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File: 16 KB, 775x501, craig wright blue wheelchair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13947450 No.13947450 [Reply] [Original]

craig write killed satoshi nakamoto over 1,000,000 bitcoins and he has 1,000,000 bitcoins (+1,000,000 of all forks) in a trust he cannot touch until he proves he was the sole creator of the project.

the truth will spread like wildfire.

>> No.13947458

there's no such thing as a trust for bitcoin. you either own the private keys or you don't, period. which craig wright does not

>> No.13947462 [DELETED] 

If I was his, I'd market sell everything and buy a mansion full of whores.

>> No.13947477
File: 71 KB, 1178x907, craig killed satoshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

naw the trust is in a coop mining company that dave kleiman had people run for him when he was hospitalized in 2010,

Who knows where the fuck the genesis keys are. I just know wirtten creg stole the company stuff.

>> No.13947492

It's a smart contract running on ethereum with chainlink serving as the oracle.
It's ogre bitcore

>> No.13947681

Every knowledgeable person in the space (which has many borderline geniuses in it) has concluded faketoshi is a simple conman. You idiots who keep feeding this literal troll are the scum of the earth, usually I wouldn't bother even adressing you but you're making this board a cesspool.
The link retards can mostly be filtered out using a couple of keywords but filtering "satoshi" or "bitcoin" would remove useful content.
Faketoshi bsv retards are akin to a cancer. Hard to remove without doing major damage.