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13912184 No.13912184 [Reply] [Original]

Bought a bag of VeChain (ou)

>> No.13912294

Top 10 june unironically

>> No.13912576

Vechain will unironically overtake Ethereum in size and marketcap. It's just a matter of time. Too big to fall at this point and there is no stopping this train with all the connections and partnerships they have in place.

>> No.13912586

Vechain will overtake the entire stock market

>> No.13912606

Is this some kind of fetarded new fud?

>> No.13912608
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imagine having bags so heavy that your delusion continues perpetually until zero and you STILL don't sell

>> No.13912696

I was with you guys last year, but the tokenomics / thor generation rate and use numbers are truly abysmal.
I urge holders and potential buys to seek information about the subject and DYOR to see ROI even if VET were to return to previous ATH, or even some astronomically high amount in the short term like 1 dollar each.

I actually like VET, but its not a get rich quick scheme. Fuck, it isn't even a get rich slow scheme. It simply doesn't make any sense to run a node for a retail user.

There is also the significant and serious issue of Vechain foundation selling vethor they generate below market value to their enterprise clients, and not utilizing market pricing for the fuel token for their system or exposing it to market forces, which was always the incentive for node holders, as stacking up vethor and reselling it was supposed to be part of the roi calculation.

Look- I like vechain and I like tim draper. I rode the pump last year but sold at 4 dollars (after crashing from 7) buying all the way up and down. The fact is that these guys, while actually pushing the hardest out of any crypto project except for ETH for industry adoption, do not give a fuck about their retail holders.

They already have what they need in terms of network, and its distributed among their VC cabal and a few whales. Vechain doesn't need coin holders to do anything. Nobody could ever buy and sell VET again, and it would be a net positive for Vechain as a company because they could offer their vethor/network access to clients for cheap, while taking in revenue in other ways.

Basically, the price of VET is not tied to the fate of Vechain, and you are going to be eternal bagholders unless the chink propaganda machine is turned back on and there is some indication that Vechain foundation wants to pump its bags.

>> No.13912747
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Their retail "investor" SCHEME was to raise capital to build their business, which as you said doesn't require retail node holders AT ALL. We have been saying this for over a year but the shills are that effective that people still think holding VET will make them rich.

Sell and move on guys. You will get smaller and smaller pumps as time goes on and the floor gets lower and lower into oblivion.

>> No.13912791

There is one scenario where being a vet bagholder right now pays off in the future.

If Vechain scoops up some really big industry clients and becomes standard backend for shit in china, in like....10 years from now, your bag might have 10x'd . Which it will probably do, and is pretty good compared to traditional stocks.

Shackling yourself to real world industry slows down everything. Adoption is good, but it also reduces speculative value and movement of your shitcoin.

>> No.13912804

an actual sensible post on /biz/ holy shit
have my upvote fren

>> No.13912836

10x in 10 years?
Dude you can 10x in a week. Why are people so attached to VeChain.
don't ever forget that you are in crypto to MAKE MONEY, you are not in crypto to support amitious project that hopefully pay off.
NEVER get attached to a project emotionally. Buy low, sell high and move on.
Haven't you suffered enough with VeChain?
I say this as a former AMB holder.

>> No.13912864

And thats why you should of bought waltonchain.

>> No.13912882

we pampin **ROAD TO A 100 SATS***

>> No.13912902

>Dude you can 10x in a week.
VET isn't just crypto anymore, that's my fucking point. VET is now actually middleware for real world stuff, being used, being sold, being deployed. So it's going to slow down.

and here are the walties to inject their fantastic opinion on the subject, much like last year these bagholders seem incapable of making their own threads and are content to shitpost about and ride the coat tails of VET, despite having a unique product they could easily have a discussion about on their own terms

>> No.13912920

your a fool if you sell at 100 sats

>> No.13912923

lol I hold an X node and you think i can sell at 100 sats xD

>> No.13912927

All the fud is true but its still gonna get pumped to top 10 because the whales have made it so.

>> No.13912970

For all the non believers about holding VET. You clearly don't understand the tokenomics. DYOR.

>> No.13912989

Asking potential new buyers to DYOR on tokenomics is possibly the worst thing you can do if you are trying to get fomo.

>> No.13913043

you guys were quiet for so long I forgot how fucking annoying you are.

what the hell? why are all the Vechain shills awake again now? I thought for sure we were finally rid of them. do bad they didn't nec afterall

>> No.13913212

Just telling you fags how to x10 your money the coming month be happy

>> No.13913232

Why do you believe vet will 10 x in a month? A pump of that strength is unprecedented this year.

>> No.13913238

Keep suckin that hopium cock. You will never make 10x on Vechain. If you didn’t in 2017 then you missed your chance

>> No.13913251

All we want is for biz to make money. That is why we are here. This is an easy 10x. June is going to be huge!

>> No.13913286

there you go, proving my point. if I could punch through the internet I'd be slapping that kind of stupid right off your face.

>> No.13913287

Ok stay poor

>> No.13913294

Imagine being this deluded.
You MIGHT make a 2x from now until then while IEOs are running 10xs on a regular basis.
Sell and move on. Don’t kid yourself

>> No.13913482

imagine missing the comfiest gains of 2019

>> No.13913507

imagine having nothing better to do than pretend to be retarded on a ukranian pussy whistling forum.

>> No.13914417
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>> No.13914562
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Nothing burger
I will never stop laughing at delusional VET holders

>> No.13914570

>full house
empty seats in clear view

>> No.13914588

you have been in here since 08:44 FUDing VET, sorry you missed under 80 sats anon we are going straight up now bye

>> No.13914760

>straight up
You will not sell the top and hope for a lower pump than today in two months
>this time will be different
>anon was right, VET truly is fucked and is going to 1 sat

>> No.13914788


just a 214k follower shiller shilling VET at these levels, goodbye poorfag anon

>> No.13914895

Walls about to be lifted

>> No.13914913

biannce volume already near doubled from when I checked this morning before work

keep spamming chink spam and dont buy in, or suck it up and buy in for gains, dumb faggots!

>> No.13915004

VeChain will have a massive announcement in June which will move the chain's transaction numbers significantly AND cause the price to surge upwards.

Not only that - but there are rumors of legalities favoring the (easier) purchase of VET by enterprises, and these solutions are well under way.

Finally, after April's Summit in San Fransisco, large efforts were made to pull in external crypto funds. The revival of VEN's 'Old Guard' groups will play a role in these as well, with suggestions being made internally to bring back the 2017 market makers and fitting marketing strategies.