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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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13931471 No.13931471 [Reply] [Original]

Wednesday announcement prediction

>> No.13931478

src for announcement?

>> No.13931487

Here we go again

>> No.13931491

check the warosu link

>> No.13931503

somebody explain threshold signatures I'm so stupid pls

>> No.13931524

Sergey realized this project sucks and he'd rather go work at mcdonalds so he can get 50% off his big macs for life.

>> No.13931525

not really based but i'll bite. stop limit buy at 10.5k sats.

>> No.13931530

It was hinted at by a Finnish anon yesterday, who also made other claims about buying spikes etc. All bollocks.

Nothing will happen on Wednesday, you need to manage your expectations. Even if something is announced, it's not going be a partnership of that scale. They've said before they [Link] won't be the ones doing the announcing.

>> No.13931549

how is that bollocks?
he got the hour right
he got the buy right (check the big fucking order when btc dumped)

>> No.13931574

Instead of the eth network processing thousands of transactions and charging gas on every one, the transactions are taken off the network, bundled up and validated as one (and charged as just one) and then fed back onto the network. It does all the heavy lifting for Ethereum, saves a shit-ton of costs and sort-of goes some way to solving the scaling problem. That's how I understood it when the turbo-IQ anons were generous enough to explain it to us brainlets.

>> No.13932081


>> No.13932106

Why can't it be implemented on Ethereum itself?

>> No.13932155
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You are not this retarded are you

Only LINK fud is some linkbros literall iq60

>> No.13932197

Yes I am retarded, if you are not then please explain to me why T. signatures can't be implemented directly on ethereum endpoints? Why is chainlink required to implement T.signatures?

>> No.13932335
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I can't take this anymore

>> No.13932388

>why can't the chain do off-chain?
Because the chain is the chain because it's not off-chain.

>> No.13932396
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>announcement prediction

lelly, again this

>> No.13932521
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>> No.13932536
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99% sure larp.

>> No.13932549

Mr azful backed out yesterday after mainnet fiasco. You are alone kiddo

>> No.13932579

>dude just hold till the XXXX conference/announcement/fireside next month

>> No.13932592

>Goal: Make a video game
>Budget over ~900 million
>1000+ developers
>Took 7 years to develop


>Goal: Solve the 'Oracle problm"
>1 dev, 1 philosophy major + "advisors" & freelancer shit-tier unemployed bedroom "devs"
>32 million budget

Don't you fucking see it? It is literally a fucking shitty start-up. With 1 dev and 32 million budget you can't do shit.

>> No.13932626

I love the attitude of "convince me of XYZ". Why though? Why do I give a fuck about what you spend your money on?

Do you brainlets genuinely believe your miniscule buying power has absolutely any effect on any of this? Nobody gives a fuck if you buy, sell, kys. You're lucky there are as many people here willing to spoon feed you as there are

>> No.13932692

It is still too expensive. The node operators are fucked. If the price of ETH or LINK increases, it makes operating nodes even more unprofitable.

This shit is just too funny to be real

>> No.13932823

are you retarded?

>> No.13932848
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>> No.13932857

18 decimals you literal potato

>> No.13932883

I used to Larp about Link. I dumped my bags at $1.30 so I wouldn’t have to bag hold. Finally passed $250k off of $4k invested since 2017 thanks to XLm and Link. No one got rich holding shitcoins. I’ll buy some more link if it drops below 50c though. This is a really nice example of the Wall Street hype cycle.

>> No.13932946

it does not matter how many decimals there are. 1 Link is exactly the same as 1,0000000000000000 Link. The dollar cost is the same. Operating node cost dollars. You know. Like real life money.

I can't believe I've to explain this.

>> No.13932962
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Linkies BTFO

>> No.13932981
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>> No.13933006

based; the master node i operate requires collateral, so i get to keep my coinz

>> No.13933220
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>> No.13933230

Hi i’m new here how do I short links??? Be needful brothers

>> No.13933236

LINK is gonna dump hard, why? Cause market is disappointed. We were promised high quality partners, detailed information about network usage, and what's happening with the 650M tokens now that mainnet is announced, but they didn't delivered.

If you want to LINK moon again you need to refute this statements with logic and reasoning, otherwise this shit is going down until a black swan event happens (microsoft, sap, aws partnership) for the next 6 months, slowly bleeding like all the other shitcoins (OMG, kyber, rlc, zrx)

The current statements are

>T.signatures are in conception phase, not audited and not even on the icebox of the pivotal tracker. It might take months of testing before being a mainnet feature.

>SGX isn't supported by current mainnet, shit still need to be audited. It's month away

>No info about token distribution, how the incentives for node operators are being handled, and no clear level of usage in network

>staking and penalty contract are still in building phase, and they want to use real data to build them, so it might take months to be done

So, in the end we can say that this shitcoin did a cardano tier mainnet announcement, failed to deliver key valuable features, and despite fundamentals are bullish as ever on the long term, there isn't a single reason for this current marketcap to stay like this or grow in the next 3 months. On top of that, og link Marines bought between 12 and 22 cents, so even at 50 cent they did a x3.

Refute this to save link