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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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14009280 No.14009280 [Reply] [Original]

Squire is a mining company controlled by Calvin. On May 29 they signed a contract to buy four mining companies totalling 3,000PH/s mining power. This combined with the 300PH/s they had from before, gives them control of 3,300PH/s. This is a SIGNIFICANT amount and makes them the world’s biggest mining company by far. To put it in perspective, Bitmain had 2,000PH/s at their height. After getting rekt by the BCH/BSV fork they only have 200PH/s left. The BTC chain usually have about 60,000 PH/s, BCH 2,500PH/s and BSV 1,000 PH/s. Squire are in other words a VERY big miner. The acquisition are expected to be concluded within August 31, 2019. In addition to this, Squire are in the process of developing a new SHA-256 ASIC chip. This will further sement their position in the mining industry if successful.

Calvin has said publicly that they are mining whichever chain is most profitable, and use the profit to buy BSV. So how many BSV are they able to buy every day? According to Craig the profit margin is usually 20% in mining, but let’s be conservative and use 10%. This will allow them to buy 430BSV ($82,000)
every single day. (calculations in end of thread).

430BSV a day might not sound like much, but this is coins that are bought every single day and held, not traded back and forth. It will add significant buy support and upwards momentum to the BSV price. Calvin and Craig also have private personal miningrigs. I don’t know how large they are, but I suspect they are very large for a private rig. I assume they buy BSV with the profit from these as well.

>> No.14009284

Daily mined BTC = 24 hour * 6 blocks * 12.5BTC = 1,800BTC
Squire’s share of that is 3,300phs / (3,300phs + 60,000phs) = 0.052
This gives Squire 1,800BTC * 0.052 = 94BTC
10% (profit margin) of that is 9.4BTC
That gives 9.4BTC / 0.02182 = 430BSV ($82,000)

>Squire hash rate
>Bitmain hash rate
>Hash rate comparison BTC, BCH, BSV
>Calvin about mining BTC and buying BSV

>> No.14009294

Ask yourself this: Why are people and publicly traded corporations investing hundereds of millions if Bitcoin SV is a scam?

>> No.14009405

This. Squire is moving all its miners to Core Scientific, the guy who runs CS is the former COO of Microsoft and a Wal-mart exec.

My theory is the US government is concerned over China’s control of Bitcoin and American companies are quietly getting in to prop up Bsv as a counter to it.

>> No.14009451
File: 83 KB, 1024x764, Craig Ass Wright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shill bsv
>btc drops
>swoop in and accumulate more btc
>dump bsv on retarded pajeets
When will you shitters learn? btc is KING

>> No.14009461

>they mine for the wage of a McDonald's employee

>> No.14009579

I love watching discord trannies in action

>> No.14009626
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Coingeek is going to 51% their own shitcoin ayy lamo

>> No.14009629
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>> No.14009636

Buy and DCA into SQR stock anons and hold for a long time

>> No.14009651


>> No.14010643

>dude the us government will use bsv

Mate csw has time and time again proven himself to be a total idiot and a scammer.

>> No.14011073

>My theory is the US government is concerned over China’s control of Bitcoin and American companies are quietly getting in to prop up Bsv as a counter to it.


>> No.14011103
File: 298 KB, 474x408, Give this STIFFMARINE the release he deserves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you look at the chart it is pretty clear that bots are trying desperately to keep the price of BSV down for as long as possible.

The consistant buying pressure is just building up so that in the next day or so we are due for another big pump past 300$

It's literally a staircase pattern where you can't lose money.