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File: 266 KB, 691x1102, 1553108191629SMG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13999757 No.13999757 [Reply] [Original]

heaven or hell? it all depends on how well 2800 holds

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>> No.13999785
File: 33 KB, 438x649, duckbread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First for bread

>> No.13999786

First for cocaine fueled trading

>> No.13999793


First for now is the time to buy Bear ETFs

>> No.13999806

reminder: galtboi on suicide watch

>> No.13999810


>> No.13999811

fuck tripfags

ding ding ding how is everyone doing today

daily reminder dividens are your fren or some shit

buy LCL or something

lick my anus

>> No.13999813

AAAAAHHHHH the spidersilk dip kept dipping!!
keep buying?!

I think this guy is right though...

>> No.13999817

I'm all out of day trades, some one give me a long term, (18-20 hours) investment.

>> No.13999822
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>> No.13999831
File: 207 KB, 2048x1076, poor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Up 7.79% today

>> No.13999836

read a book

>> No.13999837

what a coincidence I'm also up 7.79% today

>> No.13999841

The crash is scheduled for October
as is tradition

>> No.13999846
File: 2.53 MB, 1920x1080, 1524349350683.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rates are raising with market as usual

>> No.13999850

yeah, in the year 2020

>> No.13999849

I was looking at $CFMS this morning but I pussied out

>> No.13999863

Up 5.90%, I'm balls deep (30x) on the Dow at a loss and wanna get off this ride soon. Also MSFT.

>> No.13999877



>> No.13999903



Lots of suing going on today

>> No.13999917

neat, just bought SDS at 34.19

Still not sure why the volume means it's any better than the rest, considering it's not down nearly as hard.

>> No.13999918

Floodgates open I guess

>> No.13999920

why are we pumping?

>> No.13999924

his name penguinlllium

>> No.13999927

Any galt cucks still bagholding lmfao

>> No.13999945
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Pic related, it's my dead cat.

>> No.13999964
File: 672 KB, 874x1100, Duberru!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merck and UNH SURGE!
what happened, did everyone drop out and decide to support Biden?

his name is frenulum, easy to remember because its that thing on the underside of your peepee

>> No.13999967
File: 141 KB, 500x724, magic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That is the most alive-looking dead cat I've ever seen

>> No.13999969

Bracing for

>> No.13999981
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>> No.13999994

Idiots, high on hopium.

Trump said that Mexico is still getting those tariffs despite what Mexico said.

>> No.14000006

Gorgeous cat
Only one cat?
Cat really dead ? :(

>> No.14000008

He died between 2 and 4 years AFTER the photo was taken.

>> No.14000014
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>> No.14000018
File: 102 KB, 696x956, tr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moving up SPY target to 340

>> No.14000031

Short squeeze to crush idiot bears timed with mexico caving to tariffs and powell admitting that injecting crack into the market is still in play

>> No.14000042

He looks retarded

>> No.14000051
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>> No.14000054
File: 91 KB, 960x960, BullishInevitability.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Dubble Top is in, niggers!

>> No.14000055

a lot of stocks had a gap up today. reminder that markets like to close gaps so place your bids accordingly

>> No.14000086

rip kitty

>> No.14000102
File: 68 KB, 945x546, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Debating some Jun-14 $OKTA calls

>> No.14000112

He was smarter than most people. He could read in hebrew and thai. RIP Big Cat.

>> No.14000115

Short volume has been very high in recent days
Unlike people here, I can actually hold and commit to a trade for more than a week without crying and shitting myself when things don't go my way

>> No.14000119
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>> No.14000135

Well I just closed my TLT puts and went all in on SPY puts that expire tomorrow with 0 day trades remaining so wish me luck.

>> No.14000138
File: 325 KB, 767x426, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does CNBC get away with displying shit like this and passing it off as analysis?

>> No.14000151

Daily reminder that most people here are emotional retards who make decisions based entirely on FOMO and panic

>> No.14000161
File: 20 KB, 500x500, att_globe_500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He will save us all! Bag his Fat Divvy while you can and hang on to Him till your retirement date lands. Let us reflect the good points thus:

1. Kicked the Govt Hacks in the ball sack (In court)
2. Told Trump to suck it (Trump had a hissy fit over cnn, wanted a boycott; our hero's stock went up)
3. Profit is Up, Debt is down; 75% of a 40 billion debt to be paid by eoy.
4. New ventures will bringing in more Profit (Xandor,Warner, Streaming service,5G,First net)
5. Legacy parts still bring in Profit, Latin America unit growing Profits
6. A Healthy Fat Divvy (0.51 x 4) with plenty of spare cash to hike it over time w/out hurting anything else.
7. Shares are Cheap atm. Buy Buy Buy!

The Bad; Debt, but they are paying it off. Ahead of seclude actually. Management is in a bit of flux right now but this is to be expected with Time Warner and all it's parts being integrated w/T as a whole.

On a side note: Sure Dis and Comcast have good things going for them. So Bag all three and corner the market. That way no mater who wins the Streaming Wars you win in the end. (I left out Amazon/Netflix cause while they got the platform they don't have any major content producing engine behind it while the others do; Warner Bros Studios, Dis/Fox studios, Universal Studios)

>> No.14000167

Not just most people here - most people (in general)

>> No.14000168

Never underestimate how dumb the masses are

>> No.14000169

please tell me it's a shop with this r:r
700 loss for a 300 win

>> No.14000186

how long are you gonna hold your bioshit?

>> No.14000187

I've made a huge mistake.

>> No.14000188

That is true as well

>> No.14000195

oh nvm misread 9100 for 8100

>> No.14000212

Until I have a reason to sell

>> No.14000215

Lol filtered

>> No.14000220

How am I going to explain to the guy that signs the cheques that I got my dick stuck in the company fridge and couldn't exit my position that I made completely based off of memeanal-ysis.

>> No.14000234
File: 189 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190603-085229_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14000239

meeooow ^^


>> No.14000276


>> No.14000286



>> No.14000287

It's too late. I already put it all in SPY puts and have lost 50% of my capital. I'm fucked mate.

>> No.14000304

Please based (((market participants))), pull the rug out from under this

>> No.14000306
File: 290 KB, 1080x2220, 20190604_123315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I going to make it bros

Forgot pic

>> No.14000314

A tale of two anons

>> No.14000321

depends on how often you like to play with fire. if you get yourself a nice safe portfolio, in about 15 years of solid growth you will make it

>> No.14000340
File: 140 KB, 750x1334, 359D8D37-CFF3-4CE9-9496-DF6483B66E5D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pendulum giving sage advice like he‘s some kinda market wizard lmao. Lemme give it to you straight - dump the biomemes and start writing covered calls.

>> No.14000344

KO almost back to $50. Damn I love this stock. And it just continues to pay me, every quarter.

>> No.14000346
File: 5 KB, 362x185, AMRN Target.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AMRN is coming to grace us with a nice Profit windfall. Soon as sept 4 comes and goes. That's the date the FDA caves in for good and gives AMRN the thumbs up. So at anytime before or after that date a nice big fat buyout may take place. Look at this pic and see for yourself; no mater what Profit will be yours for the taking. A nice fat price of $51 per x 2 would be sweet but fuck it no mater what you'd come out in the Green.

>> No.14000361

>he actually believes (((analysts)))

>> No.14000362

Alright, I need to buy something what do you guys think about Wal-Mart?

>> No.14000368

>SPY about to break 280 a day after being down near 270
Despite everything we've seen since October, you people continue to buy and FOMO into overbought bags. This recession is going to be one hell of a dickslap in the face for some people.

>> No.14000378
File: 31 KB, 317x473, survivorship bias.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14000382


I got out of AMRN last year after riding it from 3 from 2014 and moved to REFR,


Good luck though

>> No.14000389

Show us your all-time chart, i bet its a hilarious rollecoster of gains and JUST

>> No.14000391

AMD pumping! I had just bought 125 shares yesterday.

>> No.14000400
File: 145 KB, 750x1334, 001CC589-6EBF-44EE-96DC-AE54ED214499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related to btfo survivorship bias. Write calls anons.

>> No.14000416
File: 164 KB, 750x1334, 8AF3351B-6C10-4BA1-B79B-C2573359BA2E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All time. Yea I used to be a degenerate options buyer.

>> No.14000418

Well your pretty safe; the only competitor is Amazon. Walmart won't be going anyplace unless the masses just one day say "I hate going to the store and getting all my shit plus my drugs plus my auto service plus my subway all in a single place"

>> No.14000425

Sold 1000 on Monday -_-

>> No.14000435

Thank you for your sacrifice.

>> No.14000446

Solid long-term hold, .53 quarterly dividends too

>> No.14000447
File: 199 KB, 1500x1500, 1559464352747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buying those BTC dips like:

(should probably stick with my Sdow and SDS...)

>> No.14000491
File: 42 KB, 720x685, 1531632066327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one month is a long time in the market

>> No.14000498
File: 281 KB, 1024x724, uyxuyu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont forget to remove your Bwl.a limit orders

>> No.14000523

Oh shit, I'm totally fucked. Why didn't I wait till #$280 before I got my puts on? The thought of sitting in cash for 2 hours was giving me ADHD and this dead cat is nerve racking.

>> No.14000541

Is she doing an exercises? Is that part of idol training?

>> No.14000543

Someone needs to teach this poor lass how chairs work.

>> No.14000544

>#$2 hours

>> No.14000551
File: 887 KB, 1454x1052, bear golden kamuy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how much higher AMD can get since it's ~29.3$ now. Resistance should be hit soon where it bounces off somewhere before 30$.

Trailing stop is already set, so I can enjoy the gains anyway and wait for the next cheapies.

>> No.14000586
File: 16 KB, 343x325, 1523026737661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trigger their stops then pump it so they fomo, and dump it.

>> No.14000587

Daily reminder that holding a sinking ship is just as bad.

>> No.14000594

just wait it out while nervously looking at the chart every few seconds, its your punishment for losing the flow

>> No.14000608

$100k portfolio, do you go active mutual funds or growth index (VUG)

>> No.14000613

Define a sinking ship

>> No.14000624
File: 400 KB, 1125x620, 27E4B3AD-6C3B-4A1D-A10B-3364AFD8D67E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hedging with crypto and inverses instead of bonds and metals

I loved this very silly show
Manga worthwhile?

Ab* exercises

>> No.14000630

You, like most people here, know nothing about the company's fundamentals and just focus on the price

>> No.14000635

Put some into WalMart seems like a safe strat they also pay a dividend

>> No.14000638

Sigh, this makes me long for the days when AMD was in the shat at $2 per share. Think of the Profit you'd have if you bagged AMD then.

>> No.14000640

Individual stocks you plebeian.

>> No.14000641



>> No.14000645

fuck it, i'm closing the fucking chart, there's nothing I can do about it now. for my protection ((they)) said if I close this position today I'm not allowed to play the game for 90 days, so fuck that.

>> No.14000657

Is that Selena Gomez?

>> No.14000668

I'm just playing pendy, been holding GALT for months and will continue to. You're just starting to sound a little condescending, had to try and knock you down a peg. Honestly just ignore these fuckers and you'll do better.

>> No.14000672

Daily reminder that nobody here has a ship

>> No.14000679

I may not seem like it, but I am staying humble in my head
I just act condescending because people on here can be annoying for the reasons I've mentioned

>> No.14000687
File: 151 KB, 555x452, ponder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What percentage of folks in these threads do you think understand how to read a set of financial statements? How many regularly track earnings, press releases, and SEC filings?

>> No.14000704

i'd say over 50% are stock market experts

>> No.14000714

I have a fishing boat

>> No.14000724

Maybe 20% including lurkers, imo (I think more of the lurkers do percentage-wise than the anons who post regularly)

>> No.14000737

you want to drink some beers and catch some rainbow trout this weekend?

>> No.14000742

Wow, I was going to say something like 20%. Full disclosure: only been trading a few years, but I am a CPA so I've got some insight.

That's what I thought too,

>> No.14000748
File: 321 KB, 1468x2060, amd 14 average.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a glorious time, back when John Mcaffee regularly fed us pump n dumps ( MGT was great too)
a better time, with more wholesome memes

AMD taught me the value of holding, after buying a bunch of shares at $4, then selling a few off every time the price doubled, instead of just holding all the way up

>> No.14000751

Im also holding GALT but damn i should have waited longer before entering, truth is we all failed with timing the market
>the market can remain irrational longer than you can stay solvent
plz no
its a biomeme company (who cares about their accounting!), and frenulum is kind enough to give us all the news and scientific papers time to time

, heres the base case copy pasta

damn RH kinda sucks

>> No.14000759

so why the fuck did we rally today? the market feels like a cruel game where you are punished for trading based on reality and rewarded for ignoring it.

>> No.14000776

I don't know man, 50% might be a big high desu

>> No.14000790

Trade war was a meme all along, only thing that matters is what the fed does

>> No.14000802

I can and do for my investments, but my time is spent trading options and leveraged ETFs.

>> No.14000811

I have a kayak.
Fair enough. I do think you're on the right path. Do you have a play that you're eyeballing after GALT?

>> No.14000821

At least 90%. Most anons and trips/names/avatars are longtime posters who‘ve survived past the 90/90/90 rule. We‘re probably all autistic as well.

>> No.14000828
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>> No.14000842

I did, and sold at $11. Then I blew the money on a down payment for a truck. Wasn't as smart with money back then...

>> No.14000859
File: 771 KB, 673x1000, stern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You said you werent going to nervously look at the chart, but good job riding it out

>> No.14000893
File: 242 KB, 1500x1000, horizontal_08_1_13[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is this indicator lmao

>> No.14001024
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Its always difficult to tell where to enter. Almost everyone will be down on GALT. But at this market cap is it that big of an issue? This thing will fly at some point. And I think soon.

The more they delay the management and protocol information the more it seems likely that those are collaborative points with the buyer.

GALT has buyout written all over it. I think its in the next few months. If I'm wrong I just have to hold for a few years. Fine by me. I'll play with other toys in the mean time.

>> No.14001075
File: 945 KB, 1080x1225, 1556859754081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to the coast and watch the tide. Over a period of a day, what do you notice? How about a week? A season? A year?

We had sold off hard and fast. Then we got some non-hostile words from the Chinese, and a FED meeting that "left the door open" for rate cuts. Perfect when a cut would have indicated "OH SHIT WE'RE FUCKING FUCKED" and anything hinting towards no-cut or a hike would have led to people fleeing the market because of an out of touch FED.

Live and learn, I was not able to call this one correctly, but was able to limit downside drop some bags, and DCA down.

but don't take my word for it, I'm literlelly retarded.

>> No.14001095
File: 358 KB, 512x288, table head.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I hadn't have to sell my Bitcoins back then in 2013 because my car broke down and job chances being shacky at, I could have reinvested those gains AMD.

Did some napkin math of how it would have roughly played out after holding Bitcoin for a while and selling in December 2017 (Bitcoin always fall at the end of December due to taxes), then reinvesting in AMD. Turns out I could have had ~1.5 million € by now (after taxes) if it wasn't for that damn car. Oh well.

>> No.14001108
File: 389 KB, 1614x906, SPY 12 years (D) 06042019 (log scale).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are things starting to look a little spooky?

are we recovering, or just a kitty cat bounce from things to come...

>> No.14001144

3000 by EOY

>> No.14001168

LCI closing at 5.58 today, predictions for tomorrow?

>> No.14001198

I felt bad until I saw this

>> No.14001221
File: 49 KB, 600x441, WeGotAJumper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JUST so hard
Bear bitches wanna buy me

>> No.14001226
File: 89 KB, 805x513, Confess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Or be dunked on by your Lord and Savior.

>> No.14001248

I piss all over the seat in gas station bathrooms.

>> No.14001253

>Cuba relations: TRUMPED
sell your cruise stocks

no more cuban cigars: more gains for Cowboy Joe, Cigarette Juice vendor Altria


>> No.14001255

No confessions today m‘lord. I am still making profitable trades.

>> No.14001262

i tell my gf i can't afford vacations so I can invest in divvy stocks

>> No.14001283

I hate crypto, but I keep DCAing anyways

I'm too much of a pussy to start a /fit/ meme that Juul boosts test, to built more interest in MO

>has a GF

>> No.14001312
File: 21 KB, 985x465, spx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My shorts got obliterated today because I'm an idiot who couldn't wait for the bounce. My margin will hold but holy shit I deserve this pain

Does anyone think that we can go higher than 2900 again? tempted to just double down on these shorts but no idea how the 0% rates opium injection is going to cause markets to react when they are announced

>> No.14001315

If we rally into 3pm hour that means we sell off hard core in sour hower

>> No.14001343

I've been exercising for 4 weeks but I still eat like shit

>> No.14001347

Smart, honestly you should always hide money from wifes/gfs. Also make them do their damn 401k at work. Too many want to spend their life spending money that you work for and then don't save for the future. My dad is getting fucked right now because he was married to my mom for long enough for that worthless bag to claim a portion of his SS and state pension.

>> No.14001365

Thanks for ensuring that the opposite will now happen.

>> No.14001381

>that worthless bag
Damn bro, harshing on mom. Did she really turn out to be that bad of a person?

>> No.14001382


>> No.14001383
File: 41 KB, 593x353, denkigaisensei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I setup all my limit buys last night to start DCAing on this dump, and none of them filled. Typical.

>> No.14001391

Man I picked the wrong fucking day to short Nike

>> No.14001404

I’ve got a few, what stocks anon?

>> No.14001417

>My shorts got obliterated
> tempted to just double down
reminder to
seriously, you remember how it went that time? surely you havent developed amnesia

>> No.14001433
File: 74 KB, 680x680, 1550694931827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was so smug buying puts yesterday after selling SQQQ for nice gains. All of that is out the window now. Please China load the news with FUD after the fed talk buzz wears off

>> No.14001439
File: 162 KB, 1280x720, AndItsGone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Because when you lose $20 on the blackjack table, your very next bet should be $40 to win back the first $20 lost, plus another $20!

>> No.14001441

it was a smart play, you couldn't have known they would cut interest rates today

>> No.14001443

very hard to discern losing trade from good time to DCA

>> No.14001452

other than the fact that there is a literal calendar with the event that was scheduled for today, there was 0 way he could have known

>> No.14001458

DCA‘ing is for long time holds, not trading. Never add to a losing trade. Cut your losses and find a better opportunity.

>> No.14001460

>DCA on degenerate options speculation
wtf dude,

>> No.14001480
File: 15 KB, 211x238, crack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never add to a losing trade
How can you add to a losing trade if you're supposed to go balls deep every trade?

>> No.14001493

I thought at worst they'd say they won't raise rates. How can they backpeddle so fast after just barely beginning to raise rates since 2008. Constantly low interest rates will just make them helpless once the next recession comes.

Typical boomer mentality, kick the can down the road and make it worse for whoever it ends up on

>> No.14001498

Sounds like good discipline. I've salvaged losses by doing it, and missed out by not doing it. but it's probably wise to avoid it altogether.
oh no, I don't fuck with that shit.

>> No.14001524


Thanks for making me profits today

>> No.14001536


>> No.14001545

more like profit taking hour and setting up shorts now.

>> No.14001547

TLT pump is back

>> No.14001593

Thank you for confirming power hour baggy, I'm sorry that you are genuinely cursed

>> No.14001608

I was actually contemplating longs earlier in the day, even posted a chart

I feel one more day of green in my bones so I will hold for now mr bagman

>> No.14001626

it's medium/long term spread betting on spx futures. I can't think of a better opportunity right now than shorting the biggest stock market bubble in history.

Thing is, if the market has double topped then shorting below 2900 might work, even if i'm doubling down.

A rate cut might provide a short term rally, but once the fundamentals start flashing recession, they're eternally fucked. It's just about timing this shit correctly

>> No.14001628

Your invitation to the yacht club is also cancelled

>> No.14001696

Reminder we haven't seen a shekel flow like today since the end of April.

>> No.14001713

flowing from who to what?

>> No.14001714

Yeah, she pretty much took off when I was 11 and it seems like she made a long series of shitty decisions after that. Didn't talk for more than a decade. We still have a semi shitty relationship, but she's a surprisingly awesome grandma in her old age so I tolerate her for my kids.

>> No.14001727

What 90 90 90 rule?

>> No.14001729

Flowing to me :3

>> No.14001738

what is this meme signal?

>> No.14001740
File: 1.35 MB, 877x1028, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My message to shorts

>> No.14001744

What strikes and exps?
Promise I won’t tell bogs

Go 2 body and add some new and exotic options to the spread

>> No.14001747

Sometimes time is the only thing that can make people see the error of their ways. Maybe she thinks the grandkids are her second chance. Best of luck anon

>> No.14001750

90% effort, 90% erect, 90% of the time

>> No.14001761
File: 85 KB, 900x900, rusrsBORIS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's just about timing this shit correctly
You are a few years to early
QE and low interest rates are imo the only important variable right now, this ponzi will get propped up for a long time to come

the end of the trade war is literally the beginning of the end for the bubble, since then the rates will start increasing
i hope Trump gets reelected and continues this for 6 more years

screencap this

>> No.14001764

Fuck DCA, you shouldn't look at it like you're lowering an average. You should, wait for it, look at it as though you're buying securities. Is it a good buy? Buy it. Is it a bad buy, but you've already sunk money into it so you're doubling down? That's a fallacy so stupid it has its own name.

>> No.14001775

the flaccid penis indicator shows more shekels are going to pile in this week

>> No.14001795
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>> No.14001797

I'll make my own yacht club. With blackjack and hookers.

>> No.14001800


I fill order tickets with my penis. I also fill up yer gaps too. ;)

>> No.14001817

Put that in a rap song and you're golden.

>> No.14001827
File: 503 KB, 750x748, image0-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get one green day
>Everyone forgets about the impending apocalypse
Soon goyim, soon
t. Cash master race

>> No.14001850

lol how fucking dumb would you have to be to lose 90% in 90 days? I don't know if I could do that if I tried. How the fuck is that real?

>> No.14001878


They dunno 'bout no Loss Stops.

>> No.14001891

Easier than you think. 3 or 4 bad trades, a lack of understanding about anything, 0 research, etc. Plus it's lots easier to lose money than to make it.

>> No.14001902

crypto + panic sells?

>Loss Stops
I believe my biggest loss so far was from getting stopped. I'm too scared to fuck with it right now.

>> No.14001909

They dunno about lop stosses

>> No.14001912
File: 21 KB, 735x379, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just about as dumb as me, I'm on track rn :^)

>> No.14001932

Yeah, i have been buying more too

>> No.14001951
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>> No.14001966

Get ready to short it, 10 more tenths of a dime.

>> No.14001980

If employment numbers beat you it's gonna be a green open, barring fuckery from Europe/Asian markets

>> No.14001984
File: 111 KB, 800x800, NowThatsWhatICallCrabs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Had it too tight, Anon!


...But whatchu know 'bout them Plop Topses?

>> No.14002028

But what about them ltop sosses?

>> No.14002055
File: 414 KB, 1280x1024, miku-maid-hatsune-miku-21783344-1280-1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros this is amazing! Almost everything on my watchlist is neon fucking green! It's so beautiful! I've never seen anything like this!

>> No.14002058
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I put 'em in with muh Limit Stops.

>> No.14002061

Some of you guys are alright, don't go to futures tomorrow

>> No.14002068

Oh this is a fucking bull trap if I've ever seen one

>> No.14002078


>> No.14002106

And your spots sessols?!

>> No.14002108
File: 12 KB, 258x258, paulie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baggie you promised me red. I better not catch you around.

>> No.14002128

No thanks. I entered my limit buys good till canceled.

>> No.14002130
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You are correct, Anon. Analysts are beginning to report on the wires that today's market reaction was due to frenzied panic buying.

saucy: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/nasdaqs-rally-exhibits-panic-like-buying-behavior-2019-06-04?mod=mw_latestnews

>> No.14002131
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>3000 by EOY

3000 end of June.

>> No.14002137
File: 444 KB, 418x589, Teh_profit_polyestercomplex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking forward to the tuesday COT update showcasing all the small specs doubling down on shorts

>> No.14002143

Baggie is a one man contrarian indicator.

>> No.14002171

I already put my wall up bro, those orders will never fill

>> No.14002175

Baggie is a time traveler coming to us to let us know all the wrong moves. But if he told us what not to do, nobody would listen. Instead he comes to us and makes all the wrong moves consistently, so that we know not to do what he is doing. A true meshiach. Savior for autistic investor kind. May we honor him for his noble sacrifice of shekels, so that we may be saved.
>wrong again baggie

>> No.14002179
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China deal incoming. Sooner than you think.

>> No.14002192

What do we do when he runs out of money?


>> No.14002203

All my charts say stay long.

>> No.14002206
File: 65 KB, 640x433, BonerPants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I date bagholder's mom IRL; no foolin'!

>> No.14002214

That is how we shall be saved.

>> No.14002221
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They haven't even met again yet, have they?

>> No.14002233
File: 7 KB, 300x100, you are already dead. this is hell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do we do when he runs out of money?
one of us will have to travel back in time to become the new baggie

to ensure than anons will continue to make it

>> No.14002236


Trump can yell fake news all he wants, but the more these reports come out (and the more real citizens start feeling the hurt), the more pressure there will be to strike a deal. My worry is that he stupidly overplayed his hand and will be in a weaker bargaining position.

>> No.14002244

90% of new traders lose 90% or more in 90 days or less. If you survive that with minimal drawdown, you‘re probably a decent trader.

>> No.14002250

Fuck you Paulie, you want me to tell everybody about the time you had the crabs and you were pouring vinegar down your pants at the bing?

>> No.14002257

>Think about the profits of Chinese sweatshop workers goy! >:^(

>> No.14002260

How do I overcome my fear of trading?

>> No.14002270

>the cycle continues
Indeed. We are all baggie, and baggie is us. We are all connected. This is the ultimate plan, the way to salvation

>> No.14002280
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uh oh
if 2800 not atleast touched today, me begin feel bearish

>> No.14002286

Buy NRZ and LK while they’re cheap.

>> No.14002292


>> No.14002294

Start trading. It all numbs in the end. My account fluctuates by the 100s now and I don‘t even bat an eye - coming from a poorfag childhood where $20 was a month‘s worth of rice and beans.

>> No.14002298
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>> No.14002301

Wait shit for real? I made money my first 90 days. Had some net losses last year, but very minimal considering I bought into DB right before that scandal came out and their stock got cut in half. Fuck Deutsche.

>> No.14002304
File: 556 KB, 821x1200, 007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trade until you no feel anything anylonger

>> No.14002320

Don't try to trade money that you don't have, the advise of my boomer highschool home room teacher that I've followed:

>Have 3-6 months living expenses saved up in a savings account (yes just sitting there)
>spend a couple of months (2-4) putting money into low expense rate index funds to get used to market research tools and to provide yourself with a cushion if/when you fuck up
>begin trading, and assume every dollar you put toward trading as spent, because chances are you're gonna lose it all

>> No.14002331

I'm down 3% over 2 years mostly because I got burned on buying FB puts (my first option trade) and didn't know what the hell I was doing.

I'm up 3.7% in the past 365 days. Practice makes perfect I guess.

>> No.14002332

here's the redpill: the US is in a weaker bargaining position by default. I'm not saying the US are desperate, but the very nature of this trade war is proactive. the Chinese have time on their side.

>> No.14002338

There it is $280 get all your shorts right fucking now.

>> No.14002350

there is no way LCI closes +7% on the day, expect a fall back to 5.58 last minute

>> No.14002356

Too early.

>> No.14002357

thats because youre a winner, and only winners win

>> No.14002358

>wrong again baggie
Thank you for your noble sacrifice.

>> No.14002368

>Does anyone think that we can go higher than 2900 again?
No, that's absolutely impossible.

>> No.14002377
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*touchies 280*

>> No.14002379
File: 74 KB, 736x1064, 58af0ecf0ebde588a4c139eda7b2beff--anime-maid-eye-candy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ror! Nope.

>> No.14002386

You are legitimately a better trader than most people will ever become.
lol you‘re outperforming SPY YoY so hey, not bad.

>> No.14002407
File: 57 KB, 736x717, 1539044352139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are people here expecting a rate cut or not?

>> No.14002408

>the Chinese have time on their side
not if the tariffs continue at their current levels or increase

>> No.14002409

Why is SPY continuing to rise?

>> No.14002412

It already happened :^)

>> No.14002424

How do I create a creative, fun persona on /biz/? For example I am a fan of the following posters:
>PROTIP from Warren Buffet
>REMINDER: Dividends are your friens

It gives me great joy when I see them because they add so much to the discussion. Plz respond

>> No.14002425

I expect one Q3, barring some absolute shitstorm OR resolution of the trade dispute(s)

>> No.14002426

rate cuts to 0% into market underperforming into CYBERGOTHIC MELTDOWN
I wish

>> No.14002435

Here it comes! :^)

>> No.14002436

LCI will zoom zoom zoom past $6 tomorrows if it's a greeny green day. If not, its gonna hover here.

>> No.14002438

Probably gap overnight too.

>> No.14002442

Avatar posting

>> No.14002444

just bee yourself

>> No.14002453

Hi RoR!!--- ah shucks.. it's not the same when I do it. How do you do it Rorchan? I admire your technique. Can you share a little bit of your creative process

>> No.14002455

no rate cut until maybe Q4

>> No.14002458

>low volume
>more demand than supply
I do not think so anon. LCI finishing strong!

>> No.14002468


I try to be helpful in The Great Jew Games.

>> No.14002469
File: 2.02 MB, 3024x4032, 429A1659-9664-47F0-B7FC-DFE7827DCF9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked and bee yourself pilled. Great advice.

>> No.14002471
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>> No.14002476


>> No.14002477
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What>>14002444 said. Also checkety check

>> No.14002481

no, I expect them to leave rates as is. Depending on if yield curve is accurate indicator for the future, bear market in 2020 immediately following ATH up to 28K DIJA (based on trade being finalized).

Then 5G, AI, Quantum Computing pulls us out of a 10 month bear market for 7 year BULL run.

>> No.14002488
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OESX up over 20% today

>> No.14002496

what are we, a decentralized think-tank?
that said i think a /smg/folio with (regular updates would be a good addition

>> No.14002505
File: 630 KB, 1116x2046, asahina-mikuru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ror! You're delusional. What's your short position?

>> No.14002514

rorposter has that. I was thinking of keeping track a portfolio of Upro/Tmf with spreads and written calls too on paper.

>> No.14002519

1. the president of the US freaking A is telling everyone to sell/get rid of them as a service provider
2. ive had att my whole life, within the last month ive started to notice droppped calls and crappy communication issues.

im stay far the fuck away, so far that i will probably switch to Verizon

>> No.14002524
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guess me still bullish @_@

>> No.14002530

the real question here is, When is the first bank collapsing?

>> No.14002532
File: 316 KB, 1059x1484, SmartSelect_20190604-155945_Stock Trainer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi! I am the official fund manager for the Ukrainian Basket Weaving Capital Anime Grill Index Memefolio. Heres our current position.

>> No.14002534

I closed those $281 calls too early...

>> No.14002536

It's actually the only thing in my portfolio, I FUD it because when I get happy it drops like a rock, so if I diss it it'll finish strong

>> No.14002537

Show us the smgfolio with those phat AMD gains please

>> No.14002551
File: 109 KB, 1078x1317, screen_cleaning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must learn the story of Mad Jack Churchill, my hero. He killed enemy soldiers with a claymore (the sword) and a longbow during WWII, in addition to pretty well any other weapon he happened to be holding at the time. There is a story of him charging enemy troops with a huge grin on his face, which he later explained was intentional as he believed soldiers are less likely to fire at a smiling man. :D

Prior to reading or watching the following wiki and video, remember: Mad Jack died at the ripe age of 89 in 1996.


Infographics did a vid on him too. It is accurate but misses a few things:


>> No.14002559

we need really really bad jobs numbers

>> No.14002561
File: 29 KB, 530x298, smgafterhours.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ding ding ding! How did everyone do today? I'm up 1.18%, clearly been holding a little too much cash and had no time to make any moves today. That being said, GRATATATA we rackin' 'em!
~Through open passageways
I felt my breath grow shallow
Lend me a voice, oh God
To scream and shout and bellow
Chew up your love then swallow~

>> No.14002568

China is a noun.

>> No.14002569
File: 496 KB, 500x455, 1522419443597.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so nobody truly expecting a cut, me neither. however market seems convinced me are going to 0 rates lol

>> No.14002583


>> No.14002586
File: 402 KB, 1055x1405, SmartSelect_20190604-160259_Stock Trainer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go

>> No.14002588

make really sarcastic comments and watch as 90% of the responses to your posts are genuine attempts at a response because almost none of the posters here have any idea how things work, and those that do understand are too autistic to understand sarcasm

>> No.14002604

Up 7% today

>> No.14002608

Up 8.21% today. Sold $GALT calls early, loaded up on TWLO, IDN, and CFMS. Probably hold the latter 2 through tomorrow afternoon, maybe even Thursday. Time for some well earned sparkling water and a hot bath.

>> No.14002610
File: 1019 KB, 2439x3509, 9882975a58be5bba52012c49c287a4f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Up 2.89% today. Feels good man. Ror!

>> No.14002621

why not bath in sparkling water

>> No.14002626

+10% would have been +250% if I didn't go significantly short at the wrong fucking time.

>> No.14002631
File: 64 KB, 692x482, 100816_newellbrands_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bow before me
made it happen all day at work, posted and got paid
sold my DF at the highs too
god DAMN

>> No.14002635

Down 5%, I definitely thought today was going to be a pullback

>> No.14002636

up a decent amount, still down about 12K from ATH. not sure if I'm going to put this bi-monthly's investment amount in my emergency savings or find an undervalued dividend stock after this pump.

>> No.14002643

basically this>>14002304
but remember to never let apathy, boasting and fake confidence make you lose real insight
i think the kaiji episode where they walk on beams between the two buildings and kaiji draws a line on their shoes to make them feel confident explains this emotional pitfall the best

>> No.14002645

Why not give sparkling water a bath?

>> No.14002661
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(Thats three point three percentile)

>> No.14002660

Damn, good idea. Let's make a start up called "Sparkling Bath" and sell custom sparkling water baths to rich white women in California.

Now that's just silly

>> No.14002692

His life was worth more than yours

>> No.14002732

Down 50%. I bought puts yesterday.

>> No.14002735
File: 2.65 MB, 2976x3968, La Sainte Bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the longer I see you posting, the more yikes i become

Anonymous avatarposting>>namefagging>>>tripfagging>>>>oftopic tripposting

anonymous, with only two posts (max) a thread, is GOAT way to post though

>> No.14002741

Buy SIML, after it pumps 200% hold it till it goes back to where you started. Once you watch the money come and go enough times on a screen you understand that it's all just numbers on a screen and you want it to go up in the long term, not day to day.

>> No.14002751

That's how I look at it to. It's all a shat show. If I make money great. If I lose it all, well, least I won't be homeless. So far I'm up 1.41% though today. Got about 13,502.00 in all together

>> No.14002754

Can someone here explain what LGCY is and why it shit the bed today?

>> No.14002767

up 1.41% so far so fuck yeah.

>> No.14002770

post it.
do you expire tomorrow? did you stop out?
what strike?

>> No.14002774

muh dikk

>> No.14002786
File: 45 KB, 737x706, 12606366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post gains boys

>> No.14002788

Why do u keep picture of kike whore, her cuck and her bastard?

>> No.14002790

dead cat bounce. Stocks dropped too quick yesterday. Stocks up a little cuz of good news.
It'll continue tumbling down tomorrow.

>> No.14002793
File: 63 KB, 800x600, BigDaddyB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I love you 2, Anon. :*

>> No.14002837

I thought that was a brand of cereal and I kek'd so hard

>> No.14002857

That's what happens when I'm in the fridge.

>> No.14002880

Glad I ain't in UBER. IRS is looking at them hard now.

>> No.14002894



>> No.14002968

Cash? No AMRS? What's happened to this place. Spend that cash on AMRS. It's like buying Dupont in the 30s.

>> No.14003041

Pump and dump. We're in the dump phase right now.

>> No.14003114

SQQQ stung today but luckily I was out of my TSLA short and SOXS long position. Could have been a whole lot worse.

>> No.14003122

I am up +7.58% today. Am now just waiting to be assigned like usual now, will pick up a few extra bucks on theta.

>> No.14003461

Sooner or later you're going to slip up, and when you do, those shares will be mine.

>> No.14003477

>Dean Foods

>> No.14003493

Learn about the "margin of safety."