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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13932462 No.13932462 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin is about to dump see yall at 7.7k. Thanks for the money bulls.

>> No.13932468

hope your right bobo

>> No.13932479

Hey I'm new to all this, how does BTC going down make you money? Do you mean because you're going to buy?

>> No.13932498

its a psychological bait and switch, bears would cream themselves if btc was at an ATL so they could accumulate

>> No.13932545

Been short since $5.5k because "muh $6k resistance." Re-bought at $6.4k with a tight trailing stop which triggered around $7k. Didn't have the balls to buy the dip after $8k. Fucking bogs. So what I did was buy in with 1/3 my fiat at $8700 when it starting pumping. I knew there was a 90% chance I would call the absolute top and trigger the sell off I've been waiting for. Bogs think they are fucking me but I have 2/3 my fiat left to buy in the $3k range when bitcoin double bottoms. I had to sacrifice 1/3 my stack to trigger the bear market though. Its worth it for the piece of mind if it continues to pump. Bitcoin will be $1-10 mil eventually, but it needs to double bottom and all shitcoins need to die first.

>> No.13932561

I'm shorting Google that. Also I want to thank people like you who have bought and thought they just got a really great deal.

>> No.13932642

You sell puts

>> No.13932828

Don't know if you are larping but if the question is genuine you just short sell. The lower it gets, the higher the profit.

>> No.13932970

I'm not larping... I genuinely don't know what short selling is

>> No.13933039

nope you're trapped

>> No.13933251

basically, if you short an asset at a price and it goes down then you make money. vice versa for long. Also, if it does the opposite you lose money.

>> No.13933295

Kek Dropping to 7.7k and finding support there would actually lend support that we are in a bull market

>> No.13933321

Why doesn’t everybody short obvious scams or failed businesses then? Sorry for newfaggotry don’t know where to learn this.

>> No.13933488

Shorting/Longing is literally gambling. And you have to go to bitmex to do it. You can only short/long certain things bitmex will allow you to. Wish I could short this thread

>> No.13933510

Because you still have to sell it to someone at the bottom. If no one is there to buy then you're stuck with a pile of dogshit and have nothing to do with it

Obviously, you're trolling. Probably a fucking billionaire knowing biz

>> No.13933539

No i’m fresh off the boat brainlet, came to /biz/ because I wanted to know how and the fuck 4chan could have a business and Finance board and stuck around because you guys have some dank memes. This crypto stuff looks really fun but I don’t really know what i’m reading half the time.

>> No.13933568

It truly is a great place to take advice on how to lose money.

>> No.13933573

Alright well you'll learn after about 2 years of browsing
Or you could read some shit and figure out sooner

>> No.13933593

Observe, bobo

>> No.13933594
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Sorry Bobo, good timing, wrong direction. Enjoy your liquidation.

>> No.13933596

Poor Linkies got cucked hard.

Any tips on where to start reading? I don’t see myself going all in on this stuff, but a little fuck you money to make it a hobby could be fun.

>> No.13933725

Yup I kinda expected bitcoin to break 8400 I put on my final short. Let's see if theres follow through. My stop loss is just below 8500

>> No.13934077

Here's all you need to know as a crypto hobbyist.
Buy bitcoin or eth via coinbase when everyone is freaking out about how low it just went
Then hold it until it goes up, but actually cash it out once you've made a profit.
Or do the opposite of biz
dont think you can trade successfully - you will lose

>> No.13934089

So like, right now?

>> No.13934132

yesterday we went from 9k to 8k with a huge ass support down there, it was unironically a healthy correction to test, we will moon soon

if for some reason you guys haven't bought BTC yet, this is your last chance before reaching 10k and FOMO your way in

>> No.13934135

you should have sold by now
if you buy now you chasing a pump

>> No.13934166

Chasing a pump means latching onto a perceived uptrend too late and catching the dump instead?

>> No.13934211

chasing a pump:
pump it to raise interest
keep it there
pull back to ((buy the dip))
now stupid money buy in (you)
short it
we made our money back 5x-50x
fundoes are saifu

>> No.13934248

Welp these are my last few minutes things ain’t looking good.

>> No.13934254

Sneaky business. I’ll keep lurking.

>> No.13934401

Possibly. Im all in NANO myself and to me it's a hold long term. people still are split on whether we are in a bull market or bear. Buy in what you think will do good and see where it goes, it's all kinda gambling. lol

>> No.13935066

I'm just going to bump this thread a bit just so I can talk shit or get laughed at.

>> No.13935098

This, The /biz life.

>> No.13935228

But Bobo, didn't you say BTC was going below 3k just a little while ago?
What is this new 7.7k number, I'm a bit confused?

>> No.13935529

doesn't look like it it looks like it want's to attack $9k again.

>> No.13935677
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>> No.13935848

Only cucks and homos unironically post bear images

>> No.13935908

I'm still alive. The fees are about to roll in but I'm not going to exit my position till 7.7k.

>> No.13936298
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bobo about the get BTFO