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File: 56 KB, 700x500, brave_browser-100732965-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13912060 No.13912060 [Reply] [Original]

Just saw this on hackernews:

Apparently chrome owns all the big adblockers and will make they payable. That means chrome users will either have ads or switch to a different browser like firefox or brave, what does that mean for BAT price? It seems pretty big but im not familiar with the BAT/Brave ecosystem that much.

>> No.13912109

*make them payable.

>> No.13912191

>Using Chrome

>> No.13912257

it means you're a brainlet. Making an adblocker is trivial. If they all go paid I'll make one in a few days and get millions of downloads and get rich.

Nobody will ever use brave, it's just a shittier version of chrome.

>> No.13912289

>what does that mean for BAT price?
Bullish. BAT will be massive in the future. Advertisers will have no choice but to bend the knee and switch to a new standard of internet advertising.

>> No.13912315

Its trivial because the request block endpoints were free to use, now they wont be. Of course google turned out to be the bad guy after all, we all knew it but hoped for the best. Now that they have the majority of the market, they are making an active effort to make ads hard to block.

>> No.13912342

Man what a dumb move that would be. Brave will probably take over anyway due to all the benefits with no friction, and that will accelerate it.

As far as BAT price, it will cause more people to use the browser. The more people that use the browser, the more people that earn free BAT for their regular browsing with less ads and in a targeted, private, and less annoying draining or expensive way.

The more people that have BAT, the more tipping there will be. The more tipping there will be, the more content creators earn as extra for no extra work. The more content creators earn (including extra from publishing ads with Brave), means more creators are around for advertisers to utilize. The more advertisers that use it for better ads by people willingly accepting to see them in a private way (as everything is done locally on PC data doesn't leave), the more money goes directly into BAT ramping up the price.

The more users, the more both parties are incentivised to shill Brave & BAT. That's all content creators that have viral content which spreads like wildfire, and the millions of users too.

This market is based on speculation. The more it spreads and grows the more speculation occurs (as long as the rest of the market stays bullish).

>> No.13912388

>Man what a dumb move that would be. Brave will probably take over anyway due to all the benefits with no friction, and that will accelerate it.
kek no, you are fucking delusional. Brave is literally built on Chromium. You can't take over when you're just a shitty reskin.

1. There's other ways to block ads. 2. Google would never do something to actually kill adblocks, because it's a retarded move that would cost them billions in the long term. They didn't get insanely rich by cutting corners for quick cash.

>> No.13912456

You need to look into it more if you're not larping. The benefits over all other browsers blows them out of the water with something as frictionless as an install.

Have a look at their growth statistics. They're literally in the process of taking over

>> No.13912488

This. Brave/BAT will never achieve massive OR underground adoption.
Normies will never use it because the logo and name are complete shit and true autists will never use it because you can just use one of the million better forks of chromium that actually block trackers.

>> No.13912511

>You need to look into it more if you're not larping. The benefits over all other browsers blows them out of the water with something as frictionless as an install.
Absolute BS. I'm a web dev and build web bots for a living. I've used every browser, Brave included, and nothing comes close to Chrome/Chromium. Google literally wrote the JS engine that EVERYONE uses for everything, and Chromium which is what shitty reskins like Brave just stole the code from.

You can't take over with a shitty reskin and 0.0000001% of the budget of Google. You have room temperature IQ.

>> No.13912615

>not using ublock origin with tonnes of custom filter lists
Never going to make it.

>> No.13912634

Chromium is generally fine, until Google packages it as Chrome. The issues are not inherent to Chromium, they're failures of principle at Google.

Brave is looking good, it has all of the extremely popular and well-thought-out UI of Chrome, total compatibility, and a backbone. In the worst case, it can survive on its own.

Chromium is really great, and whoever packages a principled, non-user-betraying browser based on Chromium (and convinces people to use it), will be on the most pragmatic path to preserving the open web.

>> No.13912645


>> No.13912739

>Chromium is generally fine, until Google packages it as Chrome
Bullshit, I've never experienced any difference. Don't really care about being spied on, someone's gotta pay for the 20 000+ software devs Google employs.

>> No.13912775

That was not very needful of you

>> No.13912900

brave is based on chrome, so it'll either end in the same soup, or brave devs will stop updating their chromium.

>> No.13912928

You are thinking with a limited perspective. This isn't about what you're using, its about what millions of people are using and which will soon be hundreds of millions.

Zoom out and think about what's more likely for the masses to use based on the negatives and positives. If you want to stay ignorant the only person who will lose out is you, look at the benefits and put 2 and 2 together with a wider perspective

>> No.13912993

Literally the dumbest shit I ever read. I recommend you KYS. Chrome/Chromium is the superior browser for me, and for every human being on earth. My experience is not unique, it's a fucking browser not a career path.

>> No.13913338

Did you not read the thread I pasted?

Will it still be superior if you have ads popping up everywhere? You cant watch stuff on youtube, all sites will have annoying popups, how the fuck will that be superior than a normal ad-free browsing experience to ANYONE?

>> No.13913409


>> No.13913481

I don't even hold BAT and can say without a doubt that Brave is legitimately the only browser I am willing to open anymore, and that is after just a few days of using it. Chrome was crashing my fucking 2012 mpb from having a dozen tabs open, Brave seems to have completely solved every latency / loop issue chrome was giving me - fuck Alphabet and Google tbqh, I am praying that Holochain delivers us a truly new internet where the entire user model doesn't revolve around consenting to having all of your data stored on a centralized server and fucking sold back to you, as well as obligatory consent to zero privacy + Orwellian surveillance

>> No.13913500

Still uses googles webrequest api so they can block it

>> No.13913744

Exactly, there has been a lot of pushback since they announced it but google just reaffirmed their position, so it's definitely happening. Google WANTS you to see ads, thats how it gets money and everything it does is a step towards that goal.