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13960879 No.13960879 [Reply] [Original]

Grew up lower-middle class poorfag.
Taking loans up the ass to pay for school, parents nice enough to help with rent and food as long as I live older brother who is actual 30 y.o boomer.
Get the daily "Hey kiddo, how's it going?" phone call from mom or dad.
Feel like a worthless faggot while friends have jobs, cars, etc.
Contemplated maxing out loans to live on my own but would probably need nigger roommates to save money and would probably not have gf because doomer/jaded
What would you do?

>> No.13960908

Get a part time job or something faggot

>> No.13960923

>law school
Shit-tier investment, the market is saturated with lawyers, study something with a better supply/demand ratio like STEM

>> No.13960930

Need more info

>> No.13960951

t. Sandwich Artist

>> No.13960959

Go to top tier school will prob land a decent job assuming I keep my grades high. Parents fund me for the ego boost but are patronizing as fuck because they are literal patrons.
I don't think I can both work and get top marks. Have another 3 years left.

>> No.13960985

lol, y u mad tho?

>> No.13961043

You should be fine if you are at a 1st tier. Delayed gratification. Also just so you know you are going to have to no-life it in your first job for first 5 years. Don't max out your loans especially with economy on edge of shitter. I graduated from tier 4 and magically found my way into in-house at a large company. Student loans are a ball and chain that are keeping me poor for next 3 years.

>> No.13961098
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This is what I figured, the thing is the gratification is delayed for so long that most of my normalfag friends will be earning decent close to 6 figures by the time I make any real money and after holding it in for so long I feel like I'll only be able to cum watching a nigger fuck my wife

>> No.13961182
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>> No.13961190

Start finding joy in yourself and the things you do in your free time. If your life is just comparing the amount of sheckles your friends have you are going to have a bad time. Of the people I graduated with money doesn't equal happiness. Also the people who "make it" aren't always who you think will do well.

>> No.13961218

Max out loans, but skip university and invest everything in bitcoin. Thank me later.

>> No.13961458

that's gonna be a pass chief

>> No.13961549

Can't work part time and get top marks? Lad you aren't going to make it in the real world.