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13921123 No.13921123 [Reply] [Original]

He said it’s not market manipulation since he is pre-warning everyone which is true

>> No.13921136

he's here to do what he does best to educate the world about bitcoin and it's true technical power we're talking today about bsv unchained attestation and payment channels for computation

so let's welcome to the stage satoshi nakamoto - the godfather of bitcoin.

thank you.

so I'm going to talk about a number of things we're inventing, things that will make legal use of Bitcoin better
and this is important so going back a few years to 2014 2015 not many people know but there
was something called operation an onymous it took down four hundred dark websites the reason is tor was broken
I bet you didn't know that one but some of my technologies probably actually helped in that
back in 2009 I had a publication that still floats around there being able to tell appliation versions
trough tor through anything I could basically pick machines using machine learning in 2008 based on DNS queries
ping other little bits of information and machine learning and random forest processes allows us to pinpoint your machine through six seven layers of tor sorry you're not anonymous sorry Bitcoin doesn't help you hide, bitcoin follows the law, Bitcoin is an immutable evidence trail this is important immutable evidence trail means that you can be followed and you can be stopped if you something criminal it means you have your privacy protected as well all of these things are really important
if you want to have private money you can't have anonymous money the reason we have things like mimble wimble and
confidential transactions

>> No.13921220
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>withooooouuttt waaarrnniinnggggggg

>> No.13921365

the levels of cringe from that larper is impressive

>> No.13921405
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>You’ll wake up one day, and BTC will be trading at zero.


>> No.13921424


>> No.13921435
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Oi m8 it's a me Satoshi

>> No.13921464

>game theory

literally the torah

>> No.13921486
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>> No.13921511
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lmao he is in full desperation mode.
>i remember when I read the whitepaper....
awwww shiiieeettt
>...i mmmeean when I wrote the whitepaper

>> No.13921524

I don't believe him. He's not acting like someone acts when they have any type of control over anything. He's acting like a slave, in that he is acting an a way that is irrational and irreparably damages his reputation for the benefit of some moneyed third party. Whoever that is wants people to sell their coins now, which is not the behavior that would make sense if he had the keys. Also it's laughable that some kind of legal trust, a piece of paper with no bearing on bitcoin's operation, would have prevented him from dumping already. The more he talks the less impact it will have, it's already at a point where it has no impact. He needs to move the coins to have impact. Threatening to do it very loudly 500 times while not doing it just makes him look like he's someone's pawn.

>> No.13921551

That's just what he wants you to think, trenchbrain.

>> No.13921703

would he be trading them for bsv?

>> No.13921819

Yes, he wanted bitcoin to be a global currency. It will be. BTC can't be because it's already made illegal all over the world

>> No.13921875

>Also it's laughable that some kind of legal trust, a piece of paper with no bearing on bitcoin's operation, would have prevented him from dumping already.
Do you know what a trust is? It's a fiduciary relationship in which the Trustee holds legal title to the trust property and the Beneficiary holds equitable title to the trust property. At the termination of the trust (e.g., at the end of the specified event or time period) the Beneficiary gains both legal and equitable title and can thus access the trust property and do whatever he wants with it

>> No.13921880

>csw want to be sued to have media attention
cz ignores him cause he has much better things to do and bsv drop to zero

>> No.13921918

You are playing 4d chess with yourself
Craig is a scammer, please accept it and move on

>> No.13921932
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stay poor faggot. I have a big stack of bsv I got for $0 too so don't worry I will benefit if it moons. my honest guess is CSW doesn't make it to 2020 but we will see wont we

>> No.13922038


He's obviously a conman but even if he sold all 1M Satoshi coins Bitcoin would not trade even close to zero for longer than a few minutes. The coins would be bought up pretty quickly. There is enormous demand at low prices. I would max out all my credit cards as fast as possible so would everyone with half a brain.

>> No.13922113

Then BTC becomes illegal everywhere and now all you can do is buy drugs and sex slaves with it

>> No.13922246

Yep. I'll be waiting in line to buy as much $1 BTC as I can. Buying that dip is the all-in of the millennium.

>> No.13922266

>I'm holding my cards close to me
And you've been telling the entire table you have a royal flush for years and everyone is saying "okay, show them" and you're going "no no, I'm gonna play my game, not yours. but I have the royal flush."

This is the story of a man with the biggest bluff in history. A multi billion dollar bluff that everyone can do nothing but call him on.

>> No.13922298

What’s the prob with that

>> No.13922312
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>> No.13922383




>> No.13922394
File: 59 KB, 731x1199, I_have_1.05mil_btc_1.1mil_bch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He literally has the Satoshi coins, that's a game over. He just doesn't tell you when and how he's going to deploy them, keeping BTC holders in perpetual uncertainty. It's simple strategy.

>> No.13922439

I literally can't wait for btc to drop to 0. I'll even sell my wife and kids to buy as much as I can

>> No.13922490

creg bowels may move without warning. At any moment. big block solved