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13936348 No.13936348 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13936452
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They still don't understand it

>> No.13936486

Well no shit. The fees are much too high to be used as a medium of exchange. $4+ fees eliminates a huge chunk of merchant potential. You have to keep your bitcoin on an exchange in-case it drops $1000 and you have to panic sell it.

This recovery is 100% tether manipulation/whale fuckery. Bitcoin is a walking corpse now. Based purely in speculation and margin hunting.

Bitcoin $1k EOY

>> No.13936511
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>rally was preceded by long term trend of increasing number of transactions per day

>> No.13936516

can't wait until mainstream media starts reporting on scams that promise a gorillion tps. retards might actually bring tron to over a dollar.

>> No.13936523
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>> No.13936540
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> nobody uses it for daily life whereas it's already been struggle to handle transactions

>> No.13936544
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>people want to hold instead of spend their defaltionary store of value
Truly shocking.

>> No.13936569


That's why it's only worth $8k and not $800k.

>> No.13936623
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Who would use a coin that costs $4 to use? Imagine buying a coffee and the fee is more than the cost of the drink

>> No.13936807
File: 95 KB, 1000x693, dont_litter_mempool_for_big_money2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because BTC is a fucking SHITCOIN

>> No.13936826
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NANO will take BTC's place as the true decentralized digital cash.

>Free to transfer
>Instant settlements
>Environmentally friendly

>> No.13936844

>how can you help bitcoin? stop using it

Really ...makes....one.........think...

>> No.13936875

Who uses gold? Still valuable.

>> No.13936915

Bitcoin isn't gold though

>> No.13936942

Bitcoin BTC value prop is digital gold.
It's retarded, I know
Thats why I sold all mine in 2017 for altcoins.
Bitcoin is emerging tech not digital gold

>> No.13936949


I think they nailed it.

Bitcoin failed in its original purpose as a currency.

>> No.13936994

>Bitcoin BTC value prop is digital gold.
Funny because most mined Gold is used in either jewelry or industrial products. People act as if gold is entirely speculative.

Which makes me wonder how long people are going to be trading bitcoin under this guise

>> No.13936997
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>he doesn't know that KMD already solved the velocity problem

>> No.13937068

Thank God, I've held gold for 3 years and still lost money. If I put that into bitcoin I would have made 50k assuming i sold after a big dip in 2018, 100k if I timed it right.

>> No.13937106

very very very true

>> No.13937178
File: 102 KB, 644x743, Annotation 2019-06-01 013531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is delusional. A hypocrite at his best.

>> No.13937368
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FUD from the pedophile paper peddlers and their lapdogs and servants is bullish news

>> No.13937591

Load ze adoption fud

>> No.13938582

Waiting for all the low iq brainlet autists to jump in and tell you are wrong somehow.

>> No.13938654


>> No.13938694


That dude is fucking retarded lol. Bitcoin maximalists think they're above shitcoin shillers when they're doing the exact same thing, just trying to pump their bags.

>> No.13938720

Best fud ive seen here regarding anything

>> No.13938842
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What if I tell you that most crypto use-cases are under-water activities? It's already been used for the Internet add payments, bribery all over the world, trans-border transactions when people don't want to mess around with taxes and regulation?

>> No.13939444

>BTC is dead
yeah haven't heard that before

>> No.13939562

it pretty much failed in that like 5 or 6 years ago
by "using" they probably mean spending it instead of holding it in cold storage topkek. imagine being this numb. they'll probably figure it out when btc breaches $200k

>> No.13939624

bitcoin is not deflationary, it's inflationary.

>> No.13939644

how is something that can never exceed a fixed quantity inflationary?

>> No.13939679

Every block generates new bitcoins.
At the current price, $5.3B a year goes to the miners.

>> No.13939727

Most miners are chinks with nearly free hydro power, they don't sell all of their reward.

>> No.13939774

technically the supply is always increasing. It's just increasing at a decreasing rate approaching a limit of 21 million.

>> No.13939797

so whats more inflationary-- 200 trillion USD or a final 21 million BTC

>> No.13939808

of course, bitcoin is a meme, i can't believe some of you guys are unironically shilling it, sure ride your gains but it's not like it will be actually useful beyond speculation

>> No.13939823

cash is not a store of value, it's a medium of exchange and a unit of account.
Bonds, stocks, real estate are a store of value.
Bitcoin isn't.

>> No.13939826

when mainstream notices that btc is just boomer obsolete shit tech from 2009, this last decade grandpacoin will dump overnight and all the money flow to the second best or third best coin..

ripple... just saying..it has everything you need to make money.. big budget, best and biggest team. backed by govs and jews and bank... dont believe?`

go buy your 32million lunch money volume shitcoins.

>> No.13939836

What do you think Chainlink is for???

>> No.13939842
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Even better. Fake volumes are 90% of trades today.
BTC, trusted exchanges: $2,850,673,940 / day
BTC, trusted + fake: $27,014,253,271 / day


>> No.13940345

the "bitcoin is gold 2.0" is the most retarded thing someone could think up.

>> No.13940415

>cash is not a store of value,
This is false

>> No.13940438

$500 when?

>> No.13940473

Joined twitter recently to keep tabs on "crypto twitter". Holy shit, I seen that post earlier and rolled my eyes. Also see famous crypto twitter people who dont even know what the bitcoin faucet was, or what public keys are. They just try to get a following and pump shit.

>> No.13940501

it fucking is, although a very fucking bad one
>alzheimer grannies with a mattress of greenbacks

>> No.13940795
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>> No.13941102

venezuela disagrees

>> No.13941339
File: 20 KB, 326x347, king.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin is a real, secure, store of value that can also be used as a currency

It has the most daily transactions
Highest average transaction value
Most value moved daily
Most daily active addresses
And is the most secure with the highest hash rate

Real bitcoiners understand this which is why over 50% of bitcoins haven't moved in over 18 months
Over 20% of bitcoins haven't moved in over 5.5 years
We just continue to accumulate

>> No.13941996

bitcoin is ancient tech that will never be able to scale without a centralized 2nd layer to make things like instant txs possible.

ETH is the only final solution for a real world crypto use case with instant txs when ETH 2.0 arrives in 2020

>> No.13942004

Eth cannot and will not ever be able to scale.

>> No.13942052

Btc is a sov not a payment currency. Transactions with gold would be similarly low.

It is already the final product in terms of a sov.

Decentralized, secure and an emission tale to align with anticipated gold production. Scalability is not needed.

>> No.13942089

>the crypto with the most developers, the most active github, the most investors, will never be able to scale
you are triple fucking retarded

ETH 2.0 code will be finished at the end of June and enter into security audits.
it will be launched in 2020 and ETH will be able to do 250k+ tx/s more than any other crypto or digital payments service.

ask me how i know you are always going to be poor

>> No.13942108

Low iq. Bitcoin is useless as dog shit but it will still gain value. At this point it's a relic, like if you owned the first consumer mobile phone. You wouldn't use it for calls but it would be fun to have and it would be worth a lot.

>> No.13942134


RIP Bitcoin

>> No.13942185


Dude better sell your bags it's not worth shilling anymore. Everyone knows ETH won't deliver. They are delaying this shit since 2016. It's called vaporware.

>> No.13942187

They are right. XRP on the other hand actually has a use which be realized.

>> No.13942230

All this proves is that no one wants dollars. If they wanted them, they would hold them.

>> No.13942245

post twitter id anon

>> No.13942248

good thing i'm wearing a ring made out of bitcoin right now

>> No.13942370
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>105 iq
It’s DISinflationary. It has an inflation rate that lowers over time until it hits zero, at which point it will become DEflationary.

>> No.13942427

>cash is the only money
kys faggot and fuck off to plebbit

>> No.13942485

>the crypto with the most developers, the most active github, the most investors
Why do you think it needs all these affiliate devs, yet it fails to meet deadlines for its upgrades? The ethereum network is periodically upgrading and attempting to find solutions to its fundamental problem which is the fact that it can not and will not ever be able to scale.