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13918614 No.13918614 [Reply] [Original]

So I got laid last night. O longer a virgin. Here's how it went

>first girl laughed in my face
>second girl stood up and walked off, didn't even say a word, just did a 360 and walked out of there
>next few girls seemed uncomfortable but they at least responded with words arranged in sentences
>I give up, went to a popular coffee franchise for a drink
>made a dumb joke about the girl in front of me. About her nails, they were all different colours
>somehow she starts talking back, don't get her number but find out the bar she's going to later
>go to the same bar just after ten, made sure I bring a wing man
>meet the girl again
>kino escalation
>try to kiss her on the dance floor after she's been grinding on my dick for two songs
>oh sorry anon I have a bf you must have got the wrong idea about the sort of grill I am
>go home leave my wingman there
>order an escort
>wasn't as good as fapping

Fuck women, I'm saving myself for Sergey

>> No.13918665

you're cool, man. don't let anyone bring you ever down, bro.

>> No.13918736


>that ending

Kek. I like it. Should have just gone for the escort from the beginning and skipped the rest of that trash.

>> No.13918737
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>try to kiss her on the dance floor after she's been grinding on my dick for two songs
need any more reason to never trust women? all women are sluts.

>> No.13918873
File: 292 KB, 334x506, 1558278908842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cringe and kys newfag
we're in LINK to reinstate the 4th reich, not for roasties.
now get the FUCK off my board normalfaggot.

>> No.13919323

1000 year eoy Reich. Under herr fuhrer Baron Trump. #

>> No.13919350

It's up bitches! https://blog.chain.link