem both on Ethereum and Ethereum Classic? Thats f.... bullshit!! Ethereum Classis is a scam.

>> No.1404286

cant complain, its free money.. trade it while you can

>> No.1404346

the gift that keeps on giving

>> No.1404411

All this "free money" lol. All classic gains are going out of Eth_bailout marketcap you mongs.

>> No.1404418 [DELETED] 

big crash gais, buy dips

>> No.1404470

it sucks for ETH holders only.. blame it all on God Emperor Vitalik

>> No.1404482
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Are Ethereum bag holders the biggest cucks in the crypto community?

>> No.1404484

This is fucking tight. Ethereum should keep on doing hard forks. In essense they are duplicating our money. I think they just found out a way to print free money. Fuck yea we fed now bitches.

>> No.1404488

Cant wait for the Next "DAO" and triple our money.. Thanks for all your hard work, ETH shills

>> No.1404490

Fedthereum. We're all gonna make it, bros.

>> No.1404495
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surprised there's not more hype here, this is the ultimate fuck you to Jewtalik

>> No.1404504

nuETH is finished!

>> No.1404531
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Before the hard fork...

>ahahahaha have you seen this "memethereum"?
>yea just saw it this morning. these kids and their funny money LOL
>rofl I just pissed myself

>> No.1404538
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After the hard fork...

>oh fuck did they really do that...?
>shit you know what this means right??
>I think they found out our secret. Fuck
>they fed nao

>> No.1404540

they fed now because the feds are going to bust their ass for this shit

>> No.1404550

should I hold or dump ETC.. can't really imagine it going higher

>> No.1404555

Eth bag holders.. You realize everyone who owns eth before
The fork owns an equal amount of etc since it is valid on both chains?

>> No.1404562

9/10 post. First time I have laughed out loud on this board. I don't think any of these kids are going to recognize this as satire thoigh.

>> No.1404574

I love those cheap 5-year old tier reverse psychology idiots in the Polo trollbox

shit like:
"please sell so I can buy low :)"

those gotta be third world kids whose trading volume never exceeds 0.3 BTC lel

>> No.1404588

hold to $4

>> No.1404594


>> No.1404598


>> No.1404620

dump half, hold half incase of mooning

>> No.1404621

"Cheap coins!"

>> No.1404677
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thats right baby :D
Im double mooning

>> No.1404745

If I had ETH in a cold stroage wallet prior to the hardfork, those ETH are now ETH classic?

I read a post from the people at myetherwallet saying I didnt have to do anything.

>> No.1404750
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>mfw putting up new stop-limit orders every time the price goes up

I love LTC and believe in it long-term, but I had to dump 1100 LTC to jump on this train while it lasts.

>> No.1404771

>If I had ETH in a cold stroage wallet prior to the hardfork, those ETH are now ETH classic?

yes you now have both.

>> No.1404788

What do you mean both? I had 10 ETH before the fork. Do I now have 10 ETH and 10 ETC? What do I do to profit off this situation?

>> No.1404792

yes you have 10 eth and 10 etc.. to profit from it, convert all your ETH to ETC and trade. ETC is going ballistic as of this post

>> No.1404799

who /rockhard/ here?

>> No.1404801

Yeah I'm reading comments on reddit and people are saying they sent their ETH to an ETC address on polo and polo credited them with ETH and ETC.

>> No.1404805
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ethereum was a mistake

>> No.1404812

BITTREX enabled ETC trading!
KRAKEN to add tomorrow!


Dump your bailout tokens while you can, methheads!

>> No.1404814

but do you have to open it with an etc wallet or can you literally just send eth to an etc address with e.g. myetherwallet?

>> No.1404818

I did the latter but I dont think it worked cause I'm not seeing any open transaction on poloniex

>> No.1404827

Pretty sure I threw away 5 ETH. I sent ETH from my myetherwallet to the ETC address on polo and the ETH is gone from my wallet but not showing up in my polo account. The transaction has had 34 confirmations.

>> No.1404838

Yea I guess it could never work since myetherwallet is a thin client on top of the regular ethereum blockchain.

>> No.1404852
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Clicking storefronts and laughing my ass off

>> No.1404871

So what's next after ETH/ETC?

>> No.1404879

Okay so I just senth regular ETH to the regular ETH deposit on polo with myetherwallet, intending to swap em out for ETC, but now there's also an ETC deposit of the same size pending lol. But I have no idea which offline wallet to use for ETC and I don't really wanna keep em on polo.

>> No.1404899

you can withdraw them to bittrex

>> No.1404901

geez oh man

OP is playing you all for fools

coinbase/kraken are not running ethereum classic clients. the only people trading ETC right now are the fools on poloniex who were credited ETH/ETC because poloniex is a bunch of greedy juden that knows how to add a crypto pair faster than you can say pump n dump

if you send ETH from kraken/coinbase, it's only going to credit ETH in poloniex because the transaction isn't going to be heard by the classic nodes

>> No.1404905

I'm not running a classic client either yet I still got etc on polo. Does that mean myetherwallet also broadcasts on the classic network?

>> No.1404913


you just btfo'd yourself m8, dont post on that id again

>> No.1404916

it means that they haven't upgraded to the new version I think

so your shit will be run on both networks

>> No.1404920

that didn't contradict anything that I said

you cannot send ETH from kraken to poloniex and be given ETH and ETC right now

when kraken runs an ethereum classic client, then you will be able to send around ETC

>> No.1404921

What the fuck is going on, what is ETC? What happened? I have a little bit of ETH on Kraken and have been off 4chan for like a week and haven't followed any ETH news for around 2 weeks.

>> No.1404928

The Fedthereum decided to double your money bro

>> No.1404934

This. It's a good thing that cryptos have no central authority that can just do whatever the hell they want. Oh wait...

>> No.1404941

Hey guys. Guys. Guys. Lets do more hard forks so we can triple and quadruple our money.

>> No.1405005

Etc is going insane ,rip bailout ETH

>> No.1405010

ETH had hard fork, so every ETH became and ETH (new fork) + ETC (old chain), then poloniex decided to trade non forked as well, now others are doing it too.

tldr, Your ETH has split into two currencies.

>> No.1405086

OK OK OK OK OK sloooooow

- I burn my DAO token to ETH
- send all my ETH to Polo and get the same amount of ETC

- I burn my DAO Tokens to ETC
- I send all my funds to Polo as ETC

Is this correct?

>> No.1405149
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ETC still going up ,the hard fork was a mistake

>> No.1405184
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>> No.1405196

So etc double peaked @ ~.0041, dump incoming?

>> No.1405197

I had 24 prefork ETHs on poloniex and 14 prefork on kraken. I sent the 14 to poloniex and put all into ETC today. Did very well. It seems I'm entitled to ETC. How do I get them? How much do I get?


>> No.1405214


Polo playing some 4D chess and Eth foundation exposed as the passive aggressive bailout cucks they are.
Control of Eth might be wrested from the foundations hands at this rate.
A second fork will be needed so we are gonna see eth_bailout and eth_bailout_classic soon.
Eth still a mess.
Smart money is mining ETH classic or got in at ground level.

>> No.1405224

Why is a second fork needed?

>> No.1405226


The Ethereum Mist Browser is total Bullshit and doesn't recognice my keystore folder when I copy&paste it in the location on my laptop.

It doesn't even use on the same PC when I switched to a newer version of Mist....

Geth on the other hand can see it.

>> No.1405331

What's the highest price ETC will get due before getting dumped?

>> No.1405366

People are blabbing on about the Chinese coming into the market, with the likes of Yobit & Bitfinex adding exchanges today. But, if the same merry-go-round happens as it did with Polofinex (duplicate amount of ETC for current ETH holders), many may decide to sell them. More likely to trend upwards for the next couple of days, but the swings are gonna be lethal.

>> No.1405396
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It worked. Now the question is: hold or sell? I wish I had sold when it was 300% earlier.

>> No.1405399
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>Polo playing some 4D chess and Eth foundation exposed as the passive aggressive bailout cucks they are.
I fucking love this summary of events. Thank you very much sir.

>> No.1405422

How the fuck do I sell ETC for USD or BTC on polo?? I'm used to kraken.

>> No.1405427

nvm I figured it out.

>> No.1405481

I currently have 75 Eth coins. How many more should I buy? 500? 1000?

>> No.1405557

highest ive seen it is around 0043.. prolly safe to dump around those levels.. I usually dump soon after i see a huge green candle sticks. Rinse and repeat

>> No.1405568


>> No.1405652

I dont understand did poloniex just kill ETH by releasing ETC?

>> No.1405870

prettymuch yes

On a sidenote, did anyone notice, this second surge and selloff is EXACTLY Identical as the first one.

>> No.1406060


>> No.1406082

im retarded as fuck

someone pls explain what this deal with coinbase is?

how were people doubling their ETH?

>> No.1406090

mirror bug after the hard fork. basically, coinbase is confused and is giving you free ETC for your eth transactions

>> No.1406108

Wait so if I buy ETH on coinbase I can then sell the equal amount of ETC on poloniex ,sell my ETH back to coinbase and rinse repeat ?

>> No.1406476


Nobody? Then I'll keep the reward to myself

>> No.1406702


>> No.1406889

just dumped 200k ETC

enjoy your day plebs :^)

>> No.1407073

Has the bubble popped?

>> No.1407081

seems so.. and I tought me to stay the fuck away from cryptos..

>> No.1407088

But "unstoppable contracts" was never a reality. It was a delusion. ETC is no more immutable than ETH. All of the changes to make ETH more immutable in the future will be copied by ETC. There's literally no reason for ETC to exist.

>> No.1407113
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pic related

>> No.1407123

For lemmings to read so they pump your shitcoin, I see.

>> No.1407129
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>> No.1407173


>> No.1407189

Since you're not a pleb, why dump now and not few hours ago when it was ~0.003?

>> No.1407192

I converted all my ETH to Bitcoin until this utterly retarded clusterfuck sorts itself out.

Fucking DAO, I knew something would happen. $150 mil in some new entirely code based blockchain shit yeah no one's going to go snatch it.

>> No.1407206

dont forget to convert your ETC as well lol

>> No.1407211
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>> No.1407215

took a look at reddit/rethtrader and ethereum today. A delicious mix of mad, delusion and sucking off Vitalik personality cult.

I think you might be right. Almost makes me regret buying eth.

>> No.1407220


I was on Kraken and it took me a while to remember how to sell shit, Kraken is such a terribly designed website. I didn't convert I just sold it.

>> No.1407221

would've been 10x better with only the "of downtime, censorship, fraud or third party interference" scratched off in the first sentence.

>> No.1407227

If anyone would like to help a brother out, I lost my eth in an ex'gf related bunny boiler laptop attack.

Since everyone split opinion on ETHC, I'll take any spare off anyones hands.

Wanna get rich and show that bitch she didnt damage me.

She fucking did though :(



>> No.1407233

I did my part today, maybe tomorrow :)

>> No.1407300

lost 300$ because of this shit.. bought ETC at 0.0025 and its probably gonna shit to 0.0000x

>> No.1407303

time to buy dips 8D

>> No.1407305

no, don't. you're gonna regret it. forget this fucking shit coin. don't do the same mistake I made.

>> No.1407318

gonna buy m0ar at bottom prices.. i dont really care if it returns to zero, already made enough. Worth another shot

>> No.1407465

>margin trading is the way to go
>shorts/longs are just gambles
Thats a spicy retard!

>> No.1407550
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>There's literally no reason for ETC to exist.
Yeah there is.

>> No.1407806

Selling pressure has been huge due to the introduction of new exchanges (and thus duplicate ETC being created), meaning many are getting rid of them. If you didn't buy in during the first day, or sell your stack during the massive rise, it's probably too late to do anything worthwhile. Bagholders might just wanna ignore the charts for a while and hope devs continue to jump into classic, wait it out.

>> No.1407898

I'm banging ur ex right now :^)
Hope she takes BTC

>> No.1407916


Big Tunisian Cock?

>> No.1407956

>But "unstoppable contracts" was never a reality

no, it previously wasnt. the emergence of ETC has made it a reality.

a small group refused to fork, expecting to make less profit than mining the forked chain. That small core group of miners valued the principle of unstoppable contracts over financial profit. On a blockchain, you cannot create something more absolute than miner greed.

>> No.1408192


>> No.1408641

ETC can't seem to decide if it wants to raise or to keep falling.


>> No.1408697

jumped from 0022 to 0031 two minutes ago as of this post. made a few hundred dollars.. kek

>> No.1408732

>You should buy Ethereum Classic.

Stopped reading there.