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14005074 No.14005074 [Reply] [Original]

today a boomer military veteran was going for a jog in the MIDDLE of the road while Im driving towards them in MY lane. He throws rocks at my car and I stop and turn around and asks him why he threw rocks at my car. He tried to say I was too close to them but they were in the middle of the road. This was clearly not the case. I don’t have evidence or a dashcam, but he did chip the paint on my car. How can I legally make him submit to paying for damages, or am I out of luck?
Also fuck all boomers. I’m mad as fuck right now

>> No.14005086


Hahaha you got cucked m8

>> No.14005106

Why didnt you call the cops right away?

>> No.14005110



god i love the navy

Get fucked ya fat virgin, make sure you keep paying your taxes wagie

>> No.14005109

lol he's mental just get it fixed and forget about it

>> No.14005119

He's a veteran asshole show some respect
Freedom isn't free

>> No.14005123

he's an israeli asset with PTSD best you just move along

>> No.14005126

Call the cops
Get his information
Take him to small claims court

Fuck man, have you never watched Judge Judy?

>> No.14005129

He threw rocks at your car and you did nothing

>> No.14005133

>not fucking with him to goad him into saying racial slurs and uploading them to the internet so the SJW's finish him off for you


>> No.14005145

You sound like a boomer. Any sane non cucked person would just knockout that cunt.

>> No.14005153

The boomer cops will not believe my story over him, no chance in hell. He’d probably convince them I was reckless driving.

>> No.14005158

wait to see him again, follow him home, throw rocks at his windows, win win situation.

>> No.14005166
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No dash cam
No written confession

Outta luck

Find out where he lives is best bet
Go back same days/times follow him
throw rocks his car

>> No.14005176

This OP. Those retards work HARD, for FREE.

>> No.14005180

true. Most vets are

>> No.14005191

yeah just let it go
our courts are boomer'd

>> No.14005214

checked. I know where he lives. His driveway is long as fuck and if I get on his property he can shoot me and claim invasion or burglary. scary situation

>> No.14005227

that's not her office
what is she doing in there? i hope she isn't trying to steal someones bitcoins

>> No.14005241

>He threw rocks at your car and you did nothing

>> No.14005247

>slam the brakes, stop in middle of the road
>get the brass knuckles from the glovebox
>get out of the car
>knock him the fuck out
>get back in the car
>drive away calmly, not exceeding the speed limit

t. eastern european

>> No.14005268

What am I supposed to do? He’s probably a highly trained deadly war machine. I’m not getting physical with that psycho. He probably is cool with all the cops in the area so yeah you’re right, I’ll pick my battles anon.

>> No.14005279

his son was with him. Not risking assaulting a vet with deadly illegal weapon and getting life in prison

>> No.14005281

What the fuck is wrong with the people on this Board?
>Im unworthy
>Muscle chad can throw stones on me and is right
>No Balls to Punch him, No Balls to call for Help, No Balls to call for justice

>> No.14005292

It doesn't matter what they believe. You're not trying to get him arrested, you're trying to get a police report on record to use in court. Small claims is not like criminal court, the judge has absolute discretion in ruling. If the judge thinks the rock thrower is a retarded chucklefuck who would probably throw a rock, they'll rule in your favor. Worst case its thrown out and you lose some valuable time but at least you can say you tried.

>> No.14005294

for the love of god someone PLEASE make a mspaint out of this
boomer jogger throwing rocks at zoomer in his red cuckmobile has too much meme potential to let it go to waste

>> No.14005316

America is so weird to me.

>> No.14005354

the best thing OP can do is let it go
if you don't have alliances with local cops and courts they will make your life hell

>> No.14005359

Well yes, it's different in america. I'm an actual eastern euro and told you what I would have done. People here have more respect for other people's property. The type of car I drive is also a "mafia" car, so that helps as well.

>> No.14005363

Have a police report created so you can move on to file a claim with your insurance company. Whether or not the police believe you enough to take the boomer in for an overnight stay is beside the point (though it would be funny seeing a boomerang cuffed and hauled off). You want it fixed above all.

>> No.14005375
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he threw fucking rocks at his car its a funny visual

>> No.14005384

Why didn’t you bust a cap in his temple? I thought this is America?

>> No.14005385

Look at that fat guy in the reflection lol

>> No.14005406
File: 25 KB, 512x345, 890410AE-1074-4FA9-A264-F52EFC9FA7E4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this aint your goddamn gossip blogpost whiney millenial queer! join the military and get some balls, next time you wont take it up the ass from a POG!


>> No.14005451
File: 10 KB, 250x229, IMG_3489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Grug want keep fit
>dumdum zoomzoom in vroomvroom try stop Grug
>Grug reach in pouch for bitrock for bribe zoomzoom to leave Grug
>Grug hard give bitrock at vroomvroom
>zoomzoom get anger
>Grug no understand why zoomzoom anger at give money
>zoomzoom vroom away
>Grug carry on fitness
>back to cave for drink mammoth and sabre tooth piss flavour drink

>> No.14005484

I rly dont want to shitpost about the USA but honestly how can you call yourself the Land of the free and brag about freedom and on the other hand you cant Trust ur cops if you are in the right? How is this Justice?
Honestly its Impossible to understand for me! Where Im from, I would have stopped my Car on the middle of the street, get Out, call the Police, Scream to everyone who is around that I need Help here in the Situation. cops come, we both need to go to the Police Station to tell what happened... A month later we are in Front of the court! I might lose if I have Zero persons to witness but this bitch at least need to deal with the Situation. If I have witness he pays the repair and a fine.

>> No.14005527

as anons have pointed out you could probably win in small claims court. anons are just doomposting.

>> No.14005533

we're not free it's a meme to trick stupid people
I've dealt with courts 3 times in my life and every time it was kangaroo court costs me thousands of dollars and my time and never got a fair judgement
this is why we cling to our guns

>> No.14005555

Fucking this. The last great generation before everything had a microchip in it and everything is voice activated you got machines to wash dishes you got machines to make you ice got machines to show your TV

>> No.14005561

Stfu. Veteran for what? He fought for (((them)))

>> No.14005571

God save the Israeli Foreign Legion

>> No.14005601

Ive unironiclly shot a dude for doing less then that- protip: use a revolver no brass leftover at the scene.

>> No.14005642

Good then better have a gun next time driving around.
Anon I...

>> No.14005646

This. Now you can't even sue him because you have no proof, unless there was a witness.

>> No.14005660

Did you come away with it?

>> No.14005673
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or drive this next time

>> No.14005679
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>> No.14005692



boomers are insufferable

>> No.14005712

I swear on god my nigga I would of ran his faggot ass over and took a picture of his bloated corpse and mailed that shit to his kids.

>> No.14005731

sell your LINK to repair it

>> No.14005738

OP is an absolute larp. That's bird shit from a bird that's eaten a lot of berries

>> No.14005750

It's not the cops fault. OP is just too much sperg and thinks the boomer will sweet talk the cops. The cops will believe the boomer because who would ever trust a stinky NEET that makes bad threads?

Keep working on that English mate. Most people would identify your grammar as a pre-teen girl on facebook.

>> No.14005828

kys boomer

>> No.14005928
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Easy to say as a native I guess. Who cares my grammar, not my goal to speak/write perfect english son. Strange what you autists care for!

>> No.14005929
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This. Just watch out for home cameras. Since he likes to throw rocks put a boulder through his faggot windshield. All my posts are satire.

>> No.14005972

If you are good at Math and Physics build a catapult or trebuchet some Miles away in the woods.
Guess the rest of the plan

>> No.14005987

You can sue him for assault and damages

>> No.14006001

Or I can just buy one, because I’m not a neet with nothing but time on my hands. thanks for the idea though.

>> No.14006022

Freedom costs a buck o five.

>> No.14006411

Whatever you do Anon, make him regret it!

>> No.14006688

It was just constructive criticism, I am also a non native speaker. Don't get all butthurt because somebody said you type like a little bitchy girl on a Algerian camel racing forum.

>> No.14007049

throw firecrackers at his house. he'll probably beat his wife

>> No.14007060

the virgin zoomer vs the chad boomer exmil rock thrower

>> No.14007095

>don’t have evidence or a dashcam
git gud

>> No.14007114

freedom ain't free son. just be happy he didn't break your legs for talking shit

>> No.14007204

Next time, just move over for pedestrians regardless of it being your lane. It's not worth any of this to try to make a point.

>> No.14007224

Lmao was that you anon. Boomin up the whole street.
>Freedom ain't free

>> No.14007244

maybe it was maybe it wasn't... i served my country. i spent those years on base protecting my country from commie bastards. i may have never been deployed but i have a black belt in tae kwon do and you best believe i would have kicked some series ass in the middle east. if i want to run in the middle of a street you bet your bacon i'm going to.

>> No.14007280

You fought for Israel.

>> No.14007295


>> No.14007318


>> No.14007323


>> No.14007331

You already know where he lives...

Veterans are self-righteous cucks whose nigger-like brains will easily justify taking a swing at you for "disrespect"

>Bait him into another altercation
>Record it via phone/gopro
>Extort him for cash by threatening to use said footage to publicly slander him online or even submit it to authorities depending on how hard he spergs and if he breaks any laws.

>> No.14007342

>I served my country

The absolute delusion

>> No.14007347

Did you actually do anything after he did it? Did you even get his name? File a police report? Insurance claim?

You’re not going to get shit in court if you have to tell the judge that the first thing you did was take pictures and post them on 4chan.

>> No.14007349

>being this petty
have sex incel

>> No.14007462


Only petty if you don't get paid.

Veterans commonly act like children and sperg on people with no consequence. No place for that in a civilized nation, blindly jingoist cucks are a plague upon enlightened society.

>> No.14007476


>> No.14007485
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>> No.14007582

Not having a brass catcher "for the range"