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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1400748 No.1400748 [Reply] [Original]

Should I store a cash emergency fund in a deposit box?

>> No.1400778

what's the point? are you afraid of seizure of assets? then and really only then bitcoin is way better choice. unless you fear the collapse of the internet. but then fiat will be almost certainly worthless too. so why not store gold and silver? at least they are somewhat inflation resistant.

>> No.1400781

They will find a planet made out of gold soon enough

>> No.1400783

Who are you going to exchange gold to?

If you really want to hedge hard buy guns and ammo. If there's some apocalyptic scenario where USD is worthless, bitcoin doesn't function due to internet collapse then you'll need guns.

>> No.1400799

Bitcoin is a mess. That whole halving thing was retarded.

>> No.1400827


And? There will be no way of reaching it, mining it and bringing it back within our lifetimes.

>> No.1400835

earh is in very large part is made out of gold i think it could cover the surface a meter high.

>> No.1400839

it's still the best escape currency, near impossible to confiscate or seize as you flee, it's high volume traded short term not that much volatility to kill you.

>> No.1400844

just because your countries currency gets fucked doesn't mean the rest of the world gives a shit. also the fuck do you want with your guns if an armed gang with technicals come knocking on your door you are fucked anyways.

>> No.1400854

>not that much volatility
Lol retard. Your posting rights have just been revoked.

>> No.1400856

bitcoin has been real stable in the last years and lately seems to stabilize, but assume you can lose 50% of your wealth if you are in a hurry to cash out or it gets seized by your gov 100% which one you pick?

it's as good as it can get.

>> No.1400863

>bitfags. Yes they are this stupid.
What the hell are you doing that you are in danger of the government seizing your assets? This doesn't apply to 99.999999999% of people. You're a fucking idiot lol.

>> No.1401099

>Should I store a cash emergency fund in a deposit box?
no, because in a lot of the reasons that you would need it--the bank isn't going to let you have it

>> No.1401112

Burry it in a cache along with a weeks worth of clothes, 3 days of food and a handgun. Do this in more than one spot. I have three so far. 1 in somewhere in my town another in the town over and one in the next state over. The amount of cash you put in them is up to you. The farther a cache is to me to more money I have in it.

>> No.1401134

Pretty much this. Having some sealed PVC pipes with vacuum sealed bags full of supplies stores in dozens of locations is the only real way to be successful.

If you think you're going to cross borders and keep your cash/gold/jewelery you're kidding yourself. If you are relying on cryptos for anything but a local emergency you're kidding yourself. Fleeing local happenings when you see the warning signs is a much better option. Items that are used primarily as hedges against inflation have little real value in a SHTF scenario. You'll want manufactured goods and food/water.

>> No.1401158
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I wasn't aware people on /biz/ were this stupid

>> No.1401160
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until some faggot with a metal detector or some real-estate project moves in and you're fucked, especially if the guns are registered to you.
>don't do this

>> No.1401164


Mining it would flood the Earth market and gold wouldn't be worth much.

>> No.1401168

>cash emergency
>in a deposit box

Are you actually retarded?

>> No.1401172

Enough of this "guns and ammo" meme. If things really go SHTF, you want: coffee, cigarettes, honey, alcohol and antibiotics.

With those 5 things in abundance you'll never run out of food, water, guns, ammo or anything else you might need.

>> No.1401173
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Lets just say it is in the observable universe which is safe to say there's no solid gold planet. Let's even say it's in or around our solar system. It takes 15 years to travel to pluto 2 years to setup and mine, and another 15 years to come back, not even mentioning the difference between earth and pluto years, nigga how, you're not gonna be alive. Realistically something like that would take hundreds-thousands of years, humans will probably be dead or go full marxist utopia by then.

>> No.1401174

>not having multiple drop weapons.
>not filing off serial numbers of cached weapons.
>not caching uppers and milling your own 80% lowers.
>not living in a state that does not register firearms.

You're never going to make it.

>> No.1401176

Until someone murders your whole family for a pack of newports.

>> No.1401177


There is a diamond planet. I am just talking hypothetically, asshole.

>> No.1401179
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>not having a bugout bunker outside of the city with a sealed basement with gas/food/water/guns. and RV's for when the racewar begins.
>getting fucked in the ass trying to travel to your caches that have already been dug up
wew lad

>> No.1401182
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>hypothetically the gold will crash the gold markets in my lifetime
why even

>> No.1401184
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>Not having an unlimited supply of cheese burger in a can buried outside the city limits
>Not having guns that shoot cheese whiz
>Not having crystal pepsi instead of water for maximizing your thirst quench abilities

Never gunna make it lad.

>> No.1401185

No. Store gold in a deposit box.

>> No.1401187



>> No.1401190
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>just said "IN MY LIFETIME"

>> No.1401195

>metal detector or some
If it can be picked up you're a fucking idiot
>real-estate project moves
That's why ypur bury places that wont happen like a state park
>guns registered

>> No.1401203



>> No.1401208

>cant be picked up
>storing guns

>real-estate moving to state parks
it happens, also ever been to a state park? Good luck digging a 10ft hole going unnoticed.

>guns registered
there's an IF i wouldn't put it past you autists to leave a serial number on.

Again good luck getting to your super secret caches in state parks in a shtf scenario.

>> No.1401211

a lot of banks are starting to ban cash deposits

>> No.1401215

literally who, that would de-value the currency if you cant exchange your fucking money using notes.

>> No.1401509


There are so many reasons this is a bad idea

>> No.1401587
File: 289 KB, 480x360, buried-money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Local banks will be closed during an emergency. Have international accounts (preferably as anonymous shell corporations) and enough buried money to get you over the boarder and on a flight to a safe country.

>> No.1401672

if you are not worried about that then storing your wealth in cash makes no sense at all. is my entire point.

>> No.1401722


They already have. It's called China.

When China releases their gold onto the world, the gold price is going to crash horrendously.

>> No.1401730

If someone hoards so much of something than suddenly selling it crashes the price, then the initial hoard would raise the price just as much.

>> No.1401736
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A question slightly unrelated;

I have £4k in my account right now.
I earn (after tax) £1700/month
I have a car loan, insurance, other financial outgoings of around £550/month

I have a 10k/5year loan for the car through the bank at an interest rate of 8.9%.
Monthly payments (factored into outgoings) for this expenditure is £205.64/month. I have 51 months remaining and a balance of 8,753.29.

Pic related is an additional payment calculation, with this information at hand, would you advise making additional payments and paying it early or not? I feel like I should let it run its course of 5 years and not make additional payments. There are no penalties for it, but its low interest means the question is posed of, is it even worth it?

I am 22 and rather new to having financial things to look after as before I had no loans or monthly outgoings other than rent. Advice would be nice! Cheers /biz/

>> No.1401755

Pay it off so you can stop insuring it and bury the car in a PVC tube for the happening.

>> No.1402114

Storing your wealth in bitcoin makes even less fucking sense. You even admitted there is a possibility it can lose 50% of its value. If the government decides to sieze your shit then you're fucked either way. Bitcoin isnt going to help you. Ask DPR.

>> No.1402336

no storing it in bitcoin makes no sense if you don't want to flee and have a secure location. altho just about any asset can lose half it's value temporarily even gold did it a couple of times.

>If the government decides to sieze your shit then you're fucked either way. Bitcoin isnt going to help you.
actually it will, since if you are not retarded they don't even know you have it proving it is even more difficult unless you are retarded. and thirdly criminals are often placed under surveillance before arrest i'm assuming no criminal activities just some economic crash resulting in bans on withdrawals and wires to a foreign country. and maybe routine searches on the border or airports. bitcoin will pass these easily.

>> No.1402384

It's a strange little fantasyland that you guys live in.

>> No.1402996

Not a very bright idea. Banks are required by law to know their customers, so it'll always be tracable. Deposit boxes usually require at least two factor authentication, meaning you need someone from the bank to access your shit. Chances are you can't even unlock it during a power outtage. Cash devalues (purchasing power goes down due to inflation). So, not only will your money be worth less and less, you're also paying for storage. I don't see the point. Keep a few grand in cash around at home, but but a large stash in a deposit box is stupid unless you need to pay-off drug runners or you want to circumvent some taxation or inheritance law or something.

Given that all elements heavier than iron *must* come out of super novae... I see no plausible physical reason why so much gold would clump up into a sphere somewhere.

Why? In a world where bees stop working, you might as well kill yourself. Because a) it would have to be an absolute shithole for insects to die in masses and b) there probably won't be much food two years down the line anyway, given how much our crops rely on pollinators.

Other than that... those are good choices if bartering still works. But if it does, we'd have a new currency (gold?) within weeks, because it's just too fucking useful.

>> No.1402998

no seriously never start your wallet at home, change your network cards factory mac address as soon as you get your machine, and encrypt everything if you think they might be after you specifically at one point.

if it's just a greekening then it's nothing personal no need to get overly paranoid altho i do all this just for the heck of it.

>> No.1403017


The British Museum recently had a display on coin hordes. People have been putting money in jars and burying them for litterally thousands of years. The trick is a) staying alive long enough to go back for it b) remembering when you left it.

They had a jam jar full of gold coins from the 1930s found in a bomb crater during the war and a USB Bitcoin miner as their examples of the two modern equivalents...

>> No.1403020

>In a world where bees stop working, you might as well kill yourself.
you do realize that bees around the world are dyeing mysteriously? *khm gmo*

>> No.1403026


Because honey lasts litterally forever and several useful properties, but is a serious pain in the arse to get hold off yourself. Not just to have a stockpile because the bees might die out.

>> No.1403032

if bees die out then so does the majority of our crop too. it would be a full fledged ecological disaster and mass extinction event.

>> No.1403302

BTC is my rec as well. Ignore the jealous fags who failed to buy BTC in the $200s and are shitposting hate as they see it in the $600s now lmao.

>> No.1403306

>1 post by this ID

What the fuck is the point? Why do people come here and ask questions which are highly subjective which only they can answer? Fuck off with this retarded shitposting.

>> No.1403523

>Armed gangs are reason not to invest in guns
t. French

>> No.1403556


>what are assult rifles
>knock knock da bois are here!
>taa! taa! taa! taa! taa! taa! taa! taa! taa! taa! taa! taa!

>> No.1403723

>Armed gangs are reason not to invest in guns
never said don't invest jut don't think for a second it's enough to protect you, let's say it works the first time and the come back even more and with bigger guns and shoot your house to shits before knocking.

>what are assult rifles
things you cant have in most countries, only semi auto conversions

no seriously guys you might think you are rambo and shit but numerical advantage is a huge thing. against multiple opponents with guns you won't have a farts chance in a hurricane.

>> No.1403861
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gold, not cash

>> No.1404086
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>he uses cash

>as an *emergency fund*

You won't survive the cultural revolution

>> No.1405644

a 1m thick shell around the earth would have almost the same volume as the earth itself

>> No.1405647
File: 43 KB, 400x300, when-faced-with-a-threat-to-their-diamond-monopoly-like-one-from-the-soviet-union-de-beers-simply-bought-up-their-inventory-to-maintain-complete-control.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>diamond planet

One could argue that Earth is a diamond planet.

>> No.1406813

My guess, USD Drops from being reserve currency, Gold&Silver rise for 10-15yrs

>> No.1406841

There is another thing you aren't aware of.

Most banks literally bar you from having anything of value in a safety deposit box. They have slowly been changing the laws over the last 20 years (and general bank customs), but now most banks won't allow physical metals or cash.

>> No.1406887

>a 1m thick shell around the earth would have almost the same volume as the earth itself
are you that bad at math?
earth volume: 1.08321×1012 km3
the 1m high shell: 510,072 km3

>> No.1406901

fuck not x1012 but 10^12 km3

>> No.1406922

nah fuck it this might be too complicated for kids!
earth volume: 1083210000000 km3
the 1m high shell: 510072 km3

that's 2123641 times bigger it's not even comparable on a fucking scale or can't even be presented as a meaningful percentage.

it's about the ration of a larger human male to the entire city of manhattan with cars rats and everything in it.

>> No.1406925

well district technically but i hope you get the point.