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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1392915 No.1392915 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ approved books

>> No.1392945
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>> No.1393050
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I disagree

>> No.1394415
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What does /biz/ think of this book?

There's also a meetup group in my city about it.

>> No.1394428
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I like that one. Im also finding this one to be good.

The coolest part about four hour work week is how he talks about building a business and Outsourcing stuff and getting like an assistant and paying people in India to make calls for you and what he's talking about the Drop Shipping is cool too

>> No.1394432

I flew through this book as well and I should probably read it again. I look for "golden nuggets" as people call them and typically you can gain one or two useful insights

>> No.1394437

4 Hour Work week is all about a paradigm shift from feeling anxious to having to go and get a real job and moving towards the freedom and flexibility of either owning your own business or having a rat hole or you can make it consistent income. Either way books are like this are basically about making money work for you.

I should also add that it's better to be in a financial position that's better than the average for consumer

As he warns in the very beginning it can be dangerous to make a commitment to shift your lifestyle so drastically

>> No.1394451

I read this book once a month, especially before hyper social events and interviews. Never had one where I didn't get a callback. Thanks Dale.

>> No.1394472


I didn't like the part about selling product. I'd rather do part time online service work in USD and live somewhere cheaper. 20 hours (if not less) a week is still half as much work as normal people, and living abroad will enable me to travel in daily life and save more of my money if I live in low cost of living nations. Now I may make my own practice, yes, rather than work for a company. So much of the book focuses on just selling products. Not everyone can design a product.

However I loved the general concept. I had been set to early retirement, but felt discontented that I could not retire until I was ~40 and would need to waste my youth. So 4hww was revolutionary for me on that term, so I can live now instead of slaving and waiting. Although I am considering a hybrid of working fulltime for six years to build money and skills for a resume, and then going part time. So I'm very grateful for the book's message but I'm not going to follow it exactly.


htwfaif is pretty solid. I've found it valuable, and read it once a year or two. I've noticed an improvement in my interpersonal skills when using its methods. At the very least it helps combat natural aspieness.

>> No.1394477

>I should also add that it's better to be in a financial position that's better than the average for consumer

I'm literate and have an IQ in triple digits, so already that is inevitably so. But no really I would partner it with having multiple income sources and an initial cushion, and lowering one's cost of living as much as possible. That offsets much of the "danger".

>books are like this are basically about making money work for you.

Exactly. By the way, if you can recommend any similar. I've ready many general investment and personal finance books but am always on the lookout for more.

>> No.1394570
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How is this book, I'm reading this as bbys first investment book followed by a random walk down wallstreet. So far I feel it has some good nuggets but a lot of it is him fluffing the book by repeating himself and talking about himself.

I'll add the how to influence people to my list along with the richest man in babylon. Any other reccomendations?

>> No.1394598

Never Split The Difference is a pretty good book on negotiating. Good to Great is my favorite biz book though. 48 laws of power was a good read too.

>> No.1394607
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>> No.1395192

This one helped me after my entire family burned in a hotel fire

>> No.1395194
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Anyone read this one?

>> No.1395196

Does anyone know a book that's giving practical advice on starting up business?

No motivational stuff or anything

>> No.1395199

fuck off ryan holiday, you shill

>> No.1395302

Business Studies for Dummies and Accountancy for Dummies

>> No.1395330

one of the best books I've ever read.

>> No.1395418
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>no one mentioned this yet

>> No.1395425

Stiner is top /biz/

>> No.1395426

dont waste ur time reading this

>> No.1395437
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the truth is real successful people don't need books and manuals to be successful , you think an engineer at NASA read a book on how to be successful at life or to interact with people? he didn't

u think Sorros read a book on how to become successful at life? he didnt
dont let other people tell u what to do

(im not talking about books in general obviously , im talking about the "how to interact iwth ppl/how to be successful " kind of books)

>> No.1395455

Having a leg up against normals is being successful you nigger.

>> No.1395591

Just saw this dude on tv. At first I literally thought it was an evangelical preacher or that I was watching WWE or real house wives of israel or some shit. Total snake oil salesman dude

>> No.1395615

have you read essay by paul graham on his website? pretty insightful stuff aimed towards startups

>> No.1395643

Currently reading "48 laws of power".
What do you think of this book?

Can you guys suggest a good e-book reader for PDFs?

>> No.1395650

>you think an engineer at NASA read a book on how to be successful at life or to interact with people?
Sorry to break your dreams, they probably did.
>u think Sorros read a book on how to become successful at life?
Sure he read a shitload of books.

The Book in the OP How to Win Friends & Influence People is a masterpiece and should be in everyones book shelf.

But still, you could try getting rich on the internet with your cryptoshit.

>> No.1395654
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>> No.1395655
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>> No.1395835

as far as babby's first you could do a whole lot worse. Its quite nice. He's really against HFT for some reason though. Its got an agenda but if you can see through that most of the info is good.

>> No.1395854
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ugh I haven't read it but if its your shitty typical boomer garbage its worth skipping.

Short term single generation optimization stuff like this is pure cancer. If you're saving for your GREAT GREAT GRANDCHILDREN to be well off you'll have more than enough for yourself

>> No.1395856
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Trade your way to financial freedom

>> No.1395858
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How to make money in stocks

>> No.1395957

Yeah I figured most of it was bullshit just from looking at the cover, but a friend reccomend ed it as a good starting place. Although I'd like something a lot more detailed so I'm excited to delve into the real reccomended books.

>> No.1396123
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shit man, sorry to hear that if true.

>> No.1396250
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I read this book and followed the tips inside when I was a brand new natural gas salesman and I made a lot of big sales a lot quicker than I probably would have without having read it. So I recommend it.

>> No.1396805

Also what does /biz/ think about biographies? I've been trying to find a good bio on Bernie Ecclestone because that guy is just untouchable and no matter how many times he ruins F1 big manufactures and sponsors and broadcasters will still spill billions into it.

Any other bios you'd recommend? It'd be interesting to read up on some serial entrepreneurs.

>> No.1396831


I'd recommend Market Wizards series by Jakc Schwager.

>> No.1396840

So sorry if that happened to you. Seems like the worst thing in the world.

>> No.1396937

yeah it's okay, lot of relationship stuff in there, it's a bit hit and miss, but if you're having trouble with women it might be worth buying

>> No.1396956
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Help me /biz/ ... im looking for a book that teach me the basic of understanding the needs of the customers, Why they want to buy/use things and how i can sell stuff without looking sleezy

pic semi-raleted

>> No.1396974

As far as life coach stuff he's actually really good. This book is targeted at the average person who is an absolute beginner though plus it has lots of self help type fluff that makes the book longer than it needs to be. There are better books for biz.

Actually since he is a famous a cool guy he got to interview some pretty smart people for the book. Like Ray Dalio who has some really informative stuff here.


I'd watch the video and read the research report here over the reading the book. Anyone who's been on biz knows that you should save money and invest, the book is just trying to convince normies to do that.

>> No.1397945
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I just listened to it on audiobook. Good, but very hard to actually put into practice, especially for a beginner and very hard to take it all in at once as there is so much information in here.

I've read 90% of this (drifted off towards the end), very interesting but like anything it is hard to actually put into practice many of the lessons in the book. The only thing it has made me do is think more about how I talk and present myself to others, especially people I want things from such as my bosses etc.

Two of the books that always get mentioned in these things are Rich Dad Poor Dad and The Richest Man in Babylon. I recently read both and while Rich Dad is quite motivating, it doesn't have much concrete advice and Richest Man in Babylon is very basic and very long winded in it's style. Probably only useful for the absolute beginner.

>> No.1398238

Unless there's a book that teaches me how to read for efficiently and retain more information, all these suggestions are worthless.
I work a 50h week, I haven't got time to read two to three hours a day senpai

>> No.1398240

You work 10 hours a day?

I'm guessing you sleep about 8 hours.

So that leaves you 6 hours of time to budget reading PER DAY.

And that's just weekdays. You've got 32 hours of free time every weekend for reading.

So that's 62 hours per week that you could budget reading into.

At 52 weeks per year, you could easily read all the books in this thread by next year

>> No.1398261
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>> No.1398266


>Four gym sessions per week that go for up to an hour at a time.
>Shopping for and preparing food (pre-prep included) about 40 minute a day.
>Travel time (40 minutes via train either way)
>Having hobbies and a social life (Probably four hours a week, and people think I'm a shut in).

So yeah.

>> No.1398267

Heartfelt comment
>pic related


>> No.1398269

It's literally just ramblings about how he spent his daddy's money

>> No.1398271

t. hillary

>> No.1398273

>Having hobbies and a social life (Probably four hours a week, and people think I'm a shut in).

Reading is a hobby, retard. Budget it in. Or do weekends. You could still read all these books in a year with just weekend

>> No.1398358

just finished this. holy shit was it dense. let me sum it up for everyone:

the best investments don't make 50%. the best investments are the ones where shit hits the fan, and you still break even or even make 1-2%. That's called the margin of safety. Buy a business for the value of it's holdings and IP. Buy a house for the value of the land. Buy a laptop for the scrap value. In any of those cases, there's a huge bonus upside if things work out, but you're also protected.

It also says that you can't predict the future, so how can you make money with betting or gambling (which the stock market largely is)? You should invest in things you know and understand, and try to make your investments have as huge a margin of safety as possible.

>> No.1398360

I liked it. Made my GF pissed off when I read her some passages, which is obviously proof positive that it has a true message.

>As a man, your goals keep you valuable, desirable, and alive. Don't let other people define your goals for you or get in the way of them. Especially not women

>> No.1398361

love it.

>> No.1398364

read it, fun to see him shit talk about people.
good to see how the wealthy build connections and leverage those connections into opportunities. Honestly, Trump doesn't fuck around with business. I recommend it, only because it's like 200 pages.

>> No.1399068


>> No.1399190
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If I want to get /fit/, I read Starting Strength. What do I read to get /biz/?

>> No.1399256

>books about becoming the best and richest person in the world
>written by people noone besides those reading this type of books know off
>none of them is really rich

I seriously hope you people torrent or download those books from the net for free, because if you pay for that then I don't have good news for you.
Most of the shit that is written there is either utter bullshit, people bragging, basic knowledge or knowledge you can get everywhere by just observing human behavior for a day.
If you bought that then you are the source of income for those "business gurus", probably the only one, becouse truly succesfull people will never spend a lot of time to write shitty book for masses.

Its no wonder you get shilled into every crappy crypto there is on this board if you truly believe any of those books will make you alpha from the beta you currently are.

>> No.1399295

Richest man in Babylon

>> No.1399298

The Richest Man in Babylon
The Magic of Thinking BIG
The Science of Getting Rich
Think and Grow Rich
>How to Win Friends and Influence People

>> No.1399338
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I've just finished listening to the Richest Man in Babylon on Audiobook and I was pretty disappointed to be honest. It repeats itself a lot and rambles a lot. Also the mock biblical style language gets really annoying and cheesy after a while. I can pretty much sum up everything it says in a few bullet points:

*save 10-30% of your income
*make 'good' investments to increase your income (no mention of what these actually are)
*don't squander opportunities as they arise
*only trust people with a proven track record of good returns etc.

That's all it is, just very basic common sense shit that anyone over the age of 18 should pretty much know instinctively.

>> No.1399382

>Travel time (40 minutes via train either way)
40 minutes via train is 40 minutes you could be doing something productive with, like reading some of these books.

>> No.1399395

Well, it's a starting point. If you need more specific advice you need a more specific book, obviously. There isn't a get rich formula that you can follow like an algorithm

>> No.1400210


The Investopedia web site maybe? I recommended "Trade your way to financial freedom" earlier and "How to make money in stocks", but they are more for the ones who've been trading some.

I read some books in my mother language about the generals, there's probably a book for dummies or something in English.

>> No.1400380

there is if you have high income and can save a lot.
if you don't have high income you are fucked.

>> No.1400424
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Educate yourselves!

>> No.1400448

Why wouldn't Sun Tzu be on there?

>> No.1400521

kindle paper white

>> No.1400539

Proprietary garbage.

Get a kobo glo hd

>> No.1400574

I just want to reiterate how good the link in this post is. It's not a book but between the 30 min video which is easier than a book and the 350 page pdf which is denser than a book it works out to be a lot of really helpful info. It gives a useful model to work with.

Speaking of models I highly recommend the book about Charlie Munger's mental models. "From Darwin to Munger" I have it is.

Here's an essay from Munger I re-read the other day which is excellent.

>> No.1400663


Proprietary is one big negative point.
I'm checking out the globo.

I'm happy for more input, thanks!
Currently I'm buying the books because it's nice to have them in shelf, but this is not very /biz/ like because I already have most of them.

>> No.1401382

The first chapter of this book completely changed how I think about money.

>> No.1401579
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Try not to get sucked down the self help rabbit hole. If self help books help the secret to having an amazing life, everyone would be reading them.

At the end of the day just figure out who you want to be then set goals to become that person.

Also read the fountainhead by ayn rand.

>> No.1401645

'I will teach you to be rich' is actually really good.
Great for a young person completely new to personal finance.

>> No.1401714

Shall check it out.

Write 4 dot points after every chapter.
I'm gonna go pseudo-science here: but the act of physically writing helps you retain information because the part of the brain that read isn't the same that controls fine muscle control (your hands). That helps your brain retain the information better.


If you really want something, you make time for it.
Also if it's a book you enjoy then you'll just organically fall into reading it.

I read 3 chapters. Too low brow for me. Some interesting insights (particularly the part where he mentions Woody Allan and Sylvester Stallone and marketing to their respective niches) but it's so far very lacking in the "deal" and negotiating more about the property market.

Thoughts? That's why I mentioned Bernie Ecclestone earlier. I figure studying him and Trump would give me a very good knowledge base on high level deal-making and negotiation.

>> No.1401852
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Ive been reading through Scott Adams persuasion reading list, lots of similar recommendations in this thread


>> No.1401897

How to Fail - Scott Adams

>> No.1401908

I have a question for you: how do you interpret his Chapters?

I took it as, "read one book from each chapter" but was curious to know if you understood it differently. (differently as in read every book here) I sincerely doubt it's that last one though.

>> No.1402840


>> No.1403606
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>> No.1403701

The lazy option would be to check out the spark-notes or google some reviews on each book, and whichever one piques your interest the most, start with that.

It's better than not reading them at all, or only reading the one book

>> No.1403801

what about Benjamin Graham Intelligent investor?

Warren buffet endorsed the book.

>> No.1403807

shit tier
ultra shit tier
haven't read it
meh, good for absolute beginners
scam tier
shit tier
GOAT tier (jk it's a meme)
ultra super turbo shit tier

>> No.1403818

>hating on SS
DYEL? It's a solid book that explains a lot of the science behind strength training; also a good learning material for proper technique of the lifts.

>> No.1403821

pretty good if you want to look like a t-rex

>> No.1403827

It's a book on strength training, and strong legs are the foundation for most (if not all) competitive lifts. It's aimed at powerlifters/athletes, not people who want to work on aesthetics (bodybuilders).

>> No.1403831

I agree with your taste anon.
Recommend a book plz fampai.
Or do I just sponge investopedia up.

>> No.1403966

It's not "one" book it's one from each chapter so four. No one is going to read all those books when "How to win" tells you no amount of reading will replace experience.

You're seriously doing it wrong.

>> No.1404034

>not people who want to work on aesthetics (bodybuilders)

You should also do starting strength for a couple of months if you're training for aesthetics, as these exercises are the foundation as you say. Even Zyzz did them.

>> No.1404132

I started in this one but when I read lines like "everyone has accepted that gender roles are a thing of the past" it really puts me of.

>> No.1404234

That line is true though like it or not. Women do more than stay at home and have babies, but that shouldn't be a threat to any mature masculine man

>> No.1404571
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Did anyone read "Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits and other writings"? Is it worth my time?

>> No.1404615

How does this work with the concept of being "antifragile?" It seems like almost the same concept only almost in reverse.

>> No.1405139


I haven't read it, but if you google stuff like "best stock books" and recommended reading it's usually mentioned. I'm thinking of buying it, but I have currently Peter Lynch books and Jack Schwager Market Wizards series to read first.

>> No.1405213
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Ayy the good shit
dumping goat business book post imo


>> No.1405220


is this like taleb?

>> No.1405229


>> No.1405234
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>Think and Grow Rich

>The Magic of Thinking BIG
about to read it but I fear it's gonna be the same "MUH EDISON AND ABRAHAM LINCOLN ENDORSED" if-you-convince-yourself-it'll-work! shitbook

>> No.1405242

>>Think and Grow Rich

Reading TaGR atm and suprised by how much occult / alchemy this guy gets into.

A lot of people I've looked up to swear by this book though. seen it on a few top 10 lists

>> No.1405282

>seen it on a few top 10 lists
that's just hype, nothing came out of this book for me
I liked « the creative visualization workbook » way better on the same topic

>> No.1406204

Sometimes you gotta go a little slower to go a lot faster. Slow down on working so many hours and invest the rest in your your education. Not that fake ass college education, im talking about the real education; that you teach yourself, from reading books.

>> No.1406206

Really good book.

>> No.1406211
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Super good book here:

>> No.1406212
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These are good too

>> No.1406242

Favourite thing or nugget of wisdom from each?

Also does the Trump book actually get much into deal making, I read a bit of it and it was mainly about the property market and how he plays along with the press.

>> No.1406259

I have a similar length commute, I do the bulk of my reading on the train.
Judging by my good reads account, I've read 10 books. That's just ones I've bothered to log (I usually don't bother with reference books that I dip in and out of, even though I usually read then through to get an overview).

It's way less than I'd like, but you can get some significant reading done.

>> No.1406264

It talks about some of his deals but if I had to give you one line it would be "Always be willing to walk away".

Negotiate from a position of strenght. cshrug.

>> No.1406274

Yeah I got that vibe. He used the phrase "I like to keep my options open" at least once a chapter.

>> No.1406280

I'd read it. It's not that long either.

>> No.1406289

>ultra super turbo shit tier

Someone gave me an audiobook of Rich Dad Poor Dad a while back. Is it really that bad?

>> No.1406977
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>> No.1406998
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>> No.1407064

They surely read books, not just the self help crappy ones

>> No.1407105

I'm almost finished reading the personal MBA.
It's the first business book I've ever read, and also the first 'self help' book I've ever read.
Totally changed my mindset on a lot of things; because of it, I'm planning on reading more self help / business books.

>> No.1407248

Everyone can be a critic.
Give us your recommendations or take a hike

>> No.1407522
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I'm not looking for a 'get rich formula', I'm just looking for more information on finance, economics and investing. The Richest Man in Babylon told me absolutely nothing I don't already know, and I don't even know that much desu, Rich Dad, Poor Dad was similar although at least it was somewhat motivational. I recently read (well listened on audiobook) to How to Make Money in Stocks - William O Neill and The Alchemy of Finance - George Soros, I felt like I learnt something from both of those, even if I didn't absorb it all and some went over my head.

>> No.1407536

Shit tier book inteligent investor

>> No.1407546

Yeah the trump book goes through a bunch of his deals. It also talks about not just looking at a company's net profits like a corporate employee would do but on what it's been investing in and how much. Aaand he says that eating at places takes too much time so just have your assistant bring you a can of tomato soup. I stopped fucking around with going to get lunch. Um, it also talks about just being excited about your project when you go to talk to the big mans because that's going to matter to them as well as your financial statements. Some people would say "oh it's basic shit" no it's not basic shit it's a bad ass book. He was about to put homeless people in a rent controlled apartment he wanted to demolish that rich bitches were living in and were accusing him of harassment. Lol.

>> No.1407548

This negotiation book I read simultaneously with Art of the deal and it was super awesome. I bought 3 copies of this negotation book already just to give to people. One of the best books around.

>> No.1407551
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>> No.1407819

Fucking this.

>> No.1407910
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I don't know.. The fact that some gay guy talks in this audio book does not help.

Right now I think this book is a big miss, some weird feminine/masculine shit, muh feelings, rapist dark feelings used in positive aspects. And alot of implications for your same sex partner.

What do you get out of this because I think this was a waste of a free trial usage.

>> No.1407964

antifragile seems like a psuedoscientific mumbo jumbo thing, from the little I've heard of it.

Why would it be better for an investment to be more dangerous rather than safer? What idiot would advocate that? The Intelligent Investor reiterates a lot of common financial advice, like index funds, but it also explains the best case scenario, namely, that your investments cannot "crash."

>> No.1407982
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Taleb is pretty keyed in but his ego throws a lot of people off. antifragility basically describes organic systems imo . that basic of a summation would be lauded as a misunderstanding by a lot of people though. But thats what I essentially draw from it. any system gaining from disorder

>> No.1409501

> started to read how to win friends and influence others
>says not to criticise

How as a manager can I not criticise when people make mistakes. That is literally my job

>> No.1409523

It tells you how in the book. Keep reading nigga. Sugar before the medicine. If you have trouble complimenting them it's probably because you legitimately do look down on them.

>> No.1409533

Is the book going to tell me I can't look down on them? Because that's how I control my anxiety.

>> No.1409545

Antifragile is great. I recommend reading it solely for the philosophical aspect of it.

I don't know how well it applies to financial advice, but he advocates something like 20% safe investments and 80% high risk, high reward investments. The logic being you'll lose most of the time, but when you win you win big.

>> No.1409607

I'm still reading how to win friends and influence others and I'm still not getting this "don't criticise" shit.

Isn't that being a pushover?

>> No.1409635

I have barely read it, but remember in the beginning it says how someone turned ~500 employees into friends? That's why there's "don't criticize", it's for making friends. If you want to keep people in line, you do it through power. Keeping people in line based on how much they like you won't work because if it ever changes, you're powerless.

I'd say act the way the book encourages outside of work, but during work hours, stay in charge.

>> No.1409738

I've picked up a good tip so far. I'm going to try and figure out a way my employees can feel a false sense of importance. As wanting to feel important is supposed to be a base drive.

>> No.1409906

How to Win Friends & Influence People or HtWF&IP for short is worth reading, but not because it's a particularly useful book.

It's full of old timey 30's pseudoscience. It's filled with anecdotes about how you catch more flies with honey than vinegar, and how people will appreciate you remembering their name.

Entertaining enough I guess but not really educational unless you genuinely never learned to socialize. Even then though, your best bet is to buck up and practice talking to people, watch and emulate confidence. Fake it til you make it.

>> No.1410410

Does anyone have a PDF of this, or a link to one at least?

>> No.1410688

>That's why there's "don't criticize", it's for making friends.
the french title is literally "How to make friends" tho, not "how to win" friends

Which is why people freak out when they see it in my room

>> No.1411241

So what's an actual good book to turn you into an office politics navigating 4D chess playing sociopathic manager ?

>> No.1411450

>books r shit go play cs go instead xd

>> No.1411685

Almost finished with 'the personal MBA', and picked up 'Getting to Yes' today at a local used book store. I'm excited to get into it!

>> No.1411784

>office politics

>> No.1411839

Trust Me I'm Lying is the only decent thing he wrote and it wasn't spectacular. He should really get back to what he was good at and promote the works of other people

>> No.1411845


The cover should give away how little value this book has.

A good generalization to take is, if the book was good, it wouldn't be trying to sell you on the personality attached to the book

the words TONY ROBBINS takes up almost as much space as the title, with a huge photo of his face, the brand is more important to them than the content, meaning the content probably sucks

>> No.1411846

Probably the best starting place you could ever ask for

The audio-book is a good pick-up for people who have long commutes, to keep basic ideas in your head that people tend to forget

>> No.1411850

>u think Soros read a book on how to become successful at life?

He read many actually, Soros was obsessed with reading and developing his philosophy.

What level of reading you engage with is on you, but it's incredibly ignorant to suggest that you should just "know" how to do things. Smart people know to look at how things have been done by others and build off of their work.

>> No.1411853

>The Book in the OP How to Win Friends & Influence People is a masterpiece and should be in everyones book shelf.


This book is the manual on how to be a respectable human being and the most practical life advice ever. I wish it were required reading in schools, people would learn a lot more from this than most other books

>> No.1411859

More Money than God is a good introduction to the history and people behind hedge funds and includes a bunch of interesting details of these funds and the people behind them. Very thorough and well-sourced

>> No.1411869

Because, while there are crossovers behind the art of war and business, it is not a business, finance, economics, or industry book of any kind.

The art of war is good, but it clearly doesn't belong in this particular list

>> No.1411872

>warns about not getting sucked down rabbit holes
>Also read the fountainhead by ayn rand.

>> No.1411881

Anti-fragile isn't intended to be academic or scholarly, but if you want to actually engage with the scientific aspect of his ideas, then you should be reading the academic papers he publishes, not his literature

I'm fairly certain without looking, that his papers are all published online, excluding any which might be behind another journals paywall

>> No.1411994


are these actual good books or is it mostly bullshit like "in order to add value to your bank account, you must first learn to value YOURSELF"

>> No.1412070


Knew a shill would post this.

Awful book.

>> No.1412185

Ok, this article is mindfucking me

>> No.1412284

This list is very good. I've read a few off of it and they're great. What does /biz think about this list?

>> No.1412381

The compound effect
The difference you make
How to win friends and influence people
Release your unstoppable power
Keys to personal achievement
The art of communication
Success is an inside job
The magic of thinking big
How to start a conversation and make friends
Think and grow rich
Master your money in 7 days

This is just what's sitting in my desk right now. There are alot of good books out there, not all of them will be relevant to your situation but all of them have gems that make them worth reading. The important thing is to read them with a highlighter near by so you can note things that stand out to you. You'll never get everything you're looking for in one book so make sure you read everything you can get your hands on and use since critical thinking to determine what's with retaining.

The difference between the successful and everyone else is a desire to learn every day, be willing to learn with an open mind and you'll be surprised what type of person you'll become over time.

Best of luck to you anon, I'll see you on the beaches of the world (doing blow)

>> No.1412386

you sound like a sucker who spends all his money on self help books full of buzzwords for absolutely no tangible gain whatsoever

>> No.1412399

the sucker can become the sucker master and receive sucks eventually

>> No.1412420

Thanks for replying for me, Lol. >>1412386
Look bro, you can try to fight and bite your way to success, making enemies, destroying people, being a dick and so on. Or you can learn how to finesse people, give them what they want and take what you need. I don't want to hurt the person who could be my greatest asset in the future. I don't want to make it at the expense of humanity. If that makes me a sucker, fuck it, I sleep well at night and the people I business with are happy that I'm not trying to fuck them.

>> No.1412431

Don't be an ass. Remember their name. Listen intently.

There saved you a few hours of your time by not reading this.

>> No.1412674

Which one of these deal with procrastination/getting things done?

>> No.1412681

read marcus aurelius

>> No.1412686


>> No.1412696

There's tons of free shit out there that Harvard and other tops schools pump out to hopefully encourage someone outside of the realms of traditional education to break out and become a success story.

>> No.1412707

Doesn't explain the reasons behind it though. Reading the whole book can help you understand the social dynamics far beter.

>> No.1412710

The Millionaire Fastlane changed my life.

>> No.1412735

I know ehat you mean. I read it earlier this year and it's actually the reason why I started a business two months ago. It does contain some big eye opener.

But I listened to the audiobook in my car. It's quite comfy having people reading the books to you while you're cruising along.

>> No.1412776

Do you go on the forums?

>> No.1412806

I've just powered through the first two chapters and all it says so far is 'Wanna get rich? Invent the new Facebook'.

>> No.1412812

The book is a life changer, if you can't see the value at the end of the book you're a sidewalker/slowlaner

>> No.1412869


>> No.1412916

That strangely makes sense to me

>> No.1413034

lmao get a load of this goy

>> No.1413071

What's the best book to learn about technical analysist for trading? Trading stocks, forex, penny, etc.

>> No.1413499



>> No.1413770

Look up "GTD" by David Allen.
Basically it's about organizing all the tasks you are being bombarded with in your life. I fell off the wagon at the third step through: prioritizing.

I never know what's more important or what precedes other things in a project.

Seems like good stuff though, he's sort of pointing out what generally works rather than giving you any bullshit philosophy.

Which book and why?

>> No.1414136

"Read Marcus Aurelius" presumably means read Meditations. It's got his whole stoic philosophy.

>> No.1414301

too bad engineers at NASA are all socially inept phds with no business acumen. They sponsored my senior design project in undergrad. Sure, one branch of a particular niche may be a bit weird but NASA across the board is weird which is why I, after doing my senior design project, turned down a job offer with them.

NASA engineers are not the pinnacle of success by any measure, especially business. Step up, nigga.

>> No.1414305

HBR guides are good. THe ones for Negotiating and Negotiating are great for a young person. Trick is to actually read them.

>> No.1414321

>HBR Guide to Negotiating and Negotiating

>> No.1414336

this book helped me a lot, the audio book is great

>> No.1414521
File: 58 KB, 960x539, glack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isnt that a Sam Hyde quote?

>> No.1415100

4- Hour work week is simply a refresh on the 80/20 rule, I enjoyed it but it was one page of information really.

Solid book, but depressing. There is no value in the market at the moment, but interesting principals to apply to the analysis of off-market businesses and assets.

Again, one principal spread through a whole book of bragging.
Take outs are be bold in what you ask for and also you don't need to own the asset to make the deal.

It's like learning the alphabet compared to literature, but it is a good starting point.

So many good books not here...

>> No.1415119
File: 43 KB, 326x500, The_7_Habits_of_Highly_Effective_People.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big fan of 7 habits, not purley /biz/ but fuck it.

>> No.1415456

>So many good books not here...
Then why don't u recommend some?

>> No.1415571

Links to the PDFs of all the books in thread please

>> No.1415601

Go out and buy them you fuck.

>> No.1415789

I have many of them, maybe I'll put them online one day.


This archive has many of them.

> Spending money
> /biz/

>> No.1415795
File: 30 KB, 309x400, the-game-neil-strauss-pdf[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1415799

Whats different about "The teaching sessions" version? I bought the regular one off the shelf at B&N several years ago.

>> No.1415828

You're the Best Around (Amazon)

>> No.1415830

reading it atm, together with rules of the game.

>> No.1415852

Pua is useless. However better books for girls would be models by Mark Manson, book of Pook and rational male.

The premise behind the books I mentioned is "improve your life first and if it gets good enough you will get girls. These are the attitudes and mentalities you should have to get a complete full life....."

>> No.1415863

PUA books are just sperging some bullshit.

The real success should come from personal development and not from blurring some stupid pick-up lines (yes it works, but developing yourself to a status where this is not necessary anymore should be the goal)

Get redpilled about female psychology. Read these books which this anon said.

> No more Mr. Nice guy

Read this book at very first.

>> No.1415877

Hes right. Read nmmng and literally changed overnight. Lifesaver. However not everyone is always a beta so I didn't rec it.

>> No.1415890

Most of the stuff wasn't necessary for me.
It is still a great read, since you see/detect certain traits and behaviour in other people.

It is a good book to come to the term that all your "nice things" won't help you in life.
A little punch in the face to start your personal development with YOU as highest priority.

>> No.1415919

yeah but you are going to have to deal with USI syndrome down the road

>> No.1415922

the only way is to partake in office politics. You are gonna get ruined your first couple of times because people will better than you at it. If you want to win, you have to lose first; you can't learn to fight without getting punched etc. You should also know that office politics are more savage than boxing and it isn't for everybody.

>> No.1415957

Try reading the Issacson Steve Jobs biography.
Watch the video of Jobs spearheading his team designing the new "NeXT" computer to see his management style in action. Make your own analysis.
Maybe read Kissinger's "Diplomacy", it's more about Grand Strategy, but you have to remember that its just a larger scale of interpersonal dynamics.
Maybe read some biographies on Stanley Kubrick and Michael Ovitz.
And finally read about Sergei Lavrov.

But this guy has got it right:
>If you want to win, you have to lose first;
90% of /biz/ threads should be answered with this.
Accept that if you want to be good at something you have to fuck it up first. Learn what not to do, and also see how to manage in the "fog of war" when your theoretical, abstract notions are challenged by real world situations, and in this case: the potential for emotional manipulation by other people.

>> No.1416785

Can anyone vouch for this book? It looks interesting. The title is a nice hook.

>> No.1416790

I haven't read desu, but I would suggest more generalized books. As in how to form habits. Most people's problem is not being able to form good habits and stop bad habits. Not not knowing which habits to have.

>> No.1416839

The first self-help / business book I've read, "The Personal MBA", which I finished last week, talked about setting up one's environment to make it easier to develop good habits. For example, if you want to go for a run in the morning, lay out your exercise junk the night before so that it's just slightly easier to get on with it in the morning.

Is that the kind of stuff you're talking about? And if so, when saying you'd suggest more generalized books, are you referring to any from the biz-lit post

>> No.1416848

kinda, but habit formation is a well researched field , you should look into creating trigger>response>reward cycles and environments. It's not just about making it easier, although it does help.

I think there was a biz-lit book about habits at the beginning of the thread but I haven't read it yet. You can look online for it I suppose, the reading will be shorter but denser though.

>> No.1416871

I posted it, frankly it laid out a lot of stuff I already did. It is a good reinforcement.

also you can find it all online, youtube and image-macros

>> No.1416882

>habit formation is a well researched field
>look into creating trigger>response>reward cycles and environments
Great info

>> No.1416887
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>> No.1416899

Yes and? You do realize that's the purpose of this thread?

>> No.1417932

Just watch the videos on fightmediocrity YouTube channel and if you liked the video then only read the book. It has summaries of several books