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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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14011666 No.14011666 [Reply] [Original]

My older brother died several years ago, I remember when he was alive he used to talk about Bitcoin alot. All his possessions are locked away in the attic... I wonder if he still have those bitcoins... Should I check?

>> No.14011669

> fake and gay

>> No.14011670


>> No.14011699

Trips of evil.

Don't approach the attic

>> No.14011760

Cursed thread

>> No.14011764
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Don't do it

>> No.14011892
File: 805 KB, 200x113, yep.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14011902

posting in an epic /biz/ /x/ thread, Screencap please.

Also make photos of attic!

>> No.14012056

he will haunt your soul for eternity

>> No.14012071

Nigga got dem hsunted bitcones

>> No.14012078


>> No.14012429

This actually sounds like a good plot for a bitcoin movie. It could either be an emotional drama or existential horror.

You unlock the cones and get rich, but now there is an AI on the blockchain. That AI? Your brother

>> No.14012471


Very good my brother sir, you have found the bitcoins, but you see my friend it was all for naught, because now I am the vishnu on the chain sirs.

Upload bobs and vegana or I will freeze your crypto tokens sirs, very good deal.

>> No.14012493


>> No.14013091

your brother was most likely buying Bitcoin so he could buy child porn.
and since this is a cursed thread, if you access his wallets and move coins to coinbase and cash out with kyc, you'll be going to prison for cp.

my suggestion to you is, open the wallets and cash out with a kyc gateway.
you deseerve the money, you brother was a pedo.

>> No.14013130


>> No.14013136
File: 142 KB, 360x360, 1550875149273.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is spooky frens.


What the fuck.

For the record my brother hanged himself in the attic so it's basically a out of bounds area in our house.

I've been doing some research and at the time my brother was buying and using bitcoin, it was only really used for drugs and well that other thing. I really don't want to go into the attic and go though all his possessions and find cp that would be terrible.

I feel a grasp around my chest, this is making me so anxious.

>> No.14013180

It's getting spoopy in here. I'm going to call the postbusters.

>> No.14013353

Maybe he was satoshi?

>> No.14013371
File: 63 KB, 263x251, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w-wait a minute. When did he hang himself?

>> No.14013548

fuck this needs to hit bollywood yesterday

>> No.14013557
File: 977 KB, 500x281, 1558914688388.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cursed trips. Suicide.
OP is going to die.
Only I can save him now.

>> No.14013734

top kek

>> No.14013887

I forced your brother to suicide, so I can gobble up his bitcorns

>> No.14013959

If dubs you must steal the forbidden treasure and then get possessed by satan

>> No.14014505

someone vocaroo this shit in a pajeet voice

>> No.14014544

He didn't use Monero

>> No.14014578

Hello it's me, ur brother

>> No.14014615

Should have let him fuck you in the ass, anon ;) that would have cured his depression and drug addiction.