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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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13939656 No.13939656 [Reply] [Original]

i cant take another year of waiting im going to kms

>> No.13939953
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i feel u fren

>> No.13939955

please help

>> No.13939964

Do it faggot.

>> No.13939991

help me please

>> No.13940069

someone please help me how do i kill myself

>> No.13940229

You will make it. The end goal is always 1000EOY. The greater the struggle the better the triumph. We don’t just get lucky, we also need to endure the test.

>> No.13940272

It’s all just cope...

>> No.13940283

$1000 was said for the last two years. I cant take another year, my life is complete shit and has turned into more shit every since i went all in on link, im still up 2-5x but its not even enoought to take any out. I asked my family if i could borrow ten grand when link was sub twenty cents and they didnt believe me because im such a failure. i would of 5x-10x that 10 grand, but not a single person believes in me. not one. not even myself

>> No.13940305
File: 35 KB, 508x472, 996E50EB-DD72-4887-A466-3429BF466A50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. Its ganna be a rough 5 years

>> No.13940307

take it anal at least once, maybe this will cure you

>> No.13940334

i have nothing left, ive sold everything for link, why did i think a good thing would happen to me

>> No.13940430

Sell now before this vaporware shitcoin goes sub 1 cent and languishes there forever

>> No.13940449

How much do you have? As long as you have a sizeable stack you shouldn’t worry about not getting enough. In fact, take a breather, buy yourself a nice dinner, and just enjoy the success you had so far.
Look, you are able to live without the money you spent on link so far, you can definitely carry on without it. The real benefit of making it comes from the realization that you actually made it.
Make the best out of your life, think about how to be more human, and contribute back to the society when Link mooned.
Use the next few years to exercise your judgment, and strengthen your moral. And when the day comes, you will have the necessary wisdom to bear the burden of wealth.
Your journey has just begun.

>> No.13940452

Just wait 5 years bro. Start over from scratch

>> No.13940465

Whats a sizeable stack? Is 12k a lot? Should i buy this dip?

>> No.13940530

In 3rd world countries people are working like ants in a colony to survive. You do not have it bad so suck it up. Perspective, not even once.

>> No.13940557

I will hold for you if your hands get tired fren


>> No.13940559

The size of the ‘making it’ stack depends completely on your objective. Don’t play the trading game and envy those who have more. You don’t want your life to be as shallow as those swinglings. Think about what runs through your mind each day, if it’s Link, then don’t buy anymore. In fact consider reducing your stack.

Your life is more than a number. Once you find wisdom, you’ll find wealth. But you already made it, and won’t need it anymore.