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File: 153 KB, 1774x1002, Screenshot from 2019-05-30 22-49-58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13921735 No.13921735 [Reply] [Original]

he's here to do what he does best to educate the world about bitcoin and it's true technical power we're talking today about bsv unchained attestation and payment channels for computation

so let's welcome to the stage satoshi nakamoto - the godfather of bitcoin.

>> No.13921740

thank you.

so I'm going to talk about a number of things we're inventing, things that will make legal use of Bitcoin better
and this is important so going back a few years to 2014 2015 not many people know but there
was something called operation an onymous it took down four hundred dark websites the reason is tor was broken
I bet you didn't know that one but some of my technologies probably actually helped in that
back in 2009 I had a publication that still floats around there being able to tell appliation versions
trough tor through anything I could basically pick machines using machine learning in 2008 based on DNS queries
ping other little bits of information and machine learning and random forest processes allows us to pinpoint your machine through six seven layers of tor sorry you're not anonymous sorry Bitcoin doesn't help you hide, bitcoin follows the law, Bitcoin is an immutable evidence trail this is important immutable evidence trail means that you can be followed and you can be stopped if you something criminal it means you have your privacy protected as well all of these things are really important

>> No.13921748

red any good whitepapers lately creg ?

>> No.13921768

if you want to have private money you can't have anonymous money the reason we have things like mimble wimble and
confidential transactions is after the takedown of Silk Road after 400 domains like Hydra etc got taken down with
operation onymous people started to realize oh bugger Bitcoin isn't anonymous that became why they
hijacked things why they have lightning because right now BTC is still used because of the illegal operations like
Binance and bitfinex and tether to fund illegal operations pumping money illegal money travel illegal use of people
smuggling right now thirty percent of Binance money funds women in prostitution 30 percent of Binance and tether
funds women in slavery we want a system like this where we can have a trail what i call a puzzle that my team is ...

>> No.13921950

he isnt even a libertraarian he has normie moral posturing anti white politics, big government wank

>> No.13922581
File: 75 KB, 627x720, CSW_anarchist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a rule of law libertarian, not one of those anarchist cucklords.

>> No.13922637

These run on sentences are hurting my head

>> No.13923091

What does that even mean ..?
>illegal operations like
Binance and bitfinex and tether to fund illegal operations pumping money illegal money travel illegal use of people
smuggling right now thirty percent of Binance money funds women in prostitution 30 percent of Binance and tether
funds women in slavery
Is this a real transcript or new pasta ?

>> No.13923139

Judge for yourself

>> No.13923690

Craig can't public speak for shit lmfao
even bitconnect had a better stageman