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File: 1.89 MB, 1179x2847, charles_holochain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13996742 No.13996742 [Reply] [Original]

>tranny devs
>Charles acts like a cunt to everyone
What other issues does this shitcoin have? Might sell my stack and just go all in HOT.

>> No.13996751

Craig lives in his mind rent free. Old bitcoiners will no longer be millionaires.

>> No.13997292
File: 1.06 MB, 2048x1365, chongqing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13997315

He's mentally ill and has delusions of grandeur. Whether or not his shitcoin will deliver is unknown, but if I had to guess it's gonna die a long slow painful death.

>> No.13997366

huh, before I just thought charles was one of those rich kids with no friends that learns taekwondo in elementary school and constantly overcompensates throughout their adult life because they had a lost childhood. he didn't bother me that much. if he is going after holochain he has to be stopped though.

>> No.13997381

>that buttblasted reaction Charles elicits
He does what CSW aims to do much better and with minimal effort. So Boss

>> No.13997417

Damn that Hoskinson faggot is one big fat pompous bastard.

>> No.13997431

>ask simple question
>receive butthurt wall of text
You just know he is doing something right

>> No.13997435

>I didn't post a timestamp because "the community" usually does that for me
what in the world

>> No.13997449

Who gives a shit about the timestamp? Your mother also wipes your ass for you?

>> No.13997464
File: 63 KB, 640x513, MetaMask%20Tweet.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Charles.
You pompous fat fuck.

>> No.13997497

It's like that shitcoin was created just for reddit

>> No.13997510

>Who gives a shit about the timestamp
Anyone who doesn't want to sit through 2 hours of unrelated shit just to get to the millisecond of relevance.

>> No.13997512

I enjoy your emotional reaction to me. You may take off your panties, I'm ready to violate you.

>> No.13997519

>your emotional reaction
Nice projection.

>> No.13997527

find it yourself you cuckold. Or make your mother do it for you, as she always does

>> No.13997597

Hi, Charles! Is Shelley coming this year?

>> No.13997633

Do it, you fucking retard. As your fud post shows, you're obviously too dumb to own ADA.

>> No.13997680

Nice ignorance of what the term "projection" means

>> No.13997701

>when literal boomers try to act tough over the internet
Peak cringe.

>> No.13997717

Nice ignorance of what the term "I'm a huge faggot" means.

>> No.13997722
File: 191 KB, 284x490, Screenshot_2019-06-04 hoskinson charles at DuckDuckGo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that image
>such butthurt over a simple question
The EstroChad strikes again. Face of Onions, deeds of pure butthurt generation

>> No.13997736

Tell me about this "being a huge faggot" thing. You seem an expert

>> No.13997817

God DAMN what a faggot

>> No.13997831

Yeah, the guys spewing sperm from their dissented anuses at simple questions from Charles are all huge faggots

>> No.13997879

>what is your goal here?

>> No.13997900

>projecting his reaction to regular discourse, because he can't actually defend his ideas without flailing his arms in panic and having an aneurysm

>> No.13997931

Based. Maybe Charles "DAO hacker" Hoskinson isn't so bad after all

>> No.13997934

>crying rape when asked about your intentions
>”regular discourse”

>> No.13997936

>regular discourse
When you're on your period maybe.

>> No.13997954

i know from the day i saw this cardano faggot the first time that their project is damned for doom. full with leftist sjw bullshit, they will just burn fucktons of money and accomplish nothing, its always like that with these types.

>> No.13997961

>talking about rape and periods
Kys roasties, the thread is for people with adult minds

>> No.13997971

>11 posts by this id

>> No.13997987

>MA!!!! I can count!!

>> No.13997995

as i said: they're damned for doom. massive faggot/retard this hotchkinson. they will just run out of idiots who throw money at them one day and close down having achieved nothing but costs.

>> No.13998013

If you're a serious investor you should drop this thing as soon as you see that face, no more research needed

>> No.13998015

shitcoin hasn’t gained sats since launch

>> No.13998041

Hi Charles, do you like niggers?

>> No.13998091

now that's a drinker of soi

>> No.13998094

This turned out to be quite a show.

>> No.13998113

I don't like you, therefore the answer is "no"

>> No.13998133

>T. drinker of sperm
I prefer soii friendo

>> No.13998152

What about nigger cock?

>> No.13998158

you'd rather drink liquid estrogen than pure proteins filled with testosterone? Hi Charles!

>> No.13998161

Fat Charlie hands typed these posts.
The absolute state of Hotchkinson

>> No.13998186

His jokes sure reek of overweight balding soiboomer.

>> No.13998187
File: 505 KB, 1280x768, 1557369189749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love these threads. Fuck this sõy scam.

>> No.13998208

To be fair, CEOs don't write code.

>> No.13998228

>circlejerking in impotent rage
Accept King Charles or face the consequences sperm drinking faggots

>> No.13998248

>his coin has a CEO

>> No.13998266

I want to join Reddit now just to trigger this fat egomaniac.

>> No.13998369

he is scared af, it's FUD. More and more, people realize blockchain is old tech. Latest news articles I have seen a researcher said blockchain could be outdated in 12 months - they are preparing the normies for the new paradigm as we speak

>> No.13998402

>invade subplebbits of other projects with impunity
Projecting your fear their friendo?

>> No.13998459

>with impunity
Except he slinked away at the slightest resistance, blowing his rape whistle on his way out.

>> No.13999028
File: 448 KB, 788x900, 1528930222084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13999103

That sociopath wearing basedboy skin is touring the world off of real basedboys investing in his vaporware.

>> No.13999140

So your saying he's a ... Chad?

>> No.13999152

this. ADA is the ultimate soiboi shitcoin.
>4 years and still no working product

its never happening, HOT will destroy them.

>> No.13999541

They're contracted till 2020 btw. Cardano ≠ IOHK. Will be interesting to see if they get another contract.