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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13981841 No.13981841 [Reply] [Original]

Tired of being a bag holder. See you back at 70 cents. Fuck you sergey. I bought at 50 cents and still feel fucked

>> No.13981872

>he is in the green
>still panic solds
have sex incel

>> No.13981901

Welcome to the /biz/ Chainlink yach party where we celebrate our profit and laugh at the new negeration of LINK bagholders. May their memes be epic for their bags are extremely heavy!

>> No.13982019

>made money
>still feel fucked
Yea you're an idiot

>> No.13982096

Appears you don't have patience for this investment, suggest you sell your stack back to Swift and take your profit and play crypto casino with the other short sited gamblers. This project wasn't meant for everyone. Good luck.

>> No.13982124
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all will be okay

>> No.13982444
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Imagine selling LINK below $100 USD.
Imagine that the people who sold at $100 will one day feel like fools for selling at $100.

Put your LINKS in cold storage and move on, you have pathetic little baby hands that were not meant to make it, you must overcome your limitations in this world if you wish to succeed.

Start here.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
and the Wisdom to know the difference.

>> No.13982578

Sometimes I need to reign myself in to reevaluate my gains. My shitcoin stack is at ath and yet I still feel upset it's not higher. I want more.

>> No.13982597

I remember some guy predicting that a lot of anons would sell at 1$, way back when it was 40c
We all laughed at him back then

>> No.13982615

>Swift is buying your bags on Binance