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14008763 No.14008763 [Reply] [Original]

10.9 BSV reporting in.

>> No.14008783

BSV is my biggest stack by far so I really hope it wins but man it gets fuded so much it’s hard to not worry sometimes.

>> No.14008791

Yeahhhh me too. Unfortunately. Shit's getting too crazy to not hedge risk.

>> No.14008801

I only have 3.8, but I bought in at 90 so I'm cool with it.

>> No.14008816

Pretty much this

>> No.14008823

I haven't bought yet, but I'm close to pulling the trigger. The last week has had such a strange feel to it, like the shit is about to hit the fan

>> No.14008844

It's 10 bsv for my peace of mind. We either get sick gains, or get a front row seat to what will be the greatest meltdown of the 21st century.

>> No.14008862

You guys are not wrong at all to think as you are so don't take this as I'm blaming you, or an insult, because I don't own any BTC so this is all great to me, but this mentality is exactly what I expect to really drive BTC down and BSV up.

>> No.14008863

How many?

>> No.14008884

that's like what, $1000? are you poor?

>> No.14008889

I didn't own any BTC either... the hedge is against BSV's pretence as a 'god protocol'... the great alt-coin vampire of 2020.

>> No.14008898

Yeah I think this to. If he don't prove he is satoshi BSV will still pump. If he proves he is then it'll pump even more. It's a pump pump scenario. Fuck it, I'm buying a 21 bsv suicide stack today

>> No.14008922

I have enough for perhaps 120 more.. but there's another project that I don't want to compromise my position on.

>> No.14008921

Don't need that much. Anything more than 21 is just greedy.

>> No.14008924
File: 147 KB, 960x720, yang panic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have 1.2 BSV. gonna pick up a few more once my funds finally make it into my robinhood account. please don't moon yet I need more.

>> No.14008945

you don't own shit at robinhood you retard

>> No.14008977

you're not wrong. just imagine the implications of CSW proving in court that he is SN.
1) He has this large-ass Stack of BTC + 1.1m in Tulip that unlocks 1/2020. Half of that is likely enough to tank the market down to zero.
2) He can (maybe) sue for the trademark name "Bitcoin". BTC would need to rename on every exchange to "Bitcoin Core", putting it in one basket with "Bitcoin Diamond" or "Bitcoin Gold".
BSV would be named "Bitcoin".
3) He's a public figure, a head of a movement. A grown adult and not some freak like 99% of the dev's in this market (just think about Buterin and Hotchkinson).
4) His Shit is COMPLIANCE FRIENDLY designed for BSV from the ground up cause he has a background in Auditing.
BTC cannot scale and Lightning is a nightmare for Audits cause it allows Money Laundering and Terror Financing completely anonymous. That will keep Institutional Investors very likely OFF BTC, thats close to a given. It might even outlaw owning a Lightning node completely. So the only utility BTC has likely left is lying around useless waiting for the next greater fool to pay a higher price. Exchange/Merchant functions are largely crippled.
Chances are that these same institutional investors will look towards BSV and not only because of that. BSV is fast and can scale. BTC transactions are even with high fees a pain in arse.

>> No.14009001

I fucking hate this mentality. I have 0 interest in ever actually buying anything with crypto, and won't do so until I'm forced by my long-standing, legitimate, FDIC-backed financial institutions make me, just like the chip on my debit card; Crypto on RH is perfectly fine for people who see crypto as nothing more than a class of investment opportunity.

>> No.14009021

You don’t own your coins. I get what you’re saying but you just don’t own them. They could get hacked, they could exit scam, so on and so forth. You never own them. It’s the same thing if you just keep your crypto on Binance, which is retarded because you have the option of taking it off the exchange at least.

>> No.14009042

just get 21 of your favorite coin and make it frens

>> No.14009071

No, they fucking can't, because it's an actually legitimate firm that would face a very damaging lawsuit. Meanwhile, over at Mt. Gox and whatever one is more recent that locked withdraws/deposits for a week..I'll stick with my all in one, fee free investment hub that holds everything from my index funds, option trades, and crypto, that also makes taxes a breeze for you.

>> No.14009072

Thanks for a great insightful post. Don't see many of them these days.

>1) He has this large-ass Stack of BTC + 1.1m in Tulip that unlocks 1/2020. Half of that is likely enough to tank the market down to zero.
Is this confirmed real or is it just a larp?

>4) His Shit is COMPLIANCE FRIENDLY designed for BSV from the ground up cause he has a background in Auditing.
Yeah, finding out this and that he used to work as an auditer for BDO was a jaw drop moment for me. It's a piece that fits snugly and nicely in the satoshi puzzle

>> No.14009090

No need to be unnecessarily a dick to him anon.

>> No.14009092

who cares about your lawsuit when they're bankrupt and can't give you anything?

you're retarded as hell

my shit has more IQ than you

>> No.14009118

Appreciate that anon. But takes more than being called poor/nigger/faggot to rustle these jimmies.

>> No.14009136

>this confirmed real or is it just a larp?
Hes Satoshi, dude.

>> No.14009138

Lmao you're stupid as fuck. RH is as legitimate as E-Trade. If you think organizations of this scale have any interest, or ability to get away with, exit scamming, you're fucking retarded.

>> No.14009151

just like throughout the whole history of investing, am i right?

you're a kid, that's all

>muuuuh i own crypto
>muuuuh i dont need private keys

>> No.14009188

I didnt look that up myself, but its been around for years that SN owns around that amount (1m) and never moved a single coin of it. That was long before the whole CSW thing popped up so i estimate that fits in.

I have little faith in BTC. Yet, at this stage its still very large and will take likely weeks to months to bleed down, maybe even spike again up further at some point. But mid to longterm i see only BSV as an option. I sold all my crypto a few days ago for BSV as it makes the most sense to me.
I will also recommend my contacts BSV and not BTC as i did in the past.

My assumption: BTC is a dinosaur and it will take a while till the markets shift. It's so huge by now there's likely inertia/drag on it. That will likely accelerate on some points, eg Craig testifying in court and other legal events.

>> No.14009191

600 that I haven’t touched since the fork. Pretty much stuck in full hodl mode now since I don’t want to move them off CB plus I’m 6 months away from long term gains saving me 20% on taxes.

>> No.14009249

BTC is at its current stage very synonymous to the Titanic.
We just hit the iceberg an hour or two ago, its visible something is "not OK" and "going on" but people haven't figured yet in full and the party is still going. There's also the same "too big too sink" mentality out there. I see it just as a matter of time. I dont think BTC will become worthless but as it even loses its "historic value" as being the "original bitcoin" (thats a thing, yes) against BSV it might go down to three digits where only the hardcore deniers and most ignorant will keep it.

>> No.14009261

This thread... buying ath... so these are the types of people that buy the top

>> No.14009265

Yeah, with legitimate organizations lasting from the earliest days of our stock exchange. You really don't seem to understand actually being licensed as a securities platform, and being a shit coin vendor. If RH exit scams, which you can't name one time an organization of their scale exit scammed, they'd be fucked and there would be a payout to the people who got fucked. Regardless, not going to happen. Meanwhile
> Pretending keys are 100% safe/unhackable
Go buy yourself a coffee with the shit coins you 'own'.

>> No.14009292

so... why exactly would you imaginally buy crypto?

>> No.14009315

Because I see strong growth potential in certain coins value. For someone who knows very little about the actual technology, I've made a decent amount between ETH and BSV. I see no more value in it to myself, to society or whatever than I do my $21 KMI 7/19 calls.

>> No.14009343

Yeah yeah. I know. But I've got my smart money somewhere else, somewhere, [redacted]

>> No.14009380

>sees exponential growth potential
>owns 0 of it

so... why exactly would you imaginally buy crypto?

>> No.14009431

You're right, I don't own it. I only own the right to sell it at the market price. Almost like I said, it's just an investment class for me and I have no more interest in 'owning' it than I do demanding papers on the shares I own.

>> No.14009919

What makes you think the Bch you left on coinbase is going to allow you to split the bsv off from them? You do know that coinbase wallets are a shared pool, right? You don’t have any bsv,dude. Sorry I have to be the one to tell you.

>> No.14010019

Trip dubs gonna make it!

>> No.14010163


>> No.14010250

le roux is satoshi. google it. it explains all of craig's behavior. he was le roux's employee who betrayed him.

>> No.14010267

that's wrong
paul was a CIA agent and yes, he was part of the team