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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13936331 No.13936331 [Reply] [Original]

unironically what is a good coin for a poorfag to dump a few hundred dollars in and pray it'll moon or at least 10x

I missed out on the Harmony ICO but can buy into it since that's probably gonna pump once it gets listed tomorrow, but for others I don't know. Holo? Fantom? IOTA? LINK :^)?

Obviously I'm gonna look into whatever you guys shill but do you're best pls in said shilling

>> No.13936358
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preemptive brap since I know I gotta get /biz/s attention somehow

>> No.13936365


>> No.13936402

yes its a butt

>> No.13936423


>> No.13936692


>> No.13936717

>2 trillion market cap

>> No.13936734

excuse me I'm retarded
10 trillion supply, what the actual fuck

>> No.13936770

Ok NEETs I've got your final gem of 2019 here called TrueChain (TRUE)
It's currently on Forkdelta, OKeX, and Hitbitc. Forkdelta seems to have the lowest daily
volume (usually around 45k-80k USD) and OKeX USUALLY has a daily volume from 9 million USD to 10 million USD.

Ok? Still with me biztards? This is your chance to arbitrage. Don't even fucking try if you have less than 2 Eth because it'll take you way to long. Still worth it but if you're that much of a poorfag this will be a lot slower for you.

Alright - the price differences (you'll have to check your self) CURRENTLY on fork delta
is 0.00085 and on OKeX currently sitting at 0.0044

Can you do that math, or do I need to google "ETH TO USD calculate" and do it for you? Doesn't take a genius. Of course you can DYOR and actually HODL this shit but when I saw the volume differences, and putting two and two together I jumped straight into this shit.

The exchange links can be found below.
and OKeX you can find for your self easily

Better thank me for this /biz/ because I didn't have to share this information enjoy the rest of your 2019

>> No.13936791

kys faggot

>> No.13936820

Nice. Thanks

>> No.13936963

desu the more I read about Harmony the better it looks. Its unfortunate I missed the lottery but buying in once it goes live tomorrow should be gud

>> No.13936982

RSR. Give it a year and you're fine.

>> No.13936992

lol nice meme

>> No.13937007

Enjoy poverty.

>> No.13937016

that coin is fucking dead to a degree that people have even stopped shilling it on /biz/, miss me with your bags.