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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 16 KB, 236x295, MilkFish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13993996 No.13993996 [Reply] [Original]

I'm thinking about starting a very small commercial fishing operation on the East coast. I have read that most of the pro fisherman are older and there aren't many millennials/zoomers getting into the industry. I want to get a used boat for $5k-15k and go rape the oceans a bit until I've saved up enough to buy land and become an ethical and sustainable farmer. I grew up fishing in both the surf and 10 miles out, and have plenty of experience driving boats and pulling trailers...so I'm not a complete noob.

If these hillbillies can do it, why can't I?

The industry is in a decline because of cheap imported seafood. But this has caused many fisherman to leave the industry over the last decade. There is also the lack of zoomers/millennials filling in the jobs because they are mostly weak faggots that refuse to work outdoors. So do you agree that the conditions are ripe for entering this market?

>> No.13994000
File: 7 KB, 205x246, dsdfdsfsdfsdfsdfsdfds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13994007

Get trump to ban imported seafood first

>> No.13994044

I think the hipster "locally sourced" trend has been growing steadily and will become even more popular as the younger generations age and gain some wealth. Seafood is also the healthiest protein to consume because of EPA/DHA so I think the seafood market has a lot of growth in the future once normies start to get on board with nutrition.

>> No.13994145

bumping my own thread

>> No.13994590

Listen to me! Lion fish, bitch. Get a small crew spearing those. I made 350k last year.

>> No.13994615

Ok i‘ll bite (no pun)

Where will you sell your fish? Do you want to sweat away at your local farmers market stand or do you have a brand building marketing and online logistics plan in the works?

Also, will your fish be traceable by blockchain?

>> No.13994706

Are all these documentaries just plain wrong? Is there even still enough fish? Isnt it overfished already?