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13972728 No.13972728 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>neet, haven't socialized since high school, 23 years old living in mommy house
>loneliness finally gets to me
>decide to change things up a bit
>join a public library anime club
>attempt to socialize
>join their discord chat group
>"Why do you keep telling us to imagine the smell, anon?"
>"Did you just call him a pajeet? Is that supposed to be racist against indians?"
>"Why do you keep sending us photos of some fat guy in a blue plaid shirt?"
>never come back to the library
>leave discord group
>never going outside again

There's no going back, is there?

>> No.13972736

have sex

>> No.13972744

nigger what the fuck did you expect?

>> No.13972760

We are here forever

>> No.13972762

Stay king

>> No.13972776


>> No.13972785

Is this LARP

>> No.13972807
File: 17 KB, 509x619, 1558820602360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish it was larp

>> No.13972817

im sorry but you have the autism if you dont see whats wrong with what you were doing

>> No.13972824

>public library anime club

Right, because that's where the normal people hang out. Seriously, dude. They're probably worse than you.

>get a job, make a couple friends there if possible
>pick a normal interest you have, and go do something that interests you, but includes other people.
>Don't pick anything that involves television,


And that's just the C's.

>> No.13972826

unironically autistic

>> No.13972847

Maybe. Socialization requires practice and natural skill. OP needs to practice socialization, and after that, we'll see if he's still incompetent.

>> No.13972858

This is starting to be a problem for me aswell. My head is just so full of biz memes that I can't help but sperg out some of them irl.
>Explaning BBBBRRAAAAAAPPPP to my normie friends

>> No.13972878
File: 33 KB, 677x605, photo_2019-03-23_03-50-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been unironically half a decade since ive socialized, ive even tried to join the most degenerate groups so i can start out easy, yet it still didn't work out

>> No.13972905
File: 151 KB, 394x416, DKcountry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cross-posting memes that are highly-specific to one board's culture
Come on now.

>> No.13972949

show them imgur posts instead

>> No.13973011

Act like a normie, share "funny" 9gag pics and memes, use Jojo references, don't reveal your racism to others untill you make it

>> No.13973035

Lots of men are (somewhat) solitary. Most of them are socially competent.

>pick a degenerate group
That's like learning English by hanging out with the mentally disabled.

>> No.13973042
File: 217 KB, 1200x1179, 1559277778831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job for going outside your comfort zone. Took balls.

>> No.13973089
File: 109 KB, 568x590, 1558733009651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ, all that just so im not lonely? I think ill stick to my 4chin friends and shitpost for the rest of my life rather than ever put myself through that shit

>> No.13973106

Watch it. If you think it's sad to have no friends at 23, get ready to be 53, with no family, friends, or anything.

Just follow>>13972824

Pick something you're actually interest in. And if nobody wants to be friends with you, then cool, you had fun anyway.