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13926074 No.13926074 [Reply] [Original]

Remember that time Pajeetoshi tried to prove he could code by copy/pasting a Hello World script that was written for university students to use for their CS-101 homework since it was littered with comments, and it was clearly not his original work because it would only run on Linux and he exposed himself by screenshotting the script on his Windows machine. Yeah, good times.
inb4 cashies use ad hominem attacks against blockstream and other btc devs instead of addressing the hilarious copy/paste fail by Pajeetoshi

>> No.13926132

creg no write for Leenux - creg code on xp
Patch Tuesday setback Bit Coin development yeers, y'know

>> No.13926134

How fucking unbelievable that an adult who claims to have created bitcoin couldn't write a hello world. That is truly so funny that I can't laugh at it.

>> No.13926219


Top Kek, you'd think he browses /biz daily because of how much he god damn LARPS