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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13917615 No.13917615 [Reply] [Original]

> tfw you missed the biggest opportunity in 2009-2011 instead of buying and mining Bitcoin you were buying and playing FUCKING video games.
> tfw you missed every opportunity of interacting with every girl you’ve met in high-school/college
> tfw you are now 24 yo Kissless Virgin trying to cope in front of everyone around you that you didn’t succeed of having any relationship with any girl and you don’t know how to talk to them.
> tfw Bitcoin is your last resort in this life
I’m Anon and I’m the Kissless Virgin who will never sell until I make it and have a waifu either I die buying or bobo die selling.

>> No.13917626

yeah it's painful isn't it. well i still have God.

>> No.13917657

if youre holding dinosaurcoin still in 2019 you will not make it

>> No.13917665

Dot com era
2008 housing market
Twitch streamers

Anon there are always new ways to make lots of money. Wait for the next house market crash. Just be more vigilant

>> No.13917666


>> No.13917690

Shut up ya faggot

>> No.13917692

I bought 2 BTC at 3K

>> No.13917727

>> tfw you missed the biggest opportunity in 2009-2011 instead of buying and mining Bitcoin you were buying and playing FUCKING video games.
Could have done both.

>> tfw you missed every opportunity of interacting with every girl you’ve met in high-school/college
What opportunities?

>> tfw you are now 24 yo Kissless Virgin trying to cope in front of everyone around you that you didn’t succeed of having any relationship with any girl and you don’t know how to talk to them.
I'm about to turn 32 next month

>> tfw Bitcoin is your last resort in this life

>> No.13917736


Sad story, and what's even sadder is you are holding Bitcoin. If you want to keep holding and not sell it, fine, but put any remaining fiat you have into Link as soon as possible. You literally might only have hours left at this point until mainnet.

Also go to Thailand to solve the virginity problem.

>> No.13917763

>2008 housing market
Literally investing in any stock would have been a better investment.

>> No.13917796
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i was 9 in 2009 though anon

>> No.13917874

You are going to make it anon

>> No.13917895


Sorry, but StainStink is going to $0.10

>> No.13917929


Anon please, OP sounds like he's having a hard life, don't Jew him out of buying a few hundred Linkies at this point.

>> No.13917931

Just giving examples of things to profit off of retard

>> No.13918055

>tfw buying into bitcoin
>tfw lost virginity last year to a 21 year old hot girl who used to be a partying cheerleader that's working to be a doctor that doesn't mind being my sugar mom
>tfw car is 2017
>tfw yes

>> No.13918244

fuck are you pathetic why care so much about that shit
go into a hole and die if you think like this

>> No.13918288

I was 23 when I banged for the first time. I started working out like crazy when I was 21. Got big fast and gained more confidence because of it. Girls were literally eyeing me sometimes, it felled pretty good. Moral of the story: get fit.

>> No.13918293

And what are you?

>> No.13918313

Lifting doesn't work.

>> No.13918409

Yes it does. It most certainly does. I am not some chad and I used to be awkward as fuck. Through lifting I started interacting with tons of people (do not underestimate dopamine rush, makes people more talkative) and I got big at the same time. I never received ANY attention from girls before I started lifting. I remember that I went to doctor for xray of my wrist and shoulder (injury). Took of my shirt and the doctor xray woman was literally eyeing me, she even made a sound smth like "wow..." and she was suddenly very shy. That was nice :) felt nice :)

>> No.13918528

Spotted the gymcel. Lifting can only make attractive people more attractive

>> No.13918548

Not driven by carnal desires.

>> No.13918591

If anyone would've known of BTC back in 2009/10/11, don't you think things would've turned out very differently?

>> No.13918734

I know ugly guys who bang hot girls by just being funny and confident. Hell one of my best friends is a fatass and he bangs 7-8/10s all the time because he has a severe chad personality and is funny.

> Lifting can only make attractive people more attractive

If you actually believe this then either you are autistic or <18, which is somewhat similar.

>> No.13919054

>I know ugly guys who bang hot girls by just being funny and confident. Hell one of my best friends is a fatass and he bangs 7-8/10s all the time because he has a severe chad personality and is funny

>If you actually believe this then either you are autistic or <18, which is somewhat similar.
No literally the only thing that matters is your height, face, and frame. Being a little more toned or having more muscle just does not matter if you are missing one of those three things. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WX-bE70F4Kg

>> No.13919128

>No literally the only thing that matters is your height, face, and frame.

mwoa yes and no. That friend of mine is below average height and fat. He ok looking but it's mostly his personality. That being said, in general you are right. But personality goes a very very long way.

>> No.13919141
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Even worse:

> In 2010 I paid 7000 BTC to commision someone on /b/ to draw Link being pegged by Zelda
> it wasn't even that good

>> No.13919172

Ive posted my story too many times but I was running bitcoin websites in 2011 before stopping to focus solely on my startup which failed. Feels bad man.

>> No.13919173

maybe. if you still held your house to this day you'd have made a lot of money. housing prices are insane right now

>> No.13919289

only in the big markets, plenty of places in the US that never recovered to 08 prices.

>> No.13919482

> :)

>> No.13919699

>7000 BTC to commision someone on /b/ to draw Link being pegged by Zelda
Even back when BTC was that low, you got fucking ripped off, hope that pegging porn was worth it, fag.

>> No.13919728


>not buying TRUE for 61% cheaper than other exchanges
>Doesn't know how to use real decentralized IDEXs
> Not shorting OKeX
No wonder you're poor

>> No.13919756

nice arb desu thx

>> No.13919778


>> No.13919787

Dropped a hard eth kek

>> No.13919812

unironically just scored some nice arbitraging FeelsGoodMan

>> No.13919825

delet this

>> No.13919847


Delete dis anon why ruin a good thing like this posting to a shit thread on biz KEK

>> No.13920050

Do you have no shame? This is a feels thread god damn it. Fuck off you curry eating pajeet, shoo!

>> No.13920081

It's unironically legit pajeet. Stay poor and dumb

>> No.13920889

>Not driven by carnal desires.
So basically you're high estrogen, low test?

>> No.13920944

Personality is just a function of looks. There is no such thing as an ugly person with a good personality.