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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13950752 No.13950752 [Reply] [Original]

>so you’re telling us bitcoin started in a cow shed?

>> No.13950799
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so authentic and organic, it's inspirational, on the level of steve jobs garage or jeff bezos's tiny room. there will be movies made about this. satoshi and his 69 computers in the cow shed, going on 3 hour drives fueled by caffeine pills according to the truckers that sold them, only to be foiled by patch tuesday but keep fighting to be able to restore your vision to something that complies with and is controllable law enforcement and the traditional financial system. it's beautiful

>> No.13950875

> Starring Tom Hanks as Satoshi aka CSW

>> No.13950881

And this "genius" forgetting to set "Notify but don't download" for Windows Updates on EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. Despite being technical enough to use "WUSS", apparently. (It's WSUS btw).

He also apparently didn't know how to remote admin them as he had to drive allllllllllllllllllllllllll the way out there when "patch tuesday" took down all his 69 PCs.

What a load of fucking waffle.

>> No.13950958

well the pajeet version did

>> No.13950990
File: 265 KB, 806x1024, faketoshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is a semi tech illiterate faggot talking to a tech illiterate audience and somehow getting their panties up in a bunch.

>> No.13951188

They were commonly called wuss servers, especially during Aussie bantz

>> No.13951213
File: 259 KB, 840x348, architectcraig9mm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Despite being technical enough to use "WUSS", apparently. (It's WSUS btw).

kek, you can tell you're just desperately clutching for a talking point to regurgitate but if you watch the fucking video he says wuss, then spells it out wsus, then says in aussie piss taking it's called wuss.

Fucking pathetic shill. Get a life. I hope you're buying sv with your paycheck.