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13969340 No.13969340 [Reply] [Original]

23 years old with 140k canadian dollars saved up after two years of extreme tradie waging. What the fuck do I do now, I don't want to do this shit forever. Should I go to university? Should I take some time off and learn crypto? Should I move to Thailand and learn how to code?

>> No.13969375

uni. 23 is still young. do something STEM or Business, dont do fag studies like Social Scienes or Art, that will only get you into debt and regret + pain of learning useless stuff no one wants to pay for.

>> No.13969388

all in link

>> No.13969389

You can be a king in Thailand with that money for like 30 years

>> No.13969424

The prices of Uni keep going up and I don't think I want to not be able to earn money for 5 years. A C.S degree does sound nice but I'm also thinking of just self learning most of it and try to get into cybersecurity.. Fuck

>> No.13969488

Prep for the recession. You have about $100k in USD. Hop on seekingalpha and learn everything you can about dividend investing. You can yield ~6% a year if you choose decently correct. The next 3 years these stocks won’t only trade down but they’ll raise their dividends exponentially.

Buy REITs, MO, O, T, and all the other dividend aristocrats. Reinvest your dividends every year. By the time you’re 35 you’ll be sitting with about $250k. Keep on wage cucking and just stay out of debt. By the time you’re 40 your investment will be around $500k and by that time the dividends will be ~$30k a year and if you purchase everything right you can have them paid monthly (O and other realty stocks pay monthly) and then you’re set. $2,500 a month (probably most if not all expenses cause be paid for with that) and then you work doing what you love by 40. You’re done. That’s it.

>> No.13969561

To keep wagecucking in Canada, I feel is not a good idea. Taxes literally rape me in the asshole. I work 12 hour days 6-7 days a week. I need to find work that I can take overseas.

>> No.13969570

does this work if i oinly have 10k to start

>> No.13969581

>King of a jungle shithole full of disease and trannies

>> No.13969593


>> No.13969596

I would kill to be in your position you snownigger if you get 650k and invest it in a high paying dividend stock like McDonalds you could retire in Thailand and never work again you're so close to making it if you're not a retard about it

>> No.13969598

the idea with the thailand thing was to live cheaply while studying my ass off on digital marketing or c.s or cybersec

>> No.13969605

If you can save that much in two years, do it til you're 35 and never work again. How is this even a question?

>> No.13969620

Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven

>> No.13969661

Look, I'm looking for a career that I can take overseas and can do well into my 50s. I'm not scared of work, I'm afraid of working crazy ass hours in construction for the majority of my 20s.

>> No.13969676

Come to Romania, fren. It's cheap and comfy as fuck here, beautiful people and beautiful country. You have enough money to live here for a long time without worrying about money, in the meantime and you can learn to make money online through coding/trading or whatever. Super fast internet. Get yourself a qt orthodox waifu while you're here.

>> No.13969725


>> No.13969734

>Canadian dollars

What are those like pesos

>> No.13969740

you need some structured approach to CS that only a Bachelor program can provide you. Look out for a REMOTE UNIVERSITY where they send you the material and you take exams online (yeah its cheat proof by now, don't start the discussion). These distance learning degrees are usually way cheaper than on-campus degrees plus you don't have to deal with all the immature scum you're put in together normally but can study on your own pace & level. really hot tip OP, i did this for electrical engineering and it was WAY better then any on-campus exp i had.

>> No.13969748

buy a rental property and keep stuffing money into a stock account.

the jewish stool of wealth has three legs.

>> No.13969757

it's more like monopoly money

>> No.13969760

Don't go to uni if you're retarded. If you enroll and drop out, you just blew 40k.

>> No.13969769

so many things can go wrong with this plan..

>> No.13969787

>i did this for electrical engineering
what uni fren?

>> No.13969811


No offense, but, I don't plan on owning property for a while. I also don't want my money to just be idle in stocks.

>> No.13969818

dont listen to this shit shilled on biz here OP. i'm an experienced old fag. Do a proper CS/Engineering Bachelors as i recommend in a distance Uni. You can stretch this over years and work on the side. A degree completed is always something you can fall back to when you're getting older and it opens a shitload of doors that are otherwise closed. just alone for THAT - to get into interesting jobs- is worth it. Flipping shitcoins and hustling just to survive is long term a "regret and despise yourself" strategy.

>> No.13969819
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should have put a low bid on kraken

>> No.13969836

AKAD University ; its German

>> No.13969871

What kind of trade were you in? Stem is cool but a lot of comsci related stuff is getting pretty saturated, might be a good idea to try and get some upward mobility i.e management

>> No.13969887

may I ask what country you are from? Also, what are tuition costs for these long distance unis, and what allows their students to be on par with N.A grads?E.g U of Waterloo C.S grad with a couple of internships is basically a hot cake.

>> No.13969937

I was a called a drywall helper but I was working with these guys who did consulting for pretty much everything. Plumbing, bit of welding, bit of electrical, framing, etc. But I have no hours I can put towards an apprenticeship to get licenses.

>> No.13969969
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whats the third leg?

>> No.13970005

my dick

>> No.13970019

>I don't plan on owning property for a while.
m8, if you are trying to be full on NEET landed gentry, you need to start your real estate game right now. learn how to be a landlord, learn how to manage a piece of property. how to manage multiple pieces of property or how to manage someone who manages your properties.

> I also don't want my money to just be idle in stocks.

so when you go into the bank to get a mortgage for your second property or even say, a small business, you are going to need to show a ton of liquidity and banks don't take shitcoins, so its either stock or cash. i'd choose stock.

>> No.13970031

is it 2-3k euro per year?

>> No.13970043

>banks don't take shitcoins

>> No.13970046

from the ages of 18-21 I was an on/off neet. Everyone around me was getting degrees and living life. I unironically was left behind and forgotten. NEETdom isn't something I want. I want a family and kids and a house one day. I just know that working 12 hours a day forever isn't going to fare well. I want to earn more instead of be able to do less.

>> No.13970082

>drywall helper
c'mon now

>> No.13970092

two years. Lots of hours.

>> No.13970093

fungible goods. merchandise. in corporate terms, inventory.

>> No.13970153

>23 years old with 140k canadian dollars saved up
uniroinically kys or buy chainlink

>> No.13970170

I own a small stack of link but why do you want me to KMS?

>> No.13970201

Uni is cheap in Canada ya retard.

>> No.13970255

You don't need much time to learn crypto. You just need to buy and hold it. It should perform well during the coming economic downturn.

I'd put some cash into crypto now and also learn about stocks. Keep squirreling away money until there's a nice opportunity in stocks.

If you're doing trades, I imagine you're making and saving more than most people your age. You could potentially retire early at that rate.

>> No.13970277

Notable unis worth going to for C.S jack their prices up for Computer Science and Software Engineerimg degrees. It's cheaper than the U.S for sure but my canadian dollarydoos are going to get fucked in the dick.

>> No.13970325

I need to get out of Canada man. The taxes here make wagecucking not worth it. Definitley going to get deeper into crypto, but as for continuing in the trades, it feels like a dead end, I'm not wanting to retire early, I want to be able to do something that doesn't make me want to retire.

>> No.13970329

buy BTC and take some time. Just hold it until you come back from whatever you plan to do

>> No.13970360

I want to end you for bringing leafs over here.
Is the country not fucking neosocialist/nostalgicommie enough?
well the major cities are getting more westernized so if you feel homesick and need to see some weird looking people those got you covered.

>> No.13970399

Go all in on BSV. Get about 500 BSV

Sell 250 when it go to 450-550 cash out money and hold the 250 BSV till its 20k or more

>> No.13970444
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Listen here faggot. You just need to do this for 8 years and reinvest everything including dividends constantly. In 8 years time you'll easily have over 1million in the stock market and can live off dividends easily. Stop being such a bitch.

>> No.13970450

ngl i considered it, but cant speak the language and will never be one of the natives

>> No.13970476

Time is your friend in this FIRE stuff , starting early is most important, start now.

>> No.13970506

You boomers don't get it. I'm not interested in living off of 30k a year without working. I want to work. But I want to do something that will set me up to net me more in the long term, and that I find interesting.

>> No.13970525

Canadian here, I took a technical diploma and make 110 k a year with indexed pension and full benefits. I have engineers who spent 5 years doing the same job as me.

>> No.13970539

I want to increase my ability to earn. I will work until I am dead.

>> No.13970546

Buy a few BTC you dunce

>> No.13970609

Ok, I will.

>> No.13970621

dont get a degree. i have masters in cs. teach yourself and make portfolios if you want to code. what you should do is keep waging and putting everything into bitcoin for the next few years

>> No.13970659

Anon.. I agree with the sentiment that BTC will go up in value over the next couple years, but should you really go all in? Also, why do you suggest self teaching and portfolio building over a degree?

>> No.13970664

Dollars will soon be irrelevant

Don't be left holding them when XRP is the new global reserve

>> No.13970678
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We're similar. I'm in Ontario, Canada (living near the Square One area). 27 and I have $120k.

I'm doing an accounting job and just trying to save, save, save. Difference is I have a housewife or else my savings would be even higher (but whatever, totally worth it).

I know you're not amenable to property, but that's definitely my plan. Make a down payment on a condo in this area and rent it out with Air BNB.

>> No.13970757

get a nice stack of btc and link and keep doing trades in the meantime so you're not scared of the crypto volatility, in 2-3 years you won't even have to worry about having a job if everything goes well

>> No.13970760

I think the fact you have a wife and are all settled down is why property is good for you. For me personally I'm >tfw no gf and I don't want to be stuck in Canada waging and getting buttfucked by liberals.

>> No.13970889

>I don't want to be stuck in Canada waging and getting buttfucked by liberals.
This sentiment I'll always share. Fuck Trudeau and fuck the whole lot of leeching cretin and sycophants we have in our government and country. If I knew Polish, my wife has a $100k apartment in Poland we could just live in and I could do an accounting job there.

>> No.13970911

>do something that doesn't make me want to retire.
Spot on. Was thinking the same yesterday. If you're in a career where you have to think about retirement, you're probably in the wrong career.

You have enoug capitall. Are you interested in trading stocks/crypto for a living?

>> No.13970972

I am interested in trading for a living somewhat but, I'd rather have a marketable set of skills that I can use to be a consultant or contractor of sorts. Does daytrading have to require the full time commitment?

>> No.13971008

I would put 80% in bitcoin because cryptos is in bull run.

Save 20k for the next step.

If you like CS and programming, take a bootcamp and build your javascript skills and portfolio. Work your ass off and be better than your peers you will get a job. Pick anyjob for your first job because the first one will be the hardest.

Don't waste time in a 4 year university degree.

>> No.13971032 [DELETED] 

Ye sure does. Its hard work but I wouldn't recommend daytrading unless you like going broke.

>> No.13971056

Just stick to a skillset then.

>> No.13971076

>Make a down payment on a condo in this area and rent it out with Air BNB
>thinking people will willingly tourism in Ontario
Even if people are dumb enough to tour in this shithole there are only a few tourist months a year. AirBnb in Ontario is shit.
t. leaf boomer millionaire

>> No.13971142

I'm torn between the strength of a degree and networking (and rounded knowledge) that a university offers versus the possibility that all this might be possible without paying for the degree if you plan correctly and build a *very* strong portfolio as well as market yourself well.

>> No.13971236

1. Throw your money into Fundrise (google it) either dividends or appreciation accounts depending if you want the cash flow
2. Learn to use seekingalpha and buy dividend stocks - home Heath, hospice, and personal care stocks are super hot rn with literally every baby boomer turning 65 and will be 75-80 for the next 10-15 years aka huge money going to home health hospice and personal care
3. Learn how to fix electronics - as stupid as that sounds I’ve made thousands a month fixing iPhones I’d buy on Facebook marketplace because the screen was broken or something minor and resell online through swaps
4. Learn digital marketing and convince 2-3 mom and pop shops to let you do their social media for $200-$500 a month each - then hire some college shithead that wants something on their resume to do it and pay them much less and boom passive income
5. Buy a bitcoin and just see what happens who tf knows at this point and for you it’s only 8-10% of your total portfolio
6. Buy ATMs and place them in local businesses and collect on the fees. I have friends that average about $500 a month doing this with just a couple ATMs in nail salons barbershops small businesses and bars etc

Fuck dude hope this all helps

>> No.13971291

This is good shit dude. I'll look into this. Thanks.

>> No.13971303

I'm doing it on the advice of/in partnership with another boomer who used to rent out conventionally and is making 1.3-1.4x the baseline rental income after having switched to Airbnb.

>> No.13971319

Some really good advice here. Curiously, what's your age and net worth?

>> No.13971377

We're literally on the start of a new crypto cycle and people are posting some dumb high maintenance and low return investments on fucking /biz/ of all places lmao.
Go 50% BTC 50% alts and be multimillionare in a couple of years.

>> No.13971436

Not sure how to reply to specific comments on here because I’m a normie POS but I’m 23 with -$20k network lmao I have a degree in Finance from a top 5 business school in the US and do IB for a boutique in the southern US and can’t wait to make decent cash to pay off my debt (student loans of $60k) and actually do this shit I’m telling you all to do. I obsess over it which I guess is why I have a fucking list lmao

>> No.13971445

Alright, fine. I'll put half of my networth into crypto. I'll use the other half to upgrade myself while I'm living in Romania.

>> No.13971487

>Alright, fine. I'll put half of my networth into crypto
This board is full of shills. Tell me one simple thing: what can you buy with crypto? There's no use for it.

>> No.13971492


>> No.13971511

I was just meming, but there is definitley money to be made in Crypto.

>> No.13971521

>140k canadian dollars
Treat yourself to a Big Mac bro, don't get the super size though, don't want to spend it all in one place.

>> No.13971528

good luck man. You have a solid path for the rest of your life. Congrats.

>> No.13971591
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For me, it's the McChicken

>> No.13971604

Thanks dude. But to answer OP’s original question - read “Dividend Sensei”’s work on seekingalpha. Especially how he plans to profit during the next recession. A lot of valuable points. If you’re lucky, this $100k USD will be worth $250k USD when you’re 30, OP. Fuck crypto. Buy shit that has historically increased investor’s wealth. Yes I have crypto but I have a lot more in a 401k and IRAs

>> No.13971626

that's a terrible sandwhich

>> No.13971656

I'm concerned with the fact that although the 100k might grow to 250k, it'll probably have less purchasing power than 250k by then, and I'll have tied up a lot of my capital.

>> No.13971676

>he doesn't know the meme

>> No.13971731

purchasing power decreases by less than 4% annually
even traditional investments like S&P500 return 10%

>> No.13971774

Purchasing power is the LEAST of your worries my guy. Let’s worry about getting $250k first before we worry about hyper inflation

>> No.13971800

basically was in the same boat in 2017... been doing sweet fuck all for the last 2+ years, just bleeding money.

It gets boring as fuck after awhile, having nothing to do, no fixed schedule. Life is what you make of it, and in my case that's not very much. It's hard to find motivation when you aren't in a position of necessity. I'm most productive when I have a fire under my ass, when I know that if I don't take action, I'll be in serious trouble and pain, but when that motivation is removed because you have a certain threshold of cash in the bank, well I don't know what to do with myself.

I'm a bit older than you though. At 23 I'd consider university for fun, study something you actually have a great personal interest in. Also realize that ~$140k CAD won't last forever, even at barebones expenses, living alone in a 1 bedroom apartment, you're going to bleed at least ~$18-20k+/year and that's if you just sit at home all day, cook your own meals, and don't splurge on any luxury items, so you do need to plan on earning future income.

I wouldn't do the Thailand thing other than maybe for a 1-3 month trip for fun, but $140k isn't "fuck you" money and unless you have passive/remote income you can earn while in Thailand you'll probably reach a point in the future where you're running low on cash and become desperate.

This guy's >>13969488 advice is good. I have a friend earning ~6-7% on a $700k investment and he's only 34 years old. Making like ~$45k/year in dividends and he just continues to re-invest it. If you really do have the whole "move to Thailand for the rest of your life" mentality, looking at setting something like this up where you get a consistent 5-7% that can cover your annual expenses is the way to do it. It's quite safe/secure barring a global recession.

>> No.13971817

Agreed with the others. Genuinely good advice.

Residential renting is a joke in general in Ontario. Can't even raise the price enough on a yearly basis to make up for the increase in property value. Best thing is to get a commercial license to rent it out to some dumb tech startup with Angel money on a yearly basis.

>> No.13971848

stocks are pretty liquid, you can sell and settle funds in 3-4 days. thats not "tied up". besides, you never sell your stock if you need capital, you leverage a loan against your portfolio. man, i bet you don't even funnel all your expenses through a credit card.

>> No.13971924

Trust me, I know what it's like to be a NEET, the Thailand thing was just so I could save more money on living expenses. What I'm trying to do is be able to earn remote income from abroad so I can maneuver around taxes. I'm not much of a degenerate anymore, all I do is work and read nowadays. I'll consider the long term safe bet.

>> No.13972043

Nothing wrong with passive income.

>> No.13972358

Shit if I were you I would buy a rental property. Rent one side, live in one side. You would probably be able to live only having to generate $500/mo to survive ez since it would be paid off. Your life would be ez pz cake and you always have the option of selling if you plan to do something with the money. You could work part time min wage and survive easily. Wealth = how long you can survive without working, and without cash producing assets, you technically aren’t wealthy. you may be “rich”, but not wealthy without passive income

>> No.13972561

don't listen to this fuckin guy

get a math/EE/cs degree and put at least 70k in link

>> No.13972584
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>All these boomers telling people to invest in stocks, ETFs, bonds etc. at all time highs and when the crypto market has entered the start of it's next GBR
No wonder there are so many pink wojaks on this board

>> No.13972620

I want to get into CS and begin developing projects. But I'm starting to find myself leaning towards the self learn/portfolio building path. I'm not entirely sold that networking is impossible outside of Universities and that you can't develop just as good of a well rounded knowledge either.

>> No.13973164

what is your goal?
if you just want to make stuff then uni is absolutely unnecessary just go through tutorials and do your thing

if you'd like to have well-rounded knowledge in cs itself (i.e. networks, computer architecture, etc), then plough through teachyourselfcs.com over couple years

>> No.13973213

Honestly, I want both. And every day it seems more and more like its very possible without University, the only arguments I can muster for a degree is that you have an easier time networking to find work and you have the degree as proof of your knowledge, also the university makes the acquisition of the knowledge easier by organizing it, as well as being exposed to professionals. Other than that, University is a huge opportunity cost, monetary cost, and time cost.

>> No.13973245

Take a break anon. Take a year off, travel, maybe put a down payment on a home. Spend time with friends and family to decompress then go back to waging. Everyone needs a break and you don't want to burn out.

>> No.13973302

>leaves 1st world for 3rd world shithole full of trannies


>> No.13973335

Sounds pretty good if you manage to avoid disease

>> No.13973342

It's not like I have any friends in the first world. My family doesn't talk to me either. It'll be the same except I'll save crazy money on food and rent. Also it doesn't have to be Thailand, just somewhere cheapet and safe.

>> No.13973442

Think you can get a scholarship? I swallowed my pride and went to a state school that offered some scholarships instead of the higher tier private school I got an offer from. That paid off for me as with paid stem internships I was able to graduate with no debt. I'm a burger though, not sure how useful that advice would be as a leaf but aren't your schools cheaper anyway?

>> No.13973523

look into northern india if you just want to read and relax. can do it on like 5 dollars a day. look up lamayuru. pushkar is cool and less remote

parts of india are really amazing and fucking cheap. stay north away from the street shitters. outskirts of manali are cool too. too many kikes in manali proper.

port barton phillipines is chill and cheap as fuck too/ less visa hassles than thailand

>> No.13973643

It honestly probably wouldn't be able to get any scholarships. Canadian schools are cheaper but I guess it's still too expensive for me. I'm looking at paying roughly 23k/year to attend one of the schools I had my eye on.

I'll look into it, but I'm terrified of street shitting desu.

>> No.13973676


> 140k after 2 years of trading
> Should I go to university?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.13973687

i should have said construction, working multiple trades.

>> No.13973725

>Investing in any stock ever before the biggest financial collapse in human history

Hahahahahaha im laffin

>> No.13973797

Put a downpayment on a house, rent out by room or subdivide. Keep waging till its paid off. Yeah it sucks but in several years you'll still be young, with an asset and passive income rolling in (since you worked trades I assume your hands aren't growing out of your ass and you can do maintenance) and be able to take the jump to anything you want.

>> No.13973855


Solid advice

>> No.13973895

He's pretending handing tools to a drywall guy is a trade and pays 100k a year. He's also having an existential crisis because he still lives at home despite his supposed income.
Why don't you ask the guy who pays a helper the amount you claim what your next move should be?

>> No.13973938

Don't go to college. You made 140k without college that is roughly what your average stem student is graduating in debt with.

Travel for like a month. I promise you'll get homesick in like 2 weeks and when you come back you will find out who missed you most as well as the fun.

Then go back to waging and wage harder and smarter invest the money and aim for retirement at 30. I'm 22 idk the conversion rate for Canadian dollars but my networth is about $12k USD it's pennies but I'm already at a point where I can buy whatever I want for the most part except what I really want like houses cars and trips.

I also live with my boomer father I think it'll be acceptable to live here until I'm like 25

>> No.13973984

>140k canadian dollars saved up after two years of extreme tradie waging

extreme doubt

>> No.13974015

Ok, I should have made it clear that the entire 140k isn't from only two years, there is an odd 30-20k in there from previous years off waging on and off.

>> No.13974028

What is your career, wagie?

>> No.13974032

were you living at home for 2 years and spending close to zero of your earnings?

>> No.13974039

I live at home and only paid for my car insurance and gas.

>> No.13974057

I have no career. I'm literally just a wagie who got lucky enough to work with some guys who had a lot of work.

>> No.13974067

even if he was, he's claiming 80+ hours a week as a helper. /biz/ has no clue how jobs work.

>> No.13974070

That's pretty good for two years man. I wouldn't go to university unless you want to pursue something as a personal thing, don't go into it looking for employment, everything is extremely over saturated. We're kind of in the wild west socially and economically right now, it's more about getting out there and having a personality right now than having the right qualifications unless you're pursuing something technical. I would take some time off, have a little fun and really think hard about what you want out of your life, don't settle for some small bullshit though. Think big.

>> No.13974077

I'd argue that uni is absolutely not necessary for your scenario

Opt for a math degree if you want to learn/ contribute to the theoretical stuff of CS, otherwise just stick to self-teaching and building stuff on your free time

programmers = builders
math nerds = architects

>> No.13974090

I must have broken a couple laws somewhere.

>> No.13974155

>investing in an overvalued asset in a recessive economy is solid advice
>2021 will be an absolutely bullish year for world economy and properties
>2021 will not be a bullish year for crypto and especially chainlink

who the fuck are you guys? is this still the same biz?

>> No.13974167

what province did you work in?
did you live on your own, pay rent etc

I dont doubt you have the money im just trying to wrap my head around how a drywall helper could make that much. Even up north a fully qualified electrician or pipefitter would be lucky to see 120k a year in this market. All the labourers i worked with made like 27 an hour up north. If you work in town making 100k a year as a drywall helper seems insane. If your making that much anon you should keep fucking doing it put in a few more years get it to 300k then you'll have double the opportunity

>> No.13974169

no one makes 100k a year hanging drywall.

>> No.13974189

Holy fuck, for the last time, learn to fucking read.

>> No.13974260

Drywall Helper is just the title given on the contract I signed. We basically made sure jobs met deadline.

>> No.13974278

are you cia?

>> No.13975342

dont listen to this boomer advice