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14014565 No.14014565[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Surely this can't be it right, there must be some meaning behind it. This is all just a test right? The real thing starts AFTER we die right?

Imagine wasting your entire life on this hopium.

>> No.14014606

i used to care about this stuff but now that im a 31 year old boomer, i don't. fuck everything. heaven, hell, no afterlife at all. none of it matters. it's all the same in the end: a bunch of bullshit experiences i never signed up for

>> No.14014624

imagine wanting an afterlife holy shit just let this end already

>> No.14014634

There is one, the ones that don't see it weren't meant to die

>> No.14014637

It's 100% poorfag cope. People that are very religious and believe in this type of stuff are mostly low IQ poor people that need there to be an afterlife because they failed in this one.

>> No.14014647

Maybe this IS the afterlife

>> No.14014680


>> No.14014685

Willfull ignorance. You will be judged and you will not enter the kingdom of god. Your soul forever lost and forgotten. I feel sorry for you.

>> No.14014701
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>don't know real estate scam
>bribes with donations
>free advertising everywhere

>> No.14014702

If there is, great, but I just thank God for my life and my friends and family.

>> No.14014715

Mind = Blown

>> No.14014720

When you die, you are erased from existence until the universe collapses. Then it comes back into being and you repeat this life all over again.

>> No.14014825


You are the Michael Jordan of being a son of a bitch.

>> No.14014866


imagine making it, doing everything you ever wanted to do, and then realizing you feel just as unfulfilled. not that you WILL make it, but if you did, that's what would happen

>> No.14014887

All there is, is this moment. If you can’t enjoy the thrill of losing and gaining money, you’ll find the end a mind numbing ennui and come right back into the madness of crypto volatility. It’s worse than crack.

>> No.14014921

>imagine making it, doing everything you ever wanted to do
I've basically already done this. There is still no afterlife and I'm totally fine with it.

>> No.14014959
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>don't like cracks
>no makes

>> No.14015084
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>I do not believe in such silly things as religion

>> No.14015152
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>he simply can't imagine that one little boy could be that important
The story never ends and you're every character in it.

>> No.14015155

But we are already in the kingdom of god, anon. Believing there is some secondary existence is the very definition of willful ignorance. There is matter and there is antimatter. Your body will turn to dust but you will remain here forever.

>> No.14015166
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There is no heaven or hell that's abrahamic bullshit for low IQ brainlets

When we die we simply become one with God

>> No.14015292

Which is what Jesus actually says if you pay attention. Things like revelations have to be secondary to and viewed through the filter of what Christ said.

>> No.14015297

This is my greatest fear. The fact that there is a possibility, however infinitely small it may be, that after you die, you might have to go through this all again. And not to mention you wont get to keep all of the knowledge you've accrued too late in this life. You are in a life-cycle of pure misery and never ending wage cucking and pain. The horror is simply astounding.

>> No.14015318

>ctrl f simulation
>0 results
>laughing in digital png

>> No.14015462

Simulation theory is jewish propaganda.

>> No.14015473

There's nothing that idea adds to the already ancient idea of reality being a God dreaming. Simulation theory is a meme popularized in san francisco gay bars.

>> No.14015475

There's a lot of evidence this is how it works. Read about reincarnation stories of children with memories of past lives and how everywhere tries to hide this.

>> No.14015476

is this some kind of poorfag cope that transcends the need for a religion?

>> No.14015496

You never heard of this shit until Elon Musk mentioned it.

>> No.14015499

Oppie, have a look @ NDEs (near death experiences), also take a look at the golden ratio/Fibonacci.

>> No.14015502

I’ll simulate shitting in your mouth you fucking faggot

>> No.14015512

It’s not even unlikely, it’s the second most probable outcome after 1: oblivion. Here’s the good news anon: this isn’t the first time we’ve talked, and I just want to tell you again that it will all turn out to be okay in the end.

>> No.14015520

>There await men after they are dead things which they do not expect or imagine

>> No.14015521

God here: Thats exactly how it is cause i hate you all.

>> No.14015535

you are stupid, this post is stupid fedora aithist bullshit, but worst of all it has nothing to do with money or business...MODS!

>> No.14015536

There is no evidence at all because reincarnation stories are bullshit, and the extinction of the universe denies any traversal of information between iterations. It simply means we’ve all been here before and we’ll be here again, so make yourself comfortable and enjoy the little things around you.

>> No.14015539
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>> No.14015540

I know I don't know, and I know that the rest of you cunts don't know any more than I do. So you can go fuck yourself for even making the thread OP.

33 year old boomer here. I feel much the same way. I don't give a shit anymore. Even if there is a god of some kind, I doubt very much it knows where life came from or why

>> No.14015551

If that’s the case then the only thing I have to look forward to is killing myself, prepetually forever.

>> No.14015552


>> No.14015564

>McAffe created a VR game

>> No.14015575

What a thoughtful and research backed argument you retard.

>> No.14015587


>> No.14015591

>it will all turn out to be okay in the end
Not if you make bad choices. It will be awful.

>> No.14015597

>Thinking He is just wormfood

Based and greenpilled

>> No.14015608

>research the end of the universe
Sure buddy let me just dose myself up with quantum immortality and then float around in space for the next trillion years while the stars burn out and die around me. Brb will send you an sms about how it turns out.

>> No.14015647

you've already done this infinite times before hahahahahahaha

>> No.14015650

Researching the end of the universe isn't even possible you dumb fuck. No one has seen it or any evidence of it. It's a bunch of made up bullshit from the science cult you blindly worship. You are worse than a religious fanatic. There are children with provable stories of pretty insane similarities and unexplained events they would know nothing about but you are saying there are people who never leave the office who say the universe will go extinct lol. You are a complete and utter retard.

>> No.14015680

Imagine making an off topic shitpost on biz because it'd get ignored in any other board

>> No.14015710

every belief or idea you have, no matter how convincing it may be, is built on layers of assumptions. you can't be sure of anything anon. that kid isn't real for all you really know. could be a dream character to you. maybe he is real but the past (and his memory of it) isn't.
I don't know, you don't know. you're never going to know. get used to it.

>> No.14015768

my point is that you may have your preferences, like reincarnation, or heaven and hell, but if you aren't able to hold that belief as no more/no less of a possibility than any other....you are delusional.

>> No.14015893

You’re right. Who the fuck knows what’s gonna happen. Stick to what we do know: we have the here and now.

>> No.14016333

Very important question

>> No.14016348

Do you millennial idiots even know what a boomer is? you probably don't if you use that garbage term just to rhyme with zoomer.

>> No.14016452

Lots of rich successful people with money and families believe in God and afterlife

It's just a comfy feel

People who don't believe in God and afterlife are nihilistic depressed losers who desensitize their dopamine receptors with fetish porn and drugs

Then they cry about the happy people who believe in god

>> No.14016481

>Imagine wasting your entire life on this hopium.
literally nothing to lose