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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1399644 No.1399644 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw 99.99% of us will never ever be millionares regardless of how hard we try

Why live?

>> No.1399645

Why do you want to be a millionaire? To avoid working? My cousin jerry doesn't work and he's poor as shit

>> No.1399646 [DELETED] 

1400 years of Shari'ah permitted paedophilia, inbreeding and education/culture based in mindless tradition, rather than productivity or progress, has damaged Islamic intellectual capacity and hormonal balance to the point where they've become a violent moronic savages.
Predominantly Muslim countries such as Iran have an average IQ of around 84, which is about one standard deviation and 14 points below the USA who score at 98.
Cousin marriage, which is considered prestigious and pious in Islam, causes genetic damage that impairs mental function and concentrates genes that lead to schizophrenia.
You know schizophrenia, the illness that often causes people to become violent and isolated and suffer from religious delusions?
The kind where they might believe a racist, slave owning, war mongering paedophile was the last great messenger of some super magic sky man?
Aisha was 9 when 59 year old Mohammed had sex with her.
That's sick and he was a sick disgusting man.
People of other faiths want to grow and change and contribute to the world, Muslims only want to preserve their ways and do not care at all about improving technology, culture or quality of life.
Even most moderate Muslims advocate a shari'ah world caliphate.
The psychological damage of paedophilia and genetic damage of inbreeding mean their children can't live happy normal lives and don't have the necessary brain power to develop a realistic and reasonable worldview.
That's why Muslims need to believe in 'Almighty Allah' who has power over everything, because will power and self responsibility is too much effort and hard work for them.
They become Imams, welfare queens, gang members and religious figures because real work and innovation is too hard and they need to live off handouts and crime.
They are literally just the dumbest and most emotionally weak people on the planet and that's why they can't handle science, objective reality or attempting to seduce and not rape adult women.
They're all too scary.

>> No.1399648

Yeah but aren't you sad that statistically, you will never be rich?

>> No.1399649


Fuckin' a man

>> No.1399651

I just want a cozy house and an NSX.

I don't even care if my house is only $120k and my car is worth more. The rest I would use to create a bizness or do something that has meaning

>> No.1399659

you wont get anywhere with an attitude like that.. a million dollars simply doesnt fall on your lap.. Try kneepads muh-boi.. Worked wonders for me

>> No.1399668

>Why live?

No excuse not to try.

>> No.1399772

>avoid working
This part doesn't even really happen.
Instead, you work on your terms, at what you want to do. Which usually doesn't pay very well, but you won't care, assuming you have the money to begin with.

>> No.1399779
File: 37 KB, 550x433, blog-mnimum-wage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could be worse. Imagine living in Eastern Europe where you only earn less than $500 a month. It gets even worse as you go further east, I know ukrainains who have to survive on less than $200 a month

>> No.1399785

It's even worse in Moldova.

>> No.1399799

Their prices are much lower too though

For the equivalent of like $10 us you can buy a ridiculous amount of things in a Kiev supermarket

>> No.1399800

at least they don't have to live around shitskins, though.

>> No.1399801


>> No.1399819

found the jew

>> No.1399826

It's funny how you mention there's no "shitskins" when their GDP and quality of life is on par with some Central African countries

>> No.1399854

The only life worth living is the good life. If you can't live the good life should you still live?

>> No.1400309

>>tfw 99.99% of us will never ever be millionares regardless of how hard we try

Being a millionaire isn't even that crazy these days. There's so many ways to become a millionaire, sure it may take time but a few good investments is all you need.

>> No.1400330

I just want to make enough to pay rent and buy chicken tindies.

>> No.1400336

>found the jew on /biz/
I assumed we were all members of the tribe! Oy vey

>> No.1400339

I just want to make about 20k yearly in ROI to be able to retire. 10k to live, the other 10k to reinvest, and use 50% of my time on my own hobbies that may or may not produce some money.

What do? I'm reading through Vanguard's pleb introduction to finances. I was going to go full bonds / etfs or whatever the fuck, but apparently it's a bad idea.

From what little I know, I only need about 200k or so, which I can get to by investing 70% of my income for about 4-5 years.

>> No.1400351

Use $2,000-$5,000 to invest in penny stocks and move it around. I usually make at least $70 a day on a good day.

I started with $500.

>> No.1400359

What has been your average ROI and on what timeframe?

>> No.1400367


>> No.1400368

Not only Ukrainians. Pretty much the same shitty wage in Romania too.
Source: I live there.

>> No.1400369

13 months

>> No.1400370

They're lower, but still not enough, you should be comparing quality of life. For example, our average lower class household doesn't include an xbox unlike burgertown.

>> No.1400394

Yeah true.

I got some relatives in Ukraine, it's not THAT bad desu. Shit is 2cheap but I'm glad I don't have to live there

>> No.1400418
File: 214 KB, 404x411, 1453261476264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I will be

I'll come back here to brag when that day comes

Stay poor, cuck

If you can dream it, you can do it

>> No.1400426

I had a dream I was a rock once.

>> No.1400432

If you give up like OP then you'll never make it, guaranteed

>> No.1400436

Wtf I hate op now I'm #hardasarock

>> No.1400462

You seem like a fucking loser

Enjoy not being rich because you never tried

>> No.1400468

You're not very sharp kid.

>> No.1400568


>> No.1400589

>save up $700 every month
>invest them in index funds with a modest return of 6%
>rinse and repeat for 35 years
>congratulations, you now have $1,005,658 and 69 cents!

A million dollar is fucking nothing, everyone in the first world can achieve that goal with enough discipline

>> No.1400604

Are you sure you're going to have enough to live with only 10k?

Are you sure you can invest 70% of your income?

Are you sure you want to go from a $50k income to a $10k income?

If you do, invest in index funds (mostly stocks, and a smaller part in bonds) until you reach $400,000.

You must only count on your dividends to live, and not reinvest them (because you will get taxed for nothing). This way, capital growth will not be achieved through reinvesting your dividends, but by the capital gains (those you don't cash out because you don't sell the stocks, hence you're not taxed on them).

So if you get a 2.5% yield on $400,000, that makes you $10,000 per year in income, to be spent entirely.

>> No.1400610

Just be that 0.01%,
Works for me.

>> No.1400679

How do you find new penny stocks to invest in?

>> No.1400736

Just did some quick calculations.
Absolute worst case scenario I'll inherit about 750k
Realistically I'll inherit 5m.
Absolute best case scenario I'll inherit 20m

But I'll be 70 by that time so who fucking cares.

>> No.1400768

how much you got in the bank?

>> No.1400841

Fuck you and your defeatist attitude. While your saying "I give up," I will be smart with my money and investments. Also getting a Med degree helps.

>> No.1400850

Sharper than you.

>> No.1400896

kill whoever has the money.

>> No.1400903

>put $100,000 in Ethereum
>wait two years
>Profit and become millionaire!

>> No.1400921

Firstly, no because I'm not a psychopath. Plus the only value money has to me is that it gives me the freedom to not have to work. Other than that I truly don't give a shit. I am extremely frugal and the things I enjoy are mostly free. Secondly, I took into account interest and stuff. If I got the assets right now it would only be about 450k

>> No.1400926

if you think quality of life == money

oh boy

i just want a decent job and a few side businesses

don't aim for millions aim for an easy life. maybe the mililons will come

>> No.1400940

Endure a fuckload of suffering for a short period and then relax for the rest of your life.

Seems like a better deal than being a wagec*ck to be truthful

>> No.1400947
File: 128 KB, 300x300, 1440349734510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I want is a GTR. Couldn't care less if I lived in a small flat or a giant castle.
All I do is watch anime and play games anyways.

>> No.1400949

what are you gonna do when you relax

carry on being a virgin? lmaoo

>> No.1400957

Do all the things wagekeks can't do

>> No.1401021

Don't those get taxed heavily?

>> No.1401025

TC...it's not too late to make something

>> No.1401031


>> No.1401038

Edgey doesn't mean sharp.

>> No.1401040

Idk, maybe pursue hobbies, build intimate relationships

>> No.1401044

>Firstly, no
Stopped reading there. You will never get anywhere in life with that attitude, faggot.

>> No.1401046

Sit alone in the dark all day and cry ehile jerking off to anime?

>> No.1401098

>tfw getting peerpressured into killing your elders

>> No.1401132

1. Depends on your country
2. Never if you don't cash out

>> No.1401149

>tfw you
8===D~~ *O*

>> No.1401194

You do realize if you just opened up a retirement account and steadily added to it, you'll probably be a millionaire in your 60's or 70's

>> No.1401221

depends how much you add. $500 a month ain't gonna cut it

>> No.1401274

>All I do is watch anime and play games anyways.

stopped reading right there

>> No.1401284

So right at the end?

>> No.1401294

that is correct

>> No.1401337

>will never have 1 million USD
are you serious
I've been saving since 17
at 23 I'm at 150k
It's not hard

>> No.1401676

Stop projecting faggot

>> No.1402458

This was in EUR btw.

>> No.1402468

I never cried.

>> No.1402477

A majority of /biz/ will be millionaires one day due to inflation.

>> No.1402503

Bullshit, I already am a millionare, not a dollar millionare but I will be soon, from where I come from I don't ever have to work, I am retired, it is possible.

26 yo, debt free.

2100 sq ft house 3 bed 3 bath with 1/2 acre plot (garden)
2000 sq ft duplex (2 × 1000 sq ft appartements)
1200 sq ft office building with 2000 sq ft parking plot
2800 sq ft commercial building with 5000 sq ft parking plot
Audi A6 (2011)
Stocks & bonds worth $30k (started two years ago)
$20k in cash

About to buy another rental house on 20% LTV.

>> No.1402511

Wait till you have a wife/kids and they're wondering why you're trying to explain living in your nsx

Cars depreciate, houses atleast keep up with inflation.