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13928823 No.13928823 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>at work
>girl starts about a month or two ago
>she has a bf so before you go there, no i can't date her
>seems friendly
>actually intiates conversation unlike most coworkers who i have to intiate conversation over 90% of the time
>in the past week or two literally visits me at my cubicle once a day
>just yesterday seemed keen on wanting to come with me to lunch until she found out i was just gonna eat in my car

What can I even do with her? It's not like we have similiar activities, not that I'm aware of. She seems to be a shut in due to her kids, whereas I'm a shut in due to not having a person to hang out with. The only things she seems interested in are eating out and that I do bag work. I doubt she'd want to come on a hike in the wilderness.

>> No.13928855

You have asked this question a million times on this board already. Just take her into the back room, rape her brains out, and she will come begging for more. It is that hard you fucking autist.

>> No.13928878

stop making this thread, you fucking retard. nobody cares.

>> No.13928889

>business and finance

>> No.13928894
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Fren you need to do something. Either ask her out or be friendzoned, but do fucking something.

>> No.13928903

Why are you posting this on biz?

>> No.13928904
File: 452 KB, 1346x724, Screenshot_20190530-213416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ehh i doubted that she wanted to be friends but she keeps coming back. I want to make a move in the right direction before i hesitate too long and she stops being interested in being friends

>> No.13928912

>just yesterday seemed keen on wanting to come with me to lunch until she found out i was just gonna eat in my car
This seems like something a loser would do but play it off as alpha as fuck. I had a manager who would do that because he said he wanted to eat in peace and not deal with anyone's bullshit. Keep it up and you'll have her sucking you off in your car while you eat your cup noodles.

>> No.13928919

Tell her to buy link

>> No.13928974

I was going to call you fucking pathetic until I saw this post and realized you are just having trouble making frens.

You have a 0% of hanging out with her outside of work considering she is busy. If you want to be her friend and hang out with her at lunch, don't eat in your car. When she asks you where you are going, just say you're going to X place. If she doesn't say anything then go alone. If she says something like "Oh that actually sounds good right now", then that's when you say like ok cool wanna come along? If she doesn't acknowledge where you are going, just don't say anything. Got it? It's fucking simple, mention where you are eating, and see if she is interested in eating there, and ask her to come. This will be your only chance to hang with her (lunch breaks). You won't get to hang out with her outside this, so if you want to be friends, this will be it.

However, considering you are antisocial and most likely a virgin, you probably already are in love with this woman just because she actually talked to you.

>> No.13929055
File: 287 KB, 1155x770, Screenshot_20190530-214520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ID may have changed, im op btw

Intend to ask her to come on a walk with me on Monday during break. If i wait too long it'll be like that one girl in college all over again. Friday might just go for it and eat out as manager isn't there so extended lunches are easy to get away with

I played it like a joke but was onbiously serious, she seemed a bit bummed out. Nonetheless not interested in sexual relations. Serious, just interested in befriending her but it feels harder since she's a female. At least with a male there'd be high odds of being able to play video games together.

>> No.13929134

You should take her on a walk. Put a fucking dog collar around her neck and walk her around the house while you wip her. She'll love it, and thank you for the opportunity.

>> No.13929171
File: 301 KB, 1324x1067, Screenshot_20190530-215403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually was interested in her but knew 100% in my heart that i would never date her even if the opportunity arose. Her normie and roastie tendencies have turned me off to the point that I've questioned whether I should befriend her. Have no intent of losing my virginity outside of marriage.

>> No.13929223
File: 130 KB, 388x395, wwxa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless your heart fren.
How admirable of you to think you're ever getting married. You break my heart

>> No.13929339

this anon understands the female psyche

>> No.13929395

You cant force someone to be your friend you mong. If you truly have no intention of fucking her then just be your normal autistic self, if she doesnt like it then she can fuck off.

>> No.13929494


>> No.13929503

Just tell her you're gay and dont mind being friends....thats how I get girls OP.

Females are soooooo ego and think they have the most bomb pussy EVER if they convert a gay guy into being straight.

Just casually bring up "You're not like most girls blah blah blah" after a while and she'll totally be slobbin that knob. Like corn on the cob

>> No.13929525

Listen to this guy OP

>> No.13929542
